Document 2710 DOCN M94A2710 TI Quality assurance (QA) in Dominican laboratories doing HIV testing. DT 9412 AU Koenig RE; Malla A; Butler M; National Laboratory of Public Health, Santo Domingo, Dominican; Republic. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):242 (abstract no. PB0398). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94369865 AB OBJECTIVE: To determine how the QA intervention during the previous year influenced the outcome of the laboratory evaluations this year and to extend the appraisal of laboratory capability with respect to HIV testing to the entire country. METHODS: Two criteria were utilized: laboratory inspections and a proficiency panel prepared in the country. RESULTS: The overall inspection average of all the laboratories that participated last year increased from 3.71 (of 5) in 1992 to 4.06 in 1993. The average for the laboratories that joined the program this year was 3.56. A total of 116 laboratories participated in the program. In the proficiency panel, the laboratories from last year correctly identified 91.4% of the reactive sera and 100% of the nonreactive sera; whereas, the laboratories joining this year only identified 78.2% of the reactive samples and 98.7% of the nonreactive. When the participants evaluated the project, 72% said they had implemented at least 55% of the suggestions made by the inspectors, while all indicated their desire for the program to continue. CONCLUSIONS: QA programs can bring about positive changes in laboratory performance and are needed in developing countries to improve and maintain the quality of the clinical laboratories. Moreover, such a program in the area of HIV diagnosis could provide the impetus to develop QA programs for all areas of the laboratory. DE *AIDS Serodiagnosis *Developing Countries Dominican Republic Human HIV Seropositivity/*DIAGNOSIS/IMMUNOLOGY Predictive Value of Tests *Quality Assurance, Health Care Quality Control MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).