June 7, 1993 Version 2.2 Added a line to the config file that allows SysOp's to define their New User Security Profile Name. I had the program defaulting to NEWUSER and was soon informed that everyone does NOT use NEWUSER as their new user Profile Name (Thank your Michelle)!!!! June 1, 1993 Version 2.1 Fixed a small problem that incorrectly indicated a caller was a new caller on the first call each day. While i was not able to re-create this problem here... i have made some changes that should solve this (fingers crossed)... May 14, 1993 Version 2.0 As promised, i have made the LOCAL calls an option. Now you can choose to show local logons by placeing 'Y' on Line 8 or choose to NOT show local logons by placeing 'N' on Line number 8! YOU MUST PLACE EITHER 'Y' or 'N' on line 8... Optimized some 'long winded code'... Fixed a bug that didn't correctly calculate the total calls! (oops) Added the ! indicator for NEW Callers. Added a user config'able line that will allow you to add your own indicator (like the * = Caller Dropped Carrier indicator) You select the character for the indicator, the color, and the level that you wish to have indicated. Also you can select the description for the indicator. Some size restrictions apply, however with some experimenting you will quickly find things working well. If you choose to NOT use this option, you must place NONE or none on line number 9.... March 9, 1993 Version 1.2 Added code to properly ignore a line left in the ACTIVITY.XXX by a 3 rd. party utility that changes a caller to conference x after they log off the bbs. (SETCONF) Also added code to ignore lines in the activity file that indicate that a caller was DENIED access to a particular node. If these unexpected ACTIVITY.XXX entries continue to pop up, i may consider adding an EXCLUDE.CFG file to allow the SysOp to add his own entries to be excluded from the bulletins. I will be able to add to the 'internal' list of exclusions with your help. If you find a line in your bulletin that is formatted wrong. Send me a copy of that bulletin, and a copy of your offending ACTIVITY log. I will try and figure out what the problem is and add the code that will exclude that line. Thanks to Bill Barrett of the Electron Symentry for bringing to it to my attention that SETCONF was causing a problem with Caller Log. February 20, 1993 Version 1.1 Small bug fix that will properly format downloads when the user has downloaded in excess of 99 files. (UGH) January 19, 1993 Version 1.0 First official release of Caller Log. (fingers crossed) January 10, 1993 Version 1.0b Beta testing begun... Thanks to The Digital Obsession BBS for all of its help in testing this program. Thanks to Michelle Ritter for her suggestions and ideas.. Call The Digital Obsession BBS (215) 678-4214