APPT Appointment Minder Program History: Version 1.00 10/23/92 Initial release. Version 1.01 11/12/92 Minor update for 8086/88 compatability. Version 1.10 11/30/92 Corrected buffer-overwrite problem that occurred with files > 4608 bytes. APPT now clears file buffer before writing. Version 1.20 07/07/93 Added environment option so that APPT can find APPT.DAT and APPT.BAK wherever they reside. Consequently, this requires more error-checking. The word "TypeOver" now appears on-screen when registered users are editing in such mode. Enhanced registration procedure and code efficiency. Added utilities SETERROR, HOLDTIME and ALLBUT as separate files. Version 1.21 08/01/93 Bug-fix--corrected forced use of environment variable. Version 1.30 xx/xx/xx Added international switch (/I) to allow DD-MM date format. Added log switch (/L) to allow APPT to log past appointments in APPT.LOG. Added color switch (/Cnn) to allow user to determine APPT's display color. Consequently, included color codes as appendix in APPT.DOC. SNYTAX: APPT [/I] [/L] [/Cnn] Exiting APPTEDIT with [Esc] now automatically saves edits; [Alt][Q] discards edits. Registered username is displayed on-screen. APPT now indicates by an * in the menu bar that the data have been modified. Enhanced code efficiency.