You now have in your hands the BASICS of UNDERSTANDING LAW in a nutshell -- at least, it is as simple as I can get it. First things first. I am a researcher and compiler who loves suing the government. I love pulling their shorts down to their knees to watch them trip. I've been a student of the TAX FREEDOM MOVEMENT for ten years, a legal researcher for four years, and on the front lines for three. If you haven't noticed, the government is out of control and it is our duty to bring the bureaucrats (especially the IRS and the lawyers that represent them) back to the BASIC UNDERSTANDING of what a Republic form of government is all about. But in order to do this, the non-lawyer with a belief in fighting for what is right, needs an understanding of the law. Reading the chapters in this electronic book will help you plant your roots. But to nurture the roots, to make sure you have the right soil conditions, climate, water, etc., you will have to go beyond what you find here. Embark on a course of self-education and knowledge. Who knows! You may find fighting the OUTLAWS fun. Bill Blannon THE COMPILER