MIKE BARRETT GOVERNOR '94 P.O. Box 2193, Cambridge, MA 02238 (617) 623-9494, (617) 628-0940 (FAX) SEN. MICHAEL BARRETT ON ELDERLY ISSUES Senator Michael Barrett is a Democratic candidate for governor. He is Senate chair of the legislature's Health Care Committee. He served three terms in the House of Representatives (1979-1985) and is completing his fourth term in the state Senate. Mike has worked hard on issues of concern to seniors: ù In 1987, Mike won a budget amendment expanding the Massachusetts Elder Equity Program. This program counsels senior citizens about how to use the equity in their homes to remain independent. ù Mike is a founding member of the Older Workers Task Force. ù Mike served as Senate chair of the Special Commission on Worker Availability for Long-Term Care. The commission studied the shortage of workers in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. ù Mike was one of the lead Senate sponsors of elderly discharge planning legislation, which passed in 1987. This act protects seniors from being discharged from hospitals before an adequate post-hospitalization plan is in place. ù Mike has supported budget amendments increasing state funding for home care services and giving home care workers a cost-of-living increase.