* * * FRACTION FONTS FOR WINDOWS 3.0 * * * October 6, 1991 Version 1.03 I hope you'll enjoy this sampling of FRACTION FONTS for Windows. But, before you begin to experiment with them, please take time to read this brief document. FRACTION FONTS are intended for use with Adobe Type Manager(TM). If you don't already have ATM, there's no sense going through the installation and calling up the information/demonstration file FRACFONT.WRI. It looks like gibberish without ATM. If demand is sufficient, I will furnish FRACTION FONT Windows screen fonts (.FON files), but I'm resisting it. I believe ATM is the single greatest supplement available for the Windows environment and can't imagine using Windows without it. FRACTION FONTS are intended to utilize ATM's power. GETTING STARTED . . . . . Okay, let's get going. First, what's stored in FRACFONT.EXE? 1. !README!.TXT -- The ASCII file you're reading. 2. !UPDATE!.TXT -- Late-breaking news about FRACTION FONT revisions and modification. 3. FRACFONT.WRI -- A four-page information/demonstration document that shows and tells all about FRACTION FONTS for Windows. Open it in Windows Write after you've installed the FRACTION FONTS. NOTE: Even if you've played with a ShareWare version of FRACTION FONTS, please reread this document. The keystroke assignments for the degree sign have been refined since the original release of FRACTION FONTS. 4. TIF____B.PFB, TIF____B.PFM, TIF____E.PFB, TIF____E.PFM -- These are the FRACTION FONT PostScript Type 1 fonts and their font metric files. 5. ORDERFRM.WRI -- An order form for your use if you'd like to purchase additional FRACTION FONTS. There are lots more, the collection is constantly growing, and they're priced fairly. INSTALLATION . . . . . The easiest way to install FRACTION FONTS is to let ATM do it. 1. Activate ATMCNTRL.EXE to bring up the ATM Control Panel interface. If you have ATM as an icon on your Windows Program Manager, double-click on it. Otherwise, click on "File" on the menu bar, select "Run...", then type in ATMCNTRL.EXE and hit Enter. 2. You should now be looking at the ATM Control Panel. Click on the "Add..." button. 3. When the "Add ATM Fonts" dialog box opens, scroll and click through the "Directories:" list until you reach the drive and subdirectory where you've opened FRACFONT.EXE. 4. In the "Available Fonts:" scroll box you'll see TmsFraction:b and TmsFraction:e listed. Highlight both of these fonts, then click the "Add" button. 5. Finally, exit the ATM Control Panel, exit Windows, then restart Windows as you normally do. The FRACTION FONTS are now available for all of your Windows applications. INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . Instructions for using FRACTION FONTS are in FRACFONT.WRI. Take time to open this document, print it out, and play with it on-screen before using FRACTION FONTS in your favorite applications. Instructions for using FRACTION FONTS in Corel DRAW! are in COREL.TXT. You'll have to read this file and copy two lines of text into your CORELDRW.INI file before FRACTION FONTS will work in Corel DRAW! SHARING FRACTION FONTS . . . . . I encourage your sharing FRACFONT.EXE with your friends. All I ask is that you pass it along in its entirety (not just the fonts) so they'll have access to the installation instructions. (And, of course, the Order Form, my CIS number, and my mailing address.) Also, if you have any MAC-using friends, give them a FRACTION FONTS for Windows demonstration. If there's sufficient interest, I'll make FRACTION FONTS available in Macintosh format as well as the current Windows 3.0 format. If you have any questions, comments, or criticism, feel free to contact me on CompuServe [76526,1457]. Or, drop me a note . . . Douglas M. Lidster White Dog Communication Services 1912 325th Lane Adel, Iowa 50003 CIS [76526,1457]