The registration cost for NorTel is $49.00 CDN. It includes a registered copy sent to you by mail and also a second upgrade which will be send as soon as one becomes available. After July 1,1994 look for a newer version of NorTel. It will have the new prices. If you can't find one, give us a call. The reason we have the prices lower now is to attract our first costumers. We don't know what the new cost will be, but it will be more, right now we really need some money to speed up the develepment for the update. We also plan to release a EGA version and VGA will then only be avaliable as the registured vershion. By the way, when NorTel version 1.00 was released no registured version yet existed. It mayby another 3 or 4 mounts before you can expect one to be sent to you. If you would like all upgrades sent to you then you can send in a registration fee of $69.00 CAN, this will entitle you to all future upgrades without any other fees. Those who register for the basic deal will of course be able to get upgrades without paying the full registration cost, you will be able to update for about $10.00. For costumers outside Canada, the basic registration fee is $39.00 U.S and $55.00 U.S for the second deal. If you are some sort of business and are in need of more then 10 copes then read the licence.frm. Please make the pay with check or money order to: EZEware 1887 WILLIAM HODGINS LANE CARP,ONT.K0A 1L0 CANADA. -------- IF YOU HAVE A PRINTER PLEASE START PRINTING HERE -------------------- Please check of which package you are ordering IN CANADA: Basic registration of ========= $49.00 CAN, Number of copes ( ). All upgrades, registration of = $69.00 CAN, Number of copes ( ). OUT SIDE OF CANADA: In Canadian currency: Basic registration of ========= $52.00 CAN, Number of copes ( ). All upgrades, registration of = $72.00 CAN, Number of copes ( ). In U.S. currency: Basic registration of ========= $39.00 U.S, Number of copes ( ). All upgrades, registration of = $55.00 U.S, Number of copes ( ). Please check of the type of disk drive you have: 5 1/4" DOUBLE DENSITY ( ) HIGH DENSITY ( ) 3 1/2" DOUBLE DENSITY ( ) HIGH DENSITY ( ) Note you don't have to answer the following parts. Please answer the following qustions so we can write a better NorTel. Answer using (Y)es (N)o, or a number from 1 to 10. 10 being really important and 1 not that important. 1. Do you think we sould make a EGA vershion? ( ). 2. Do you find the documation sufficient? ( ). 3. Do you need to change comport setting for different bbs? ( ). 4. Would you like the option of a text terminal for speed? ( ). 5. How inportant is full keyboard support? ( ). 6. Do you have a sound card? ( ). 7. Would you like to use two modems at the same time? ( ). 8. Do you have a SVGA with 1M of video ram ( ). Suggestions for new features, or annoying features, or reporting bugs. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________