Mark and Cindi Sherman disclaim all warranties as to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, functionality, data integrity or protection. This software is Shareware, you are encouraged to distribute & register it. UNLESS THE EXPRESS PERMISION IS OBTAINED FROM THE ABOVE AUTHORS, AND OTHER AUTHORS THAT WROTE PARTS THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN USED AS IDEEAS AND BLOCKS, THIS PROGRAM MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED, MODIFIED, INCLUDED IN ANY PACKAGES, FOR PROFIT, UNDER PENALTY OF LAW. Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation or elsewere appear for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective companies and individuals. Boyan is one of the finest communication programs around. Support the Shareware concept, please register Programs with their Authors. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Luxury Host for Boyan's Professional Communication program and it's fans, is easy to set up and manage. Runs well with all kinds of modems. --------------------------- Quick & Easy Start -------------------------- Please make sure your Boyan is in your Autoexec.Bat PATH (it should) While you are in the root of the drive where Boyan is located, you should be able to start Boyan from there, just by typing "Boyan". If you can't do that, you will run into problems, later. 1. Unzip the file straight in your \Boyan\Script\ Dir. Enter the macro configuration mode by pressing [ALT + C] ; M from the Boyan's Black screen. Change the macro for [ALT + I] to read \SC[MARK] I've configured my default message directory as C:\BOYAN50\HOST\ and the default Host files Directory as C:\ZIP\ but you could enter any valid Directory instead of that. If you intend to scan the Uploads against viruses, you must have Transcan into your Protocol directory. You can find Transcan on the majority Bbs's it's a popular upload file checker. Or, just put McAfee's Vscan in you path. 2. Unzip the file in your \Boyan\Host\ Directory. These are sample messages and colorfull ANSI Welcome screen, etc. 3. Run the script in Local Mode, once, so that it will have a chance to create the Directories for you, including the *NEW* Doors Directories. The first time you'll run MARK.BSC, it will create Directories and reference files so that it could check your defaults and paths. It should be able to create the Main Mark Host Doors Dir. \BOYAN\DOORS, the individual Doors Directories \BOYAN\DOORS\DOORa through x, your TEMP Upload Directories (based on your basic Host File Directory configuration), inside them: DIR1, DIR2, DIR3, DIR4 files, and the file Welcome.msg in your Host's Message Directory. They're all small, reference files, DO NOT delete them from these directories as they would be used for indexing through the usage of your new Host. Each time you run MARK.BSC will checks if you have these directories present, and is going to look for files inside them. If they're not there, it will try to recreate them, and if for some reason it can't, it will abort. 4. Unzip the file in any Temp (CheckOut) directory. If you don't have one yet (!), create it. You will find 3 Zip files: SHAMPAGE.ZIP FFIGHT33.ZIP SLOTS14.ZIP. 5. Unzip SHAMPAGE.ZIP in your \Boyan\Doors\DoorA Directory. 6. Unzip FFIGHT33.ZIP in your \Boyan\Doors\DoorB Directory. 7. Unzip SLOTS14.ZIP in your \Boyan\Doors\DoorC Directory. Except fot Shampage, the other 2 Doors need to be registered if you intend to use them, Same is Mark Host . I'm only doing you the favor of picking up the Long Distance telephone charges and supplying you with your first samples of Doors my Host can and will be able to run. You are responsible for registering these with their respective Authors, and for all and any damage that might occur from their usage. The files are in their Unmodified state, the way I've Downloaded them from my local Bbs's, I verified them here in my own copy of Mark Host and they performed as per their documentation. =============== Why temporary Upload directories ================= If you, by any chance are questioning this, perhaps you never had a user on your System that mistakenly or intentionally uploaded a virus or commercial copyrighted programs to your host. If that would ever happen, is better for something like that NOT to be automatically made available, for further distibution to your Users. One of Mark Host's main goal is, and allways be your System's safetyness! I strongly urge any SysOp or Host manager to issue the correct string to the modem that disables the +++ Escape characters. It is the best kept secret of Bbs's that remain Unsucessfully attacked by hackers untill now. Please, realize that if your Modem's mode can be switched with the +++ command, that could be done from remote, by anyone. On one of my modems, (Zoom Fax/14400), the command that acomplishes this is: AT S2=255 Check in your manual and see if it applies to your modem. Also, if you want to be able to see the User's correct Connect speeds (and not the usually reported computer to modem speed) - displayed on the Host status bar and in the Activity Logs, - issue the right command. In my case, Zoom modem command is S95=3 (I don't really remember if the Zyxel and the USR Dual Standard 16.8 are the same). ...I'll take a look in my manuals and report to you with another occasion. User's Levels: -------------- Each level user can only upload to their designated upload areas. For example level 0 can only enter comments to the SysOp, (unless he/she enters a validation code that you gave out - and in that case his/her user level would be automatically Upgraded accordingly. Level 0 Upload path is: NO Uploads NO Downloads Level 1 Upload path is: \ZIP\TEMP\ Downloads \ZIP\ files only Level 2 Upload path is: \ZIP2\TEMP\ Can download \ZIP\ and \ZIP2\ files Level 3 Upload path is: \ZIP3\TEMP\ Can download \ZIP\ \ZIP2\ \ZIP3\ files Level 4 Upload path is: \ZIP4\TEMP\ Can download ALL files and drop to DOS etc As far as the messages goes: Level 0 can read and post messages at level 0 only. Level 1 can read and post messages at level 1 only. Level 2 can read and post messages at level 2 only. Level 3 can read and post messages at level 3 only. Level 4 (SysOp) can read and post ALL messages at ALL levels. One nice feature is that one can enter a message with it's title to match a User's first name, and on the next log on that User would be automatically displayed that personal message! It's possible to adjust the available time per call, for each separate level: edit the |StartTime block, \IVL+0[\SVK[30]] means that if User's "L"evel is 0 then the variable "K" should be 30 (minutes) where variable "K" is the total time (in minutes), per call. The following example gives 45 minutes to level 1 : \IVL+1[\SVK[45]] Hmmm... What about some callers that want to get by not identifying themselves? Well ...this Host mode has a built in CALL BACK validation procedure. Mark Host will first look if the entered phone number is being in use by another user that already exists on your list of callers. Then, your Luxury Host will check if the caller's Phone number was previously called (more than 10 times): If yes, it will refuse to call again there. If the DONTCALL (ASCII file) is found in your Boyan's phone subdirectory, a search would be performed against the caller's number. If the caller's number will be matched to a line that contains a phone number followed by the word "SKIP" then, again, your host will refuse to call that number. This is good if a kid wants to make your Computer call Hospitals, Police, and so on! No number will be called back if matched with another Bbs's Phone number found in your DONTCALL list, and the caller will be asked if he/she is *The* SysOp of that Bbs. If the answer is No, he/she will have to start all over. If the answer is Yes, your Host will see if it can get you access on that Bbs, asking this SysOp if YOU can have an account with that Bbs! In my town (New York City) several numbers that begin with 411,540,976 are charge (fee) information access numbers. For obvious reasons, the Host commes programmed to reject numbers that begin with the above, but if you'll like to change that, you can manually edit the Script: Look in the |UserNotFound block, somewhere around line 440. If the callers's area code match a pre-configured list of acceptable area codes to call, it will call back and validate automatically! Make sure you edit the acceptable area codes (from the SysOp menu). A sample of the file NEW.MSG is included in this package. It is the text that should contain your policy, subscription costs, terms, rules, Host schedule etc. Customize it according to your personality and your Host color and move it into your Host's message directory. If the file is available at the time Mark Host answers the phone to a New User, it will be displayed and the user will be asked if He/She agrees with the presented terms. Everything would be nice and Dandy if the caller answers [Y]es. If not, your Host will deny access, erase the caller from the User's list and disconnect. More features? ...what about a QWK Mail Run at a predesignated time? If used in conjunction with Mark & Cindi Sherman's Dialer.Bsc script your new Host script will see that the pre-programmed events in your Dialer script will be respected! ...So you can program a dialing session at a specific hour and your Host Mode will run it, and come back! That, in conjunction with Mark & Cindi Sherman's QWK.BSC, the automated QWK Mail runner for PcBoards and Wildcat are going make your modem-ing experience as good as it could get! Safety again: You'll be away, and would like to be able to separate future co-workers callers from the casual drop-ins? Together with the Host's phone's number, give out up to 4 (four) different, special, configurable, secret separate "Level Increase" Codes. Then, when used by a New User, the code will automatically increase his/her level and file transfer access - to your pre-programmed specifications. This will make your users management easier, because you will certainly know right away where your callers are are coming from, in fact, they are auto-validating themselves with the right access! The above "Level Increase" Codes should be changed by editing your Host script as soon as you'll have the time for it. Look in the |Level increase block. Be extremely carefull giving out a Code that would increase a User to level #4. That's the maximum level which would allow a User to go to your Dos prompt and do whatever could be done from a Dos prompt! Mark Host supports Upload files checking. if it finds Transcan or McAfee virus scan, it would scan against Viruses (and if any found, delete them). If you put the Transcan file checker in your PROTOCOL Directory, it will even display the file processing to the User on line, so he/she won't get tired of waiting! One can find Transcan on most Wildcat Boards, since it's a popular Wildcat file upload checker. You must configure Boyan to reserve a minimum of 400 K of memory for Doshell for this to work. (And for future Door features) The next feature is file descriptions. Mark Host fully supports files descriptions. Uploaders would be prompted to enter a 50 characters file description. Also, a "Would be" downloader could read a file description while in the file scroll mode, or from the main Menu! Descriptions are saved as the Uploaded file name with a .DES at the end, so you can always Message Upload this description file yourself, when calling other boards ...You will never have to type another description on line! :-) The file reading capabilities will allow Level 2 and up to read any Text or Doc from your computer, remotely. That's good if "Joe Doe", the beginner wants to get an idea how your Autoexec.bat file looks like, just tell him to choose [V]iew \AUTOEXEC.BAT and ...Bingo! the file will get displayed on his remote screen. ...Or, maybe you just want to make any sort of text available to your callers. ...I have a friend that makes money with federal job listings that he obtains for free from a government bbs. Listing available files for Download is full of options too: While Users see the listed files, they can choose to Unzip a .ZIP file, read a description, or download file(s). ...Yes!, I said files, - with an "S" -, because, your new Luxury Host now supports wildcards and (if current User has enough access level, paths too) and it will do it accordingly to the User's level. What does that mean? ...Well if the User want to get all files with say: *.BSC pattern, then all files available for him/her would be made available for Download. Of course, if the User is at level 4 (SysOp) he/she can download any path, directory, file, patern from the Hard Drive! For remote Jump to Dos to work nice, put a copy of the Doorway.Exe (TM) in your Boyan's Doors Directory. Tired of getting 300 Baud calls from unknown callers taking away time from your friends with 16.800 modems? ...Another MARK.BSC exclusive feature is that the calling baud (or speed) could be configured so that the calling speeds are marked as [Y]es, [N]o or [M]essage: If marked [Y] that particular speed would be accepted. If marked [M] that particular speed would get accepted, but a message asking user to eventually upgrade his/her modem. If marked [N], and the amount of rings to pick up the phone on = 13, your Host would still pick up the phone on the first ring, a record in your Log containing the caller's Name and Phone number entered, but that particular speed would NOT be accepted, and the User will be displayed a message about that speed not being supported and logged off :-{ If confidentiality is at stake, you might find yourself wanting to limit callers to the one already present on your System: In that case, just configure the Host for 14 rings. Your Modem would still pick up the phone on the first ring, but if the user is not already on the list of users, he/she would be asked for the phone number - for your own records - and given the "This is a closed System", and hung up on :-{ Ohhh ...before I forget... SysOp treatment is as good as it could get: SysOps have now access to the Activity log, a full featured way to see who called, and what did they do on your System while you were away, and, ...if you are brave (and need it) you could run Boyan macros *REMOTELY*, as you desire. SysOps running out of time? Just enter the "Boyan macro command" and enter \BL[WELCOME] as the macro to run while you are away and connected to your own computer. You will then be logged on from the beggining, thus getting you more time on your own system! --------------------------- IN THE END -------------------------------- My thanks and appreciation goes to Justin Boyan of Boyan Communications the writer of the great Boyan 5.0 that we all have today, and to the fine people that wrote previous scripts, which parts of them might have been used as ideas and blocks in this one and others: Lee Breeden, Ronald A. Cronenwett, Paul Burkle, Matthew Waldron, Dave Muscato and many others which I apologize for not listing them here, now, but my thoughts go to you too. If you'd like to thank us for the time spent writing this, and get some advice setting up your new Host, you can send what you can to: P.O. Box 4162, L.I.C. NY 11104 New York. We are trying to save some money and register the programs that we use, but anything, (like old hardware, software, disks, etc.) will be welcomed. For our contributors, the latest version of this script, plus support, is available from 718 786 6134,,,,, Number needs to be dialed as shown (with commas at the end). When prompted for the "Level Increase Code" just enter your personal Password. Not necesarilly the very latest version if it, could be found on: Computers & Dreams Tel. (212) 888 6565 Ivyland Tel. (215) 443 7390 Boyan Ed's Home Tel. (301) 854 3076 My Place Bbs Tel. (301) 805 1602 Alpha Omega Tel. (609) 692 9366 Intelec Tel. (618) 242 9506 A-Mega Bbs. Tel. (713) 488 6077 Moondog, New York Tel. (718) 692 2498 NY Running Board Tel. (718) 519 1791 Consultant Bbs. Tel. (718) 837 3236 Jim's Pc Paradise Tel. (718) 458 0502 Maria's Castle Bbs Tel. (718) 746 6392 10-30 Bbs New York Tel. (718) 762 1030 Happy modeming, Mark & Cindi. ----------------------------------------------------------------------