SKYWRITER: The Next-Generation Writing Technology Real-Time Writing a Reality SKYWRITER is a simple real-time method for creating complex documents which cannot be easily programmed using other computer languages. Examples of "complex" documents are: ... medical evaluations needed by physicians, clinics and hospitals, ... legal documents of all types, ... specifications for designs by architects and engineers. ... proposals, contracts, price quotations. ... correspondence where the composition of letters requires more varied and complex alternative texts and sentence structures. Increased productivity reduces cost Such documents are created by the user with single strokes on a key pad which select desired text to include in the document or which control the "writing" and composition. The document is then printed on a letter quality printer. Some people use SkyWriter to write the report on an interview as they conduct the interview! Thus, they need not take notes for writing the report later. With this time saved, they can conduct many more interviews. Rapid Document Creation SkyWriter is so easy to use that the professional can write documents with the touch of his or her finger. Hence, many professionals prefer to compose contracts (or other documents) right before their client's eyes. Not only is this cost effective, but your clients will have no doubt that you are in the 1990's. Easy to Use for Everybody Single-letter SkyWriter commands! E.g., "P" means "print text", "M" means "display text menu", and so on. No need to pay a programmer to "format" new or changed documents. The incredible versitility of SkyWriter permits endless variation of complex documents as it is used. This feature alone saves many dollars normally paid to programmers. Content and Format are Separate The same text can be presented in many different formats without the need to reprogram. The user can have many "versions" of the same document in different format or languages (English, Spanish, etc). NOT Ordinary "Word Processing" SkyWriter is the Next Generation beyond word processing. One SkyWriter key stroke (or mouse click) replaces ten, twenty or more required to do the same thing the old way (word-processing)! Call for personal demonstrations. NOTE: SkyWriter, SkyWriter Office System and SOS are trademarks of Computer Intelligence Assets which reserves all rights for their use and the use of the SkyWriter Language. (c) 1991 James J. Keene