African Violets (Saint Paulia) It is less than 70 years since the first African Violet was sold as a house plant, but in that time it has become a world-wide favorite. Its main attraction is the ability to flower at almost any time of the year and its compact size means it can fit on a narrow windowsill. The original African Violet was notoriously difficult to grow, but modern varieties are much more robust and freer flowering. A beginner cannot expect to match the expert in keeping the plant in bloom continually for 10 months or more, but there should be no difficulty in producing several flushes each year. There are five basic needs - steady warmth, careful watering, good light, high air humidity and regular feeding. Note these few extra tips from the experts: keep the leaves off the windowpane. Remove dead Flowers and damaged leaves immediately - do not leave a stalk. Remove side shoots on older plants as they develop. Keep the plant moderately root-bound. Use a plastic pot when repotting is essential. Overall an easy planet to care for, but you must follow the below tips. Secrets of Success Temperature: Average warmth- minimum 60'F in winter. Avoid cold draughts and sudden changes in temperature. It will suffer in Temp below 60'F. And in Temp. Above 80'F it will Reduce to Stop the Flowering Light: Bright light - ideally an east or south window in winter. and a west window in summer. Always protect from strong sunlight. For winter blooming provide some artificial light at night. To grow entirely by artificial light use two 40 W fluorescent tubes about 12 in. above the plants for 14 hours each day. Too much hot, direct sun light will turn leaves yellow or BURN holes in them. But Not enough light will cause pale leaves, unnaturely long stems and little or NO flowering. Water: Keep compost moist - wait until the surface is dry before watering. Use tepid water. Push the spout below the foliage. USE IMMERSION METHOD<<