Bugs, Possible Problems and Leftovers with QAZ v3.54a: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- o This version of QAZ is unable to list all the files in very large archives because there is not enough memory. Future versions of QAZ may use a virtual memory of EMS/XMS scheme to fix this. o QAZ may be unable to swap to DOS for the -E option, or to list .UC2 archives under certain memory managers like QEMM. o Filenames longer than 64 characters will be truncated. o Right-justifying the name-field under 16-characters when names are longer than 14-or-so characters will not truncate properly with the -FC option. o QAZ seems to have some problems with certain LAN drivers, and had to be taken offline from one BBS because of that. The reason has yet to be determined. o QAZ does not show comments (with the -VC option) for .HPK, .RAR or .SQZ archives because the comments are compressed. (In the case of .HPK files, the comments may be .GIF or .JPG graphics.) QAZ does not show individual file comments. o QAZ does not recognize HAP v2 or Unix Freeze v1 files. o QAZ cannot list PackIt II or III (Macintosh .PIT) archives because the file-information is encoded. The same may go for other file types, such as .tar.Z files. o Some archive formats handled by QAZ are based on hacked information, and possible bugs may be lurking in strange files. o QAZ will show directories as seperate file listings when a directory is stored as a file (ie., with date-time stamp, and not merely as a path). o The -FI option will not work properly if the directory attributes are messed-up (as was the case with one .ZIP file I found). o Broken ZIP files are handled differently after QAZ v3.30a, since the local directory is not used: hence listings may be incomplete if the local or central directories are damaged (although PKZIP may be able to list the file). o QAZ generally doesn't convert file attributes across platforms well. o Some Amiga .LHA files are not compatible with LHARC, and will be reported as damaged. o QAZ cannot recognize the security envelopes on .PAK archives. Hence the -RA option will not flag this. QAZ cannot recognize *.SDN files as being authenticated. o QAZ does not adjust for time-zones in .ZOO or Info-Zip archives, nor does QAZ adjust time-zones properly for daylight savings time with Unix and Mac timestamps. Unix-timestamps will be rounded to even seconds. o QAZ may not recognize some self-extracting archives (including special installation SFX for UC2); Nor does QAZ flag Macintosh self-extractors (.SEA) as self-extracting (with -ra option) o QAZ will not show separate forks for Mac DiskDoubler archives, as well as some unusual formats for the Mac, such as .ARC etc. o QAZ does not display a Host-OS for archive formats that do not diff- erentiate operating systems (ie., .ARC, .SIT, .LHA, etc.). I have no documentation for the Host-OS in LIM or CoDec Archives. The Host-OS information in .ZOO archives may be innacurate. o Identification of Moof or Voof (.M or .V) files is problematic, since I have not been able to get consistent results from v1.1. o With a couple of exceptions, QAZ does not check header CRCs or CheckSums. o QAZ cannot list UC2 archives if UC.EXE and UUC.EXE are not in the PATH. o Some of the .OMB "ARC" files I have found tend to have mangled comments. I suspect these are non-standard ARC-related files. o Bizarro-Bug: if -W or -B (without a '+') follow '-L-' or '-L+', they will be ignored, although if '-LU' or '-LL' are used, they work fine. I can find absolutely NO explanation for this.