Date: 09-13-93 (15:11) From: MSI SYSOP To: ALL Subj: news release #2 Conf: MSI-Qmodem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Immediate Release For more information, contact: Jim Harrer, President & CEO Mustang Software, Inc. Bakersfield, CA (805) 395-0223 INTERNET = MCI= MUSTANG CIS= 76004,1552 On September 15, 1993 Mustang Software Inc., the developers of the Wildcat! LAN based BUlletin Board SYstem (BBS) and QmodemPro Communications program will release a major update to QmodemPro enabling it to handle E-mail from multiple sources, including MCI Mail, CompuServe Mail (including Forum Mail) and .QWK Mail Packets. This update also includes the ability to handle RIPscrip graphics which is used by thousands of BBSs. QmodemPro is one of the most state-of-the-art communications program on the market today, with over 10 file transfer protocols including Zmodem and CompuServe's B+. QmodemPro also sports 12 of the most popular terminal emulations and will be showing off its new RIPscrip graphical emulation which was rolled out by the top five BBS manufactures during ONE BBSCON last week. QmodemPro is the first commercial communications program to ship with this new technology. Where QmodemPro really sets itself apart from PROCOMM PLUS and other DOS based Communications packages is 1) its sporty window-like interface, 2) Full mouse support, 3) Fully LAN ready supporting INT14 and NACS/NASI and 4) most important its built in E-Mail Gateway which allows you to gather your E-Mail from MCI, CompuServe Mail and any BBS supporting .QWK packets (All 22,000 Wildcat! BBSs include this ability). Mustang showed its new edition of CompuServe Forum Mail during ONE BBSCON last month in Colorado Springs. What makes this product unique is it brings all of this electronic mail into one common interface known as "Off-Line Xpress" (OLX), an offline mail reader. This allow you to take mail which may have come from, say CompuServe, and forward it to a user on MCI Mail. QmodemPro also includes "Send Only" Fax support for Class 1 or Class 2 FAX modems allowing you to forward messages to fax devices as well. The offline mail reader OLX also sports a window-like interface and includes features like a 124,000 word dictionary, the ability to quote and reply to text in messages, and store important messages in folders for easy reading at a later time. OLX also has a flexible Address Book which can store users' electronic addresses, regardless of where they reside (MCI, CIS, BBS, FAX, etc...). QmodemPro retails for $99.00 and is available immediately through normal reseller and distribution channels. Mustang Software was founded in 1986 and has the largest installed based of BBSs with over 22,000 Wildcat! BBSs located around the world. Mustang Software may be contacted at (800) 999-9619, (805) 395-0223 or via their BBS at (805) 395-0650. ---EOF--- --- þ TNet 3.90 ÷ þ MSI þ Bakersfield, CA þ 805-395-0650