-==-==-==-<>-==-==-==- Advertise your BBS for FREE Worldwide All that is needed is an ANSI BBS Advertisement for your Bulletin Board. No wider than 78 colums & no longer than 23 lines. It has been our experience that the program THEDRAW works best. Do not have BBS control codes anywhere in your bbs ad, they will not display properly. Now all you need to is call (501) 968-1931 or 968-7450 and upload your screen (suggest you .ZIP it) & leave a comment to the sysop that you would like it added in the next available issue. Please understand that each issue of InterNational Online Magazine has a limit on the number of ads. Thus it's first come first served, but we will post them in the order received so your ad WILL appear in a later issue. ----------<>---------- Get a FREE Registered Version of InterNational Online Magazine It is very simple, when you download this month's issue (IO0893.ZIP), there is a README.EXE file that you need to run. You will be given two options, print to screen or print to printer. With print to printer you will get a fill-in-the-blank form. Just fill in the requested options and mail it in. Allow 5 to 10 days, then call Arkansas River Valley BBS (501) 968-1931 and download your key file. The key will be archived with PKzip and using the first letter of your first name and your full last name... EXAMPLE - My name: Michael Gray I would download - MGRAY.ZIP Any questions call VOICE (501) 968-1506 9am to 6pm Mon-Fri -==-==-==-<>-==-==-==-