What's new about this version of QAZ? (Since previous release) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes for QAZ v3.54a: o Added some optimizations for 486 machines. o Added recognition of SonArc (.SNC) files. o Added recognition of AIN (.AIN) archives. o Added recognition of Quantum (.Q) archives. o Fixed bug where some files (like .SPL) were marked as encrypted. o Fixed bug with date-time stamps of Novosielski (.LBR) libraries. o Redid stats for listing of multiple files. o Redid online help (internally coded as compressed text). o Redid -US specs slightly. o Screen pausing should better adjust to 43, 50, and 60-line screens. Changes for QAZ v3.53a-b: o QAZ attempts to determine the screen height for the -P option. o Wide listings (-W option) adjusts to 132-column screens. o Fixed more bugs with 32-bit code used for 16-bit machines... o Redid processing of .UC2 archives, esp. for UC2R2. o Temporary files created by shelling use "unique" filenames. o Added -EY switch to pipe output of -E "command". o Fixed mis-reported version number in .AMG archives. o Added flagging of .AMG archives with passworded files. o Added handling of commented .AMG archives. o Added handling of pathnames in .AMG archives. o Fixed bug that caused QAZ to hang for some .LZH archives, or report that others were damaged (when they weren't). Changes for QAZ v3.52a-b: o Fixed bug where 32-bit code was used for 16-bit machines. (b) o Fixed bug with .ARJ archive directories. o Fixed bug that caused QAZ to crash with -UD searches from root directory. Changes for QAZ v3.51a: o Pause now works for wrap-around of text (as in -W option). o Pause-message is in "bold" color (works better with ANSI color). o Time settings can take specific seconds, as in HH:MM[:SS]. o Added more Host-OS recognition for .LIM archives. o More optimizations, speed improvements, etc. o Fixed possible bugs with CPU identification/usage (?). o The -Y option has a slightly-changed syntax, and defaults to appending. Changes for QAZ v3.41á-3.50b (not widely released): o Added option to pause between screens (-P). o Added option to "tee" output to a file (-Y{filename}). o Added recognition of extracted "Crush" archives. o Fixed bug where .SDN (.ARJ) archives were labeled as damaged. o Fixed bug where QAZ misidentified CoDec archives. o Error messages are printed to StdErr and not redirectable. o The handling of filespecs has been redone (see QAZ.MAN). o QAZ can determine specific version for RAR v1.5+ archives. o QAZ will use 286 instructions for 286+ machines. o More optimizations, speed improvements, etc. o Recursive searches are now much faster.