First time ever. . . LEADING PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR TELLS ALL. . . (For exclusive use of BBS Services.) Congratulations: You've made a wise move. You are about to get a taste of the unique but most successful strategies of the master Private Investigator, Mr. Michael Enlow, himself. He is often referred to as the greatest private investigator in the world! This free report and introductory presentation is sweeping the country like a raging fire! In case you didn't know, Private Investigators will not share their investigative concepts. They are guarded secrets; the cherished nuggets of gold that make them what they are. I'm sure you're wondering why Mr. Enlow is doing this. Well, frankly, it's because he, like you, has finally reached the conclusion that our judicial system simply don't work without a little help . . . crooks don't get what they deserve without a little personal touch . . . Perhaps we will let Mr. Enlow himself explain. We've included excerpts from some of his writings. They are self explanatory . . . it's time we protect our privacy and yet, at the same time preserve our judicial system. THE FOLLOWING STORIES ARE REPRINT WRITINGS OF MR. ENLOW'S FROM HIS WORLDWIDE NEWSLETTER TITLED INSIDE SECRETS PUBLISHED THROUGHOUT THE U.S., CANADA AND 16 FOREIGN COUNTRIES ============================================================= Ever wondered how P. I.'s get those tough to get answers? How to get anything on anyone? Well, we will refer to writings by the "Millionaires Investigator" himself, Mr. Enlow. This is a piece that was published in the November 1991 issue that should help you to find almost anyone, even if they're hiding! "NOW, LET'S TALK ABOUT INVESTIGATING!" I will show you my way, and I do have an impressive track record. I will reveal the hottest and most advanced resources available to you. I WILL NOT HOLD BACK! I'm going to lay the cards on the table. I will give you every source I have. In fact, you will soon pick up the phone and get many investigative answers for the price of a telephone call! I intend to show everything I have learned in over fifteen hard years of footwork. As I explained to many of you by phone, I have, available to me, what I believe is the most professional network of investigators in the world. In actuality, there are over 700 of us across America. We are referred to as Legal Investigators, mainly because we do mostly legal related work. To qualify to belong to our association, your credentials must meet certain guidelines. (Our approval process involves thorough investigation of your character, professionalism, qualifications and experience.) This is why we can get the job done, we have the sources and contacts. We also make it our business to know about the most up-to-date advancements in investigative procedure and forensic science. First, I will elaborate on what many of you have asked. How do I find someone? Finding people is very easy, provided you "know the ropes." There are usually two basic kinds of missing persons. They are people who are missing on purpose (they wanted to disappear), and people with whom you have simply lost touch. Those missing on purpose may be escaped cons, husbands who are tired of paying child support or alimony, and debt skippers. The second type are people who have lost touch over a period of time. I have learned the techniques for finding people will usually work on either of these two types of missing persons, although the first type are usually somewhat harder to find. Believe it or not, there are easy ways to find these people. In fact, every one of them can usually be located by telephone, IF you have the right information. The most common mistake of a "skipper" is that he or she will not usually detach themselves from their previous lifestyle or their old acquaintances, (i.e. family and friends). Many of them will keep their old habits. When I am finding someone, I first ask myself, "Who would they be in touch with?" If someone else already knows where they are, why should you go to the expense and headache of finding them yourself. Just ask whoever knows! I guess you think I'm off my rocker don't you? NO! You just ask! Want to know how? First, determine who your subject may be in touch with. Then design a suitable guise for your pretext call. You may be a car salesman, insurance adjuster, pizza delivery man, or whatever is suitable for your specific need. Then design a pretext. Always write down the exact details of who you are, what your business is about, who you will name as being involved in your "make believe story" and as many other details as it takes to make your story believable. Study your pretext before making the call! DON'T SOUND PARANOID! Act normal. Talk slow and with authority. Then throw your pitch, using as many details as you can. Remember you want this person to come out and tell you where your subject is. (Beware of impersonating an officer, this can get you in serious trouble) Another major rule of thumb in pretext is to never use the exact name of the party you are looking for. Use a name that sounds near the same. For example, if you are trying to find Dave Jenkins, ask for Dale Jenkins. There is a psychological effect that lends credibility to your pretext and often triggers the release of the information you are after. Think about it, if someone (a bill collector) were trying to find you, wouldn't you think they would get your name right? You bet! And the effect of not calling the exact name lends credibility to your pretext. They will almost always give you what you are looking for. Let me give you an example: Not long ago, a young lady who was having difficulty getting a subpoena served on her husband came to my office. She had previously hired other P. I.'s to help her find this "missing husband," and despite their enormous fees they were absolutely unsuccessful. She came to me, pleading for my help. I asked her a few questions and learned that the husband was a Junior, and the Senior lived not too far out of town, so I designed the following pretext and the call went like this: Dialed father's house. Mr. Jones: Hello. Mr. Enlow: Yes, Mr. Jones? Mr. Jones: This is he. Mr. Enlow: Mr. Jones, my name is Bill Gatlin with XXXXXX Insurance Co. We are adjusting the claim involving the accident between Ms. Forman and Mr. Briggs on October 6th., and I need to get your statement as to what you saw. Is that ok? Mr. Jones: What accident? Mr. Enlow: This is Mr. Thomas Jones, isn't it? Mr. Jones: Yes it is. Mr. Enlow: Mr. Jones I'm taking about the accident involving the small blue Chevrolet belonging to Ms. Forman and the black GMC pick-up of Mr. Briggs that collided at the intersection of 4th and Ellen there in Canton on October 6th. You did witness this accident, did you not? Mr. Jones: I don't know what accident you are talking about. Mr. Enlow: Mr. Jones, let me be sure I have this right, you were not a witness to this accident? Mr. Jones: I don't know what accident you are talking about. Mr. Enlow: ...and you do live at Canton. Mr. Jones: Yes, but I haven't seen an accident. Mr. Enlow: Well maybe I picked the wrong Jeff Jones from the phone book. The witnesses said the Jones I needed to see lived in Canton. Do you know of any other Jeff Jones' who live in Canton? Mr. Jones: Not unless it's my boy. He's a Junior. He may be who you need to see. Mr. Enlow: Is there a number where I can reach him? Mr. Jones: Yes. His number is 566-2190. He lives right out there in that trailer park off 138 highway. His truck is usually there. It's a white Chevrolet. Mr. Enlow: Ok. Well, I'll check with him. I'm sorry I bothered you Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones: Oh. No problem. Mr. Enlow: Thank you. Mr. Jones: Goodbye. Now you can how easy it can be to get the inside scoop on finding people really fast? Would you like to know a fast and easy way to get exact forwarding address information? It's simple. What you do is address a standard envelope to the target you are trying to find, and insert a blank piece of paper. This will make it look like a standard letter. (The P. O. may get P.O.'d about you using this one if you do it too often.) Then you proceed, addressing the letter using the last known address. the left hand corner of the envelope write: DO NOT FORWARD ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Guess, what will happen? You will have your target's current address back in the mail in a matter of only a day or so. The best part of all is that he or she doesn't even know you're on their trail. Ok. What if you get a P. O. Box and need a street address, what then? To get the current street address of someone who has a P. O. Box, in a business deal, you may file a "Request for Box-Holder's Address." You will need to send a letter to your postmaster as follows: REQUEST FOR BOXHOLDER STREET ADDRESS Pursuant to provisions of Postal Service Regulations-- (Administrative Support Manual, Section 352.44) I, the undersigned, request that the address of the following holder of P. O. Box _____in ______________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) be provided. The reason for this request is that said boxholder is conducting a business known as__________________ through said post office box, and as a customer require his street address in order to pursue a complaint regarding service or (quality) (Non-delivery) (other)__________________ Dated:_______________________Signature_______________________ Printed Name____________________ Ok, I want to go a little further. Do you have a last known address or just a phone number. Well, I'll show you how to use this information to get a world of information. Would you like to be able to pick up the phone and get someone's current address or phone number in a matter of minutes? Ok, here's how you do it! Basically what you will be doing is accessing a little known database which has statistical information on almost everyone in America! (This includes you and me.) Here's a telephone number where you can often get the information you need by simply picking up your telephone and making one phone call. There is a charge of $2.00 per minute via your telephone bill. However, you will usually get more information from these people in ten minutes than with most private investigators in hours. Most private investigators charge anywhere from $35 to $50 an hour, here you can get your answers for as little as $5 to $20. (I am in no way whatsoever affiliated with the people who operate this service.) Now, to maximize this service you will need the last known address or the telephone number of the person you are trying to find. Then dial 1-900-288-3020 and shoot away! That's it! In a matter of minutes you will usually get the exact address or phone number. If you really want to get serious, they will also provide you with the three nearest neighbors names, phone numbers and addresses! With this information and a slight amount of creativity you could design and use a suitable pretext to interview the neighbors. This may provide the leads you need to find your target, in the event they have moved from the address you have. It's amazing how many trails or information we leave behind us . . . .. ============================================================= So as you can see, with a little creativity and instruction almost anyone can be their own private investigator. We mail this letter across the country to people like yourself everyday. Guess what? Mr. Enlow once said, you have a common trait with most successful private investigators. . .you are a do'er! You don't just sit back and wait on something to fall out of the sky! You are the kind of person with the attitude that it takes to be a world class "super spy." You are a make it happen person. You obviously have a problem of your own (evidenced by the fact that you ordered this free report) and you intend to make the best of it! This is the personality traits that brought Mr. Enlow fame and fortune. At 34 years old, Michae Enlow enjoys the better things in life, simply counseling others with the information that will allow them to get the answers they so desperately need. And in this day; "The Information Age" we all need to know more. Ok. Let's move on to the next topic. As strange as it may seem, there are approximately 600 court orders a year issued for the application of legal electronic surveillance. Yet, there are several thousand electronic supply houses that sell this type equipment. Sort of "out of balance" wouldn't you say? Well, it is, and the reason is because there are thousands of illegal electronic surveillance applications in place at this very moment. . .listening to our most intimate conversations. Let's go back to what Mr. Enlow has to say about this . . . ============================================================= ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE IS ON THE RAMPAGE! Did you know there are only about three to four hundred court orders issued each year for electronic surveillance applications? Yet, there are hundreds and hundreds of electronic surveillance supply houses. I wonder how they manage to stay in business? Well, my friend, I will tell you, they are making a tremendous amount of money selling electronic surveillance equipment. Their customers are Federal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, corporations, and a few dishonest private investigators, who are all illegally using these concepts in their investigations. In fact, a very popular book on electronic surveillance came out in 1967 and listed some of the buyers of electronic surveillance gear. Everyone was quite surprised to find Avis Rent-A-Car, various hotel chains, Coca-Cola, various life insurance companies, and the like, were spending millions for specialized bugging devices. But to find out that Walt Disney was a major customer really blew my mind. In my career, I have discovered hundreds of illegal electronic surveillance applications. Bugs are everywhere; in small businesses, large corporations, people's homes, conventions, and you name it. In fact, if you don't believe me, try programming a typical scanner to search and scan the 35 to 50 megahertz band. Just ride around your city and listen. I never get bored on stake-outs because I am usually within range of some really hot listening. I just wonder how many thousands of illegal electronic surveillance applications are in place at this very moment. It is astounding! I will start by describing some of the ways electronic surveillance is done. First, there is what we call hard wiring. Basically, this is the same as having an everyday microphone plugged into a tape recorder. When you speak into the microphone whatever you say is recorded onto a tape or sometimes intercepted by the listener using earphones. Then, there are electronic transmitters which intercept the signal via microphone and transmit it via radio signal to a receiver of some sort. Finally, there are the more advanced long range listening devices like the laser mic, the shotgun microphone, the parabolic microphone, and others which can pick up a whisper for long ranges. Now, I will elaborate on a few types of electronic surveillance and the ways you can protect yourself from them. First let's discuss. . . HARD WIRING This type of electronic interception requires the use of wire to carry the signal to you or some other listening device. There are many ways that hard wiring is done. Wires the size of a human hair can be used to transmit a signal to a microphone. They are often painted over, concealing them from view. At one end is the microphone, and the other is a tape recorder or someone who is monitoring with headphones. This method of electronic interception is the oldest in the industry, yet very effective. Wires are sometimes hidden under carpet, in air conditioning ducts, along baseboards, and almost anywhere you can imagine. There is even a conductive paint, which closely resembles fingernail polish, that will transmit the minute electrical impulses from the microphone to the recorder. There are so many different ways for this type application that I will not attempt to cover them all. I will just tell you of a few we have discovered in our countermeasures searches. Once, in checking a certain client's business for bugs, we located a very cleverly installed hard-wire system. Obviously someone had access to the office for a considerable length of time, or maybe did a little breaking and entering to get into the office. Anyway, this particular application was a small microphone element about 1/4th inch in diameter, placed in a small hole in a picture frame. A 1/4 inch hole drilled into the rear of the picture frame held the microphone in place. A small 1/8th inch hole continued through the frame to allow the sound to reach the microphone. Then, a couple of small jumper wires were run from the mic to the wall and thumb tacked to the wall. At this point, conductive paint, as described above, continued down the seams of the paneling walls to the baseboard. Behind the baseboard the conductive paint met with another set of wires connected to some old phone wires. A recorder was concealed in the basement near the phone junction box. Every sound made in our client's office was recorded onto cassette tape by the use of a long play tape recorder. (Many times agents will change the play and record speed of tape recorders by changing the size of the internal pulleys. This will enable a standard tape recorder to record from 4 to 15 hours on one side of a tape.) The applications of hard-wiring are so numerous there is no way they can all be covered in one letter, but let me tell you of another clever hardwire we discovered. We received a call from a lady who, believing that she was bugged, requested that we sweep her home for illegal electronic surveillance devices. After a very thorough sweep by several of my agents, we billed the client and told her there were no electronic surveillance devices on the premises. Although with the advancement of modern technology, we simply cannot guarantee 100% that we will find them. There are bugs now which are activated by remote control. If the person who is bugging the premises hears that a sweep is about to be done, he can de-activate the bug until we have cleared out. Anyway, let me tell you of this most unusual hard-wire by an amateur. A few days later the lady called again and said she knew without a doubt that she was bugged. She insisted we must have missed something. This time yours truly went to the location and ran every test we had equipment to run. Still, I could find no bug. Then, I began a physical inspection of the entire house from attic to basement. I noticed something very strange. The stereo, situated in the center of the home, was on and the cassette deck was playing. Closer inspection showed that it was recording! I couldn't find a microphone, or at least there wasn't one plugged into the microphone jack. It didn't have it's own built in microphone so how could it be recording? I stopped the tape and when I played it back, there was a perfect recording of our client and myself as I was questioning her. I checked the back of the stereo and noticed one of the speaker wires was running into the cabinet of the stereo. I disassembled the stereo and damn if the wire wasn't connected to the microphone jack on the inside and routed to the speakers. THE SPEAKERS WERE BEING USED TO CONDUCT MICROPHONE SIGNALS TO THE TAPE RECORDER! And it worked like a charm. On top of this, the husband had changed the record/play speed of the recorder to accommodate 8 hours of recording. This was one of the most sophisticated "home-made" jobs I had ever seen, but it worked! Every night while the wife was working as a nurse he could review everything that happened at home the day before, and was overhearing her telephone calls, and her visitors. It was just like him being invisible. I have to credit this guy, that was quite a design. My best advice on detecting any type of hard wire installation is to look for any alteration in the carpet where wiring may have been routed under the carpet. Watch for any unusual sets of wires near and around your telephone wires. (You should always be familiar with the type and number of wires near your outside telephone connection box, and watch out for any new pairs that may appear.) Another type of hard-wire system is a direct telephone tap. This only requires a standard tape recorder with both a microphone and remote control jack and an "auto recorder control." These are about $25.00 and are available at any Radio Shack or other electronic supply store. The auto recorder control is a small box about 3 inches square and has two wires coming out of it. It also has two switches on top of it to set it for record or playback mode. There is a gray wire which plugs directly into any extra telephone jack or cut and spliced into the telephone line. The other wire with two plugs connects to the tape recorder. One small plug goes to the remote jack of the tape recorder and the other larger plug to the microphone jack on the recorder. Then, press the record button on the recorder and it's all set. The auto recording control will keep the recorder dormant until the phone is in use. It then activates the recorder to clearly record both sides of the conversation. As soon as the phone is placed back on the hook the recorder stops recording and waits for the next incoming or outgoing call. This feature prevents the tape recorder from playing constantly and allows for the recorder to only be active during calls. Most people who use this method of information gathering will plug the auto recording control into an extra telephone jack in the home or business, and conceal the recorder underneath a bed or behind some other object to prevent it from detection. However, in those cases where there are no extra jacks, they will cut the telephone jack wire coming out of the auto recording control and strip away the insulation from the red and green wires. Then, they will splice it into the phone wire in the attic or anywhere on the premises telephone line. Nearly all phone systems operate on a single grey or white cable. Once the insulation is removed the cable contains a red, green, yellow, and black wire. This cable carries approximately 40 to 50 volts and will seldom shock if handled improperly, allowing for amateur surveillance applications. Once the insulation is stripped away, these two wires, the red and green, should be matched with the red and green in the telephone wire and then properly taped to insure no static will occur. In 99% of the applications we've found we seldom find them with static, clicks, hums, or any other problem which might alert someone of a bug. I have also seen instances where people have used bubble gum to seal the wires once spliced. (We've also found beautiful fingerprint impressions in gum.) We've seen cases where extensions of people's phones have been requested by investigators. They design a ruse to the phone company to have an extension installed in a predetermined location, often under the guise of an "office extension." Then, they connect the recording device and after monitoring calls for several weeks, disappear from the location before the person bugged receives the phone bill reflecting the added expense for a second line. And then. . . THERE IS THE CORDLESS PHONE Now, many of you purchased my book, Darkness to Light, which tells how cordless phones transmit a signal that can be intercepted by a common scanner. But for those of you who missed out, I will elaborate. Cordless phones transmit a signal up to a mile away! BEWARE OF DISCUSSING CONFIDENTIAL BUSINESS ON ONE OF THESE PHONES! The box your cordless phone came in very clearly advises you that these phones are transmitters. Yet, every day millions of people, both at work and home, continue to use these phones and spread their business throughout the airwaves. There is little that can be done to stop people from hearing your calls, short of purchasing a scrambling device. Then, the party to whom you converse would also have to have such a device to understand you. This would so restrict the use of your cordless phone that you may as well use a regular phone. If you suspect someone may be intercepting your calls, and you wish to recognize how it is done, it works like this. Nearly all cordless phones transmit in the 46.00 to 47.00 megahertz band. To intercept the cordless phone, the operator will use the search feature on the scanner and program 46.00 as the low and 47.00 as the high and touch the search scan key. If a cordless phone is in use in the area it will lock in on that frequency. He or she can then hear both sides of the conversation in crystal clear for up to one mile. The use of a good low-band antenna with the scanner will increase the reception range of a cordless phone. Many private investigators will drive by a subject's home searching these frequencies and then scan for information that will provide leads that later help them to document evidence. It is arguable whether this is an invasion of privacy or a violation of Federal Law because of the notice on the carton in which the phone came. It clearly states they are not private. Many investigators and attorneys argue that people waive their rights to the expectation of privacy when they use such a telephone. Do you want to go a step further? There is now a device called an "auto scanner recording control" which will allow the scanner to be connected to a tape recorder. The recorder only records when the cordless phone is in use. Private investigators will sometimes determine the appropriate frequency of the subject's phone, and then place a battery powered scanner with the recorder control and recorder in a water tight container. He or she will conceal the equipment in hedges, culverts, etc., near the subject's house. Then, after a few days, retrieve the past few days telephone conversations, never entering upon the subject's property or touching his phone lines! And if the tape isn't long enough he or she will use a long-play recorder that will record hours of conversation. Companies like AMC Sales at P. O. Box 928 in Downey, CA 90241, sell recorders that will record up to 10 hours of conversation on a single cassette tape. If you are a business man who often uses a tape recorder for business, this may be a real help to you. The concepts mentioned above are only a "touch of the iceberg" of what is happening in illegal electronic surveillance. I could write an entire book on just this topic. Since we only have only so much space to write each month, I will have to continue this topic in future issues. However, if you have specific questions or comments, you may call my office of send a fax and we will try to answer your questions. Please don't be so foolish as to believe, "It couldn't happen to me", or you may find a lot of your deals going sour. Or perhaps, someone may decide your secret is worth more than your bank account.... BEWARE: IT IS HAPPENING MORE THAN YOU WOULD BELIEVE! I have turned down many multi-thousand dollar jobs to do industrial spying, and if I am getting these offers, so are many others. You can never be to careful. There are devices which will help you to detect illegal telephone taps, transmitters, and conventional hard-wire bugs, but the best protections is to follow a few rules: a. Never say anything on the phone you wouldn't want to hear in the courtroom. b. Never trust anyone. If what you say could hurt you and your business, shut-up. c. If you must discuss very confidential business, create a loud background noise that will hinder the less expensive electronic devices, i.e., a radio or television with loud volume, a fan running in the same room, etc., and talk quietly. (You would be amazed how effective this background noise is against electronic invasion of your privacy.) d. When discussing very delicate issues, never meet in anyone's office. Meet in public places and be sure to be observant of any bulges which could be concealed tape recorders, etc. A good private investigator will let "Ma-Bell" do the work, so beware. Let me explain. . . Some time ago, a lady called my office in extreme mental anguish. She explained how she and her husband were going through this awful, dirty, mud-slinging, child custody battle. He had decided to take matters into his own hands. He took their three year old daughter and disappeared. She managed to get a contempt judgement and criminal charges were filed against the husband for parental kidnapping. She learned that he had left the state, and therefore, was successful in getting the F. B. I. involved in the case. She also hired a couple of private investigators. Well, to make a long story short, many months passed and she was no closer to finding her little girl than when she began. Then she heard of me. When this lady called my office, I really didn't want to get involved, considering the "Boys in Black" (F.B.I.) were already working on the case. After all, they're much better qualified than a small town private eye. Right? Well. . . after listening to this lady crying and pleading, I couldn't resist. So, I agreed to accept the assignment with the understanding that she would tell no one of my involvement. (F.B.I. Agents generally don't like P. I.'s.) I interviewed the client for information regarding the husband's family, friends, acquaintances, social security number, date of birth, habits, etc., and went to work. In no time at all I found him! I found him in a suburb of North Little Rock, Arkansas living under an assumed identity. I quickly packed up and took off. Before I left, I called the local law enforcement authorities to be sure I could count on them to serve the arrest warrant and assist me in recovering the child. BUT... When I arrived at the husband's apartment, it was vacant! That was just the beginning! What really "set me off" was a note taped to the wall that said, "Ha! Ha! Mr. P. I." Talk about a blow to my ego and a fire in my gut! I called the client to report what I'd found. I didn't tell her about the note; I just told her what had happened. That jerk made me look like a fool and the cops got a good laugh out of it. Oh well. (I later found out that one of the local cops had warned the subject that I was enroute.) The client's money was spent, and the baby was still missing. Now what do I do? Well, being the "good Samaritan" that I am (and considering the cute note he left me) I told the client not to worry, that I would put my mind to work to solve her problem. I promised to relocate and return her child soon. I also agreed to do so at no additional charge if I wasn't successful. After exhausting every lead I had, I decided there was only thing left to do, steal his mother's telephone bill out of the mail box! But wait, I couldn't do that, that's illegal... Back to the drawing board... I laid awake at night, tormenting myself with the fact that this jerk had pulled a "fast one" on me... and that damn note... Who did this guy think he was? Didn't he know who I was? Yeah, I was going to find him! You betcha! Now remember, I had already used the client's entire budget during the first attempt to locate the subject, and I had to improvise if I was to successfully complete this assignment without losing a lot of money. (Not that I wouldn't have spent my own money to find this contemptible wimp!) Anyway, I devised a short cut remedy to this problem. And here's how it was done: I used two tape recorders, ready with fresh batteries and tapes. On one I recorded the sound of a telephone dial tone. On the other I connected an "induction pick-up." This is a small suction cup microphone you stick to the ear piece of the phone which allows you to record both sides of a telephone call. Then, I called the mother and the call went something like this: ME: Hello, Ms. Blank Blank? MOM: Yes. ME: This is Dr. Kincaid at the Southwest Medical Center. Are you the mother of Suzanne Blank? MOM: No, I'm the grandmother. . .What's wrong? ME: Well, Suzanne has had an accident and I must speak with her mother or father to authorize additional medical treatment. . . Hello. . . HELLO! ! ! Then I pressed the play button on the second recorder and played the dial tone into the mouthpiece of the phone. And, I bet you'll never guess what grandma thought. Yes, she thought we were the pulse dial sounds of a dialing telephone. I know you'll never guess who she called. That's right, "good ole grandma" called her baby boy, the lousy jerk who left me the cute little "Ha, Ha note." Meanwhile, tape recorder number one is clearly recording grandma's attempt to call the subject. Needless to say, in no time at all I had the subject's phone number and his alias name, address, place of employment, etc. The following morning the Fed's took care of the rest. Yes, I did feel bad about upsetting grandma, but not half as bad as I felt about that note! Besides that, she had lied to me and told me she had no idea where her son may be, and I really don't like liars! Here's the point. CREATE! THINK! There is no problem or situation that can outwit you if you really put your mind to work. ============================================================= One of the most damaging problems with small businesses is their inability to collect delinquent accounts. What does "The Master" have to say about that? Well, here it is directly from the guru of collections himself. . . ============================================================== PAY ME &*@@*#@! Do you remember I said in my promo material I would show you ways of collecting those tough to collect debts. Remember that? Well, here's a trick that works fairly well: Tell the debtor you have waited a long time for your money. Tell them you are going to have no choice but to turn them over for collection if they can't co-operate. Ask for a date when you can expect payment. . .and then ask them to send you a check so you can get your accountant off your butt. Tell them, you will hold the check until a time when they will call you and allow you to process it on through the bank. If they are still reluctant. . .tell them to send you a check and they don't even have to sign it. Again say, "I just have to get my accountant (superiors) off my back." This will usually be agreeable and you will simply ask him to call you once he is ready to make the check good. He'll be thinking you can't do anything with an unsigned check, just like you are... Now, here's the trick. Once you get their check, call their bank. Tell them you have a check on Mr. So and So and you need to be sure the check is good. If it isn't, then wait and try again another day. When it is good and there are enough funds in the account to get your money, here's what you do: Write or type the word "over" on the line where the signature would normally appear. On the back, type "lack of signature guaranteed." . .and add your company's name, and your name and title. Then endorse or stamp your deposit notice on the check and cash or deposit it. This guarantees your bank that you'll take back the check as a charge against your account if it isn't honored. Most banks will then process the check and remit the funds. Now you've got your money. . . and even if the bank doesn't honor the check, you've got a tangible item to show there is no dispute of the debt, and the debtor admits he owes the money. If you must pursue further collection action, this check will help you to collect your money. I wonder if this is legal? Ask your lawyer. . . . .I just work here . . . You Still Don't Have Your Money? What now? Ok. Here's what I would do. I would put the debtor under investigation. I would run a "trash run" (grab his/her garbage) for a couple of weeks and see what they're doing with their money. Could it be they're spending their money on drugs, expensive clothing, jewelry, etc.? The garbage will yield information about an individual's lifestyle, spending habits, and perhaps a few "inside secrets" they don't want the world to know. Things that may give you a bit of an edge when it comes to negotiations . . . like, the discovery of drug paraphernalia . . . Certainly, if they can afford drugs, they can pay you. Right? Suppose you research records on the debtor and learn that he is delinquent in child support payments in another state. Or, maybe he is wanted for traffic violations or some other crime. Perhaps you discover a little "hanky-panky" is going on at his work place and you learn enough to where he could encounter some real serious problems . . . Do you suppose you might could negotiate some kind of deal? I hope you're not thinking that I would suggest blackmail. I am not saying you should blackmail anyone. But remember, once you've filed suit, during the discovery proceedings you will be asked a lot of questions. If the debtor learns that you know about their tax evasion . . . drug use . . . misuse of corporate funds, etc., he will usually have an instant change of heart and pay up. Larger accounts are naturally the more difficult ones. However, if everything's on the up & up and you can verify the debt, it can be rather simple . . . ============================================================= You know how time has a way of creeping up on you? And sometimes you just have to have those fast answers. Like background information or other records from across the country? There are ways. . . BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS Actually it's easier than you think. If you've been reading the Inside Secrets you already know a lot of ways to get into some pretty "hard core" information. You simply can't trust people . . . you have to check them out! PLAN YOUR WORK--WORK YOUR PLAN Before you begin seeking answers on someone or something you need to develop your "road map." Ask yourself and write out the legendary 6 guides: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? If you get the answers to these 6 variables of each question you have, you will have left no stone unturned. Once you have written all the questions you want answered, ponder very carefully as you ask yourself the 6 variables of every question you may have. Write down your questions. Then repeat each question, filling in the who's, what's, when's, where's, why's and how's. There's no use investigating if you don't know what answers you want to find. By carefully planning an investigation, not only are you laying out a road map to conducting a successful inquiry, but you are also clearly defining your primary concerns. (Probably a few you've overlooked before.) From birth our minds are often programed to overlook even the most obvious. The planning of an investigation is the most important phase. Take your time, write down every question you would ask the target of the investigation if given that liberty. Go slow, diligently, and very carefully. Now. Do you have your road map? Ok. Then let's begin. First, let's look at what we're trying to get. A background investigation usually consists of a compilation of facts--much like unto a personal "dossier." The only difference is the subject usually provides these facts, but now, you are gathering the "real facts." A complete personal dossier should consist of the following information--name, address, telephone number, birth date and place of birth, education, vocation, avocation, family, social security, driver's license number, vehicles owned, property owned, credit rating and history, opinions of business associates and neighbors, hobbies, habits, restaurants preferred, profile of friends, profile of enemies, litigations, previous addresses, unusual mail, magazines favored and subscribed to, club memberships, medical history, and any other information you can find. A company dossier should consist of the following information--name, address including parent and sister companies, telephone numbers, key employees and their personal statistics, owners, corporate officers, products or services, suppliers, buyers, competition, profit and loss statement, Standard & Poor's ratings, Better Business Bureau standing, Dunn and & Bradstreet rating, real property owned, prior or active litigations, growth rate, security, employee morale, and any other suitable and important data. INFORMATION IS POWER! The cost factor in gathering data is important to you and should be. That's why you subscribe to the Inside Secrets, to learn how to get the "inside scoop" cost effectively. However, when compared to the possible losses there's no comparison to the greater risk of not having the information. GATHERING THE INFORMATION Begin with known sources. You may have access to data within your reach that you're overlooking. It is a common practice for investigators to develop sources in police departments, insurance companies, credit bureaus, manufacturers, etc. It is always good to have friends (or contacts) who are knowledgeable in different occupations. If your inquiry is a legal matter involving his or her areas of expertise, their knowledge can sometimes prove invaluable. The defense or prosecution of a legal matter almost always requires the investigator to provide detailed "expert" information. I have always maintained what I like to call my "intelligence files." They include hundreds of sources in different businesses and agencies, as well as the names and addresses of every client, witness, experts, attorneys, etc., with whom we have associated. Should we have a need for information in one of their areas of expertise . . . or even in their geographic area, this compilation of information is often priceless. Continue with unknown sources. Hang out at a local bar or restaurant that you know the target often visits. Pick up the garbage. Read the previous issues of my newsletter. . . GET INFORMATION AND TAKE SHORT-CUTS. For example: Suppose you were trying to gain insight on a certain person with whom you are considering a business venture. There are thousands of data files that contain information on each of us. With the know-how or the contacts, you can compile a complete dossier on that person in only a matter of minutes. Imagine the look on your prospective partners face when you know of his criminal record. . . or the multiple D.U.I.'s on his driving record. . .or the newspaper story about his tragic accident that took 4 lives. . . When I started the Investigative Technology Agency, I searched for the very best sources of computer information to gain maximum benefit for the most reasonable price. Eventually we were paying thousands of dollars a month in subscription, on-line, and search fees. So, I launched an investigation to find companies like mine who were interested in a co-op effort to get access to multiple databases without the individual monthly dues and on-line fees. Finally, I found several information providers who could supply almost any kind of information I wanted almost anywhere in the world. I have recently discovered we can even get mailing lists through one of our sources. So, a few months ago I sought a deal with some of our information providers to run inquiries for my subscribers at a volume discounted rate. They, like the bureaucrats, believe their information is proprietary. They release this information only to law enforcement authorities or licensed private investigators. NO ONE TRUSTS YOU! So, as I have never allowed anyone or anything to get in the way of progress, I've remedied that problem. I've subscribed to the necessary data sources (over 600 in total) and added the necessary staff to service exclusively our subscribers through my agency. We call it this new service. . . FAX-CESS That's right, Fax-Access. When you need information on anyone, or any company, simply fill in the blanks on the form we provide, check off the types of searches you want, and fax to our office at (601) 783-2111. We run your inquiry through "E. T." (That's the name of our main computer) and out pops the report, which we will immediately fax back to your office. We can do these searches very inexpensively. Unlike the bureaucratic jerks who feel you shouldn't have access to such information, we completely trust in your integrity. And as always, stand for what I believe. Since we happen live in the "information age" then let's use it! Let's utilize every tid-bit of information in our day to day business affairs. You are entitled to any information you need. PUBLIC RECORDS The ability to access public records via computer makes the job a whole lot easier, but there are alternatives, some of which aren't available through "Fax-Cess." For example: Marriage Records: Marriage records will provide the name and address information of the spouse and information about their birth place and date and other information about their parents. Often you will discover that the spouse may have been previously married and divorced, and guess what? The prior husband or wife will usually reveal a ton of "juicy" facts on your target. (Usually about 50% truth . . . the rest coca.) In the "Marriage License" files, you will also find names and addresses of those who witnessed the wedding. Registrar of Voters Records: The voter's registration files will usually contain name, address, occupation, description, state of birth, registration date, and the signature of the target. Criminal Files: While criminal records are available via data-base research, they are also available on a state wide basis in many states, simply for the asking. Criminal record searches are the heart of good background investigations. These records can dramatically diminish your risk in almost any venture. They are accessible through state and county repositories. If you are a business person who needs frequent background information on prospective employees, I would recommend you obtain a copy of A Guide To Background Investigations, published by Financial Control Publishing, Inc., 1820 South Boulder Place, Tulsa, OK 74119, or ask your local book store to order ISBN # 0-941233-14-6. This manual will provide you with the addresses of state and county criminal repositories, as well as the names and addresses of other record compilers, such as, Workman's Compensation Records, Driving Records, College and University records for education verification, etc. ANOTHER WAY. . . Let me reveal a secret of how to get facts fast. This is a great plan to use in emergency situations. Start with a plan as I instructed. Quickly review the information on your target. Verify the data by name, address, and phone number. Once you ascertain the address, go to your local library and review the various "Criss-Cross" directories to match name with telephone number. Next, refer to the "City Directory" usually published by R. L. Polk Co., and/or Cole Directories. Here you will be able to determine the names, addresses, employment status, etc., of all the nearby neighbors. Most of the directories are published annually and are updated with new information. This leaves a great paper trail that can help you get "history" on your target. Use the older directories (usually maintained for years prior) and go back from year to year checking out your target. You may discover previous information from years past, i.e., spouses names, previous addresses, prior telephone numbers, prior employers, etc. With all this new information and a little creativity in designing a suitable pretext you could really get the inside scoop, particularly from neighbors who didn't like the target. Trust me, people will rattle off anything about your target if you are prepared with the right pretext. Another thing about pretext--it is just as important to plan your pretext as it is to play your investigation. A seasoned private investigator has mastered the art of "little white lies" that we call pretext. You, on the other hand, will need to design and carefully write out your pretext. There's nothing that will destroy the effectiveness of a pretext quicker than stuttering, trying to remember the details of who you are and why you are calling. Always design a pretext that will allow you to go either way with regard to "liking" or "disliking" your target. This will allow you the flexibility to "share" the emotional feelings of the person you are questioning. Have you ever noticed how no-one will say anything bad about someone until they realize that you too don't like the person in question? Then they will open up and man . . . talk about a "low-down piece of scum." If your target is a "high-profile" subject, you may dig up articles from newspapers (local, state, and national) Most libraries maintain what is called a "newspaper morgue" or micro-film of the past issues of newspapers. The New York Times Index, the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, The Business Periodicals Index, the General Science Index, etc., are great references for this kind of research. You mean big time P. I.'s actually refer to such references. You bet they do. Knowing what reference to go to can help you get information fast. ============================================================= Mr. Enlow is notorious for his determination to WIN every case in which he is involved. . . He once shared the following story in is writing that is certainly worthy of mention. While it may be the nastiest trick of all, it works! ============================================================= Now let's talk about the nastiest, yet most effective means of gathering inside information. . . The most disgusting, nasty, smelly, and foul places in the world is where private investigators will usually find their best inside information, or the clues that put them on- top of information. Yes, you guessed it... the garbage. They will usually ask one of the neighbors to determine the day and time of garbage pick-up and then early that morning intercept the target's trash. You wouldn't believe what they often find. Along with the target's discarded mail, (which has their name right on the envelope) they sometimes find marijuana seeds, drug paraphernalia, credit card receipts, personal notes, pictures, broken VCR tapes with really hot porno flicks, alcohol containers, the target's signature, on and on and on... They know what the target likes to eat, where they eat, what they read, what church they attend, what job contracts they've had, and overall almost any and everything you could possibly dream of learning about an individual. I realize this is a very distasteful job, but when your butts in the sling or hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line, who cares? Beware of what you throw in the garbage. I burn my garbage. However, that is illegal in some places, so, I would recommend that you take your garbage to the dumpster yourself. Place it in a pile with a number of other garbage bags, so that yours is not easily picked up. If you suspect that you are under surveillance or investigation, consider planting false information in the garbage. This is like inviting the investigator right into your web, assuming he or she knows what they're doing. (Sometimes, P.I.'s stumble right over the garbage, not realizing that it could be valuable evidence.) If you suspect someone is checking you out, throw a page of your appointment planner in the garbage indicating you will be at such and such place at a certain time. This will usually help you determine the identity of the person making inquiries about you. For example, on one occasion I knew I was under investigation, so I planted a sheet off my desk calendar in the trash. It indicating that I would be at a certain hotel, at a certain time, on a certain date. I placed a video camera in the window of the hotel and connected it to the television where I could lay back and watch any cars that may be circling the hotel. I recorded the license numbers of the ones I found suspicious, and in no time at all, I knew exactly who was investigating me. Then, the real setup began. I was able to plant even more information which led to a false report, and subsequently, cost him considerably. Even now, I have a client who has a business dispute with one of his clients. It has become a real cat-fight, particularly since they have now attacked my client's integrity and done everything they can to cause him trouble. He "trashed" them! Well, to make a long story short, do you remember me telling you that NO ONE CAN STAND A FULL SCALE INVESTIGATION? Well, that advice is real. Be careful who you tackle. He or she may be up to date on tricks like the garbage check, records searches, neighborhood inquiries, and who knows what else. This guy really screwed up. You see, my client simply took advantage of the situation, grabbing up every tid-bit of information he could find, even the garbage. Using that information, he now has proof that the guy has been defaming his character. He even has enough legal elements of proof to pursue litigation to recover damages. Turn about is fair play! You see, the garbage may be a distasteful way of getting information, but sometimes it pays big dividends. As I have always said, there isn't a problem without a solution, it just takes a little creativity... a little thinking... a little determination. ============================================================= Sometimes when the world seems to be closing in. . . we just want to disappear. Have you ever felt that way? Well, Mr. Enlow wrote the book on it. How about a little taste of how you can actually dissappear and establish a new identity. Ok, let's do it. . . ============================================================= DISAPPEAR--NEVER TO BE FOUND! I get a load of letters from people trying to find missing persons. Actually, I'm not sure if I have more letters from people trying to find someone, or from those who want to know how to disappear and never be found. Who am I going to write to if you all move off and change your identities? Oh well, let's talk a little about missing persons, why people disappear and some of the reasons. Everyday, there are hundreds of people who are reported missing across the U. S. How many are missing on purpose? Well my guess is, the greatest percentage. I've felt like disappearing at times, haven't you? I think we all have. Statistics indicate that the majority of missing persons disappear because of an unhappy marriage. Mostly husbands, and sometimes wives, obviously "get fed up" with their partner. They will often stay gone forever. And the interesting thing is, the spouse won't report their mate as missing. They're glad to get rid of the rascal. The other percentage of missing persons consists partially of fugitives or escaped prisoners and missing children. Rather than try to go into the hundreds of tracing techniques, I'll get right to the point and tell you how those who have successfully disappeared did so. FIRST THINGS FIRST. Well. . .tell me. . . 1) Are you ready for a new name? 2) Are you ready to say good-bye to all the Family\Friends\Attorneys\CPA's\Wife, Children and everyone else for that matter? 3) Ready For A New Car? 4) Ready To Launch A New Career? The Number One Rule! Plan Your Disappearance ALONE! The Number Two Rule! You Must Completely Detach . . . You're Dead (No One Ever Said It Would Be Easy) Yes, your life is history . . . No more family, Bills, Banks, or contacts whatsoever with the old life. No more credit . . . no more nothing . . . you've been born again. If you really want to disappear and never be found, you have to follow the rules. Trust me, if someone hands over a $5000 retainer fee and pays my customary $200 an hour, I will find you if you didn't. So here's your chance to do it right. 1) Sell Everything - (Discretely if possible) 2) Whatever you can't sell, get rid of, that includes Cars- Bikes-Boats-All personal possessions including that nice unique jewelry. (Remember, You Asked For This). Why do you have to sell everything, even your jewelry? Well, it's like this: If I were asked to locate you with little or no leads, I would try to find something unique about you, your apparel, your jewelry, etc. If I wish to find you, I would run classified ads offering a reward for the person who "stole my unusual custom designed diamond ring with initials on the top!" Think about it! If I ring callers in on an 800 number, and watch the call count, I'm most likely to get a good lead to where you are. Right? So you see, you can keep no identifiers! NEXT. . . Move by train - Alone - Always remember: A Secret is something only one person knows! That person is you! Frequent flyer points are not something to accrue at a time like this. If you want it done right, remember, fewer people expect you to travel by train. Now. Are you going to use your own name to purchase your escape tickets? Of course not! So what do you do? Well, first you order the catalog of Delta Press. They can be reached at 501-862-4984 or by writing P. O. Box 1625, Dept. 92S., 215 S. Washington, El Dorado, AR 71731. They have a couple of really great books of sources for obtaining new identification documents, from birth certificates to Divorce Papers to Clergy Credentials. They also sell what they call their "New I. D. Kit." It's really hot for anyone who may need to establish a complete new identity. NEW IDENTITY . . . ALTERNATIVES When it comes to establishing a new identity there are several ways one can go about it. Let's touch on these briefly: a. Assume an existing identity. DON'T DO IT! b. Use your original identity if you are an adopted child. c. Find an identity. This is the easier one, and most difficult to track. One would simply go to a cemetery in their new town and try to find a grave of someone who was born at about the same year. He or she would then order a copy of their birth certificate on stationary using "the deceased parents'" names on it. I would be sure to use a mail drop address in the event someone's suspicion is aroused. Once you have a new birth certificate, it isn't so difficult to go to the Social Security Office and get a new Social Security number. Just explain that you and your parents have been living in Canada and you've never applied. Getting your driver's license follows after that. These people seem to be the most curious of all. The best way to deal with them is to "take your time." First, take a local Driver's Education class, and then your teacher will go with you to get your license. The license office will then for some unknown reason seldom ever hassle you in their presence. Should anyone get curious and begin asking questions, remember that you are an "Army Brat" who lived in an area where fewer people own cars (Some place very remote but foreign. I would also make sure there's an Army base there!) and you've never had a drivers licence. Wait--You drive so well!??? Remember, you've never driven. Slam on brakes! Gas the engine in park! Play it up! Play it up! So, now what do you do? You get established in a nice secluded area. Get your story down pat (to cover all possible questions) and then you get a job. Have your story down pat regarding your past employers in England? Then, set up house and buy a new car. Be sure to register it under your mail box address. By the way it should be registered in your company name: like "J Supply," or something like that. Rent your apartment under your "girlfriend's" name. (Actually, some "bar fly" for you guys, and one "stud muffin" for you ladies) Pay them $100.00 or so not to tell anyone about you and be sure to thank them as you explain how you were in so much danger. "My husbands so crazy" or "My wife is bleeding me dry - I just needed to get away!" Now. Before we close this month, remember these most important rules . . . Under No Circumstances Do You Ever Look Back. DO NOT FORWARD ANY MAIL OR ANY SUBSCRIPTIONS! You are a new person, forget the past! Change your appearance--beard--hair color--associations, etc. ============================================================= I couldn't resist inserting the following story Mr. Enlow published in April of 1992. It will give you an idea of his creative talent and perhaps give you a few ideas of how a real live investigation is done. ============================================================= Speaking of getting answers fast, you have no idea how fast people can get answers about you. This month I want to tell you more about records. THE PAPER TRAIL. . . Almost everything you do or say has some recorded trail. Thousands of companies and government agencies are spending millions of dollars every year gathering and maintaining records on each and every one of us. It would BLOW YOUR MIND to know just how much information you can get from PUBLIC RECORDS alone! And you would be dumbfounded at the vast number of private companies that keep tabs on us, it is unreal. Think about your visits to the doctor's office, for example. There are some interesting things you should know about medical records. I'm sure you have gone to a new doctor before. What was the first thing they asked you to do? My guess is that the receptionist handed you a clipboard with a long questionnaire attached, and said, "Would you fill this out right quick?" Did you notice that this questionnaire requests information that is often totally irrelevant to your medical condition? WHAT DOES YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HAVE TO DO WITH WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE APPENDICITIS? Over and above the information we willfully provide, there is a data bank of medical and personal information who is gathering and storing additional information into our "file" everyday. Hospitals, insurance companies, and many others I suspect input medical information about you into this huge, well maintained computer data bank called the Medical Information Bureau (M.I.B). M.I.B. maintains medical records information on almost every human being in the United States. If you have ever filled out an application for life or health insurance you're in M.I.B.'s data bank. But, you never hear about it. Why? I'll tell you, it's because this bureau is used primarily by insurance underwriters as they process applications for life and health insurance. And guess what? Should you neglect to tell your insurer of prior medical conditions, you lose! Yes, you may get the policy issued, but do you think you will get paid when you file a claim? Insurance companies can access this information at any time. When it comes pay-up time, the insurer punches a few buttons and accesses the M.I.B. to determine what, if any, previous medical conditions you have had. Then, they decide whether or not to pay your claim. They like to pull up information you provided on other applications for insurance to determine if you falsified answers on their company's application. On this basis, you wouldn't believe how many insurance companies get out of paying claims. Pretty interesting, huh? YOU ASKED FOR IT. . . Since I am getting a lot of calls from clients who enjoy my little anecdotes on past investigations, and requests for more stories are rolling in, let me satisfy my subscribers' interests. I would like to walk you through a "make believe scenario" of what it may be like if I were on your tail. To illustrate this, I'll use the character of. . .Mr. X. Read it carefully. Then you tell me, are we secure in our privacy? Perhaps less than you realize. A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MR. X Mr. X wakes up, flips on the light switch to enjoy the luxury of electricity, and the cycle starts. Have you ever thought about all the information you have on file at the local power company? He freely surrendered his name, spouse's name, address, previous address, telephone number, social security number, next of kin and on and on. What a shame! People at the power company are pretty easy to pick for information. ("Excuse me ma'am but we haven't received our bill this month. Could you tell me why? What address do you have? Well, why haven't you called us? What number do you show? ...") He's ready to leave for work, so he grabs his pocket change, the car keys, and his wallet. . .dragging along a hundred miles of invisible paper trails. Think about it. a. Driver's License -- Often issued with the same number as his social security card. His deficient eyesight or other handicaps are listed. All traffic citation records, showing when, where, and at what time each citation was issued. If he's had any accidents they are on the license report. Where the accident occurred. . .who was with you. . . what time. . . (Years ago, I solved a case with driving record information alone!) b. Credit Cards -- Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club, and Discover record many details of Mr. X's day to day activities. The places he eats, lodges, banks, flies, rents cars, and shops are recorded. It's all in there. c. Telephone Calling Cards -- These are registered to his phone and provide unbelievable amounts of information on him -- who he talks to, where he calls from, when he calls, and how long he talks. Everything except what he talks about is recorded, but who knows, maybe even some of that is recorded too. The phone companies often monitor the work performance of their operators, randomly eavesdroping on calls for security purposes, and although the security division of the phone company may deny it, knowing the right operator can get someone tapped right into Mr. X's calls. d. Automated Teller Machine Cards -- You know, this is the card you can use almost anywhere in the world to withdraw cash from your checking account, savings account, or credit card. Well, those are really nice, but there's just one problem. If X loses his wallet, then he is at risk. We all tend to use a number that is easy to remember, and easy for Mr. Not-So-Nice-Guy to figure out, as well. I'll bet even yours contains one of the following: 1. Part of your (or your spouse's) birthday 2. Part of your social security number 3. Part of your phone number 4. Part of your address Now, if Mr. X has lost his wallet, isn't all of the above information also in there? ISN'T IT BETTER TO MAKE UP A NUMBER AT RANDOM? Never use a number that a thug would expect you to use. By the way, those business cards and scraps of paper with phone numbers, etc, he has tucked back in the folds of his wallet can tell a story of their own. LET'S CONTINUE. . . Before Mr. X leaves home, he picks up the phone to call the office. By all means, we owe compliments to our phone company for their wonderful maintenance of records. Like MUD lists, for example. This is a listing of all numbers dialed from your phone, both long distance and local calls. There are also records on file that show all of your previous phone numbers, the addresses where they were installed, and once again, your life history -- name, physical address, spouse's name, each of your social security numbers, and if you have ever made complaints that your children made long distance or 900 number calls, their names, ages, etc. are included in the records as well. Do you suppose P. I.'s have "contacts" with phone companies? With your local phone company having access to these endless records, of course they do. The phone companies can pull up copies of your toll charges made on your phones for months past. Just imagine the information one could get from this. . . Who Mr. X has been doing business with, who knows him, and many other pieces of information are all attainable. Then, leaving the house, carrying his eel-skin briefcase with matching Laredo boots, he gently opens the door so as not to awake his wife who liberally raises hell if he makes the slightest sound. He steps in the wife's freshly hoed flower bed and slides into his shiny, new Caddy. He's cruising now, but don't think for a moment that he's gotten away from the paper trail. No. His car is dragging a paper trail just like his wallet. First, there's the contract he signed when he leased, financed, or even outright bought his car. It is jam-packed with neat information about him -- his name, home address, phone number (even if it's non-published), income status, credit references, and personal references. There's also the motor vehicle registration records and title application that shows who owns the car, the owner's address, previous owners, lien holders, and insurance carrier. Who cares? Right? Well, if he's under investigation, somebody definitely cares. You see, someone's income potential lets you know whether or not it is advisable to pursue a suit against them. And now that I'm thinking about it, there are 500 other ways to use this information. He's more than likely financing his car with the same bank he does his regular business with. It could easily be learned just how liquid Mr. X is if owes you, and you wish to satisfy a judgement. Meanwhile, while Mr. X is out on the freeway, his dear, curious wife who is going through the change of life wakes from her sleep. He woke her up again, and he had the nerve to step in her flower bed. She's sure that he's been smoking marijuana again. As she watches television, she's thinking more and more about his marijuana smoking. Suddenly, THERE IT IS, a program showing the newest technology in drug detection -- Hair examination. All she has to do is get a hair specimen and she's got him! She races to the bathroom, grabs his favorite brush, and begins stuffing hair in a zip-lock baggie. Yes. It's to the lab we go! In no time at all, she's got the results. Hurrying to a private room, she opens the file. Boy, did she get more than she bargained for! Not only is he smoking marijuana, but he's taking penicillin to rid himself of some infection she didn't even know he had. No problem there. She sure as hell doesn't sleep with the guy. WHAT! He's doing cocaine, too? Lord, she's seen that on Oprah. . .He's in for it! She heads for the lawyers office and files for divorce, no questions asked. She can't prove her suspicions that he's been having an affair (yet), but she can prove he's been using drugs, not to mention his "mental cruelty." Yea, she's got him. . .and her attorney says he'll petetition the court to make him pay the legal fees. . . SO, LET'S CONTINUE. . . Mr. X still hasn't made it to work. The freeway traffic is terrible. He's way late already, so he speeds up. MISTAKE! Smokey wants to see his driver's license --TICKET CITY --80 in a 55. Driving records can be a very important factor in litigation. Although, sometimes considered circumstantial evidence and irrelevant, if you have multiple speeding violations and have a serious accident, speeding may be alleged as a contributing factor. Those records just may persuade a jury that you have reckless disregard for the safety of other drivers, and subsequently, you may be forced to pay punitive damages of thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars! Bad decision, Mr. X! Ok. The cop's through--he's back on the road. He stops by the post office. What have we here? A private drop box? Why? There must be something. Is he just paranoid . . . protective of his privacy. . .or could he be running a scam? If that's the case, he could be in serious trouble. You see, drop boxes are not as confidential as you might think. In fact, the people who run these "private mailboxes" are easier to get information from than the government operated post offices. They'll spill their guts with the slightest prod. They're over regulated, underpaid, and when a "Federal Process Server" shows up with a quick flash of a Federal subpoena, they all but give him the key to your box. Who is a "Federal Process Server" anyway? It's you, me, your spouse, anyone eighteen years of age or older who is an American citizen. Investigators will use a subpoena, and as a "Federal Process Server" get information. After all, doesn't it sound impressive? Well, let me tell you just how impressive it really is. . . IT'S IMPRESSIVE ENOUGH TO LAND YOU IN CAMP FED! You see, impersonating a Federal Official is a serious crime! Don't ever use a ruse that can be construed as impersonation of a law enforcement official . . . unless you enjoy fighting for your turn to use the bathroom . . . or making little rocks out of big rocks. BACK TO MR. X. . . He retrieves the mail and sorts it over the trash can. The investigator patiently waits, knowing that he is about to learn a lot about what Mr. X. is really like. You see, knowing what you receive in the mail will equip a top-notch investigator with the ammo to design a suitable pretext to meet you face to face. Think about it. Little old ladies don't usually receive brochures from Soloflex. Healthy men and women with an interest in fitness and body building do. With a suitable pretext, an investigator can get inside. Once inside, an investigator can pick Mr. X's brain to pieces. He could secretly install listening devices, browse through his life. . . Let me give you an example. Suppose Mr. X's mail contains numerous offers about gardening like, "How To Build a Greenhouse" and "How To Grow Pumpkin-Size Tomatos." With only a few days of checking garbage behind him at the post office, a good investigator could design a pretext of a "business offer he can't resist." With such a pretext I could walk right into his office, meet him, become his friend, eat lunch with him--gathering facts galore! If we really "strike up a deal" I could get him to give me lots of really hot information--his non-published home phone number, his home address, and all kinds of other personal information. If Mr. X really likes me and wants to "get in on my deal", I could persuade him to fill out my "application." Then, there's no limit to the amount of juicy information I could get. Actually, almost anything I want to include in the "application," like financial information, academic achievements, previous employers, criminal history, armed forces info, the nearest relative not living with him, personal references, etc. And I wonder just how alarmed he would be to learn that I'm checking the information on his "application". Do you suppose if I talk with his past employers, I can learn more? You betcha! What about his neighbors? There's no end to a good investigation. I leave with a truck load of valuable information, and he's stuck wondering, "Why haven't I heard from. . .?" At last, he arrives at the office. His secretary is beautiful and cheerful as always with her bronze-tanned body. WATCH HER! She's a knock out--she's reliable--even clever-- BUT, IS SHE VULNERABLE? It would shock you to know how many secretaries private investigators date. . . 1-800-TAG! At the office, he browses through his business mail and there's a strange letter. There's no return address, and it was forwarded from his previous address. Inside there's only a handwritten note. Jerry, please call me as soon as possible. I must speak with you immediately. Jim. 1-800-123-4567. Mr. X quickly grabs his phone and dials the 800 number. An all-too-familiar voice answers -- "XYZ Corporation, How may I direct your call?" He rapidly hangs up the phone. He knows, all too well, who it is. Hell, he's been dodging their attempts to find him. He's their target for a law suit and he knows it. Well, he can relax for now. The letter was forwarded, so they don't his new address yet. They will have it soon, though. Unknowing to him, XYZ Corporation was waiting for his call. Ms. Grundy is waiting for the inbound 800 toll bill. As soon as it comes in, she will run down the pages looking for those ten-second, hang-up calls. She will have his new phone number, and from that, she can get his new address simply by calling a 900 number. (1-900-288-3020 to be exact) It's costs only $2.00 per minute to use this service to criss-cross a phone number to a name and address. Now it's 10:00 in the morning. Mr. X better get with it. He has a lot of work to do today. Since most of his business is done by phone, he props back and begins to dial. Suddenly, Ms. Bronze-Bod interrupts him and asks for his pager. "There's a service rep from your paging service who needs to swap out your pager," she says. "Because of expansion, they are going to a new system and must re-program all their old pagers. This one is an exact model, everything should be ok. . ." The day creeps by slowly. He wades through the mounds of paperwork and dozens of calls. The time is 4:50 P.M., another day bites the dust. He leave work at 5:00 P.M. as usual. The traffic is backed up and he is enjoying the music of a local FM station. In his boredom, he picks up the cellular to call an old college friend. She may like for him to stop by and give her one of his famous massage treatments. The call is intercepted by a modified scanner, and the private investigator overhears every word. Finally, there's a break, and he slides through traffic noting a small blue Ford he's seen before. The Ford is still caught in the traffic jam. He was beginning to get suspicious, but he's home free now. No one is following that he can see. What he doesn't know is that the P. I. has locked in on his cellular signal. Finding him won't be a problem. After all, he's already heard the call and know's where Mr. X is going. To be safe, the investigator uses the cellular signal as a tracking device. In no time at all, he's located the Caddy. He isn't sure which apartment Mr. X is in, so he rushes to the local library and copies a page from the R.L. Polk City Directory, showing the names, addresses and phone numbers of everyone in the apartment building. He rushes back to the area and calls the various apartments. Clear as a bell he can hear the phone ringing. . .He hears a familiar voice. "I'm not here," X says jokingly. Then his sweetie picks up, "Hello..." Moments later, the P.I. finds the apartment. It's the one conveniently marked by a Laredo boot print just like the one made in the flower bed early this morning. Within minutes, the investigator is chuckling as he listens to the ridiculous lines Mr. X is feeding his college sweetie. The investigator is hearing everything that is going on inside. . .He hears every sound, every moan. What a trip! As Mr. X leaves, the investigator pulls out his trusty 35 mm camera with it's 800 mm high powered camera lens and discreetly photographs the farewell fondling. The investigator keeps a loose tail now. Mr. X is driving in the direction of home. . .no need to follow closely. He enters the house and explains to his wife how sorry he is for being late. "No, I wasn't out smoking marijuana with my friends... No, honey, I'm not having an affair..." He promises his eternal love to her as he undresses, climbs into bed, and turns off the light. Wait! He forgot something. He turns the lights back on, gets up, and carefully places his pager in the charger. Mr. X's new pager, identical to the old one. . .concealing a beautifully crafted bugging device. . .charging to divulge . . . Another day in the life of Mr. X The agent listens to the steady snore of Mr. X; it tires him further. He's O.K. He'll just wait for his turn to rest. After all, Mr. X has a rather busy schedule tomorrow. He's booked with appointments between 8:00 and 5:00. He can sleep tomorrow. .. Well, at least until 3:00. There is the appointment at 4:00 p.m., he needs to photograph. . . ============================================================= LEADING P. I. TELLS ALL. . . * How To Find Anyone--Anywhere--(Even if they're hiding!) * How To Find Hidden Assets * How To Detect Lies--Even Over The Phone * How Phone Bugging Is Done--And How To Stop This Invasion Of Your Privacy * How To Collect Those Seemingly Impossible To Collect Debts. * Seven Simple Steps To Recovering Losses--Even from Partners Who Have Conned You. (And a few tricks to make them pay. . .double . . .or even triple!) * How To Use Superglue To Lift Fingerprints. (Mr. Enlow designed this technique which will allow you to obtain fingerprints. He also shows how you can use these prints to track down the culprit.) * How To Protect Yourself From Industrial Espionage . . . How Your Competitors Are Stealing Your Customers, Ideas, Etc. * How To Know What's Going On In Your Office Or Home While You're Away * How To Disappear. . .Without A Trace. . .And Never Be Found. * How To Follow Anyone . . . Surveillance the easy way! * How Private Investigators overhear almost anyone's telephone calls--from a block away--as clear as a bell without bugging! You will also learn things like: * How Your Cellular Phones Are Being Intercepted . . .and could very well be the best tracking device on earth! * How To Obtain Records From Anywhere In America. . .And Have Them In Your Hands Overnight. * How To Video What's Happening At Any Location For 48 Hours Without Even Being Present. * Five Secret Techniques To Cut Shoplifting Losses By As Much As 95%. * Learn of a little known device that will allow you to call any location from anywhere and, before the phone rings, hear everything that is going on within earshot of the phone. Imagine the surprise of a burglar when you show up during the commission of a crime. . .or the surprise of your children when you know everything that happened at home while you were away! * How To Use a Simple Timex Watch To Get Answers in 1/10th The Time. * How To Use A Regular Pencil To Detect Theft. * How To Hear Through Walls For Only 39 Cents. * How Investigators (or perverts, burglars, murderers) Can See Through "Peepholes" On Doors. (See from the outside and see everything in the room!) * How Private Investigators Get Non-Published Telephone Numbers. * How To Use Home Video Cameras To Record What's Happening in Secret! * How To Take Photographs Without Being Present. * Following The Paper Trail . . .Records--Where They're Found And How To Get Them. * How To Detect Drug Abuse. . .Secretly. (Kids, employees, spouses, etc.) * How To Take Photographs In Darkness With Conventional Equipment With No Flash--It Will Appear As Though The Sun Was Shining! And Much. . .Much More! Pay very close attention here. If you understand the value of information or enjoy "having the upper hand" you now have the unique opportunity to learn how you can solve problems for yourself, your business and even for your family and friends. You will not only be able to get answers that are practically impossible to get. . . but you will enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that even the sharpest con can't beat you . . .and if he does, he can't hide. You've just read a description of a few of the things you will learn from Mike Enlow. He has become recognized as the "reality of fear" of anyone under his scrutiny. Trust me, this information is power packed every month. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ Here's What Subscribers With Actual Experience บ บ Say About Michael Enlow And His Amazing บ บ Inside Secrets Newsletter . . . บ บ บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ "I just received the January issue of the Inside Secrets Newsletter. It never ceases to amaze me just how easy you make it to solve even the most complicated problems. Just one idea out of the many you share is worth the price I paid for the newsletter. I'm having lots of fun with my friends . . . you were right, some of them are already calling me psychic!" Glenn Nation, Aaron Publishing, Aurora, CO. "Michael Enlow is without question the `Best P.I. in the country.' If I didn't know him personally to be a smart, sane, stand-up guy who works hard at his job and actually delivers the goods time after time after time... well, if I didn't know him, I might be tempted to think some of the information in his newsletter was the pro- duct of an over-active fevered mind. And yet it's not...It's All True!" Gary Halbert, The Gary Halbert Letter, Key West, FL. "Your newsletter is amazing. Good work. Keep 'em coming." Mark Nolan, Eugene, Oregon "I very much enjoy your newsletter. The information is not only interesting, but essential in today's business world. You can't afford to be without this knowledge! Thank you!" Mark Idzik, Chicago, IL "Just a quick note to thank you for your quick work on the information we requested. It absolutely blew my mind on the amount of information you were able to obtain on such a short notice." The information you obtained for us saved us from getting into a deal where we probably would have been "conned" out of $200,000!" Steve Richey, San Marcos,CA "I made another super-great decision and decided to spring for Mike's N/L. All I can say is WOW! When I saw the kinds of info. this guy is privy to I was swamped in ideas for hot products/services to market. I read his book. I watched his video. And now I'm reading his book again. His delivery style is very down-to-earth. No fluff and frills here; just good, basic, hard facts and hot info. that you can use immediately." Jack Jakoubek, Chehalis, Washington "Mike found a former customer of mine, who had recently disappeared owing my company almost four thousand dollars. Mike pinpointed the debtor's new address and phone number even though Mike was furnished only the sketchiest information about the person. Thanks Again!" Vernon Frazier, Indianapolis, Indiana "Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciated what you have just done for me. You have saved me a ton of $ and a lot of headaches. I can't wait each month for your newsletter. Too bad more people don't know of your invaluable service and of your newsletter." Garett Tanner, Surrey, British Columbia, Canada "I am an avid reader as well as an author and I have literally searched hours to find information you have shared "freely and openly" in your newsletter. I have utilized "private eyes" in the past and I must say that if I would have had your newsletter earlier I could have saved plenty. It is truly a blessing to have straight-forward information and I am grateful that I've come across your publication." Gregory L. Jantz, Ph. D., Edmonds, Washington "I greatly appreciate your newsletter. It is full of practical hints and written in a down to earth, pleasing style. I feel your newsletter is a great reference tool for any new small business owner. . . or for that matter, anyone who is interested in the art and science of investigation. Keep up the good work!" Dr. Robert Sklovsky, Milwaukee, OR "Just finished reading the December issue of Inside Secrets. I'm really impressed! It's jammed with valuable information. Like the fact that it is so easy to eavesdrop on cordless phone conversations! I'll never use mine for "sensitive" conversations again! And how to collect debts! Great!" Lew Brown, Pathfinder Corp., San Jose, CA "Just received your newsletter. GREAT! THANKS! I needed your help . . .You just solved my problem!" Del Latham, RPI, St. Marys, KS "I have read hundreds of newsletters, but the Inside Secrets truly delivers "inside secrets" that, had I known, could have saved me thousands of dollars. NO-ONE in business today can do business with blind trust . . . Inside Secrets is a must!" Dave Zeimmer, Aspen, CO "I have done business with Mike Enlow for over sever years. In my opinion, Mike Enlow should be considered the "reality of fear" to anyone who would pervert justice." Hon. Gary Honea, Attorney at Law, Magnolia, MS "Mike you have finally done something the world desperately needed . . . opening up the shadowy world of modern private eyes for guys like me. The Inside Secrets newsletter is one of the most fascinating and useful publications I've read in a long time . . ." Tom Cormier, Talk America Radio, Knoxville, TN "Mike Enlow's genius marketing and sleuthing ideas runs in his blood and are only surpassed by his giving spirit. I would not hesitate to subscribe to his newsletter or purchase anything he had to sell." Patricia Spangler, Ph. D., Santa Monica, CA Mike, just a note to let you know how much help your newsletter has been to me and my companies. We've successfully located 19 people who conned us out of money. So far, we've collected from all but four! Keep up the good work! George Paul, New Zealand (All testimonials are on file at the corporate offices of Enlow Enterprises, Inc.) **************************************************************** FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER TO BBS SUBSCRIBERS As a special offer to BBS subscribers, Mike is providing a FREE! trial subscription for a limited time! You will learn of his other training and study materials regarding the art and science of Private Investigation. It's no-risk and as easy as a phone call. Call 1-800-277-6037 and tell the operators you heard about the Free Offer on BBS!!!! Thanks. HOT FLASH! If you call ithin the next 48 hours, not only will you receive a trial subscription to the Inside Secrets, but we'll also send you, absolutely free, what I call my "magic piece of paper." All you do is make xerox copies and fill in the name and other identifying information of the person or company you are investigating. Simply drop it in your fax machine to us, we'll run your request through our vast computer resources and "Presto!" Out goes "the facts" -- "by fax." We call the service "Fax-Cess," and it is absolutely the easiest way on earth to get inside information on anyone fast. Remember this special (what I call my "magic piece of paper") is only going to be given to people who call within 48 hours! For your convenience you may send your request via e-mail to: Compuserve: 72223,340 Internet: