Fuchsias by the Night Prowler Fuchsias occur in a wide range of colors, shapes and sizes. There are hundreds of named varieties of F. hybrida. with the familiar bell-shaped flowers hanging from the stems. These blooms may be single, semi-double or double, with color combinations of white. pink, red or purple. A collection of these hybrids can provide blooms from spring to autumn. and some experts regard the Fuchsia as the most satisfactory of all flowering house plants. Unfortunately nearly all of the plants bought for home decorations or as gifts are consigned to the dustbin once flowering stops and the leaves begin to fall. It is, however, quite easy to overwinter the plant in a cool room. The leaves will fall but growth begins again in the spring and with proper care the plant can be kept for many years. Flowers are borne on new growth, so cut back the stems in early spring just before growth begins. Fuchsias are good house plants ONLY if the room is COOL (50-70 degrees), MOIST (30% or more humidity), and with Fresh air circulating freely. Moving the plant from a nursery to inside your home which is hot, dry, and stale air, your fuchsia will lose leaves and flowers. Hybrids are best kept dryish in the fall and winter. Regular training and pruning are necessary to keep the plant free-flowering and shapely. With young plants pinch out the stem tips to promote bushy growth, and with flowering plants remove dead blooms to induce bud formation. Temperature: Cool or average warmth - plant may suffer if temperature exceeds 70'F. Keep at 50'-60'F in winter. Light: Bright light away from direct sunshine. Water: Keep compost moist at all times from spring to autumn. Water sparingly in winter. Air Humidity: Mist leaves occasionally during the growing season. Repotting: Repot in spring every year. Prune to shape and remove dead branches. Soil: Use African Violet SOil mixture. Plopagation: Take stem cuttings in spring or summer. Use a rooting hormone. Problems: Loss of leaves: Hot dry atmosphere, is usaully the cause. Mist leaves occasionally and stand the plant outside in hot weather. Loss of Lower Leaves: Underwatering and lack of light. Flower buds Drop: Poor Watering(too much or too little) or possible not enough light, too much heat. Poor Flowering: Could be many things. Keeping plant moist and warm in the winter will cause this. Also too little food or water during the growing seasons. Brown spots with yellow margins on the leaves: Leaf spot disease, caused by over watering in cold weather. Insects: Red spider Mites and Whiteflys are COMMON and SERIOUS problems. Deal with these as soon as you find them. Call Prowler's DOMAIN 509-327-8922 14.4k 509-327-4790 14.4k Home Improvements/PLant care 1.7 gigs of files online