SmartCat Plus - .BMP Graphic Extension Description The SmartCat Plus .BMP graphic extension is designed to enable SmartCat Plus to determine the image size and color resolution for files with .BMP, .DIB or .RLE extensions, and to return that information to SmartCat Plus as file comments. Once correctly installed the extension will be called automatically each time SmartCat Plus comes across a file with a .BMP, .DIB or .RLE extension. Manual Installation The .BMP graphic extension should normally be installed automatically, but if you need to perform a manual installation take the following steps:- Copy the DLL, which is called SCBMPEXT.DLL to the same directory as SmartCat Plus. Edit your SMARTCAT.INI file and locate the [Extensions] section, and add the lines .BMP=SCBMPEXT .DIB=SCBMPEXT .RLE=SCBMPEXT (note the dot . at the start, it is required), then save your SMARTCAT.INI file. This file requires SmartCat Plus v1.5 or greater. Avaialable as SMTCAT15.ZIP (SMTCAT.ZIP on CIS) from Runway BBS 215-623-6203 in Conference 77, Shareable Software International, or on a BBS near you. Contact Shareable Software International at 800-622-2793 or Bill Dickson on Compuserve at 76226,2652 via Internet at for additional details.