April 30, 1993 1. The self-extracting file, FACMAC1.EXE (FCMAC.EXE if you got it from CI$), created a TEMP subdirectory and then extracted the file to it. This has been corrected. The file will now extract itself to the current directory only. 2. The HYPHEN macro was inadvertently left out of the keyboard layout-KEN.WPK. It has now been added. 3. Important information about SHRINK and KILLSTY: If you elect to receive SHRINK or KILLSTY as your free commercial application and the release date of your copy of WordPerfect 5.1 is later than 12/31/90, use this macro with caution. In one of the later releases, a bug surfaced which interferes with successful execution of the macro. This bug affects only those documents in which a Paired Style is in use. Both of these macros remove unused Styles from your documents. In doing so, they use the Delete/Definition Only option on the Styles menu. On rare occasions, this can cause the [Style Off] code of the first occurrence of a Paired Style to be deleted or moved. On very rare occasions codes contained within the actual Style may be deleted. Obviously this could cause problems in your document! It doesn't happen every time, however, and neither I nor WordPerfect have been able to figure out what the trigger is. Unfortunately this bug is present in the 3/09/92 release and, according to WordPerfect, there are no plans for any future releases. In other words the bug won't be corrected until the next version comes out, whatever and whenever that is! As long as you use them on documents which don't contain Paired Styles (or if you have the 12/31/90 release or earlier), you should experience no trouble at all. If you want SHRINK and you're a Style user, I suggest adding the following codes to the beginning of the macro which will cause SHRINK to stop if it runs across a document which contains a Paired Style in use: {Home}{CALL}home~ {ON NOT FOUND}{GO}ok~~ {Search}{Style}1{Search} {GO}abort~ {LABEL}ok~ 4. The macros MARK, RETURN, and XLIST have been rewritten. This was done primarily to improve execution speed, particularly of RETURN. RETURN now also allows for retrieval of your document into a blank screen. 5. There are 13 brand new macros added to the collection bringing the total to 80. The additions are: FRACTION, GETCHAR, LAUNCH, LINER, LOADER, NEXTPAGE, NUMBER, SHOWDATE, SHOWTIME, SWAPFONT, TIMER, TOGGLE, and WORKLOG. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 6. A new commercial application is available called VIEW-WPG. Users have long been requesting the ability to preview graphics from within WordPerfect. This macro does just that. It lets the user select the Look option from the List Files screen when displaying a directory containing WPG files. 7. SPELSAVE and SAVER have been rewritten to be aware of the Long Document Names feature. 8. SAVER has been revised to correctly trap keystrokes for resetting the current default directory and to allow it to be NEST'ed. 9. BORDER has been rewritten to allow users to select the border type. It works better now since it no longer resets margins and it's more elegant since it introduces fewer codes into the document. 10. There are now 82 macros in the collection. The additions are DATE and FILE-UP. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 11. One of the macros in the keyboard layout file KEN.WPK has been modified. The Ctrl-R macro (REFORMAT) now also removes the phantom space which occasionally appears on the left side of the screen after making changes to font size, margins, tabs, etc. 12. There are now 83 macros in the collection. The addition is TABME. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 13. There are now 85 macros in the collection. The additions are PARABOX and WPG-CAT. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 14. There are now 90 macros in the collection. The additions are EDITFIND, PRINTMOD, SAVECOPY, WORD2NUM, and WORDOUT. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 15. TOGGLE has been rewritten to correct a bug which returned the user to the wrong box number. 16. There are now 91 macros in the collection. The addition is BULLET. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 17. FONT and FONT2STY (commercial macros) have been rewritten to be compatible with font changes inside Tables when single, fixed- line spacing is in effect. 18. There are now 96 macros in the collection. The additions are ARROW, BACKUP, NOTATER, OUTLINER, and SPACEOUT. Refer to the documentation for a full description. 19. There are now 98 macros in the collection. The additions are CONVERT and PRINTER. Refer to the documentation for complete descriptions. 20. At last! There are now 100 macros in the collection. The additions are EXEMAC and LINES. EXEMAC is actually a "roll-over" from the commercial application list. Refer to the documentation for complete descriptions. This version, FACMAC4, is the final release. No further development on the collection is planned at this time other than to fix any problems which users call to my attention. I have also rewritten the documentation (CATALOG.DOC) to be a little clearer in some spots, eliminate typos, and give clearer instructions. Also, I have moved all the macros which were intended for use in a keyboard layout into KEN.WPK with one exception, that being PRINTMOD. Since the collection contains two macros targeted for the Print (Shift-F7) key, I had to choose one or the other. The result is 75 stand-alone macros, one "homeless" keyboard macro, and one keyboard layout file containing 24 macros. (Total: 100) 21. PRINTMOD has been rewritten to allow for printing Blocked text. 22. WORDOUT has been rewritten so that it will work when used in Columns.