How To Use SmartTop Introduction SmartTop is very easy to use. Simply click on the SmartTop Icon and an extended version of the normal menu will appear. There are three additional items, one to access this Windows Help File, one to access the normal "About" box, and one that says "SmartTop-It", which is the one that does all the work. Setting Windows "On-Top" Clicking on the "SmartTop-It" option causes the cursor to become either an "upward facing arrow" or a "downward facing arrow" or the normal pointer, depending on which area of the screen the cursor is over. While traversing the desktop the cursor will be the normal pointer, and clicking the left mouse button will have no effect other than to relinquish SmartTops' control of the cursor. As you pass over application windows or icons the cursor will become either the upward or downward facing arrow. When it is the upward facing arrow, clicking once with the left mouse button will cause the window below the cursor to become an "always on top" window. Conversely, if the cursor is a downward pointing arrow then clicking with the left mouse button will cause the window below to lose its "always-on-top" status. Other Things And that is pretty much all there is to it. You can click the right button to cause SmartTop to relinquish control of the cursor if you change your mind. You can also use SmartTop to set itself as always on top, a state which it remembers from run to run. Note that if you use SmartTop to set or remove the always-on-top status of an application that also has that capability itself, then the application in question may get a bit confused. For example, Windows Help can end up displaying a check-mark next to its "Always-On-Top" menu item when it isn't in fact in that state, because it assumes that it is in the state it last set itself, and doesn't take account of anything else toying with it! Registration Information: ------------------------- Registration costs $14.95 + $4.00 shipping in the USA and Canada (+ extra $5.00 overseas) from Shareable Software International, Inc. The benefits of registration include the latest version of the software, and SmartTop will always remain on top, free lifetime support, and reduced price upgrades. Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------- Bill Dickson Shareable Software International, Inc PO Box 59102 Schaumburg, IL 60159 USA Also by voice or electronically as follows: Phone: (708) 397 1221 Fax: (708) 397 0381 CompuServe: 76226,2652 Internet: