How to Install The Desktop Internet Reference - The Desktop Internet Reference is a Windows Help file and uses - the program winhelp.exe, supplied with Microsoft Windows - 3.x as a presentation utility. You NEED Windows 3.x to use - the Desktop Internet Reference. * Quick Installation Directions: Copy the file DIR10.HLP to a directory where you want it to reside; most people copy it to C:\DIR10. Then, create an icon in Program Manager by choosing "File" - "New" - "Program Item" and filling in the "Program Item Properties" with the following information: Description: Desktop Internet Reference Command Line: WINHELP C:\DIR10\DIR10.HLP Working directory: C:\DIR10 * Longer Installation Directions: - You first need to copy the Desktop Internet Reference file, DIR10.HLP, to a directory on your hard drive. - If you know how to use the File Manager, copy DIR10.HLP to a directory on your hard drive called "C:\DIR10" If you want to use DOS to copy the file: first type "C:", then type "MD C:\DIR10" and finally "COPY A:\DIR10.HLP C:\DIR10" - Load Windows up. The Program Manager is the first thing you see when windows starts up. - From the Program Manager, use your mouse to click on FILE from the pull down menu. - Click on NEW. - A dialog box titled "New Program Object" appears. Use your mouse to click on the OK button. - A new dialog box appears titled "Program Item Properties" and a cursor appears next to a label titled "Description" - Use the keyboard to type in "Desktop Internet Reference" - do not type the quotation marks! - Press the Tab key or use your mouse to move the cursor to the box which has the "Command Line" label to the left of it. - Use the keyboard to type in "WINHELP C:\DIR10\DIR10.HLP" - Press the Tab key or use your mouse to move the cursor to the box which has the "Working Directory" label to the left of it. - Use the keyboard to type in "C:\DIR10" - Press the Enter key or use your mouse to press the button labelled "OK" - A new icon titled "Desktop Internet Reference" appears. Press return or double click the icon to run it. Enjoy! John Buckman email: USPS mail: 3520 Connecticut Ave, #33 Washington DC 20008