Death Of A Culture Part 1 It is bad enough being kicked out of a Methodist church at age 20 because they conveniently chucked their doctrine of the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the reality of the Devil, and a host of other things. But now after almost twenty years later things are much worse. Morality is relative to most, abortion is not murder, women want to fill roles they have never occupied historically, and gender smashers are everywhere. I am not paranoid, and I do not fear change that is progres sive and beneficial. But we are rapidly becoming a culture that has thrown caution to the wind and replaced it with moral relativism all the way across the board. The biggest fear is where will it all end? And will it do unprecedented harm to us as human beings? Our country has been very blessed compared to many cultures that only know war, and genocide. We as a nation have stayed relatively sane. I am concerned, how about you? Monte Reamer