This source code and program is in the public domain. About the puzzle This is a simulation of one of those sliding block puzzles usually made of plastic and given to children by their parents before a long car trip in the hope that it will keep them quiet. The point of the puzzle is to move the large block at the top center position to the bottom center. The pieces are dragged around using the mouse. It is a difficult puzzle requiring about 100 moves to solve. Complicating the problem is the fact that this puzzle must be solved in one sitting because there is no way to save a puzzle in progress. About the source code: I wrote this program in an attempt to learn about C++ in general and Microsoft Visual C++ in specific. I checked on PC-OHIO for sample MSVC++ code and found very little. This code demonstrates: A simple MSVC++ app with 1 view and no document. Customizing the registration of the main window. Dragging objects with the mouse. If anyone cares to examine the code I'd be interested in any critisism. I can be reached at: PC-OHIO: Dave Lemanowicz internet, (Freenet): CompuServe: 72142,2367 BEFORE BUILDING MSVC++ creates a subdirectory /RES off the project directory to hold resource files that are not edited by App Studio. PC-OHIO does not permit uploading .ZIP files with with subdirectories so the contents of the /RES directory were moved to the project directory. In order for the build to succeed the /RES directory will have to be created by you and the *.ico and *.rc2 files moved to it.