Newsgroups: Path: nuchat!!uuneo!sugar!taronga!arielle From: (Micaela Pantke) Subject: COLLECTION: Eggplant Regipes (medium long) Message-ID: <> Followup-To: poster Sender: (Stephanie da Silva) Reply-To: (Micaela Pantke) Organization: Taronga Park BBS Date: Thu, 2 Sep 93 13:29:25 +0200 Approved: Lines: 551 CONTENTS: --------- Baba Ghanoush / Eggplant With Tahini (Stephanie Da Silva) Baigan Bharta (Mashed Egg-Plant) (Sanjeev Srivastav) Bengali Eggplant And Yogurt With Mustard Seed (Jonathan Kandell) Bengan Bartha (Mukesh Kumar) Eggplant Casserole (Mirza Ghassemi) (Richard Darsie) Eggplant Fans (Stephanie Da Silva) Imam Bayildi (Stephanie Da Silva) Moussaka (Stan England) Roasted Eggplant And Red Bell Pepper Soup (Mary Jane Kelly) Roasted Eggplant Soup With Mozzarella Croutons (Reine Des Tournesols) Spicy Hot Eggplant Sautee ( Szechwan Eggplant And Tofu (Steven Frank) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) BABA GHANOUSH / EGGPLANT WITH TAHINI ==================================== Ingredients: ------------ 3 large eggplants 2-4 cloves garlic, or to taste Salt 1/2 cup tahini or less, depending on size of eggplants juice of 3 lemons, or more to taste 1/2 tsp ground cumin (optional) 2 tblsp finely chopped parsley A few black olives or 1 tomato, thinly sliced, to garnish Instructions: ------------- Cook the eggplants over charcoal or under a gas or electric broiler (sear until skins are black and start to blister with the flesh soft and juicy, rub skins off under cold water taking care to remove any charred particles, then gently squeeze out as much of the bitter juice as possible). Crush the garlic cloves with salt. Mash the eggplants with a potato masher or fork, then add the crushed garlic and a little more salt, and pound to a smooth, creamy puree. Alternatively, use an electric blender to make the puree. Add the tahini and lemon juice alternatively, beating well or blending for a few seconds between each addition. Taste and add more salt, lemon juice, garlic, or tahini if you think it is necessary, and if you like, a little cumin. Pour the cream into a bowl or a few smaller serving dishes. Garnish with finely chopped parsley and black olives, or with a few tomato slices. Serve as an appetizer with Arab or other bread, as a salad, or as a party dip. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: srivasta@theory.TC.Cornell.EDU (Sanjeev Srivastav) BAIGAN BHARTA (MASHED EGG-PLANT) ================================ Cooking the eggplant: --------------------- Poke the eggplants (say 2, medium sized ones) with a knife, and insert slivers of garlic in the slits. The eggplant can be roasted either in a conv. oven, a microwave, or ideally, on a slow charcoal grill. When they are done (they become kinda' limp), peel, and mash up the insides. Use a knife to cut up the long fibres. Seasoning: ---------- In a wok, heat some oil, and add chopped onions, and chopped ginger. Fry till the onions are semi-browned, and then add the mashed eggplant. Add salt, and pepper to taste. Season with lots of chopped cilantro (coriander leaves). Since the eggplant is already cooked, you need not cook for long in the wok... just long enough to mix things up good. A tomato or two chopped fine, and added with the eggplant also tastes good. Alternative sesoning: --------------------- Chop onions, ginger, tomatoes, and cilantro, and mix *cold* with the mashed eggplant, and a few table spoons of mustard oil. The mustard oil gives a nice tangy taste. Look for mustard oil in your nearest Indian grocery store. (Salt and pepper too.) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: jkandell@SkyBlu.CCIT.Arizona.EDU (Jonathan Kandell) BENGALI EGGPLANT AND YOGURT WITH MUSTARD SEED ============================================= Ingredients: ------------ 1 large eggplant--1 to 1 1/2 lb, tip cut off and cut into 1" cubes 1 1/2 tblsp black mustard seeds, powdered in a coffee grinder 1 cup+ water 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper 4-5 tblsp mustard oil 1 tblsp panch pharon mix (equal parts of whole cumin, fennel, fenugreek, mustard, kalunji seeds) 1 cup yogurt 1 1/2 tsp salt sprinkle black pepper, cardamon powder (optional) Instructions: ------------- Soak ground mustard seed and cayenne in one cup of water. Cut up eggplant into cubes. Heat mustard oil, put in panch pharon mix and after a few seconds add the black mustard/cayenne water. This will splatter so have a cover ready. Add eggplant and cook. You will probably need to add additional water as the eggplant cooks to keep its level about the same, perhaps another cup. Cover it for the last ten minutes. When the eggplant is cooked add a cup of yogurt and the salt, mix and heat up yogurt, but do not boil. Sprinkle a tiny bit of black pepper and cardamon over the top if you want. This dish also tastes good cold the next day. Variation: ---------- Anasua Munshi tells me that in his grandmother's village they make this without the yogurt, substituting green chillis for cayenne and using only fennel for the panch pharon mixture. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Mukesh Kumar) BENGAN BARTHA ============= Bake an eggplant in an oven 400 deg C for 30 to 40 minutes till it's cooked right through and no hard portions remain. It should be cooked to the core. The eggplant should be turned a few times so it cooks evenly on each side and the skin does not blister. When it's done it'll shrivel up a bit. Bake 3 large tomatoes for 20 minutes at 350 deg C. till they cook right through. In a deep pan heat a little mustard oil. Drop in a table spoonful of minced garlic and a table spoonful of minced ginger. Add a few thinly diced hot green chillies. Stir for a minute or so till the mix. is lightly browned. Now add in the cooked eggplant and tomatoes. Using a spatula crush the eggplant and tomatoes very well till they mix thoroughly. Simmer on low for 10 minutes. Add salt to your liking and add some chopped green coriander to the dish and stir. The dish is ready to eat. It's eaten with Daal and Rice but I just eat it with hot rice. Enjoy and thank me. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Richard Darsie) Source: Persian Cooking: A Table of Exotic Delights, by Nesta Ramazani, 1974, ISBN 0-8139-0962-7 EGGPLANT CASSEROLE (MIRZA GHASSEMI) =================================== Ingredients: ------------ 2 medium eggplants 2 medium onions, chopped 8 cloves garlic, grated 1/4 cup butter or shortening 1 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 tomato 4 eggs Instructions: ------------- Roast the eggplants over a charcoal grill until brown. Or roast them in a 400 deg F oven until brown on the outside and soft on the inside (test with a fork). Cool and peel. Mash the pulp. Saute the onions and garlic in the butter or shortening until golden brown. Stir in the turmeric. Add the eggplant pulp and saute briefly, stirring well. Add the salt and pepper. Drop the tomato briefly into hot water to loosen its skin, and then peel. chop it into small pieces, and stir them into the eggplant. Cook over a low heat for 5 minutes. Beat the eggs and pour them over the eggplant. When the eggs start to solidify, stir briefly, and serve. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) EGGPLANT FANS ============= Ingredients: ------------ 3 medium sized eggplants, ends trimmed 2 large, firm tomatores, halved lengthwise, cored and thinly sliced 1/3-1/2 cup olive oil (75 to 125 ml) 1 large onion, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 4 tender artichokes 1/2 cup small pitted black olives, rinsed (125 ml) 2 bay leaves, crumbled 1 tsp mixed dried thyme, oregano and savory (5 ml) Salt and pepper Instructions: ------------- Split the eggplants lengthwise. Place the halves, split side down, on a chopping board, and cut each half lengthwise into 1/2 inch (1 cm) thicknesses, leaving the slices attached at the stem end to form fans. Slip tomato slices into the slits of the eggplant halves. Oil a large gratin dish with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of the olive oil, and scatter half the onion and garlic over the bottom. Arrange the eggplant halves, gently forced together, side by side in the dish. Pour the remaining olive oil into a bowl. Pare the artichokes to the hearts and quarter them, removing the chokes; place the hearts immediately into the oil, turning them around to coat them completely and protect them from contact with air. Force the quartered artichoke hearts and the olives into the crevices around the eggplant fans. Fit in the bay leaf fragments here and there, scatter the remaining onion and garlic over the surface, and sprinkle with the herbs, salt and pepper. Press everything into place to form as regular a surface as possible. Dribble the oil left over from the artichokes over the entire surface, adding a bit more if necessary. Place a sheet of aluminum foil loosely over the surface and bake for about 1 1/2 hours, starting with a very hot oven, preheated to 450F (230C), and turning the heat down to about 350F (180C) after 10 minutes or so. When done, the stem ends of the eggplants should be soft to the touch. Sierve as an hors d'oeuvre, at room temperature. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) IMAM BAYILDI ============ Ingredients: ------------ 2 large eggplants 2 cups olive oil (the best quality you can afford) 1 large tomato 2 large onions 1 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup kosher salt 1 tblsp paprika 2 tblsp parsley 4-6 cloves garlic Instructions: ------------- Slice the eggplants in half and coat them with all but 3 tbsp of salt. Cover with paper towels and place a weight on them to drain. Let sit 15 minutes. Dice tomato, onions and mince garlic. Saute until garlic is brown and onions are golden in 1/2 cup olive oil. Add parsley, lemon juice, sugar, salt and paprika to taste to the tomato mixture. Cook until about the texture of jam. Scoop out a hollow in the center of each eggplant half. Wipe away the salt. Place 2 of the eggplant halves face down in a skillet w/ half of remaining olive oil, cook until browned and olive olive oil is absorbed. Repeat using other halve and remaining oil. Place the eggplant halves in a baking dish and fill the hollows with tomato mixture. Place in 400 degree oven for twenty minutes. Serve, garnished with paprika. Alternately, the eggplant can be chopped and sauted in chunks until soft and brown. In that case the baking step is omitted and the eggplant is simply mixed with the tomato mixture. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stan England) MOUSSAKA ======== (Servings: 10) Ingredients: ------------ 4 eggplants - medium 4 tblsp butter 2 lb ground beef 3 onions - chopped 2 tblsp tomato paste 1/4 cup parsley - chopped 1/2 cup red wine 2 eggs 1/2 cup grated cheese 1/2 cup bread crumbs 6 tblsp butter 6 tblsp flour 3 cups milk - hot 4 egg yolks - lightly beaten dash nutmeg dash cinnamon salt pepper cooking oil grated cheese Instructions: ------------- Remove 1/2-inch-wide strips of peel lengthwise from eggplants, leaving 1/2-inch peel between the strips. Cut into thick slices, sprinkle with salt, and let stand between two heavy plates while browning meat and making sauce. In frying pan melt the 4 tablespoons butter and in it saute meat and onions until meat is browned. Add tomato paste, parsley, wine, salt and pepper, and water. Simmer until liquid is absorbed. Cool. Stir in cinnamon, eggs, cheese and half the bread crumbs. Make sauce: In saucepan melt the 6 tablespoons butter over low heat. Add flour and stir until well blended. Remove from heat. Gradually stir in milk. Return to heat and cook, stirring, until sauce is thick and smooth. Add salt and pepper to taste and the nutmeg. Combine egg yolks with a little of the hot sauce, then stir egg mixture into sauce and cook over very low heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Brown eggplant slices on both sides in hot oil. Grease an ovenproof casserole and sprinkle bottom with remaining bread crumbs. Cover with layer of eggplant slices, then a layer of meat, and continue until all eggplant and meat is used, finishing with a layer of eggplant. Cover with sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, and bake in a 350-degree oven for 1 hour. Serve hot. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: scarletbegonias+@CMU.EDU (Mary Jane Kelly) Source: LA Times. ROASTED EGGPLANT AND RED BELL PEPPER SOUP ========================================= Ingredients: ------------ 3 large Japanese eggplants (or 1 very large regular) 2 sweet red peppers 1 large onion, sliced 4 cloves garlic, crushed 1 quart chicken stock 1 bunch fresh basil Salt and pepper Extra virgin olive oil Instructions: ------------- Wash eggplants and split lengthwise in halves (in quarters if using 1 large regular eggplant). Lightly season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with olive oil to taste. Roast at 400 degrees for 45 minutes or until tender and golden brown. Puree flesh with skin in blender or food processor and set aside. Place peppers under broiler until skins are scorched on all sides. Place in plastic bag for 10 min to soften, then peel and remove seeds. Puree flesh in food processor until smooth. Set aside. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in skillet. Saute onion and garlic until tender. Cover to sweat over very low heat for 5 min. Add roasted eggplant puree and chicken stock to onion-garlic mixture. Cook over low heat 15 min until flavors blend and mixture is heated through. Puree mixture in blender or food processor until smooth, then strain into clean bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. To serve, place serving of soup in deep bowl and spoon red pepper puree in center, swirling it into soup. Drizzle lightly with olive oil if desired, and sprinkle with chopped basil. Makes 6 servings, 150 calories each. It has a wonderful smoky taste and is good either hot or cold. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (reine des tournesols) Source: Gourmet 4/92, Domain Chandon, Napa Valley, CA ROASTED EGGPLANT SOUP WITH MOZZARELLA CROUTONS ============================================== Ingredients: ------------ 1.5 lb Japanese eggplant, halved lengthwise 1 red bell pepper, halved lengthwise and seeded 4 tblsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 onions, unpeeled and halved lengthwise 3 plum tomatoes, halved lengthwise 8 garlic cloves 1 tblsp unsalted butter 3 fresh thyme sprigs, chopped fine 3 fresh oregano sprigs, chopped fine 3 fresh basil sprigs, chopped fine 8 cups chicken broth 1 bay leaf, crumbled 12 1/4-inch-thick slices of French bread, toasted 3/4 lb goat's milk mozzarella, grated coarsely Instructions: ------------- In a bowl coat the eggplant and the bell pepper lightly with 1 tablespoon of the oil and season the vegetables with salt and pepper. In a foil-lined roasting pan arrange the eggplant, skin sides down, the bell pepper, skin sides up, the onions, cut sides down, and the tomatoes, cut sides down, and roast the vegetables in the upper third of a pre-heated 400degree F. oven for 10 minutes. Put the garlic in the pan near the tomatoes, roast the vegetables for 30 to 40 minutes more, or until the bell pepper is charred, and let them cool. Remove the skin from the bell pepper and the onions and coarsely chop the eggplant, the bell pepper, the onions, and the garlic. In a large kettle melt the butter with the remaining 3 tablespoons oil over moderately high heat, add the chopped vegetables including the garlic, the tomatoes, the thyme, the oregano, the basil, and enough of the broth to just cover the mixture, and bring the mixture to a boil. Add the bay leaf and simmer the soup for 30 minutes, or until it is thickened slightly. In a blender or food processor puree the soup in batches, transferring it as it is pureed to the cleaned kettle (the soup will be thick and textured, flecked with black bits of the eggplant), and heat it with the remaining broth over moderately low heat until it is heated through. Arrange the bread slices on a baking sheet, sprinkle them with mozzarella, and broil the croutons under a preheated broiler about 4 inches from the heat for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the cheese is golden. Ladle the soup into 6 bowls and top each serving with 2 croutons. Serves 6. (Also, instead of full slices as croutons, after broiling, with a sharp knife the toasted bread can be cut into smaller croutons and sprinkled onto the soup) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: SPICY HOT EGGPLANT SAUTEE - Yen King Restaurant =============================================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb eggplant Vegetable oil (preferably peanut oil) 2 tblsp shredded pork 1 tsp minced garlic 1/2 tsp minced ginger 5 to 7 diced chili pepper 1 tblsp cooking wine 1 tsp soy sauce 2 tblsp shredded bamboo shoot 10 straw mushrooms 1 tblsp shredded black fungus 1 cup chicken stock 1/2 tsp vinegar 1 tsp minced green onion 1 tblsp of a thick mixture of cornstarch and water 1 tsp glazing oil Instructions: ------------- Partially peel the skin off the eggplant lenghtwise. Cut the eggplant into finger-size strips. Deep fry in oil until slightly brown. Drain. Set aside. Heat wok for 20 seconds. Add 1 T oil, shredded pork, minced garlic, minced ginger and the chilis. Stir 10 seconds. Add wine, soy sauce, bamboo shoots, straw mushrooms adn black fungus. Stir and flip the ingredients in the wok several times. Add stock, vinegar and green onion. Simmer 20 seconds. Add cornstarch mixture and glazing oil. Flip ingredients to blend in the thicken cornstarch and to spread glazing oil. Serves 4. Note: ----- Spicy Hot Eggplant Sautee includes a glazing oil that can be used on many stir-fry dishes. To make the glazing oil, simmering about a cup each of ginger and green onion trimmings in 1 gallon of vegetble oil for 30 minutes. Strain the ginger and green onion from the oil which should be put in a dark, well-sealed and clean glass container. The oil should be keep in a dark, cool place for a couple of months. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Steven Frank) SZECHWAN EGGPLANT AND TOFU ========================== (Serves 4) Ingredients: ------------ 3 tblsp Soy sauce 2 tblsp Minced garlic 1/4 cup Dry sherry or Chinese rice wine 1 tblsp Minced fresh ginger 1/4 tsp Black pepper 1 tblsp White or brown sugar Cayenne pepper to taste 1 tblsp Cider vinegar 3 Cakes firm tofu, cut into strips 3 tblsp Cornstarch 2 tblsp Peanut oil 8 Scallions: greens minced, whites in strips, keep separate 1 medium Onion, thinly sliced 1 large Eggplant, cut into strips, thinly 1 bunch Cilantro, minced (optional) 3/4 tsp Salt Instructions: ------------- Sauce: ------ Combine soy sauce, vinegar, sherry, sugar in a liquid-measuring cup. Add enough water to make up to 1 cup. Place cornstarch in a small bowl, pour in the liquid, pour on the liquid & whisk till dissolved. Set aside. Heat a large wok over a high flame. Add oil & onion & stir fry for about a minute. Add eggplant & salt & stir fry for 8 to 10 minutes till the eggplant is soft. Add garlic, ginger & black pepper & cayenne. Cook a few minutes more. Add tofu & scallion bottoms. Stir the bowl of liquid that has been set aside & add to the wok. Mix well & stir fry for another few minutes till the sauce is thickened. Remove from the heat & serve over rice topped with scallion greens & cilantro. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%