******************* Backgrounf Info ******************** First, d/l UUDEV14.ZIP (device manager) and UUSTART1.ZIP (beginners help file), also d/l UU161.ARJ (this is the game itself). Check these names to make sure they are spelled right. BTW, if you d/l UU161 then UUSTART1 will be in it, no need to d/l duplicates. Playing the game at home on your own computer is the BEST advice I can give. You see, in UU if you lose your ship, you lose EVERYTHING you own including planets. Therfore before you do anything on-line, you should test it out on your home game. Secondly, try to get the TW conference on RIME or Metrolink. The UU author is active there and can answer any questions. Also many tips and strategies are discussed. Oh yeah, if you d/l UU161 there is another program in there called UUHELP that gives info about the game that is helpful. Now that we have all the software tools out of the way, lets get down to playing. Goal in UU: There are 4 Taakian artifacts (most hidden on planets) in the game that you must find. Once you acquire all 4, you can create a device called the Supreme Attentuator. When you have the SA device and use it...Whamm---- You end the game and become Lord of Creation. All players are kicked out, AND you are allowed to create your own custom universe and rules, that all other players must abide by. ********************* How To Progress In UU ****************** Now lets get into play. I personnaly think there are 4 stages to UU that must be kept in mind. 1) Your first 3 days playing. This is the most crucial step and prepares you for the rest. In your first three days in the game, you are given BIG discounts at port 1. Take advantage of this by buying all your holds (60,000) and as many Ant-Cloaks and Cloaks as possible. There are several files out that will tell you what to do the first few days. One such file can be found with my UU utility UUDEV14.ZIP 2) After that you are set for stage 2. Find a sector that has a port that sells ALL. Here you will make your home planet. Create a planet and put up the neccessary defenses. Then try to put all the stuff in the port on your planet. To do this you need MUCHO credits (35-50 mill). Maybe spend one more day trading at a paired port for the cash. Once you have finished this stage, you'll probably never need to trade again. My best day so far has been 6 billion credits in one day. Stage 3) This is where you build a daily salary (yes you can get credits for FREE from the Feds), explore and Wreak havoc on other players and planets. This is where the fun begins. First you need to start Cabal hunting (you'll need a bunch of devices for that). During the previous stages, you probably accumulated all the sensors you will need, so we won't worry ourselves with that. Exploring the universe with the Sector Finder Pack. Report any found Cabal with the Cabal Invasion Pack, use a Grand Traveller to go to the Cabal, and a Heavy Particle Beam to destroy Cabal Drones. The Particle Beam will kill Cabal without the need of one single fighter(drone). More on this later. Not only do you get paid for each Cabal drone you report, but you can earn a salary by destroying the Cabal. While in UU hit C;O to see how much you earn per day. The money is put on your ship each day when you first log on (minus any Fed debts you owe) The fastest way to find Cabal to kill is to again use your Invasion Pack and "Request a Mission" from the Feds. They will tell you where the Cabal is, you go into the sector of Cabal and your Particle Beam vapoizes them and you get the money. DON'T go into the sector if it has mines unless you have weapons to destroy the mines. If you come across this situation it requires a different approach. Also if you have an extra 35 mil laying around, go to port 10 and get a Multiple Targeting Enhancer. This will multiply your firepower x 65. With one of those and the Particle Beam, you can destroy 3.5 million drones at a time. Oh yeah, before exploring, make sure you have a Random Emergency Warp device. This will protect you in case you accidently wander into a sector with mines. 4) Once you have a good salary and money coming in, you can then spend your time looking for the 4 artifacts, destroying Cabal planets, messing with others, etc.. *************** How To Travel To Other Dimensions ************* 1. Go to Port 9 and get the Free Dimensional Booster Signal. This will keep your holdings in other dimensions active. Do not put it in a Cube, a Paan or the FSA. 2. Get the Dimensional Pack 3. Get a Pan Dimensional Viewer. (if not in the Pack) This will allow you to look before you leap. 4. Get a Pan Dimensional Drive (a few Dimensional Wedges is a good idea as well in case of outlawed devices in other dimensions.) Also it is best to stalk up on supplies as they may not be available in the other dimensions. Use the Pan Dim Viewer to see it the coast is clear and then if it is use the Pan Dim Drive to go there. If it isn't move to another Sector and try again. Repeat procedure when returning to the previous dimension even if you are in the same sector. ************* How To Mess With Other Players *************** To destroy another player, use a Ship To Ship Scanner to see how many drones they have and if a Dead Man's Switch is present. A heavy radiation sheilding device # 294 from port 8 will counter the deadman's switch if they have one. To take out the drones, just make sure you have more then they do when attacking. You can also leave drones or mines in their sector so they will destroy themselves when they log on. How about dropping a Black Hole in their sector. Just make sure you have a Galvanic Catapult before you do. Here is a list of devices that you can use on others.. Device #54. Device Bay Platform (6) Retail Value:405000 Device #55. Device Bay Platform Missiles (6) Retail Value:100000 Device #59. Sector Popper Popper (6) Retail Value:160000 Device #79. HyperSwap Trigger Missile (6) Retail Value:50000 Device #121. Hyper Thief Missile (6) Retail Value:90000 Device #124. Sonic Thumper (6) Retail Value:42500 Device #127. Mine Launcher Missile Deluxe (6) Retail Value:27500 Device #128. Toll Station Missile (6) Retail Value:10000 Device #132. Heavy Particle Beam (6) Retail Value:600000 Device #179. Nordic Warrior Pack (6) Retail Value:2504333 Device #207. Snitch Beacon Repatriator (6) Retail Value:350000 Device #238. Ship Extractor (6) Retail Value:67525 Device #241. Warp Shielding Transport Device (5) Retail Value:127600 Device #270. Autopilot Snare (8) Retail Value:9200 Device #261. Dimensional Catapult (8) Retail Value:130000 Device #308. Dead Man Switch (8) Retail Value:67500 Device #314. Warp Shield Wedge (8) Retail Value:1500000 Device #315. Surveillance Feedback Emitter (8) Retail Value:925000 Device #316. Hyper Thief (8) Retail Value:6000000 Device #318. Sensor Damper Tripwire (8) Retail Value:632750 Device #321. Toll Station w/Maser (8) Retail Value:750000 Device #368. Remote Ship Systems Diagnostic (8) Retail Value:1175000 Device #372. Nova Device (8) Retail Value:1111100 Device #375. Teleporter Satellite Missile (8) Retail Value:12675 Device #377. 'Planetary Device' Missile (8) Retail Value:27555 Device #378. Flashwire (8) Retail Value:80000 Device #379. FlashBomb (8) Retail Value:82000 Device #386. Multiple Message Beacon Maser (8) Retail Value:11225 Device #406. Device Bay Missile (8) Retail Value:321000 Device #410. Sector Mine Launcher (8) Retail Value:36578 Device #451. Black Hole Device (8) Retail Value:8900000 Device #491. Universal Dislocation Detector Retail Value:100000 There are more but this should give you a start! ***************** How To Destroy A Planet ************************* The way to take a planet is sonic thumpering it to just about extinction... First, use a Planetary Probe (available at port 1) to check the planets defenses. If it is weak, usually one Sonic Thumper will destroy it. If it has many drones and mines, the Sonic Thumper will kill those off so you can invade with your drones. Before you invade though, Probe it again to make sure it is weak enough. Then Force a landing. If your Sonic Thumpers dont work then you need to attack the planetary device with a planetary device missile until your thumper starts working. Its best to use about 30 planetary device missiles on a planet first just to make sure you have destroyed the devices... it doesnt tell you if you have or not so the more the better. Sometimes, there may be no planetary device on the planet yet Sonic's still don't work. Be patient, it may take 6 or 7 Thumpers before you succeed. You should get a Team Cube and load it with all your important devices and then get Two Bay Protectors and space them with the juxtapose command to cover all your bays with protection, then you make sure you have lots of drones and land on the planet. ******************* One Way To Design Your Ship ******************** To destroy and pillage I have configured my ship in the following manner which has worked well for me: 1 13 2 Two Bay protector 14 Two Bay protector 3 15 4 16 5 Two bay protector 17 Two bay protector 6 18 7 19 8 two bay protector 20 Two Bay protector 9 21 10 22 11 Two bay protector 23 Two bay protector 12 24 With this set-up I have been hit by battle debris and more and never lose a bay. In fact I walk into sector with 1000 mines and don't get hurt. This leaves me 12 free bays. 1) 1 and 3 have my Cube(20)s. 2) 4 and 6 have my Paan Ifths' one has 2 anti-cloak enhancer and the other 2 cloak enhancers. 3) 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19 , and 21 carry all my sensors, macro computer, Cabal invasion 4) 22 and 24 are kept open in order to take items out of the cubes. While exploring, you can use these 2 for a Drone coordinator or whatever. When trading, put trading things there etc... My 2 Cubes contain the following: 1 carries all my 'Planetary' missles and Sonic Thumpers for invading. The other carries weapons and devices I can use in sectors or against other players. Been very successful with this simple setup. Only 62 devices here, But if an item comes up I can always go to the store and get it. After an invasion I always make sure to go back and fill up my cube with missles again. The above setup works with the Multiple Targeting Enhancement. Should you have some other Enhancement, you may not need the above setup. Modify to your circumstances. ***************************************************************** Well, I hope you have found this info helpful. And remember, the above is just some general rules that work well in a standard game. Sysops may modify UU, thus some devices may not be allowed or available. Good Luck Will Boyett Author of: UUDEVICE (UUDEV14.ZIP) UUPORT (available only with registration of UUDEVICE) UUTERM (UUTERM10.ZIP - soon to be released) TWTRAK (TWTRAK30.ZIP - Trade Wars utility) UUTIPS (UUTIPS10.ZIP - This Doc)