Newsgroups: Path: nuchat!!uuneo!sugar!taronga!arielle From: (Micaela Pantke) Subject: COLLECTION: Potato Recipes (long) Message-ID: <> Followup-To: poster Sender: (Stephanie da Silva) Reply-To: (Micaela Pantke) Organization: Taronga Park BBS Date: Thu, 2 Sep 93 13:29:24 +0200 Approved: Lines: 903 CONTENTS: --------- Aloha Sweet Potatoes (Stephanie da Silva) Armenian Potatoes (Pat Churchill) Baked Potato Slices (Kenneth Steven Simon) Eifeler Scholes (Christa Keil) French Potato Balls (Doreen Randal) Gnocchis (Maggie Workman) Hash Browns (Kathy) Hash Browns (Scott Temple) Honeyed Roast Potatoes (Doreen Randal) Hot Potato Casserole (Doreen Randal) Irish Potatoes (Barbara Wasson) Majoram Potato Casserole (Carey Schnell) Meatless Meatloaf (Mary Kay Petersen) Millet "Mashed Potatoes" (Mike Eisele) Mock Whitebait (Doreen Randal) Papas A La Huncaina, Mas O Meno (Scott Fisher) Potatoes Au Gratin (Linda/BDT Burbank, Ca) Potato Kibbeh (Basil Hamdan) Potato Peel Stock (Doreen Randal) Pottkuchen (Pot-Cake -- Made Of Potatoes) (Christa Keil) Sauteed Potatoes In Lemon And Garlic (Doreen Randal) Scalloped Potatoes & Tomatoes (Doreen Randal) Shepard's Pie (Vickie Mccorkendale) Sliced And Spicy Potaties (Carey Schnell) Sweet Potatoes With Grapefruit (Stephanie da Silva) Winter Greens And Potatoes (Vegetable Hash) (Marc Rumminger) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) ALOHA SWEET POTATOES ==================== Ingredients: ------------ 4-5 medium sweet potatoes 1/2 cup Pineapple Preserves 2 tblsp butter Instructions: ------------- Boil sweet potatoes in their jackets until tender, about 25 minutes. Let cool, then peel and cut into 1/2 inch thick slices. In a large skillet melt pineapple preserves and butter; add sweet potatoes to skillet. Cook gently; tossing lightly until sweet potatoes are glazed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Pat Churchill) Source: Charmaine Solomon's vegetarian cookbook ARMENIAN POTATOES ================= Ingredients: ------------ 750 g old potatoes, peeled thinly and diced 3 tblsp tomato paste (I used one with added herbs and onion) 1/4 cup water 4 cloves garlic, very finely chopped 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp paprika 1/4 cup oil (I used a bit less and used some of my own herbed olive oil) 1 cup finely chopped parsley Instructions: ------------- Place the whole lot in a casserole dish and bake at around 375F for 45 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. I cooked it for somewhat longer than this because the males in the family vanished to watch some field hockey later afternoon and were a bit delayed coming home. As long as you don't use mush spuds, I would say this dish is fairly forgiving of being left to fend for itself. We had it with some small lamb roasts (these are cut from the rump and weight about 7 ounces) which I patted dry, then rubbed with a mix of herbs and spices and barbecued till medium rare then sliced thinly. We also had some al dente whole baby green beans. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (kenneth steven simon) Source: Great American Recipes BAKED POTATO SLICES =================== Ingredients: ------------ 4 medium even potatoes 1 tsp salt 2-3 tblsp melted butter 2-3 tblsp chopped fresh herbs (parsley, chives, thyme, sage) or 2-3 tsp dried herbs or 1.5 tsp caraway seeds or cumin 4 tblsp grated Cheddar cheese 1.5 tblsp Parmesan cheese Instructions: ------------- 1) Peel potatoes if the skin is tough, otherwise just scrub and rinse. 2) Cut potatoes into thin slices but not all the way through. Use a handle of a spoon to prevent the knife from cutting all the way. 3) Put potatoes in a baking dish. Fan them slightly. 4) Sprinkle with sale and drizzle with butter. Sprinkle with herbs. 5) Bake potatoes at 425 degrees for about 50 minutes 6) Remove from oven. Sprinkle with cheeses. 7) Bake potatoes for another 10 to 15 minutes until lightly browned, cheeses are melted and potatoes are soft inside. Check with a fork. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Christa Keil) Christa Keil, Postfach 101312, D-44543 Castrop-Rauxel, Germany EIFELER SCHOLES =============== Ingredients: ------------ 1.5 kg potatoes 3 rolls 50 g durchwachsener Speck (that is ham that is "red and white" red from the meat - and white from the fat) It is here abit smoked 1 little onion 4 eggs salt pepper Instructions: ------------- Grate the potatoes and onion. Cut the ham into little cubes and melt/bake it out. Put the rolls into water, so that they soak water and press them out. Mix that all together (potatoes, ham and the mashed rolls) with the eggs. Put the dough in a form (like the one you use for lasagne for example), which is greased with butter, and put it for 90 minutes into the oven (180 Celsius) untill it is "golden" on the top. Note: ----- The eifel is an area in Germany (where the famous Nuerburg Ring is, something like hmmm the Hockenheim Ring or Daytona ( ;-) ), where car and motorbikes races are) between Luxemburg, Belgium, Holland and the rhine area (Cologne, Bonn). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) Source: The Popular Potato Best Recipes (without their consent) FRENCH POTATO BALLS =================== (Serves 6) Ingredients: ------------ 4 medium potatoes, peeled, sliced and cooked 2 tblsp mayonnaise 1 tsp French Mustard 1 clove garlic crushed 1 tblsp chopped parsley 1 tblsp chopped chives pepper to taste 1 1/2 - 2 cups dried breadcrumbs (180g) 2 eggs, beaten with 3 tblsp water Self-Raising Flour Oil for deep frying Instructions: ------------- Mash potatoes with mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, parsley, chives, pepper and sufficient flour to make a firm dough. Roll potato mixture into balls. Dip each into egg the egg and water mix, then roll in breadcrumbs. Refrigerate coated balls at least 1 hr. To cook, heat oil and deep-fry balls until brown. Serve with your favourite meat. Hint: ----- When coating food to be fried, always use egg and water, not egg and milk, as milk tends to make food stick to the pan. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Maggie Workman) GNOCCHIs (Potato(e) Cavatelli) ============================== Ingredients: ------------ 6 cups flour 3 boiled potato(e)s 2 tblsp olive oil or shortening 1 egg (optional) Instructions: ------------- Peel and mash the potatoes and pass through a sieve. Sift flour and form a well on dough board. Place potatoes and melted shortening or oil inside well, blend thoroughly, and knead until smooth. Now you are on your own when it comes to making the shape. I am not quite sure how it is done by hand because I have a hand crank machine that shapes them for me. Then you top them with your favorite spaghetti sauce. Hope this helps. I can't get enough of these and everyone that I have served this to loves them. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: kathyt@ISI.EDU (Kathy) HASH BROWNS =========== This is what I usally make and my S.O. loves it. It tastes good anytime of the day! I nuke (boil if you have time) some potatoes cut into fat chunks (I always use the red ones) and add sliced mushrooms, red pepper, green pepper, red onions and if you want you could also add bacon, hot salsa, chopped tomatoes, sausage, chorizo, hot peppers, etc... I then sautee this mess for awhile until soft and tender then I throw in some fresh basil, parsley, cilantro and oregano from my garden. It is really good and easy to make! Also very filling! I like to put either salsa or ketchup on top of mine, my S.O. covers his with Blue cheese dressing. Enjoy! Kathy %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Scott Temple) HASH BROWNS =========== Ingrediants: ------------ potatos (any kind work - I like Idaho bakers) oil (I perfer bacon fat or peanut oil) Optional ingrediants (all to taste and based on the number and size of the potatos) ------------ diced onions bacon sliced into small pieces grated chedder cheese Instructions: ------------- Peel the potatoes (this is also optional - I usually am lazy and leave the peel on). Grate the patatoes. Thorouhly wash the grated potato in cold water. This is a key step. It washes out much of the starch and will allow them to cook crispier. Squeeze the water out of the potato in a paper or cloth towel. Melt the fat in hot frying pan (black cast iron works best) or add the peanut oil. The potato will soak up a lot of oil, but be careful, they can taste oily if you add too much. Slowly add the grated potatos - be careful of splattering the oil since they are wet. You can leave them in place and then flip when one side is golden brown. I prefer to stir them frequently so all the little pieces brown. If you do this, when you are about half done, you can add the bacon and onions (any earlier and they tend to burn - esp the onion). If you do not stir the potatos, mix the sliced onion and pre-cooked bacon in with the potatoes ahead of time (bacon this way must be pre-cooked to ensure it all is cooked. Keep stirring every two minutes or so until they reaceh your desired browness. Near the very end, you can grate some cheese over the potatos. Method 2: --------- Use left over baked potato - or bake one for 7 minutes in the micro-wave. Do all the above steps except wash the potato %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) Source: The Popular Potato Best Recipes (without their consent) HONEYED ROAST POTATOES ====================== (Serves 2) Ingredients: ------------ 2 medium potatoes, peeled 2 tblsp oil 60 g butter salt (opt) 1/4 cup honey (90g) Instructions: ------------- Add potatoes to a pan of cold water, bring to the boil then drain immediately. Place potatoes in a baking dish and butter and sprinkle with a little salt (see note). Bake at 180 C. (350 F.) for 20 mins. Baste with honey and bake a further 20 mins. or until tender. Serve with any roast meat. Note: ----- Sprinkling potatoes with a little salt gives a light, crunchy crust. But only small amounts of salt is necessary. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) HOT POTATO CASSEROLE ==================== Source: I think originated from Aust.Woman's Weekly "Dinner Parties" Ingredients: ------------ 750 g (1 1/2 lbs) old potatoes 60 g (2ozs) butter 1 onion 1/3 cup sour cream 2 tblsp milk salt and pepper paprika Instructions: ------------- Peel and chop potatoes, cook in boiling salted water until tender; drain. Mash well. Melt butter in pan, add peeled and chopped onion, cook until transparent, add to potato with soured cream and milk, mix until smooth, season with salt and pepper. Spoon potato mixture into ovenproof dish, sprinkle with paprika, bake in mod.oven 180 C.(350 F), about 15 mins. Serve with roasts or chops etc. If there is any left over, cut into squares and fry up with some bacon. Really good, we think it is better this way! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Barbara Wasson) IRISH POTATOES ============== Ingredients: ------------ 8 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled and quartered 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 1/2 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) butter 1/2 cup sour cream 1 tblsp sugar 1 1/2 tsp thyme 3/4 tsp basil salt and pepper to taste Instructions: ------------- Mash the above ingredients well. Put into an ovenproof casserole and bake at 350 F for 1 hour. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Carey Schnell) MAJORAM POTATO CASSEROLE ======================== Ingredients: ------------ 750 g potatoes 250 g cream (you can use a mix of yoghurt and sour cream to lower the fat content) 2 egg yolks 40 g butter 75g ham bunch of fresh marjoram (dried otherwise) freshly ground pepper salt If I want this as a main meal, then I use minced meat and prepare it the same way I would for Lasagna (ie spicy and rich - you don't need to tell The Parents this little secret though) I then just alternate the layers of meat mix and the potato recipe. Instructions: ------------- Wash, peel and slice the potatoes thinly. In lightly salted, rolling boiling water, cook for 5 mins. (sorry about the sentence stucture- I'm translating this from German- this is an authentic Austrian recipe...) Drain the potatoes thoroughly in a sieve. Take the Marjoram from the stalks, and chop finely. Mix salt, pepper and marjoram with the egg yolks and cream. Grease a casserole dish, and place half the potatoes in the form. Chop the ham finely, and spread half over the potatoes. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the layers. Place the rest of the potatoes in the dish, and then pour the egg mix over the top. Sprinkle with ham, and dot the top with the remainder of the butter used for greasing the dish. Cook on 250 degrees Celcius (er- Farenheit, ~375) for 30-40 mins, or until golden on top. If you choose this one, still serve with a green salad. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Mary Kay Petersen) MEATLESS MEATLOAF ================= Ingredients: ------------ 2 raw white potatoes 1 cup onions, chopped 1 cup dry bread crumbs or wheat germ 1 cup pecans (or walnuts or sunflower seeds) 2 well-beaten eggs (or for a vegan variety, add some tamari and delete salt) 1 tsp salt, unless you added tamari Dash pepper basil or any other favorite "meat loaf" spices, like mustard. Instructions: ------------- Preheat over to 350. Put potatoes, onions, nuts, and bread through a food processor so it is all ground up, like meat loaf. Mix these ingredients well, then add the rest of the ingredients. Put in well-greased loaf pan and bake until 1 hour or until firm. Stays firm when cold, so it is very good for meatloaf sandwiches. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Mike Eisele) Source: Friendly Foods MILLET "MASHED POTATOES" ======================== Yield: 10 to 12 servings Ingredients: ------------ 2 cups millet 6 cups water 4 cups cauliflower pieces 1/4 tsp black pepper 2 tblsp soy margarine or unrefined corn oil (note to Canadians: Our soy margarine is not vegan) 1 1/2 tsp sea salt (optional) 1/8 tsp nutmeg (or 1/4 teaspoon dill weed; optional) Instructions: ------------- Wash and drain the millet. Place all ingredients (except the optional spice) in a large pot and bring to a simmer over high heat. Lower heat, cover, and continue cooking until the millet mixture is soft (about 45 minutes). Check periodically to make sure the mixture does not burn. Mash the mixture using a potato masher, or blend it for about 30 seconds in a food processor. Add one of the optional spices, if you wish, and serve hot. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) MOCK WHITEBAIT ============== Grate as many potatoes as you want, peel and grate an onion (opt) if you let this stand you will get some liquid and the potato may turn pinkish, don't worry just drain it off. Add an egg (not necessary) and salt and pepper (necessary). Cook in either fat or oil until brown and crispy. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Scott Fisher) PAPAS A LA HUNCAINA, MAS O MENO =============================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb small red potatoes, or any waxy-skinned variety cut in half or into pieces no larger than 2" in any direction Juice of 1/2 lime 2 tsp achiote seeds, ground and sifted as described 2 shallots, coarsely chopped 1/4 tsp dried thyme 1 habanero chile, ripe, roasted, peeled and chopped 2 tblsp or so olive oil 3-4 oz goat cheese Instructions: ------------- Boil potatoes until done but still firm. Mix all other ingredients except goat cheese in a blender. Drain potatoes, stir in goat cheese, then pour sauce over and mix. Serve immediately, preferably with either bread or tortillas to wipe up the last of the sauce. (Kim and I almost fought over it...) Note: ----- This is *quite* hot, but awfully good. The achiote, lime juice, and habanero work very nicely together, and the potatoes offset a lot of the fire. We served it with something simple like either a roasted chicken or shark in lime juice (see yesterday's recipe for tiburon a la margarita). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Linda/BDT Burbank, CA) POTATOES AU GRATIN ================== Ingredients: ------------ 4 tblsp butter 3 tblsp all-purpose flour 2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 2 cups milk 5 large potatoes, peeled and sliced into medium-thin slices 2 onions, peeled and chopped 1-1/2 to 2 lbs * sharp cheddar cheese, cubed or sliced Instructions: ------------- In a medium saucepan, melt butter and add flour, salt and pepper. Pour in the milk and stir frequently till thickened. Set aside. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly butter a large casserole (3-1/2 to 5 quart). Layer 1/4 of the potatoes, 1/4 of the onion, 1/4 of the cheese and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Repeat the next layer. Then, on top of the second layer, pour half the white sauce over (be a little reserved 'cuz you want the majority of the white sauce on top of the finished casserole). Then, again, repeat the next layer with potatoes, cheese, onion, salt and pepper. Repeat the final layer with same. Pour the remaining white sauce over the top, making sure you cover all. Sprinkle the final product with salt and pepper. Cover and bake 1 hour. Then, remove the cover and bake for another hour. Don't worry if it gets a little dark on top. For leftovers, I put some of the casserole in a microwaveable dish. Pour a little milk over and stir. Zap in the microwave on high until heated through! * I prefer Tillamook medium sharp Cheddar cheese but I don't know what kind of cheese you can get where you are, but whatevr you do, DON'T use American or Velveeta! :) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: bh437292@longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu (Basil Hamdan) Source: _The Art Of Cooking_ or _Fann al Tabkh_ POTATO KIBBEH ============= Ingredients: ------------ 1 kg of potatoes 1 cup of Burghul (soaked in water) [alternatively called Bulgur] 1/2 cup of flour 2 onions (chopped) 3 cloves of garlic (chopped) 1 bunch of fresh cilantro (or coriander) chopped salt to taste 1 g of ground white pepper 1 g of ground black pepper 1 pinch of cumin 1 pinch of Jawzet al Teeb spice (I do not know the English translation for this spice, I guess can be skipped) 150 g of olive oil Instructions: ------------- Boil potatoes, taking extra care not to overcook them, peel potatoes. Saute' onions, garlic and cilantro in a little bit of olive oil. Mash the potatoes, mix in the flour, the burghul (after draining them and squeezing excees water out), the spices and the sauteed ingredients. Form into small patties, and fry them in olive oil over medium heat for approximately 20 minutes (until they are golden brown color). Eat. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) Source: The Popular Potato Best Recipes POTATO PEEL STOCK ================= Ingredients: ------------ Washed potato peel of 6 potatoes 1 onion sliced 2 carrots scraped and sliced 1 stalk celery diced 1.25 l water Instructions: ------------- Combine all ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. Lower heat and simmer 1 1/2 hrs. As the the water evaporates, add a little more to keep the vegetables covered. Strain and discard the vegetables. Store the stock in the fridge or freeze until required. Makes 1 litre. This recipe can be used to replace water in any soup recipe. Prepare it when when next peeling potatoes. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Christa Keil) Christa Keil, Postfach 101312, D-44543 Castrop-Rauxel, Germany POTTKUCHEN (POT-CAKE -- MADE OF POTATOES) ========================================= Ingredients: ------------ 10 big potatoes 2 - 3 spoons wheat flour 2 eggs salt some slices of ham (not the cooked ham) 250 g dried plums (something like raisins but made of plums) 2 - 3 smoked sausages Instructions: ------------- Grate the potatoes and mix them with the flour and the eggs and the salt (not to much - because of the smoked sausages and the ham). Take a castiron pot, put the ham slices in it and melt them out, after that take the slices out. Now fill layer potatoes in the pot, then a layer dried plums, again potatoes, then slices from the smoked sausage and again potatoes. Put the pot in the oven (225 Celsius) for 1 hour. You can eat it warm or later cut in slices and baked in a pan or cold with Apfelkraut (apple syrup). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) Source: The Popular Potato Best Recipes (without their consent) SAUTEED POTATOES IN LEMON AND GARLIC ==================================== (Serves 4) Ingredients: ------------ 4 large potatoes peeled 2 tblsp oil 60 g butter grated rind of 1 lemon juice of 1 lemon 2 tblsp chopped parsley 3 cloves garlic crushed Instructions: ------------- Cut potatoes into 0.5 cm. thick slices. Cook in boiling water for 4 mins.(or cover with microwave wrap and cook with 2 tsp water on high 2 mins.) Drain carefully and pat dry with a kitchen towel. Heat oil and 40g butter in a heavy-based pan. Add enough potatoes to cover the base of pan and cook, shaking pan so potatoes do not stick. When brown, carefully remove form pan and repeat until all are browned a9if necessary add a little oil and butter). Combine remaining butter, lemon rind anad juice, parsley and garlic in a pan and heat until butter turns pale brown. Add potaotes and toss until well coated. Mixing oil and butter together prevents the butter from burning and removes the oily taste. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Doreen Randal) SCALLOPED POTATOES & TOMATOES ============================= Ingredients: ------------ 3 tblsp olive oil 2 onions, finely chopped 750 g tomatoes, chopped 2-3 cloves garlic, chopped 1 tsp chopped fresh basil 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme 1 tblsp chopped parsley 1 Kg potatoes, finely sliced 2 tblsp grated cheese salt & pepper to taste Instructions: ------------- Heat one tablespoon of the oil and fry the onions until soft, then add the tomatoes and heat through. Combine the garlic and herbs with salt and pepper to taste and one tablespoon of the oil. Lightly grease a baking dish and spread over one third of the tomato mixture. Cover with half the potato, arranged in overlapping slices. Layer the remaining tomato mixture, garlic mixture and potatoes, finishing with a layer of tomato. Sprinkle with the cheese and remaining oil. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 deg C (400 deg F) for 45 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. VARIATION: If serving as an accompaniment to lamb, omit basil and substitute rosemary. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: vickiemc@ISI.EDU (Vickie McCorkendale) SHEPARD'S PIE ============= Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb of cooked meat - leftover roast (beef/pork/turkey) or browned ground (beef/turkey) 1 cup cooked carrots (or peas/corn/etc.) 1/2 cup chopped or pearl onions 2 cloves garlic minced 1 cup gravy/broth/au jus 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp salt (optional) Instructions: ------------- Add everything together in a 9" pie shell and cover with mashed potatoes. Bake at 350 until the potatoes are well browned. I've made a vegetarian version with just mushrooms, onions, broccoli and carrots. I usually use the Knorr Pepper Sauce mix for the gravy. It has a nice kick. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Carey Schnell) SLICED AND SPICY POTATIES ========================= Ingredients + Instructions: --------------------------- Enough potatoes for 4 persons, and then 2 for luck. Scrub but don't peel. Slice thickly, approx half inch thick. Lay onto the oven tray, but make sure both sides have a little grease on them otherwise they will stick to the tray. You may need to add a little more oil (I use chili oil, but that may be a little hot for The Parents). Keep an eye on these little suckers, as they will cook pretty quickly. The idea is that they will bubble up towards the end, and you will need to turn them over to get them all toasty on the other side as well. Sprinkle the potatoes and the chicken (make sure you turn them over at some stage in the cooking as well, but they should end up skin side up to make sure the skin doesn't get soggy) with the spice mix throughout the cooking time, to get the flavour through. In the meantime, prepare a simple tossed salad with a simple dressing so as not to compete with the flavour of the chook. Serve with the salad and a good Turkish bread (one of the ones that you rip apart, or a crusty one if you want something a little more elegant). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: (Stephanie da Silva) SWEET POTATOES WITH GRAPEFRUIT ============================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 3/4 lb sweet potatoes 1 large grapefruit 3 tblsp unsalted butter 1/3 cup (firmly packed) light brown sugar 1/4 tsp salt 2 eggs, well beaten Instructions: ------------- Preheat oven to 375F. Put the potatoes, unpeeled, in a large saucepan and cover with water. With a swivel-bladed vegetable peeler, peel the yellow zest from the grapefruit and put it in with the potatoes. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer until the sweet potatoes are just fork-tender, about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, with a long-pronged fork or tongs, dip the grapefruit into the boiling potato water and blanch, turning constantly, for 30 seconds. Rinse the grapefruit briefly under cold running water to cool and peel off the white pith. Section the grapefruit and peel off the membranes over a bowl to catch the juice. Reserve all the juice and pulp; discard any seeds. When the sweet potatoes are done, drain and let cool; discard the grapefruit zest. Peel the potatoes and put them into a food processor along with the grapefruit pulp and juice, the butter, brown sugar and salt. Puree until smooth. Add the eggs and mix to blend. Pour the sweet potato mixture into a well-buttered, 6-cup souffle dish. Place in a pan of hot water and bake for 45 minutes, or until the center is set. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% From: mrum@pyrolab.Berkeley.EDU (Marc Rumminger) Source: The Savory Way, by Deborah Madison, Bantam, 1990, ISBN 0-553-05780-4, $24.50 in hardcover. WINTER GREENS AND POTATOES (VEGETABLE HASH) =========================================== Ingredients: ------------ 1 lb (1/2 kg) mixed greens, like mustard, kale, collards, etc. 2 medium-sized potatoes, scrubbed, quartered, and thinly sliced 2 tblsp (20 mL) virgin olive oil 1 or 2 small dried red chilies, seeds removed, torn into pieces 2 medium sized fresh or canned tomatoes, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced freshly grated or sliced hard cheese (Parm., Asiago, Romano) extra-virgin olive oil, to finish the dish freshly ground pepper salt Instructions: ------------- Boil the potatoes for 5-7 minutes in salted water. Cook until tender, then remove with a strainer. Wash well and then chop the greens, removing tough stems. Cook the greens until done in the potato water. Cook the tougher greens longer. Warm the olive oil in a wide pan and add the chilies. When oil is hot, add potatoes, stir well and cook for 1 min. or so. Add greens, tomatoes, garlic. Continue cooking for 5 minutes or so, breaking up the potatoes and working everything together. It becomes somewhat muddled, but delicious. Taste for salt, add pepper and some cheese, and serve with a bit of extra-virgin olive oil threaded over the top. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%