Hi! Well, it's finally finished <'whew'>. New in this version, over 1.30a, is the ability to record and run Scripts (like macros, only for Cool Edit). Scripts are recorded into .SCP files, which can hold as many individual scripts as necessary. I have included four .SCP files, each with a few scripts. Some for file rate conversion which do the appropriate pre or post filtering to cleanly convert sample rates. Some for generating sound effects, some simple tasks such as reverse echo, and a collection of brainwave synchronization scripts to quickly generate some of these interesting sounds. The toolbar is customizable by modifying the cool.ini file (in the Windows directory). I admit it's not the easiest way to re-arrange, and re-prioritize the toolbar, but it works! Play bar scrolls across wave when played. New Autocue button in Play List will play the next item in the play list (looping if necessary) and then stop. Pressing Autocue again will then play the next item in the play list. Save Selection under File lets you save just the highlighted selection. Stretching while preserving pitch or tempo now sounds very clean! Speed up or slow down samples with very little distortion, and have complete control over the level and type of distortion that there is. Distortion manifests itself as a "tunnel" sound, echoing, chorusing, or missing sylables, but it is only noticable when making drastic changes to pitch or speed. Also fixed a few bugs: It loads from the command line (and can again be associated in the File Manager); Uses less memory to allow more copies of itself to be active at once; Trim is now undoable; Generate Tones bug fixed which was eating too much memory. Remember: A 486-DX, -DX/2, OR COPROCESSOR SYSTEM IS 10 TO 20 TIMES FASTER THAN AN -SX OR NON-COPROCESSOR SYSTEM! Feel free to write if you have any suggestions, or comments, or whatever. If you really like this version, and want to do me a favor, then you could upload this version (I have included cool131.zip) to all your favorite BBSs that would welcome such a program. And, as a special favor, if you have write access to any internet FTP sites, I would love it if you could FTP it to them, and then drop me a line letting me know what the address of the FTP site was you uploaded to. Many people ask for the latest version, but are not members of any major BBSs. If you upload this version, then I thank you... Thanks :) -See ya David Johnston 28022 NE 147th Place Duvall, WA 98019