Believe by J. Guenther /*IÕm a night person. I cringe from the noon sky because its sun exposes whatÕs there. Nothing can hide from the ubiquitous sun. The green grass reaches for its canary-colored creator--they know what is what and what their thirsty tendrils need. But I prefer the night...*/ Believe; Believe in the heart & in its soul; Believe in the sounds of rock & roll; Believe in the donut and its hole; Believe in the words of those in control; Believe. Believe in the minds of the young-- Believe that innocence isnÕt completely done; Believe in every patriot song ever sung; Believe in the people that you are among; Believe. /*At night no one knows who is what...which is where. Robbed of the sunÕs searchlight, shadows creep, giving muffled, ghostly cries. In the encompassing night, we are alone... believe...*/ Believe. Believe in what lives behind the stars; Believe that what we see isnÕt exactly ours; Believe in the miracle of working cars; Believe that there truly is a face on Mars; Believe. /* believe... ourselves*/ Believe in us. ((c) opyright 1993 by Grant Guenther. This file may not be reproduced by any means for the sole exception of electronic distribution for greater readership. Any other means of reproduction is prohibited without the expressed written consent of the author. Any and all electronic reproduction MUST include this statement and may NOT be changed in or by any means)