Distribution Functions (v1) Mark Von Tress, Ph.D. June 9, 1993. This Windows 3.1 program calculates several statistical distribution functions and some simple power calculations. To install it, make a directory, say 'c:\pd', and copy the files into it. You may then add it to a program group from the File Properties option of the Program manager. The description can be 'Probs'. The Command line can be 'c:\pd\pd2.exe'. The Working Directory should be set to 'c:\pd'. You may then select an icon from the Change Icon dialog box. (It's an ugly Icon, but it works.) It requires Windows 3.1, and does not require a math coprocessor. I can't tell you how much it cost to write this program, but it cost plenty. If you like this program and use it often, please send me $10 for the program. Mark Von Tress P.O. Box 171173 Arlington TX 76003.