MIKE BARRETT GOVERNOR '94 P.O. Box 2193, Cambridge, MA 02238 (617) 623-9494, (617) 628-0940 (FAX) SEN. MICHAEL BARRETT ON WOMEN'S ISSUES Senator Michael Barrett is a Democratic candidate for governor. He currently serves as Senate chair of the Legislature's Joint Committee on Health Care, and is also a member of the Committee on Education. Mike has been consistently pro-choice on the issue of abortion. He is a cosponsor of the Freedom of Choice Act, and recently played a key strategic role in the state Senate in passing clinic access guarantees. That bill was the first pro-choice legislation to pass the Senate in years. Mike has devoted much of his time in recent years to the problems of crime and violence, especially as they affect women. In 1992, Mike wrote and successfully sponsored the state's domestic violence registry law, which requires that state criminal record systems be networked and that judges check on abusers' past histories when ruling on requests for restraining orders. The legislation was hailed in the Washington Post as "a nationwide first." Currently Mike is working to fill in remaining gaps in the information systems intended to protect victims of violence. Year after year Mike has won budget amendments to increase state funding of pregnancy counseling and family planning programs. In 1992 he was honored by the Mass. Family Planning Association for his work in this area. Mike has consistently received high ratings from the Massachusetts Human Services Coalition. He launched the Caregivers Campaign to address the shortage of workers in the human services field and has co-sponsored the Child Care Linkage bill. Mike has worked hard on human and civil rights. He served as chief Senate sponsor of the gay civil rights bill, which bars discrimination in housing and employment on the basis of sexual orientation. The bill was signed into law in 1989 after a monumental seventeen-year battle. Afterwards the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts credited Mike with "great courage and independence" and "enormous political skill" for leading the fight for passage in the Senate.