ORDER FORM To order, please edit this form and then print it out. You can order or register K.S.S. products by MasterCard, Visa, or COD! To register with MasterCard or Visa, please fill out the information below. You can also register with MasterCard or Visa by calling (801) 484-6958. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE!!! MasterCard ______ or Visa ______ Card Number _________________________________________________________ Expiration Date _____________ Card Holder's Signature REQUIRED ____________________________________ TO: FROM: Knowledge Software Sys.,L.C. Name: __________________________________ 935 So. Best Ave. Salt Lake City, UT 84106 (Company): __________________________________ 801-484-6958 Voice (Title): __________________________________ 801-575-1910 message Compuserve: 76420,3073 Address: __________________________________ Today's date: ___________ City,State: __________________________________ Zip Code Country: _________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE! ________________________________________________________________ GED-Fix (tm) GEDCOM file verifier/repairer for MS-DOS Repairs corrupted GEDCOM files. Should be used to verify all GEDCOM files before transporting them to another computer. * Diskette with program and documentation files ...... $29.95 ($15.00 before December 1993) ______ * Commercial site license for the use of GED-Fix is available upon request _________________________________________________________________ InstaRel (tm) Become Instant Relatives (MS-DOS). Compare your GEDCOM file with all your acquaintances and you'll be pleasantly surprised how many of them you are related to! Allow three to four weeks for delivery. The long wait will allow us to compare your GEDCOM file with the others that are sent in, so send your GEDCOM file in with your order! * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $30 (Or whatever donation you can afford!) _________________________________________________________________ GED-Treasure A Treasure Chest of Powerful Utilities for your Genealogy Database! Most genealogy databases create & read GEDCOM files. GED-Treasure will show you the number of trees you have in your genealogy database. Use your mouse to click on the tree and save it off to its own GEDCOM file. GED-Treasure also allows you to view the records in your genealogy database. You can optionally change what fields you view. This powerful tool is a must for genealogists. * Diskette with programs and documentation files ...... $49.95 ($15 before December, 1993) ______ (Please add $4.00 per package for overseas orders.) ___x $4.00 ______ Utah residents add 6.025% sales tax. ______ C.O.D. orders add $1.00 ______ Total enclosed ______ Terms: MasterCard, Visa, Check or Money Order drawn on a U.S.A. bank in U.S. funds, or C.O.D.. * Includes a free upgrade to the next version of the software, when available.