SmartCat Plus - .PCX Graphic Extension Description The SmartCat Plus .PCX graphic extension is designed to enable SmartCat Plus to determine the image size and color resolution for files with a .PCX extension, and to return that information to SmartCat Plus as file comments. Once correctly installed the extension will be called automatically each time SmartCat Plus comes across a file with a .PCX extension. Manual Installation The .PCX graphic extension should normally be installed automatically, but if you need to perform a manual installation take the following steps:- Copy the DLL, which is called SCPCXEXT.DLL to the same directory as SmartCat Plus. Edit your SMARTCAT.INI file and locate the [Extensions] section, and add the line .PCX=SCPCXEXT (note the dot . at the start, it is required), then save your SMARTCAT.INI file. This file requires SmartCat Plus v1.5 or greater. Avaialable as SMTCAT15.ZIP (SMTCAT.ZIP on CIS) from Runway BBS 215-623-6203 in Conference 77, Shareable Software International, or on a BBS near you. Contact Shareable Software International at 800-622-2793 or Bill Dickson on Compuserve at 76226,2652 via Internet at for additional details.