ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÍÍÍÍ͵ PCBDIR Help File ÆÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ [D] Download Have PCBDIR send a zip file to you via ZModem. If you have selected no directories the PCBDIR will inform you and abort the operation. Only the ZModem protocol is available at this time. The filename will be the left most 8 letters of your full name. I.E. Frank Neal as a user name will send a file named FRANKNEA.ZIP to you. [H] Help The file you are viewing right now. [L] List Lists the available directory files that you may select. [Q] Quit Returns you to COLOSSUS ]II[ Systems BBS. @MORE@ [R] Redraw Redraws the menu screen in the event that noise makes it unreadable. [S] Select Select directories you wish to zip up and download to your system. If a directory file is not found you will be informed. For example if you wish to receive directories 7, 20, 103, and the upload directory 200 you would enter "7 20 103 200" without the quotes when asked by the [S]elect command.