\docstart \topic contents` \title Title Page` \keyword Title Page;masthead` \qc ======== \bmc fbsthd.bmp ` \b Issue 3, May 1994` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic menu` \title Topics` \keyword Topics` ======== \keepn\qc\cf7\b\fs24 Topics` \bmc bullet.bmp [State Officer's Farewell:stoffmenu]` \bmc bullet.bmp [1994-1995 State Officer Team:st_team]` \bmc bullet.bmp [1994 Section Conference Look Back:seclook]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Top 5 winners from SLC!!:slcwin]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Fundraisers & Activities:fund]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Membership, Management, & Leadership Skills:member]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Public Relations & Community Service Projects:public]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Reporter's Contest Top Five Winners:repcontest]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Newsletter Award Recipients:newsaward]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Campbell Contest Winners:campbell]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Acknowledgments:credits]` -------- \topic stoffmenu` \title State Officers Farewell` \keyword State Officers Farewell` \browse farewll:010` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\fs24\b State Officers Farewell` \bmc bullet.bmp [Benjamin Ling, President:ling]` \bmc bullet.bmp [David Weinberg, Vice-President Bay:weinberg]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Keristofer Seryani - Vice-President Bay:seryani]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Nimesh Narayan, Vice-President Gold Coast:narayan]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Lorena Mora, Vice-President Northern:mora]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Richard Stryjewski, Vice-President Southern:stryjewski]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Angela Lee, Secretary:lee]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Lital Barkan, Treasurer:barkan]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Chul Choi, Reporter:choi]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Leonard Hill, Parliamentarian:hill]` \bmc bullet.bmp [Cathy Kamei, National President:kamei]` -------- \topic ling` \title Ling` \keyword Ling` \browse farewll:020` ======== \b\fs24 Benjamin Ling, President` Senior at Lynbrook High School in San Jose` Will attend U.C. Berkeley` California FBLA, you have bestowed upon me a great honor in allowing me to serve as your State President during the past year. Easy of us in our great organization has grown and broadened our horizons through our active involvement. this past year has been a significant one in my life, and FBLA has undoubtedly played a major role.` Through four years of conferences, competitions, and workshops, I have been afforded the opportunity to meet thousands of members and advisers who have aided me during my high school career. I thank each of you for giving me the opportunity to serve you and for helping me grow as a person.` You are the people that make California FBLA the diverse and rich organization that it is today. Each of you has the potential to achieve your best in our organization--reach for your dreams in our organization, no matter what they may be. Run for office, compete at your best, meet new friends--you have the choice to accomplish all of these through our organization.` FBLA has shown me that diversity is a strength. Thank you, California FBLA, for taking part in our successful year that is captured through the theme, "One World, One Dream."` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic weinberg` \title Weinberg` \keyword Weinberg` \browse farewll:030` ======== \b\fs24 David Weinberg, Vice-President Bay` Junior at Half Moon Bay High School` I must admit that California FBLA is by far the greatest state chapter in the history of this nation. It has taught me that people actually have a purpose on this Earth. The experiences I've had in this organization are part of me, a part that will never be thrown away. It has made me the person that I am, whether that's good or bad, and it is a genuine part of my life.` I can only hope that everybody else in this state feels the same. If you don't love this organization, the truth is that you are not with it! I love every one of you (hugs and kisses are thrown in your face). There is harmony amongst all members, and it will never disappear. So, I have created a poem for you.` I love the State of California,` And I love FBLA,` I guess that's all I have to say.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic seryani` \title Seryani` \keyword Seryani` \browse farewll:040` ======== \b\fs24 Keristofer Seryani - Vice-President Bay` Senior at Turlock High School` Will attend Whittier College` California FBLA! Thanks for the memories. Thank you for giving me the best four years of my life. I have grown so much because of this wonderful organization. It has been a wonderful year serving as your State Vice President representing the Central Section. The best of time, the worst of time, we have come through with shining stars. After four years of conferences, meetings, and competitions, it has been my reward to return something back to this organization, through obtaining my goal, to serve as a state officer.` I went from the one who watched from the back and admired the leader to becoming the leader myself. I am the perfect example of what FBLA can do for a person.` I would like to thank my section adviser, Ms. Doris Lowe. I could probably write a novel about all the wonderful qualities Ms. Lowe possesses. She was always willing to listen to my problems, no matter how late at night. At the end of the month when my phone bill came, my parents wondered who this number in Visalia wa that I spoke to so often. Ms. Lowe has been a mother to me at conferences, a friend, and a confidant. She is my hero. I admire her for her strength and willpower to make Central Section FBLA the best.` The benefits of FBLA are boundless, and the advantages are numerous. My challenge for you is to conquer your goals. We all possess in ourselves the ability to attain success, we just have to reach our and grab it. So I say farewell for now, and wish you the best of luck for a brighter and happier future.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic narayan` \title Narayan` \keyword Narayan` \browse farewll:050` ======== \b\fs24 Nimesh Narayan, Vice-President Gold Coast` Senior at Moorpark High School` Will attend U.C.L.A.` Well California, I guess this is goodbye. I feel like I should be upset, but I don't think I am. This year has been way too exciting, and being upset that it had to come to an end would simply ruin everything. The memories that I've made with this wonderful organization are memories that I plan to keep with me for a long time.` You know, FBLA is like a dream, but one that never ends. It's unfortunate that all of the seniors in our organization have to leave this year (I'm off to UCLA!!!). I expect to see the rest of you back here better than ever when I come back to visit. One of the great things about FBLA is that despite the fact that every year people come and go, the organization itself lives on, and will continue to live on forever.` California FBLA, we've had an excellent past together, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that we're going to have an even better future. Just remember to keep on working, to keep on experiencing, and most importantly, to keep on dreaming. Never forget that the future of FBLA will depend on the future of our imaginations. Fellow FBLA'ers, I take back that "goodbye" I said earlier. Good luck with life, have fun, and I'll see you all again sometime soon!` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic mora` \title Mora` \keyword Mora` \browse farewll:060` ======== \b\fs24 Lorena Mora, Vice-President Northern` Senior at Loyalton High School` Rotary Youth Exchange Program to Japan` I can't believe this year has come to an end. It seems only yesterday I was being installed as an officer. I've had a great time and learned so many things.` Unique, unbeatable, and fun are just a few of the words that will always remind me of the Northern Section. I couldn't have asked to be president of a better section. Northern Section, you are truly the greatest Section in California. Keep up the tradition and show FBLA what the North can do.` To all of California FBLA, what can I say, except thank you for making this year so memorable. I will never forget the conferences, friendships, nor the fun. Never give up on your dreams and always strive to be the best in everything you do. The best of luck to you all.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic stryjewski` \title Stryjewski` \keyword Stryjewski` \browse farewll:070` ======== \b\fs24 Richard Stryjewski, Vice-President Southern` Senior at Eisenhower High School in Rialto` Will attend U.S.C.` When Chul Choi, California FBLA State Reporter, asked me for this article, I remember when he asked me for an introduction article such a short time ago. This has been such an exciting, educational, fun year for me that it is difficult to say farewell. I have enjoyed the memorable experiences this year tremendously, and I hope that you all experienced an equally great year.` The spirit of California FBLA is what has made this year memorable. I urge you to continue to strive for excellence and exploit the many beneficial opportunities FBLA has to offer. As Irving Berlin once said, "The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success." Try something new in FBLA! Fun for a section or state office, compete, and be as active as you can in its activities. Pursue excellence--you shall obtain it!` I would like to thank all of the people who have truly made this year a wonderful experience. Without all of the state officers, their advisers, the section advisers, and Mrs. Campbell, this year would not have been a success. And most important of all, I thank each and every member of California FBLA, for you truly make this organization what it is.` Goodbye, good luck, and best wishes always.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic lee` \title Lee` \keyword Lee` \browse farewll:080` ======== \b\fs24 Angela Lee, Secretary` Senior at Lynbrook High School` Will attend UC Berkeley` Well, FBLA'ers, it's the close of yet another chapter in California FBLA's history. I definitely hope that you have had as much fun as I have! I'm not going to make this a sob story or anything, so I'll get straight to the point. My four years with FBLA have been, without a doubt, the most significant time of my life. I've been through so many ups and downs with you. For all of you just getting your start in FBLA, I wish you the best of luck for a profitable and enriching experience. For those of you who are moving on, like me, I hope that you find your true niche in life.` And for those of you who are dying to know here I'm headed next year, I'm off to UC Berkeley under an undeclared major. I plan to apply to the Walter Haas School of Business my junior year. Hopefully, I'll see a lot of you there!` Okay, so enough sentiment. I've had fun. I hope you've had fun. It's been a profitable year. I would like to close my term as 1994- 1994 California State Secretary with the thought by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." Best wishes.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic barkan` \title Barkan` \keyword Barkan` \browse farewll:090` ======== \b\fs24 Lital Barkan, Treasurer` Thank you, California FBLA for allowing me the journey and for standing beside me every step of the way. Serving as your State Treasurer has been one of the best experiences of my life. Through FBLA, I have made friends that will last a lifetime and developed skills and talents that will be invaluable to the future. I will never forget al of you or this year as a State Officer. Thank you California FBLA for all the wonderful memories.` It is very difficult to say good-bye. I can't believe this year is over. It seems like just yesterday that the wax from the candles burned our fingers at the installation ceremony. The only thing left to do now is remember all the wonderful memories we have made together and look toward the future for many more.` This year has been filled with great times, and hopefully next year will be even better. Those of you that are graduating, best of luck to you. Please keep in touch. And to all of you younger ones that will work hard next year to keep California FBLA the best it can be, best of luck to you, too.` State Officers and advisers, what can I say, it has been a blast! You are all "GOOD STUFF!!!!" It was all worth falling off the table at SOT. To all my special FBLA friends (and you know who you are), I love you all! To next year's State Officers, make the best of your year, it will end before you know it--make as many memories together as you can!` Thank you once again, California, for making my dreams come true. I wish you all the best of luck in your journey toward success.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic choi` \title Choi` \keyword Choi` \browse farewll:100` ======== \b\fs24 Chul Choi, Reporter` Senior at Santa Fe HS in Fanta Fee Springs` Will attend U.C. Berkeley` Due to the overwhelming response to my farewell at the SLC I have been asked to reprise my speech here in print. But before I do I can honestly say that my dreams, aspirations, and realizations about FBLA have come true. Now to the next generation:` As I was passing through this galaxy, I dropped to impulse and beamed down to California FBLA where I warped as your State Reporter. Through this millennium as your reporter, I have beamed up many newsletters through all channels, all frequencies. I have captained many friendships and acquaintances along my star struck path leading to the next galaxy. My thoughts and thanks to Fleet Admiral Campbell as we have dodged many photon torpedoes and phaser shots together with the State Officer Fleet. It is now time to "Beam me up, Scottie!" And remember, live long and ... BE HAPPY! yIen ni ef cheP (Live long and prosper). Jhor Jhee Scottie! (Beam me up Scottie). Kapla! (Good-bye)` Live Long and Prosper!` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic hill` \title Hill` \keyword Hill;Leonard Hill;Redwood` \browse farewll:110` ======== \b\fs24 Leonard Hill, Parliamentarian` Junior at Redwood High School in Visalia` As I look back on this previous year, I look on it as a stepping stone to my future. By being a state officer a new world of possibilities to my future has been opened. The attributes I have gained by being an officer have helped me to achieve my goals, not only in FBLA but in the real world. I know that these qualities and the new ones that I will gain, will continue to help me in the future.` The conferences, competition, training, and traveling have all helped to make me a diverse person. I would not give up these experiences in the past years for anything, but I will always remember them as an interesting time in my life.` I have made many new friends through my state and section offices, and even though I will not be serving on the state team next year, I will have those friendships to last me a lifetime.` When I graduate, I plan to continue my education at Stanford University, and to major in biological sciences. There I will join the PBL chapter so I will still have the opportunity to instill into other members the characteristics I have gained, and be able to help them on their own paths to success. I hope to see all of you achieve your dreams and become the best you can be!` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic kamei` \title Kamei` \keyword Kamei` \browse farewll:120` ======== \b\fs24 Cathy Kamei, National President` Senior at Gilroy High School` Will attend U.C. Berkeley` Someone once said "What you do today, makes tomorrow that much easier." As members of FBLa each of us had a wonderful opportunity to get a jump start on our careers in the competitive business world. As I say goodbye to four years in FBLA, I feel no regret, only thankfulness that I have had the opportunity to be a part of such an outstanding organization that has prepared me to make a smooth transition into business.` Thinking back to my freshman year, I was shy, inexperienced, and I did not know what I wanted to do with my life. By chance, I became involved in our organization. Now, I don't imagine my life without FBLA, and I can't believe how lucky I was to find an organization which has given me experience and training that has shaped my life, and directed me for the future.` Leaving behind such a large part of my life, is not an easy task. California FBLA, you have been my friend, my support, and my hope. I thank you for laughs, the tears, the times I've been awake until 4:00 in the morning (talking to roommates at conferences and working on projects) and for the best years of my life. I will miss you, and I will take a lifetime of memories with me, as I hope you will. Farewell, California.` [\bmc tcbuton.bmp:menu]` -------- \topic seclook` \title 94 Section Conference Look Back` \keyword 94 Section Conference Look Back` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\b\fs24 1994 Section Conference Look Back` [[\bmc canor.bmp:northern]] [[\bmc cabay.bmp:bay]]` [[\bmc cacen.bmp:central]] [[\bmc cagol.bmp:gold]]` [[\bmc casou.bmp:southern]]` -------- \topic northern` \title northern` \keyword northern` ======== \b Northern` The 1994 Northern Section Conference was a great success. Over 300 students and advisers attended the conference hosted by Central Valley High School in Redding.` The conference kicked off with exciting campaign speeches which were outstanding. Students then proceeded to their competitive events.` In between testing and the awards ceremony the Northern Section members danced the afternoon away. With the great music and friendly atmosphere, members had a chance to relax and prepare for the awards ceremony.` The awards ceremony had all the school's spirit shining through. Winners of the competitions and the new section officers were announced.` The 1994 Northern Section Conference was the best yet because of the enthusiasm and spirit shown by all the members and advisers.` -------- \topic bay` \title bay` \keyword bay` ======== \b Bay` The Bay Section Conference was one of the most dynamic and powerful experiences ever. It was held at South San Francisco High School on March 5, 1994, and was a day that nobody would ever forget. There was no other way about it, it was really cool.` There were people from all over the Bay Section showing their pride that day. It was a time of intense competition and the ultimate understanding of your FBLA experience. People went to workshops and enjoyed the hospitality of a wonderful section host South San Francisco High School. The section was at one with the universe that day.` On that day, the members gathered tonight. There will never be a better Bay Section conference, no matter what anybody else could possibly say. People understood that Bay Section was truly number one and there was no possible way to deny this simple fact. It was a day in history the Bay Section will never forget.` -------- \topic central` \title central` \keyword central` ======== \b Central` The Central Section Leadership Conference wa held on March 5, 1994, at Turlock High School in Turlock. The day was jam packed with various activities that a member could participate in.` After registration was handled and morning refreshments were served the opening session was called to order. There, approximately 550 members had the opportunity to listen to campaign speeches given by candidates and their respective campaign managers and pick up a few goodies in the process.` After then competition part of the conference was over, God sprung some rain on the show to get the natives restless for some food, country line dancing, movies, and a very interesting talent show. The food, delicious hamburgers, were served to some wet FLBA'ers along with chips, soda, apples, and cookies. The movies shown were Home Along II and Sister Act II. The line dancing was also very entertaining during both lessons in the room as well as in the Boy's Gym.` The members elected the officers who will lead Central Section in the upcoming year. Following this was the long awaited awards session. The outcome of the conference was very successful.` -------- \topic gold` \title gold` \keyword gold` ======== \b Gold Coast` On March 12, earlier this year, over 400 members and advisers of the Gold Coast gathered at William S. Hart High School in Newhall for our 6th Section Conference. Looking back on it, I would say that it was one of the best in our section's history.` Many of you probably know that the conference was slightly challenged by a little (understatement) earthquake that had shaken our section just a few weeks before the event. Many of the facilities at Hart High had been damaged, or declared unsafe. "You can shake us," our section responded, "but you can't break us." Despite the several complications, the section and the hosting chapter decided that the conference must go on. Everyone pulled together as the conference date approached, and as a result, it was an outstanding success.` The conference began with delicious breakfast treats, and active campaigning. Two testing sessions and hours of campaigning later, the entire delegation migrated to Six Flags Magic Mountain, where they enjoyed the attractions until the exciting awards session. The conference ended with the presentation of awards and the announcement of the 1994-94 Section Officer Team. The conference was well planned, well executed, and was an event most of us will remember for years to come.` -------- \topic southern` \title southern` \keyword southern` ======== \b Southern` On March 5, 1994, about 1,000 FBLA members and advisers gathered for the Southern Section Competitive Events Conference. This conference, which was hosted by John f. Kennedy High School in La Palma, was replete with the beneficial activities which make FBLA the best student organization.` Before the conference, members interacted with each other as they enjoyed the nutrition which was provided. Of course, there were the usual groups of campaign committees trying to win members' votes for the candidates whom they represented. With the opening session, the conference really got under way. Mr. Rex Dalby, an educator and consultant, made a presentation to the delegation regarding self- esteem and maintaining a positive self-concept through achievement.` Our aggressive competitors then sprung into action, testing, being interviewed, and performing on the computer in an attempt to win a position to compete a the 1994 State Leadership Conference. Members who choose not to compete were able to attend a myriad of workshops presented by local business professionals. After the conference activities, everyone went to Knott's Berry Farm to enjoy the rides, shows, and each other's company. Finally, the awards ceremony took place, where the hard work and preparation paid off. Great job, everybody!` -------- \topic slcwin` \title SLC Winners` \keyword SLC Winners` ======== \b Top 5 winners from SLC!!` [[Accounting I:acct1]]` [[Accounting II:acct2]]` [[Advisory Board Chapter Contribution Award:adboard]]` [[American Enterprise Project:amerproj]]` [[Business Calculations:buscalc]]` [[Business Communication:buscomm]]` [[Business Law:buslaw]]` [[Business Math:busmath]]` [[Business Procedurres:busproced]]` [[Community Service Project:commserv]]` [[Computer Applications:compapp]]` [[Comupter Concepts:compconcept]]` [[Economics:econ]]` [[Entrepreneurship:entrep]]` [[Impromptu Speaking:imprompt]]` [[Information Procesing Concepts:infoconc]]` [[Introduction to Business:introbus]]` [[Job Description Manual:jobman]]` [[Job Interview:jobinter]]` [[Keyboarding Applications:keyapp]]` [[Local Chapter Annual Business Report:locreport]]` [[Machine Transcription:machtran]]` [[Mr. Future Business Leader:mrfbla]]` [[Ms. Future Business Leader:msfbla]]` [[Parliamentary Procedure:parlpro]]` [[Partnership with Business:partbus]]` [[Public Speaking:pubspeak]]` [[Shorthand:short]]` [[Word Processing:wordproc]]` [[Dr. Jessie Graham:drgraham]]` [[Sweepstakes:sweep]]` [[Creed Contest:creed]]` [[Scholarship - $500 Each:scholar]]` -------- \topic acct1` \title Accounting I` \keyword Accounting I` ======== \b Accounting I` \blockstart\tx2880` Khanhnam Tran\tab Montclair` Suk I. Hui\tab Fresno` Phong Tang\tab Montclair` William Chen\tab Lynbrook` Susan Hill\tab Woodland` \blockend -------- \topic acct2` \title Accounting II` \keyword Accounting II` ======== \b Accounting II` \blockstart\tx2880` Denver Nash\tab Yosemite` Denise Savis\tab Sutter Union` Keith Polston\tab Arlington` Jessica Tucker\tab Woodland` Brian Sanders\tab Homestead` \blockend -------- \topic adboard` \title Advisory Board Chapter Contribution Award` \keyword Advisory Board Chapter Contribution Award;Redwood` ======== \b Advisory Board Chapter Contribution Award` \blockstart\tx2880` Mintak Joo\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Lily Catanes\tab Hesperia` Sarah Jump\tab Redwood` Nicole Kearby\tab Sutter Union` Josh Uretsky\tab Moorpark` \blockend -------- \topic amerproj` \title American Enterprise Project` \keyword American Enterprise Project` ======== \b American Enterprise Project` Moorpark` Ramona, Ramona` Clovis West` Clovis` Sutter Union` -------- \topic buscalc` \title Business Calculations` \keyword Business Calculations` ======== \b Business Calculations` \blockstart\tx2880` Andrew Philip\tab Moorpark` Su Shien Pang\tab Homestead` Jim Wang\tab Lynbrook` Quan Nguyen\tab Moorpark` Roger Ly\tab Lynbrook` \blockend -------- \topic buscomm` \title Business Communication` \keyword Business Communication;Redwood` ======== \b Business Communication` \blockstart\tx2880` Lavonne Sheng\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Chienlau Hsu\tab Upland` Jerry Wong\tab Redwood` Meeta Sabnis\tab Lynbrook` Christopher Thaxter\tab Bella Vista` \blockend -------- \topic buslaw` \title Business Law` \keyword Business Law` ======== \b Business Law` \blockstart\tx2880` Steven Sweetwood\tab Sutter Union` Jimmy Yeh\tab Lynbrook` Stephen Chang\tab Cupertino` Sean Nguyen\tab Homestead` Krista Gobeille\tab Long Beach Poly` \blockend -------- \topic busmath` \title Business Math` \keyword Business Math` ======== \b Business Math` \blockstart\tx2880` Sherry Tsai\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Nishant Narayan\tab Moorpark` Min Choi\tab Santa Fe` Jeremy Lowd\tab Cupertino` Matthew Sullivan\tab Benecia` \blockend -------- \topic busproced` \title Business Procedurres` \keyword Business Procedurres` ======== \b Business Procedurres` \blockstart\tx2880` David Chen\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Angela Lee\tab Lynbrook` Vanny Hong\tab Long Beach Poly` Joanne Hughes\tab Colusa` Eli Tsou\tab Lynbrook` \blockend -------- \topic commserv` \title Community Service Project` \keyword Community Service Project;Redwood` ======== \b Community Service Project` Redwood` Clovis` Moorpark` Tulare Union` Lynbrook` -------- \topic compapp` \title Computer Applications` \keyword Computer Applications` ======== \b Computer Applications` \blockstart\tx2880` Chul Choi\tab Santa Fe` Nathan Weaver\tab Mc Cloud` Darin Moss\tab South San Franscisco` Clement Wong\tab Lynbrook` Louis Tsai\tab San Marino` \blockend -------- \topic compconcept` \title Comupter Concepts` \keyword Comupter Concepts` ======== \b Comupter Concepts` \blockstart\tx2880` Israil Alanis\tab Santa Fe` Jeff Westphal\tab Sunny Hills` Eyal Soha\tab Cupertino` Darius Jazayeri\tab Homestead` Dan Stangel\tab Benecia` \blockend -------- \topic econ` \title Economics` \keyword Economics` ======== \b Economics` \blockstart\tx2880` Kensaku Kawamoto\tab Sunny Hills` Eren Karaday\tab Long Beach Poly` Ayodele Okupe\tab Davis` Benjamin Ling\tab Lynbrook` Josh Uretsky\tab Moorpark` \blockend -------- \topic entrep` \title Entrepreneurship` \keyword Entrepreneurship;Redwood` ======== \b Entrepreneurship` \blockstart\tx2880` Stephen Chang\tab Cupertino` Rob Hager` Eric Hsieh` Marisa Crabtree\tab Redwood` Sarah Jump` Ritesh Patel` Schwin Hsu\tab Lynbrook` Gavin Iwanaka` Sebastien Letuan` Denise Davis\tab Sutter Union` Lisandro Orozco` Steven Sweetwood` Laurence Montoya\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Ed Nepomuceno` Danny Tsai` \blockend -------- \topic imprompt` \title Impromptu Speaking` \keyword Impromptu Speaking` ======== \b Impromptu Speaking` \blockstart\tx2880` Telly Tse\tab San Gabriel` Carrie Avila\tab Clovis West` Jason Garcia\tab Independence` Bettina Thornton\tab Long Beach Poly` Sue Sadaghiani\tab Cupertino` \blockend -------- \topic infoconc` \title Information Procesing Concepts` \keyword Information Procesing Concepts` ======== \b Information Procesing Concepts` \blockstart\tx2880` Jeff Westphal\tab Sunny Hills` Israel Alanis\tab Santa Fe` Todd Hoo\tab Lynbrook` Eyal Soha\tab Cupertino` Kevin Chen\tab Bella Vista` \blockend -------- \topic introbus` \title Introduction to Business` \keyword Introduction to Business` ======== \b Introduction to Business` \blockstart\tx2880` Eddie Leung\tab Cupertino` Jonathan Lin\tab Lynbrook` Wendy Oswell\tab Long Beach Poly` Austin Che\tab Cupertino` Rob Wall\tab Clovis` \blockend -------- \topic jobman` \title Job Description Manual` \keyword Job Description Manual;Redwood` ======== \b Job Description Manual` \blockstart\tx2880` Saul Japson\tab Santa Fe` Fawn Huckaba\tab Mc Cloud` Elva DeHaro\tab Live Oak` Devanh Silapaxay\tab Redwood` Himanshu Sethi\tab Cupertino` \blockend -------- \topic jobinter` \title Job Interview` \keyword Job Interview` ======== \b Job Interview` \blockstart\tx2880` Kevin Ishno\tab Arlington` Karishma Kiri\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Frank Seo\tab Live Oak` Anna Thuc Nguyen\tab Santa Fe` Tamara McDonald\tab Clovis West` \blockend -------- \topic keyapp` \title Keyboarding Applications` \keyword Keyboarding Applications` ======== \b Keyboarding Applications` \blockstart\tx2880` Michael Schwartz\tab Ramona` Catheryn Briones\tab Santa Fe` Susan Bok\tab Warren` Jsu-Hei Lin\tab Davis` Sonny John\tab Sutter Union` \blockend -------- \topic locreport` \title Local Chapter Annual Business Report` \keyword Local Chapter Annual Business Report;Redwood` ======== \b Local Chapter Annual Business Report` Long Beach Poly` J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Redwood` Moorpark` Loyalton` -------- \topic machtran` \title Machine Transcription` \keyword Machine Transcription` ======== \b Machine Transcription` \blockstart\tx2880` Charity Buck\tab Santa Fe` Abby Fung\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Emy Chen\tab California` Jasmin Miranda\tab Yucaipa` Christina Devi\tab Seaside` \blockend -------- \topic mrfbla` \title Mr. Future Business Leader` \keyword Mr. Future Business Leader;Redwood` ======== \b Mr. Future Business Leader` \blockstart\tx2880` Mintak Joo\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Benjamin Ling\tab Lynbrook` Nimesh Narayan\tab Moorpark` Leonard Hill\tab Redwood` Daniel Whang\tab Sunny Hills` \blockend -------- \topic msfbla` \title Ms. Future Business Leader` \keyword Ms. Future Business Leader` ======== \b Ms. Future Business Leader` \blockstart\tx2880` Angela Lee\tab Lynbrook` Jennifer Fowe\tab Santa Maria` Caron Lee\tab Live Oak` Lital Barkan\tab William S. Hart` Anna Gutierrez\tab Long Beach Poly` \blockend -------- \topic parlpro` \title Parliamentary Procedure` \keyword Parliamentary Procedure;Redwood` ======== \b Parliamentary Procedure` \blockstart\tx2880` Kevin Bolen\tab Colusa` Scott Bransford` Joseph Richie` Matthew Salazar` Theron Spurgeon` Anna Gutierrez\tab Long Beach Poly` Janette Nguyen` Jessica Sanders` Ernest Vina` Leonard Hill\tab Redwood` Willie Yafawi` Brandon Young` Robert Young` Julianna Balicka\tab Lynbrook` Amy Chan` Jinah Choi` Dave Choi` Mike Foster\tab Moorpark` Mike Hoeft` Nimesh Narayan` Stephen Song` \blockend -------- \topic partbus` \title Partnership with Business` \keyword Partnership with Business;Redwood` ======== \b Partnership with Business` Clovis West` Clovis` Redwood` Cupertino` Bella Vista` -------- \topic pubspeak` \title Public Speaking` \keyword Public Speaking` ======== \b Public Speaking` \blockstart\tx2880` Ken Fitzgerald\tab Hilmar` Ken Van Egdon\tab Moorpark` Amy Bajaj\tab Warren` James Henrickson\tab Bellflower` Jason Garcia\tab Independence` \blockend -------- \topic short` \title Shorthand` \keyword Shorthand` ======== \b Shorthand` \blockstart\tx2880` Nghia Truong\tab Mark Keppel` Nhi Van\tab Alhambra` Flora Nguy\tab San Gabriel` \blockend -------- \topic wordproc` \title Word Processing` \keyword Word Processing` ======== \b Word Processing` \blockstart\tx2880` Hannah Peltier\tab Mc Cloud` Mintak Joo\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Nancy Ku\tab Lynbrook` Megan Streifel\tab Gustine` Shauna Huynh\tab Mark Keppel` \blockend -------- \topic drgraham` \title Dr. Jessie Graham` \keyword Dr. Jessie Graham;Redwood` ======== \b Dr. Jessie Graham` J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Live Oak` Loyalton` Moorpark` Redwood` -------- \topic sweep` \title Sweepstakes` \keyword Sweepstakes` ======== \b Sweepstakes` Lynbrook` J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Santa Fe` Moorpark` Cupertino` -------- \topic creed` \title Creed Contest` \keyword Creed Contest` ======== \b Creed Contest` \blockstart\tx2880` Shaily Irivide\tab Moorpark` Michele Philbrick\tab Greenville` Sue Sadaghiari\tab Cupertino` Steve Kincanon\tab Johansen` Myvah Pamphile\tab Quartz Hill` \blockend -------- \topic scholar` \title Scholarship: $500 Each` \keyword Scholarship: $500 Each` ======== \b Scholarship: $500 Each` \blockstart\tx2880` Amy Chan\tab Lynbrook` Jennifer Gardner\tab Alta Loma` Mintak Joo\tab J.F. Kennedy, La Palma` Barney Mok\tab Long Beach Poly` Duyen Nguyen\tab Frloin` Jennifer Rowe\tab Santa Maria` Frank Seo\tab Long Beach Poly` \blockend -------- \topic st_team` \title 1994-1995 Officer Team` \keyword 1994-95 officers;officer team;Redwood` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\b\fs24 1994-1995 California FBLA Officer Team` \b State President` David Weinberg` Half Moon Bay High School, Half Moon Bay` \b State Vice President Representing the Bay Section` Laura Lee` Live Oak High School, Morgan Hill` \b State Vice President Representing the Central Section` Ritesh Patel` Redwood High School, Visalia` \b State Vice President Representing the Gold Coast Section` Nikki Reyna` William S. Hart High School, Newhall` \b State Vice President Representing the Northern Section` Nicole Kearby` Sutter Union High School, Sutter` \b State Vice President Representing the Southern Section` Linh Thai` Victor Valley High School, Victor Valley` \b State Secretary` Robert Muller` Half Moon Bay High School, Half Moon Bay` \b State Treasurer` Stephen Song` Moorpark High School, Moorpark` \b State Reporter` Denny Yau` Bella Vista High School, Fair Oaks` \b State Parliamentarian` Theron Spurgeon` Colusa High School, Colusa` -------- \topic fund` \title Fundraisers & Activities` \keyword Fundraisers & Activities;Redwood` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\fs24\b Fundraisers & Activities` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Hueneme HS (Oxnard):hueneme]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Redwood HS (Visalia):redwood]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Yucaipa HS:yucaipa]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Florin HS (Sacramento):florin]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Sutter Union HS:sutter]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Homestead HS (Cupertino):homestead]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Argonaut HS (Jackson):argonaut]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Alhambra HS:alhambra]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Monrovia HS:monrovia]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Mark Keppel HS (Alhambra):keppel]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[South San Francisco HS:sanfran]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Turlock HS:turlock]]` -------- \topic hueneme` \title Hueneme` \keyword Hueneme` ======== \b\fs24 Hueneme HS (Oxnard)` The FBLA team assembled special Easter baskets containing all sorts of candies and chocolates each bearing a specific message written for a special person.` -- Hamilton Duldulao` -------- \topic redwood` \title Redwood` \keyword Redwood` ======== \b\fs24 Redwood HS (Visalia)` Pizza and brownies were sold to offset expenses for the Country Dinner Dance. The profits went to Family Services of Tulare County to purchase a dishwasher, copy machine, mini blinds, and three computers for the Battered Women's Shelter.` -- Katrina Lyon` -------- \topic yucaipa` \title Yucaipa` \keyword Yucaipa` ======== \b\fs24 Yucaipa HS` A poster sale was held and everyone enjoyed reading the funny sayings.` -- Laurie Fogus` -------- \topic florin` \title Florin` \keyword Florin` ======== \b\fs24 Florin HS (Sacramento)` Sloppy Joes were sold at the quarterly food faire. Although they did not sell as well as pizza it was much easier to organize and manage. In addition, Fast Food Card sales officially began entitling discounts at various fast food places. Members also passed out 1000 flyers to earn money for future conferences.` Clean campus week was promoted by our committee headed by Sorena Duran. Flyers were passed out with the message "Recycle, reuse, and renew, together with FBLA, work for a better tomorrow."` -- Linh Vong` -------- \topic sutter` \title Sutter` \keyword Sutter` ======== \b\fs24 Sutter Union HS` Subscriptions to the local paper, "The Sutter City Enterprise," were sold with money put into individual accounts for future conferences. Car washes were also held to help raise funds for conference fees and travel expenses.` --Annamaria Dugan` -------- \topic homestead` \title Homestead` \keyword Homestead` ======== \b\fs24 Homestead HS (Cupertino)` An all night party at Lynbrook H.S. was planned along with a BBQ at Sierra Park.` -- Maggie Cheng` -------- \topic argonaut` \title Argonaut` \keyword Argonau` ======== \b\fs24 Argonaut HS (Jackson)` We received a $40 donation from Water Street Antiques. We also received, as a joke a dictionary from the English department to be used next year on our Annual Business Report.` -- Melissa Hall` -------- \topic alhambra` \title Alhambra` \keyword Alhambra` ======== \b\fs24 Alhambra HS` We held an Easter Basket sale in March, each filled with candy and a card.` -- August Tuan` -------- \topic monrovia` \title Monrovia` \keyword Monrovia` ======== \b\fs24 Monrovia HS` Members were invited to attend and present information and pamphlets at the California Business Education Association Conference. Our FBLA booth was commended for its professionalism and received a $50 donation.` --Tavia Lorese Lawson` -------- \topic keppel` \title Keppel` \keyword Keppel` ======== \b\fs24 Mark Keppel HS (Alhambra)` The annual Spring Festival was held in hot weather so we decided to sell pina coladas, non-alcoholic, of course. Members donated money and supplies to make this a profitable adventure.` -- Tina Wong` -------- \topic sanfran` \title South San Francisco` \keyword South San Francisco` ======== \b\fs24 South San Francisco HS` Members sold concessions at the school musical "The Pajama Game."` --Liezl Raguindin` -------- \topic turlock` \title Turlock` \keyword Turlock` ======== \b\fs24 Turlock HS` Seven members ventured off to Fairfield to learn about business and taste it all in one trip to Jelly Belly. After a tour of the plant each person received a cup full of a variety of flavors of jelly beans.` -- Kuljinder Dosanjh` -------- \topic member` \title Membership, Management, & Leadership Skills` \keyword Membership, Management, & Leadership Skills` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\fs24\b Membership, Management, & Leadership Skills` \bmc bullet.bmp [[John F. Kennedy (La Palma):kennedy]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Live Oak HS (Morgan Hill):liveoak]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Clayton Valley HS (Concord):clayvalley]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Dunsmuir HS:dunsmuir]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Ceres HS:ceres]]` -------- \topic kennedy` \title John F. Kennedy` \keyword John F. Kennedy` ======== \b\fs24 John F. Kennedy HS (La Palma)` The officer team began an aggressive campaign to woo and recruit additional professional members.` Officers and members volunteered to host the Southern Section Conference and make it a success.` --Abby Fung -------- \topic liveoak` \title Live Oak` \keyword Live Oak` ======== \b\fs24 Live Oak HS (Morgan Hill)` Fifty members served as guides to visiting teachers and students from the areas' elementary and middle schools. Efforts were made to motivate younger students to stay in school and become involved.` Eleven members participated in the AT&T Investment Challenge and discovered the excitement and thrill of playing the stock market.` --J. Huy Lien` -------- \topic clayvalley` \title Clayton Valley` \keyword Clayton Valley` ======== \b\fs24 Clayton Valley HS (Concord)` Mary Enea and two students visited Pine Hollow Intermediate School to speak regarding the Business/Computer Education Department and FBLA` -- Jennifer Calpito` -------- \topic dunsmuir` \title Dunsmuir` \keyword Dunsmuir` ======== \b\fs24 Dunsmuir HS` Many members attended the "Job Expo" at the Redding Convention Center. Heidi Garrigus went through three on-the-spot interviews and gained a job from the experience.` -- Andrea LaVoy` -------- \topic ceres` \title Ceres` \keyword Ceres` ======== \b\fs24 Ceres HS` The FBLA class gave speeches on the nine goals of FBLA, each person being taught how to give a speech in front of an audience.` -- Randall Chong` -------- \topic repcontest` \title Reporters Contest` \keyword Reporters Contest;Redwood` ======== \b\fs24 Reporter's Contest Top Five Winners` {\b Melisa Hall} - Argonaut HS` {\b Annamaria Dugan} - Sutter Union HS` {\b Katrina Lyon} - Redwood HS` {\b Min Choi} - Santa Fe HS` {\b Abby Fung} - John F. Kennedy HS, La Palma` -------- \topic newsaward` \title Newsletter Award` \keyword Newsletter Award;Redwood` ======== \b\fs24 Newsletter Award Recipients` Argonaut` Bella Vista` Coast Union` Gunn` John F. Kennedy, La Palma` Lynbrook` Moorpark` Redwood` Santa Fe` South San Francisco` Sutter Union` -------- \topic public` \title Public Relations & Community Service Projects` \keyword Public Relations & Community Service Projects` ======== \keepn\cf7\qc\fs24\b Public Relations & Community Service Projects` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Coast Union HS:coast]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Paramount HS:paramount]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Bella Vista (Fair Oaks):bella]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Lynbrook HS (San Jose):lynbrook]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Clovis HS:clovis]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Reedley HS:reedley]]` \bmc bullet.bmp [[Santa Fe HS (Santa Fe Springs):santafe]]` -------- \topic coast` \title Coast Union` \keyword Coast Union` ======== \b\fs24 Coast Union HS (Cambria)` A beach clean-up outing united the participating members as we swept the beach free of debris and unwanted trash. Locals and tourists alike enjoyed the splendor of the day awed by the students and their obvious love of their environment and land. With the final conquering of a large, deserted tire, the members left the beach with sand in the socks and happiness in their minds.` -- Esperanza Calderon` -------- \topic paramount` \title Paramount` \keyword Paramount` ======== \b\fs24 Paramount HS` Lunch bags decorated with stickers, markers, and stamps were delivered to the Paramount Convalescent Home. Each bag was filed with Easter candy, Cheez-its, Ritz crackers, and sugar-less candy.` -- April Ferguson` -------- \topic bella` \title Bella Vista` \keyword Bella Vista` ======== \b\fs24 Bella Vista HS (Fair Oaks)` Members were kept busy as they helped the Lions Club with their annual benefit Pancake Breakfast. Also, in honor of National Secretaries' Day, the chapter hosted a luncheon for the secretaries, administrators, and counselors.` -- Courtney Hegseth` -------- \topic lynbrook` \title Lynbrook HS` \keyword Lynbrook HS` ======== \b\fs24 Lynbrook HS` FBLA members and kids from the Eisenhower School Day Care got together to follow maps, battle pirates, and otherwise defy nature in order to find a hiden treasure, sor of a scavenger hunt. The kids eventually found coins and a treasure of candy and party favors, with the help of assigned FBLA'ers.` -- Julianna Balicka` -------- \topic clovis` \title Clovis` \keyword Clovis` ======== \b\fs24 Clovis HS` This year's partnership with business involved distributing newsletters, which focused on six areas of business, to Clovis students. These newsletters had business cards, from the respective areas, attached along with advertisements paid for in the form of donations.` -- Bryan Wulf` -------- \topic reedley` \title Reedley` \keyword Reedley` ======== \b\fs24 Reedley HS` Eleven members attended and served cake at the monthly senior citizens' potluck at the Reedley Community Center. Also, fifteen members participated in the 1994 KIDS DAY by selling newspapers in downtown Reedley for the benefit of the Valley Children's Hospital.` -- Erin Chiamori` -------- \topic santafe` \title Santa Fe` \keyword Santa Fe` ======== \b\fs24 Santa Fe HS (Santa Fe Springs)` All members of the competitive events team were invited to W. T. Billard corporate offices for a tour and scavenger hunt. Many prizes were given out and the tour was worthwhile.` The Santa Fe Springs City Council honored the 12 members and advisors that went to the SLC with an "Award of Merit." Also, the Whittier Daily News followed up with an article about FBLA and its accomplishments.` -- Min Choi` -------- \topic campbell` \title Campbell Contest` \keyword Campbell Contest` ======== \b Campbell Contest` [[\b Funniest:fun]]` Martin Bui, Santa Fe HS` [[\b Best Matching:best]]` Michelle Arbeit, Santa Monica HS` [[\b Most Original:most]]` Frank Seo, Live Oak HS` -------- \topic fun` ======== \bmc fun.bmp ` \b Funniest` Martin Bui, Santa Fe HS` -------- \topic best` ======== \bmr best.bmp ` \b Best Matching` Michelle Arbeit, Santa Monica HS` -------- \topic most` ======== \bmc most.bmp ` \b Most Original` Frank Seo, Live Oak HS` ------- \topic credits` \title Credits` \keyword Credits` ======== \keepn\qc\cf7\fs24\b Acknowledgments` This Windows help file shows examples of popups, jump topics, graphic jumps, browse sequences, and colored non-scrolling regions. A Windows help file is also capable of playing sound (on computers with a sound board or device) and displaying 256 color graphics (with the EWDLL.DLL file on your computer).` Brochures, newsletters, phone and address directories, catalogs, and other documents can be converted into Windows help files.` Information was entered with WordPerfect 5.1, saved as a DOS text file, and converted into a Rich Text File with RTFGEN, written by Dave Baldwin. The resulting RTF file was compiled into a Windows help file with Microsoft Help compiler HCP.EXE version 3.10.505 downloaded from the Exec-PC bulletin board at (414) 789-4360. Graphics were edited in Windows Paintbrush.` [Necessary Files:necesfile]` [Other helpful files:optfile]` The May 1994 issue of The Californian was converted to a Windows help file by Larry Guevara, an FBLA advisor, business instructor, and tennis coach at Lemoore High School.` Comments, suggestions, additions and questions can be sent to:` Larry Guevara` Lemoore High School\line 101 E. Bush St.\line Lemoore, CA 93245\line (209) 924-0980\line (209) 924-6600, ext. 268\line Compuserve ID #: 73717,1550\line GEnie: LARRYACE` -------- \topic necesfile` \title Necessary Help files` \keyword Windows Help;necessary help files` ======== \b Necessary Help files` You'll need the following files to construct a Windows 3.1 help file.` \blockstart\tx1640\li1640\fi-1640` A text editor or word processor.` RTFGEN.EXE\tab Freeware program that converts formatted text file into Rich Text Format (RTF). Available in RTFGEN.ZIP which contains instructions and source files` HCP.EXE\tab Compiles RTF file into Windows help (.HLP) format. Runs from a DOS prompt in Windows 3.1. May be available as HCP.ZIP.` WINHELP.EXE\tab Windows 3.1 help viewer. Included with Windows 3.1.` PBRUSH.EXE\tab Windows 3.1 Paintbrush program for editing graphics.` \blockend -------- \topic optfile` \title Other Windows Help files` \keyword Other Windows Help files` ======== \b Other Windows Help files` \blockstart\tx1440\li1440\fi-1440` HAG.ZIP\tab Help Authoring Guide, a Windows help file by Microsoft that contains documentation on creating help files.` WHAT.ZIP\tab Windows Help Authoring Templates, contains a series of macros for Word for Windows (WHAT31.DOT, available for 2.0c or 6.0), a Help Project Editor (WHPE.EXE) to manage your project (.HPJ) file, a Hotspot Editor (SHED.EXE) to create hypergraphics (BMP graphic files with areas that act as popups or jump topics), and a Multi-Resolution Bitmap Compiler (MRBC.EXE) to create graphics to display correctly on CGA, EGA and 8514 displays.` EWDLL011.ZIP\tab Embedded Windows Dynamic Link Library, a freeware program with examples and source code which allows Windows Help to display 256 color graphics.` \blockend -------- \docend