HOW TO MEET WOMEN IN THE 90'S An Information and Instructional Guide for Single Men ages 18-50 Women! As the old saying goes ... can't live with'em, can't live without'em ! Well, it may be a cliche, but it's the truth and we can't deny it. However, if you're anything like myself or my friends/colleagues that worked on this guide with me ... which I'm assuming you are if you're currently a single male ... then I'm sure you have had you're share of frustration connecting with that elusive special someone that can make all your dreams come true. Well, like I said, if that's the case then we're in the same boat, or at least we were at one time. This guide and the information in it are based on this frustration, and the search for answers on how to make it easier on men (and on women too!) to meet and get things started. We interviewed hundreds of men and women on their experiences and recommendations. We experimented with any and all techniques we could find, went to bars, clubs, churches, malls, grocery stores, libraries, college campuses, college parties, beaches, the zoo, concerts, museums, dating services, singles clubs, dating phone lines, and anywhere else single women might be found. We tried all the lines and all the different approaches we could find. As a result, we got shot down, rejected, humiliated, laughed at and even slapped. HOWEVER, after all the approaches were tried, and opening lines exhausted, we came up with some DEFINITE answers, and actually toward the end of this experiment, our confidence with very high, we had new problems, of meeting too many women, and having to get them to stop calling ! In addition, some of us that were involved in this experiment are what would probably be considered attractive well built men, and it definitely made things easier, but some of us are (or should say were) not considered very attractive, and actually I myself was not so long ago a very overweight, extremely unattractive computer nerd, with a gross complexion, no sense of style, and worst of all no confidence. So, I am a living Testament to the results of this guide. As I sit here today, I have two very attractive, and intelligent women that I'm trying to choose between, I have no trouble meeting women in general, and I have great sex, pretty much as often as I want to (Hey, in case I didn't mention it earlier, this is a no bullshit kind of thing too) !! So here's the deal, if you want the information, if you want to hear the stories, and if you want to know what works, and what doesn't, then send for this guide. This is not a psychology course, this is a practical guide, on exactly what to do, how to look, how to act, where to go, and what to say ! However, this is definitely not a 'How to get Laid' kind of a thing, if you are interested in sex only, then that's a lot easier, but we don't really go into that. This is for men that genuinely want to understand more about women. We are not sexist, we actually have a huge respect for women in general, we just wanted to understand the process and hopefully eliminate the games that seem to go on every time you meet someone. And from that respect, this guide will probably be very interesting to women as well (actually many women that have proof-ed it have found it very intriguing), considering it may help women better understand the men's side of the coin and what we are thinking during this whole meeting/dating game we play. We also have some very interesting insights and hints on dating women at work, at school or in any similar situation where extended periods of flirting and/or mind games are required. What you do with her once you have her is your problem (we're working on that problem as well, but that will be a whole different deal!), but we will give you the information on how to find her, and we will hopefully give you a little extra confidence, which is actually half the battle! You have nothing to lose by trying this, the cost is only $12.00, we are not trying to make a mint here, but we don't want to lose our shirts either. Also, it may seem trivial, but I do want to assure you that discretion is guaranteed, we will ship the 8 1/2 X 11 guide in a plain non-descript envelope, and we will NEVER give out or sell your name and/or address to anyone. Okay ... if you're having trouble meeting women, than give this a try, I don't think you'll be disappointed, and even if you are, it's only 12 bucks, so you really don't have a whole lot to lose !!! Send $12.00 Cash/Check/Money Order to WT Associates P.O. Box 9539 Madison, WI 53715-0539 Please allow 2-6 weeks for deliver. (We all have day jobs!) Also, my lawyer says that I need to tell you that nothing in relationship to this guide is guaranteed. We are not professionals, we are just a bunch of guys that figured it was about time to try to make some sense of women (which is totally impossible we found out, but at least we might have figured out how to get them to like us) ! So, if you buy it and don't like it, I'm sorry, please let us know what's wrong, and if you're complaint seems legitimate, like something doesn't make sense, or you think we've somehow misled you with this advertisement, then we will probably send you your money back. Keep in mind, we all have regular jobs, and considering that this is a joint project, and the publishing/shipping costs involved, we are definitely not making a killing, we mainly just want to share our experiences, and hopefully get some feedback. Thanks !! WT Associates