***** README FILE ***** IF YOU HAVE LESS THAN 3 MEGABYTES OF RAM... With less than 3 megabytes of RAM, you will probably need to run Windows in Enhanced Mode in order to use the Micro Cookbook. You can find out which "mode" Windows is running in by looking at the bottom section of the HELP - ABOUT PROGRAM MANAGER window. If Windows is running in Standard mode, force it into Enhanced mode by starting Windows with the command WIN /3 (instead of just WIN) then run the Micro Cookbook. Please refer to your Windows User Guide if you need more information about running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode. OTHER SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS: Your new and improved Micro Cookbook now has more features than ever! These additional features demand more space on your hard drive, so if Micro Cookbook seems to take up more room than you anticipated, rest assured that you receive something in return. The Micro Cookbook now requires a little over 6 megabytes of disk space. However, to insure that you have enough available disk space to store your own recipes, menus and shopping lists, after installing the Micro Cookbook, we require 7 megabytes of available disk space for installation. USING ONLINE HELP TO SUPPLEMENT YOUR USER GUIDE In some instances, the examples shown in the User Guide may not match exactly what you see on-screen. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause you. To make up for discrepancies, we have fully updated Online Help available. Just press F1 while you're in a window where you need help, and a help topics screen will appear. Scroll down the list to see available topics and click on the one you want to view. If you want to see an explanation of the screen you are currently viewing, select SEARCH from the Main Menu and in the text box that appears, type the name of the window you are in, for example, Recipe View Window. Your cursor will go to that topic. Double-click on it, or press ENTER to view that topic. For more hints on using Windows Online Help effectively, see your Windows User Guide. =================================== HELPFUL KEYSTROKES TO KNOW: - ALT+F4 = closes the active window - ALT + letter underlined in a Main Menu topic = will activate that command For example: Press ALT + F (File) + P (Print) to print an item. =================================== CHANGES TO YOUR USER GUIDE We've made some changes you should know about. Before you call our Product Support staff about inaccuracies in the User Guide, check your Online Help (see above for how to do that) for more current, or complete, information. NEW FEATURES!!! -We've added several new features that are not mentioned in your User's Guide. Please check your Online Help for information about Importing/Exporting Micro Cookbook 4.0 Recipes and Changing Recipe View Fonts. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS -System Requirements include a VGA monitor or higher resolution UPDATED COOKBOOKS - Company's Coming Cookbook is now entitled FRIENDLY FARE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ADDITION TO THE NEW/EDIT INGREDIENT WINDOW - We've included a feature in the New/Edit Ingredient window that allows you to choose how you want ingredients to pluralize. PRINTING WITH FONTS - If you choose to print a recipe, menu, or shopping list with a non-True Type, non-fixed-pitch font (such as CG Times), you may experience minor cosmetic problems printing nutrition information with your recipe, menu, or shopping list. COOKBOOKS WINDOW - In Cookbooks window (the window that appears when you first start Micro Cookbook), the button for Viewing a cookbook's recipes is now called RECIPES. The User Guide refers to it as "View". RECIPE FINDER - On page 29, the User Guide states that in Recipe Finder you can search for recipes by Name. This is incorrect. While you can search for recipes in Recipe Finder by category, course, cooking method, etc. NAME SEARCHES are performed through the BookRack. - On pages 32-34, pictures of the Recipe Finder show a RECIPE NAME SEARCH field. This field was removed from Recipe Finder before Version 4.0 was finalized. ADDING INGREDIENTS TO YOUR RECIPE - On pages 38 and 49, the NOTE states "You must TAB past the ingredient field in order to add the ingredient to your recipe." While this is true in the DOS version of Micro Cookbook 4.0, it is not for the Windows version. INCLUDING EMBEDDED RECIPES IN A RECIPE Sometimes a recipe will include another (embedded) recipe in it (for example, pumpkin pie includes a recipe for PIE CRUST). To "embed" a recipe in one you are working on: - In the ADDING INGREDIENTS/RECIPES TO RECIPE window, check the CHECK HERE TO ADD OTHER RECIPES TO THIS RECIPE checkbox. - Then type the quantity number, check the FUZZY SEARCH box, and tab to the ingredient text field. Type the name or part of the name of the recipe you want to add and press ENTER. MOVING A RECIPE BETWEEN COOKBOOKS - On pages 18 and 54 of your User Guide, the instructions for moving a recipe tell you to copy the recipe, then use the RECIPE-DELETE command. While this will in fact move your recipe, it may be confusing, since the SELECT RECIPE FOR DELETE window will show both the original recipe and its copy -- and you'll have to guess which is the original recipe you want to delete. A quicker and safer way of moving recipes is: 1. After you copy your recipe(s), close the Copy Selected Recipes window. 2. Then open the cookbook where your original recipe is located. Choose the Delete button and answer Yes at the prompt. 3. Your original recipe is now deleted, that is, you have moved it to another location. IMPORTING 3.X RECIPES - On pages 55 and 113 of your User Guide, it states that if you do not specify the destination cookbook when you import recipes, your recipes will import to the AMERICA'S FAMOUS NAME FOODS cookbook. This is not entirely correct. If you do not specify the destination cookbook when you import recipes, your recipes will import to the first cookbook that appears at the top of your cookbooks list. - On pages 54 and 114 of your User Guide, it states that in order to import Micro Cookbook 3.x recipes, they must contain ingredients and a number of servings. This is no longer accurate. You can import ANY MICRO COOKBOOK 3.x RECIPES, regardless of their content. ADVANCED SCALING On pages 70 and 74, the User Guide states that you can change the measurement used by Advanced Scaling to OUNCES. This is incorrect. You can change the serving amount to ounces in the Nutrition Edit window, but not in Advanced Scaling. See the Conversion Chart in Help under APPENDIXES - REFERENCE CHARTS - APPROXIMATE EQUIVALENTS for gram equivalents of popular measurements. SHOPPING LISTS - In addition to the other items listed on page 98, you can include Menus in shopping lists. TROUBLESHOOTING RUNNING MSD (page 117 of the User Guide) If MSD does not run you will have to change the directory you are in to your Windows directory first. AFTER DARK AND QUICKEN BILLMINDER(page 118 of the User Guide) If your system has After Dark screen savers or Quicken Billminder, Micro Cookbook may have some difficulties. Try disabling them and running Micro Cookbook. Some users experience problems running the Micro Cookbook with certain versions of these memory resident programs. PEST CONTROL -- or -- What to Do if you Encounter a Bug in Micro Cookbook 4.0... In our quest to bring you the best recipe management software on the market, we have tested and re-tested Micro Cookbook 4.0 on a wide variety of computer systems. However we may have overlooked a bug or two. If you encounter a bug in Micro Cookbook, please don't hesitate to let us know! All of us want you to have the best Program possible, so drop us a note at: Pinpoint Publishing P.O. Box 7329 Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Or give us a call at: (707) 523-0467 (9-5 Pacific Time) Our fax number is: (707) 523-0469