SKYWRITER: The Story by James J. Keene, Ph.D. (writing reports is . . ) THE BAD GUY: Do you have to write reports on your activities? Do you dislike writing reports on your activities? The answer is, "Yes," for countless occupations, including doctors, pilots, social workers, interviewers, quality controllers, bankers and salespersons. The list goes on and on. MENTION THE HERO (SkyWriter): The SkyWriter is a new writing method designed for these "Yes" people, by brain researcher James J. Keene, Ph.D., and his wife, psychiatrist Nilda M. Keene, M.D. THE PLOT THICKENS: Consider the problem. Taking notes during the activity can slow you down and distract you from the task at hand. So the solution is word-processing, right? Wrong. Word-processing has the same problems as taking notes, and numerous keystrokes and training are also required. Besides, who can operate a computer while doing their normal work activity? OUR HERO FINALLY ARRIVES: Enter the SkyWriter, which replaces the normal two step process: do the job, then write the report. SkyWriter lets you write your report while you do the job, saving both time and money. When you finish a work activity, the report is also done at the same time. This is called "real-time writing." SUSPENSE: How does it work? SkyWriter runs on personal computers and requires only a few minutes of training. The key is that single keystrokes (or mouse clicks) cause whole sentences or paragraphs to be written. "As with many new technologies," Dr. James Keene said, "you have to see it to really understand it. The same was true when word-processing was introduced several decades ago." In one application, psychiatrists use SkyWriter to produce the written psychiatric evaluation of a patient during the interview of the patient. OUR HERO GETS THE BAD GUY: "When one of our psychiatrist users had a computer hardware problem," Keene said, "he simply closed his office until the problem was fixed, rather then go back to the old, inefficient method of note taking. Of course, word-processing during a psychiatric interview was not possible." "This shows the quantum leap in efficiency," Keene added. "A stock broker may simply go home if the phones are out. Similarly, after you use SkyWriter, it's hard to imagine working without it." OUR HERO SAVES US AGAIN: Another psychiatrist discovered a further advantage of the SkyWriter method. It can generate confidence among clients. One day a patient showed up with his lawyer. They needed a written psychiatric evaluation for a court appearance in one hour. No other psychiatrist in the city could do it. In less than that time, however, the SkyWriter user was able to provide a perfectly typed, fully complete evaluation. AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER: Free SkyWriter demonstrations are available from its distributor, Computer Intelligence Assets 130 Hiawatha Trail, Medford Lakes, NJ 08055. Their phone is (609) 953-7205. (c) 1991 James J. Keene