* * * * * * FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE * * * * * * CLARION DATABASE DEVELOPER 3 VIDEO TRAINING TAPES Available! RJS International is pleased to announce the availability of our video training tape series, "Understanding Clarion Database Developer, Version 3." The series is designed to give you a thorough understanding in the use of every aspect of Clarion Database Developer (CDD). Each tape will concentrate on one area of CDD, explaining its use. Clarion Software has made a major step forward with the release of CDD. It is a great new product with a steep learning curve for most users. The script writers and/or reviewers (Bob Lewis, Mark Burgess and Mike Hanson) have made every effort to make these tapes clear and concise. There is a lot of information presented in a logical format. Each tape will accelerate the learning process, helping you quickly become productive. What could be better than having your own training course and instructor handy whenever you might need them. A quick refresher or training an employee will be as easy as pulling out the tape and viewing it. You can progress at your own pace, continuing only after you have acquired an understanding of each principle. The series will begin with: Tape #1 - "The Integrated Development Environment" This tape will give an overview of the IDE and how to relate to the other areas of the IDE. You will learn the basics of moving around and how each application works with the other. Tape #2 - "The Application Generator" This tape will go over all areas of the Application Generator and show its power how to use it. Every area will be presented and explained. Examples of the different possibilities will be given. Use of Styles and Templates will be discussed. Tape #3 - "Creating an Application, a Tutorial" We will guide you through creating an application using the Application Generator. Each step is explained and the process defined. We show you ideas on database normalization, methods to ensure parent - child relations when key components are changed, methods of creating an unlimited number of memos per record and more. Tape #4 - "The Database Dictionary" We will show the insides of the Database Dictionary. How to create a file and its fields. Also covered will be Strategies for creating relationships, more on normalization of data, discussions on the driver technologies, and more. We will cover how to convert files from one format to another and how to bring them into the Database Dictionary. Tape #5 - "The Visual Interactive Debugger" This tape will show the power of the VID. By using its strengths you will be able to quickly debug you applications and streamline its code. We discuss each area and walk through a debugging cycle. Tape #6 - "The Template Language" This is truly a powerful addition to the Clarion Development toolkit. We will look at each statement and its use and then apply that to creating custom templates for a variety of different procedures and functions. We look at adding some functionality to the browse, list, form and report templates. The release date is August 6, 1993 for Tapes 1, 2 & 3 and August 25, 1993 for Tapes 4 & 5. The Tapes will be inexpensively priced, the US (NTSC VHS) version is $39.95 each and the European (PAL VHS) version is $52.45 each (US Funds). Other tapes in the series are planned. We look forward to your comments and to your on future topics. For more information or to place an order, contact RJS International, 800-336-0676, outside the US call 503-253-0098. Thank you Bob Lewis RJS International