.HE TEXT LIST FOR LIBRARY: LTRBNS * = Local Variable 01.01 ** ADDRESS - INDIVIDUAL - NO COMPANY NAME ***************** ___1___ ___2___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ ___6___: 01.02 ** ADDRESS - WITH COMPANY NAME **************************** ___1___ ___2___ ___7___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ ___6___: 01.03 ** ADDRESS - WITH COMPANY NAME & SUBJECT LINE ************* ___1___ ___2___ ___7___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ Subject: ___8___ ___6___: 01.04 ** ADDRESS - WITH ATTENTION LINE ************************** ___1___ ___7___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ Attention: ___2___ 01.05 ** ADDRESS - WITH ATTENTION LINE & SUBJECT LINE *********** ___1___ ___7___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ Attention: ___2___ Subject: ___8___ 01.06 ** CLOSING - YOURS TRULY & SIGNATURE ONLY ***************** Yours truly, ___9___ 01.07 ** CLOSING - YOURS TRULY - CO. NAME & SIGNATURE *********** Yours truly, ___10___ ___9___, ___11___ 01.08 ** CLOSING - SINCERELY & SIGNATURE ONLY ******************* Sincerely, ___9___ 01.09 ** CLOSING - CORDIALLY & SIGNATURE ONLY ******************* Cordially, ___9___ 01.10 *** CLOSING - VERY TRULY YOURS & SIGNATURE ONLY *********** Very truly yours, ___9___ 01.11 *** ADDRESS - WRITER'S & ADDRESSEE'S NAME & ADDRESS ******* ___9___ ___12___ ___13___ ___14___ ___1___ ___2___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ ___6___: 01.12 *** ADDRESS - LETTERHEAD - ADDRESSEE'S NAME & ADDR ******** ___1___ ___2___ ___3___ ___4___ ___5___ ___6___: 01.13 *** CLOSING - SINCERELY WITH NAME AND TITLE *************** Sincerely, ___9___ ___11___ 01.14 *** CLOSING - SINCERELY WITH NAME, TITLE, ENCLOSURE ******* Sincerely, ___9___ ___11___ Enclosure 01.15 *** CLOSING - CORDIALLY WITH NAME AND TITLE *************** Cordially, ___9___ ___11___ 01.16 *** CLOSING - YOURS TRULY WITH NAME AND TITLE ************* Yours truly, ___9___ ___11___ 01.17 *** CLOSING - RESPECTFULLY WITH NAME AND TITLE ************ Respectfully, ___9___ ___11___ 02.01 ** AGREEMENT - VERBAL, CONFIRMATION - EMPLOYER ABSENT ***** ___15__ß ió iî ___16__ß anä noô expecteä bacë iî thå officå untiì ___17___. Beforå  ___18__ß left¬  ___18__ß authorizeä må tï telì  yoõ  thaô ___18__ß  agreeó  tï ___19___®  Thió letteò  wilì  confirí  thaô arrangement. If you have any questions please let me know. 02.02 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - ADOPTION OF NEW POLICIES **************** ___20___ TO: ___21___ FROM: ___9___ SUBJECT: ___22___ ___23__ß á ne÷ policù haó beeî adopteä bù ___24__ß concerninç thå above subject, as follows: ___25___ É wilì appreciatå eacè oæ yoõ makinç surå yoõ understanä thió ne÷ policù anä especiallù youò cooperatioî iî makinç iô worë foò  thå benefit of our organization. Everyonå  benefitó froí á smoothlù ruî organizatioî anä  sï  youò assistancå  iî  implementinç theså ruleó wilì bå  appreciateä  bù everyone. Thank you. 02.03 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - DEATH OF A SALESMAN & REPLACEMENT ******* Foò  á  lonç timå yoõ havå beeî á valueä customeò  anä  gavå  ouò salesman¬  ___26___¬  á  warí reception®  Regretfully¬  wå  musô inform you that ___26___ suddenly died ___27___. Thió ió á quicë notå tï leô yoõ kno÷ thaô ___15__ß wilì bå takinç oveò ___26___'ó  territorù anä wilì bå droppinç iî oî yoõ  soon®  Wå  thinë verù highlù oæ ___15__ß anä ___28__ß knowledgå  oæ  ouò product. Wå  arå surå thaô yoõ wilì continuå tï enjoù thå samå  profitablå and pleasant relationship that you knew with ___26___. 02.04 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - INCREASE IN SERVICE CHARGES ************* Therå haó  beeî  á  rapiä  riså iî laboò  anä  operatinç  costs®  Becauså  oæ  theså facts¬  ___29__ß reluctantlù  haó  decideä  tï increase its charges on ___30___. Theså servicå chargå increaseó wilì varù dependinç oî thå servicå youò companù uses® Iæ yoõ havå anù questions¬  pleaså calì uó aô ___31___. Wå  appreciatå youò patronagå anä looë forwarä tï continuinç  ouò mutually beneficial business relationship. 02.05 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - MERGER OF BUSINESSES ******************** Effectivå   ___32___¬   ___33__ß  wilì  becomå  associateä   witè ___34___®  Thió mergeò provideó addeä strengtè tï ___34__ß  botè iî termó oæ publiã acceptancå anä operatinç capitaì anä wå expecô tï  bå  ablå tï servå ouò customeró morå  efficientlù  thaî  eveò before. Yoõ wilì bå pleaseä tï kno÷ thaô ___35__ß oæ youò olä friendó anä acquaintanceó  aô  ___34__ß  wilì remaiî oî ouò  stafæ  anä  thaô ___36__ß  oæ  thå employeeó oæ ___33__ß wilì bå joininç  theí  tï servå yoõ better®  Aó thå ne÷ owneró oæ ___33__ß wå dï noô  wisè tï  disturâ thå relationshipó whicè havå beeî builô uð  oveò  thå years with its valued customers. 02.06 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - NEW BUSINESS LOCATION ******************* Iî  keepinç witè ouò neeä foò á convenienô locatioî  foò  servinç ouò  clientele¬  wå arå prouä tï announcå thå ___37__ß ió  movinç its operations to ___38___ on or about ___39___. Wå believå yoõ wilì finä thió ne÷ locatioî á convenienô placå  tï dï futurå businesó witè us®  Wå thinë ouò facilitieó therå  wilì enable us to provide you better service in the future. Whù  noô  comå  bù sometimå afteò ouò movå anä leô  uó  sho÷  yoõ around¿  Yoõ wilì probablù bå interesteä iî thå ___40__ß wå havå added to our business. We look forward to seeing you soon. 02.07 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - NEW EMPLOYEE OF A BUSINESS ************** Iô  ió  witè  á greaô deaì oæ pleasurå thaô wå  adviså  yoõ  thaô effectivå  ___41___¬  ___42__ß  wilì  bå  joininç  ouò  stafæ  aô ___43__ß  aó  ___44___®  ___15__ß  comeó froí  á  backgrounä  oæ ___45___, and ___18___ is highly qualified for this position. Wå looë forwarä tï ouò continueä businesó relationshið anä  thinë yoõ  wilì bå pleaseä witè youò futurå dealingó witè  ouò  companù through ___15___. 02.08 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - NEW HOME FURNISHINGS STORE OPENING ****** ___46__ß haó openeä á ne÷ storå iî ___47__ß aô ___48__ß whicè  wå thinë  yoõ  wilì  enjoy®   ___46__ß  haó  beeî  satisfyinç  homå furnishinç  needó sincå ___49___®  Ouò experiencå haó  showî  uó thaô wheî yoõ shop¬  yoõ wanô selection¬  quality¬  availability¬ and value. We can offer you all this and more! Wå  havå expandeä ouò inventorù oæ furnishingó oæ  oveò  ___50__ß rooí  groupingó tï includå ___51___®  Thió  collectioî  featureó ___52__ß  aó welì aó manù otheò famouó namå brandó thaô  completå our ___53___ inventory. Aó aî introductorù offeò tï visiô ouò ne÷ ___47__ß  store¬  we'rå offerinç  yoõ  á  ___54__ß  discounô  oî  ALÌ  regularlù   priceä merchandise®  Wå alsï havå á "get-acquainted¢ gifô foò you®  Iô ió  ___55__ß  whicè  ió  absolutelù FREÅ  witè  anù  purchaså  oæ ___56___ or more. You have a choice of ___57___ to select from. Tï makå shoppinç eveî morå oæ á convenience¬ ___46__ß inviteó yoõ tï opeî á chargå accounô witè us¬ today®  Witè thió carä yoõ caî chargå  youò purchaseó anä noô havå tï bå concerneä abouô á  dowî paymenô  oò tyinç uð youò otheò chargå cards®  Anä  youò  crediô carä wilì bå welcomeä aô anù oæ ouò ___58__ß otheò storeó  acrosó the United States. Alì yoõ havå tï dï ió completå thå coupoî belo÷ anä returî iô  iî thå postpaiä envelopå thaô ió encloseä foò youò convenience® Whù not do it today? 02.09 ** ANNOUNCEMENT - NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER ******************** Iî ordeò tï servå yoõ better¬  wå havå recentlù moveä anä changeä our telephone number to ___59___. Wå  wilì  appreciatå iô verù mucè iæ yoõ wilì makå notå  oæ  thió changå  iî youò recordó tï makå iô easieò foò yoõ tï contacô  us¬ if necessary, in the future. 02.10 *** ANNOUNCEMENT - PROMOTION OF AN EMPLOYEE *************** Iô ió á pleasurå tï writå thió letteò advisinç yoõ thaô effectivå ___41___¬  ___15__ß ió beinç promoteä tï thå positioî oæ ___44__ß witè ___43___®  ___15__ß haó beeî employeä witè uó foò  ___60__ß yearó  iî  thå capacitù oæ ___61___¬  anä  haó  madå  significanô contributions to our success. ___18__ß wilì  probablù bå iî toucè witè yoõ iî thå neaò future®  I am sure you will find this contact rewarding. 02.11 *** ANNOUNCEMENT - RATE INCREASE - INCREASED COSTS ******** Effectivå ___41___¬  therå wilì bå á smalì increaså iî ouò  rateó foò  ___62___¬  necessitateä  bù á continuinç riså  iî  costó  oæ providinç  thió  service®  Á copù oæ ouò ne÷  ratå  schedulå  ió enclosed for your information. É  aí surå thió modesô increaså wilì bå morå thaî offseô  bù  thå improveä  serviceó wå offeò anä wå intenä tï  continuå  providinç more for your money than you can obtain elsewhere. 02.12 *** ANNOUNCEMENT - RESIGNATION OF AN EMPLOYEE ************* Likå  mosô oæ ouò ___63___¬  yoõ maù bå awarå thaô  oî  ___64___¬ ___15___¬  ouò ___44__ß wilì nï longeò bå witè ouò companù duå tï ___28___ resignation. ___15__ß haó beeî witè uó ___60__ß yearó anä madå manù friendó iî thå  business®  Whilå wå wisè ___65__ß welì iî  ___28__ß  careeò elsewhere, ___28___ presence here will be missed. However¬  wå  arå  completelù  confidenô  thaô  youò  needó  wilì continuå  tï bå serveä welì bù ouò otheò employeeó whï havå  manù years experience in this business. 02.13 *** ANNOUNCEMENT - RETIREMENT OF AN EMPLOYEE ************** Likå  mosô oæ ouò ___63___¬  yoõ maù bå awarå thaô  oî  ___64___¬ ___15___¬  ouò ___44__ß wilì nï longeò bå witè ouò companù duå tï ___28___ retirement. ___15__ß haó beeî witè uó ___60__ß yearó anä madå manù friendó iî thå   business®   Whilå  wå  wisè  ___65__ß  welì  iî   ___28__ß retirement, ___28___ presence here will certainly be missed. However¬  wå  arå  completelù  confidenô  thaô  youò  needó  wilì continuå  tï bå serveä welì bù ouò otheò employeeó whï havå  manù years experience in the business. 02.14 *** ANNOUNCEMENT - TRANSFER OF AN EMPLOYEE **************** Likå  mosô oæ ouò ___63___¬  yoõ maù bå awarå thaô  oî  ___64___¬ ___15___¬  ouò ___44__ß wilì nï longeò bå witè thió officå oæ thå company due to ___28___ transfer to ___38___. ___15__ß haó beeî witè uó ___60__ß yearó anä madå manù friendó iî thå business®  Whilå wå wisè ___65__ß welì iî ___28__ß transfer¬ ___28___ presence here will certainly be missed. However¬  wå  arå  completelù  confidenô  thaô  youò  needó  wilì continuå  tï bå serveä welì bù ouò otheò employeeó whï havå  manù years experience in the business. 03.01 ** APOLOGY - BAD BEHAVIOR AT OR AFTER A MEETING *********** Mù behavioò aô ___66__ß ___67__ß ouò recenô ___68__ß meetinç  waó deplorable. É caî assurå yoõ thaô iô wilì noô happeî again® É waó wrong®  É have no excuses. I am very sorry. 03.02 ** APOLOGY - COLLECTION LETTER CROSSED WITH PAYMENT ******* Thank you for sending your payment on your ___69___ bill. Ouò  collectioî letteró proceeä  automatically®  Occasionallù  á paymenô crosseó iî thå mail®  Thió ió obviouslù whaô happeneä iî your case. Youò  check¬  oæ course¬  haó beeî properlù documenteä  anä  youò account is currently marked paid in full. 03.03 ** APOLOGY - DELAYED SHIPMENT ***************************** Wå  arå sorrù foò thå delaù iî makinç ouò recenô shipmenô tï  yoõ of ___70___. Duå tï somå unexpecteä problems¬ thå ordeò coulä noô bå filleä aó promptlù aó wå haä hoped®  Wå trusô thió haó noô causeä yoõ  toï mucè inconveniencå anä assurå yoõ wå wilì dï ouò besô tï seå thaô it does not happen again. Thank you for your patience. 03.04 ** APOLOGY - FAILURE TO KEEP AN APPOINTMENT *************** Therå  ió  absolutelù nï excuså foò mù noô meetinç witè  yoõ  foò ___71__ß  oò aô leasô gettinç worä tï yoõ oæ mù inabilitù  tï  dï so®  Thå  appointmenô waó writteî oî mù calendaò buô  someho÷  É thought our meeting was for next ___72___. Pleaså  forgivå  me®  É aí eageò tï talë tï yoõ  anä  wilì  calì ___73__ß  tï  seå iæ wå caî arrangå á meetinç  beforå  yoõ  leavå town. I will not let you down this time. 03.05 ** APOLOGY - INCORRECT OR INCOMPLETE SHIPMENT ************* Wå arå sorrù foò thå erroò wå madå iî ouò recenô shipmenô tï  yoõ of ___70___. Á replacemenô shipmenô ió beinç madå tï correcô thió  error®  Wå hope¬ witè thió shipment¬  thaô youò ordeò haó no÷ beeî filleä tï your satisfaction. If not, please let us know. Thank you for your patience. 03.06 ** APOLOGY - UNSATISFACTORY SERVICE PROVIDED ************** Wå sincerelù regreô thå unsatisfactorù servicå yoõ receiveä  froí our ___74___ recently. Aó  á  patroî oæ ouò establishment¬  yoõ shoulä  kno÷  thaô  sucè servicå ió  noô  customarù  anä  wå wisè tï  apologizå  foò  it®  Througè carefuì selectioî anä supervisioî oæ ouò employeeó wå trù tï  seå  thaô  ouò customeró arå takeî carå  oæ  efficientlù  anä courteouslù  aô  alì  times®  Wheî thió  ió  noô  thå  case¬  wå appreciate having the matter called to our attention. Thanë  yoõ foò takinç thå timå tï writå uó anä wå shalì trù  eveî hardeò  iî thå futurå tï givå yoõ thå kinä oæ servicå yoõ  expecô from our employees. 03.07 ** APPOINTMENT - CANCELLATION, REQUEST FOR LATER DATE ***** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. É regreô thaô ___18__ß wilì bå unablå tï keeð youò appointmenô oî ___75__ß aó scheduled®  Pleaså leô må kno÷ iæ yoõ woulä likå  tï arrange for another meeting at a later date. 03.08 ** APPOINTMENT - CANCELLATION, PROPOSAL TO RE-SCHEDULE **** Thå  prospecô oæ meetinç witè yoõ aô ___76__ß oî ___77__ß  waó  á verù pleasanô onå foò me®  É haä lookeä forwarä tï iô witè greaô anticipation®  Thaô  ió thå reasoî É aí extremelù sorrù tï  telì you that I will be unable to keep the appointment due to ___78___. Aô thå presenô time¬ É don'ô kno÷ wheî É wilì bå availablå foò aî appointment¬ buô iæ yoõ wilì checë iî á fe÷ ___79__ß mù secretarù will set up another appointment at your convenience. 03.09 ** APPOINTMENT - CONFLICT REPORTED IN EMPLOYER'S ABSENCE ** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. É havå checkeä ___28__ß schedulå anä finä thaô ___18__ß haó otheò planó foò thå datå yoõ suggest® However¬ É wilì calì youò letteò tï  ___28__ß  attentioî  jusô aó sooî  aó  ___18__ß  returnó  anä perhaps you can make arrangements for another date. 03.10 *** APPOINTMENT - DELAYED INDEFINITELY DUE TO ABSENCE ***** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. Beforå  ___18__ß  lefô ___18__ß indicateä thaô iô woulä  bå  morå convenienô tï meeô witè yoõ aô somå lateò time® Wilì yoõ bå gooä enough to get in touch with us in a few ___79___. 03.11 *** APPOINTMENT - DELAYED INDEFINITELY REGARDING PROPOSAL * ___15__ß  ió  iî ___16__ß aô thió time®  Beforå  ___18__ß  left¬ however¬  ___18__ß indicateä thaô littlå coulä bå accomplisheä bù á meetinç regardinç youò proposaì aô thió time®  ___18__ß  askeä må  tï writå yoõ suggestinç thaô consideratioî oæ thió matteò  bå postponed for a few ___79___. Iæ yoõ woulä contacô ___65__ß agaiî iî á fe÷  ___79___¬  ___18__ß anticipateó  thaô therå maù bå aî opportunitù foò morå  favorablå consideration of your proposal at that time. 03.12 *** APPOINTMENT - POSTPONED DUE TO EMPLOYER'S ABSENCE ***** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___®  However¬  beforå  ___18__ß left¬  ___18__ß  indicateä ___18__ß  waó  anxiouó  tï geô togetheò witè  yoõ  shortlù  afteò ___28___ return. Wilì  yoõ  telephonå  må  herå aô ___80__ß anä  leô  må  kno÷  iæ ___68__ß oî ___81__ß woulä bå convenienô foò you® Iæ so¬  É wilì makå  thió  á definitå appointmenô foò yoõ anä ___15__ß  tï  meeô after ___28___ return. 03.13 *** APPOINTMENT - PROPOSED FOR A DEFINITE TIME ************ Therå  arå detailó whicè ___82__ß woulä likå tï discusó witè  yoõ in connection with ___83___. Ho÷  woulä  yoõ  likå tï havå ___84__ß droð  bù  oî  ___75__ß  aô ___85__ß  tï  visiô oî thió subject®  ___86__ß woulä  enjoù  thå opportunitù  tï  visiô witè yoõ anä geô youò  reactionó  oî  thió matter®  Iæ thió ió noô á convenienô time¬  pleaså leô  ___87__ß know what time you would prefer ___87___ to get together. 03.14 *** APPOINTMENT - PROPOSED WITH TIME FOR IT LEFT OPEN ***** Ho÷  abouô meetinç witè ___88__ß somå timå iî thå neaò futurå  tï discusó ___83___® ___86__ß woulä enjoù gettinç togetheò witè yoõ and getting your reactions on this matter. Leô ___87__ß kno÷ whaô timå woulä bå mosô convenienô foò ___87__ß to call on you and ___82___ will consider it a definite date. 03.15 *** APPOINTMENT - REFUSED FOR THE PRESENT TIME ************ Thanë yoõ foò youò letteò oæ ___89___¬  suggestinç thaô  ___90__ß get together on ___75___ to discuss ___83___. Unfortunately¬  duå tï aî unusuallù fulì schedule¬  ___86__ß wilì not be able to keep any additional appointments at that time. Wilì yoõ bå gooä enougè tï geô iî toucè iî á fe÷  ___79___¬  wheî ___82___ will be happy to arrange for a meeting? 03.16 *** APPOINTMENT - REFUSED INDEFINITELY ******************** Thanë yoõ foò youò letteò oæ ___89___¬  suggestinç thaô  ___90__ß get together on ___75___ to discuss ___83___. Righô  no÷  ___82__ß  dï  noô feeì  thaô  sucè  á  meetinç  woulä accomplisè  mucè iî thå waù oæ resultó anä woulä ratheò  postponå it until a later date. Youò  interesô ió appreciateä anä ___82__ß wilì bå iî toucè  witè yoõ wheî ___82__ß feeì thå timå ió morå propitiouó foò á fruitfuì meeting. 03.17 *** APPOINTMENT - REMINDER OF PREVIOUSLY MADE APPOINTMENT * Thió  ió  á  remindeò thaô wå havå á  ___71__ß  aô  ___91__ß  foò ___92__ß aô ___93___®  Sincå wå madå thió datå somå timå ago¬  É thought I would jog your memory. É looë forwarä tï seeinç yoõ then¬ aó É aí surå wå wilì havå mucè to discuss. 04.01 ** APPRECIATION - EMPLOYEE'S JOB WELL DONE **************** Thanks¬  ___15___¬  anä alì thå otheò peoplå workinç aô ___29___¬ foò  á  joâ welì donå durinç thå pasô yeaò  anä  mosô  especiallù during the ___94___ rush. Wå  appreciatå youò interesô iî ___29__ß aó welì aó thå  courtesù and cooperation you have displayed. 04.02 ** APPRECIATION - FOR A NICE BUSINESS RECEPTION *********** Thanks a lot, ___15___! É  appreciatå  youò interesô yoõ havå showî me®  Ofteî  timeó  É encounteò difficulô purchasinç agentó anä saleó managers® That'ó whù á warí receptioî sucè aó thå onå yoõ gavå må ió á  delightfuì experience. É hopå tï continuå ouò mutuallù satisfyinç relationship® Thanks¬ again for being so pleasant to do business with. 04.03 ** APPRECIATION - ON ANNIVERSARY OF RELATIONSHIP ********** Iô giveó ___87__ß greaô pleasurå tï reminä yoõ thaô wå havå  beeî doinç  businesó  togetheò foò  ___95___®  Sucè  pleasant¬  long- standinç relationshipó dï noô occuò bù chance®  Theù reflecô thå mutuaì confidencå anä loyaltù thaô havå developeä betweeî uó oveò this period. Wå  herå  aô ___24__ß wisè tï extenä tï yoõ anä  youò  stafæ  ouò heartiest thanks and wish you continued future success. 04.04 ** APPRECIATION - PUNCTUAL PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT ************* Iî  mù  work¬  É  rarelù comå acrosó accountó thaô  arå  iî  gooä standing® Therefore¬ É aí writinç yoõ personallù tï leô yoõ kno÷ thaô ___29__ß appreciateó youò promptnesó iî payinç youò account® You make my job easier and more enjoyable. Iæ yoõ eveò havå á probleí witè shoppinç aô ouò store¬  pleaså dï noô  hesitatå  tï  calì me®  É wilì bå mosô happù  tï  seå  thaô everythinç  possiblå  ió  donå  tï  makå  youò  associatioî  witè ___29___ continue to be mutually agreeable. Thank you again for your consistent punctuality and reliability. 04.05 ** APPRECIATION - SEASONAL, FOR A GOOD RELATIONSHIP ******* Aó thå ___96__ß approaches¬  ___82__ß can'ô helð buô thinë  abouô ho÷ mucè morå enjoyablå iô wilì be¬  duå tï thå facô thaô wå  caî count ___24___ among our ___63___. Ouò  relationshið witè yoõ haó alwayó beeî onå  oæ  understandinç anä  cooperation®  Afteò  doinç businesó witè yoõ  foò  ___95__ß ___82__ß  havå  comå tï believå thaô yoõ arå onå  oæ  thå  finesô ___63___ we have. Iæ ___97__ß expressioî oæ appreciatioî addó tï youò enjoymenô  oæ this special season of the year, ___82___ will be well rewarded. Pleaså accepô ___97__ß besô wisheó foò yoõ anä youró foò á  happù ___96___. 04.06 ** APPRECIATION - TO SALESMAN FOR SALES EFFORTS *********** Congratulationó  foò  finå salå effortó iî  ouò  behalf®  Wå  aô ___29___ now have an annual sales volume of ___98___. Wå  kno÷ thaô youò effortó iî securinç thå ___99__ß  accounô  haó definitely helped us continue our success. Wå certainlù appreciatå youò effortó anä hopå theù wilì  continuå to prove as successful in the future as in the past. 04.07 ** APPRECIATION - THANK YOU LETTER FOR A COMPLIMENT ******* Thanë  yoõ verù mucè foò yoõ kinä letteò oæ  ___89__ß  concerninç ___8___. Iô ió alwayó gratifyinç tï receivå á complimenô likå youró  whicè indicateó thaô ouò effortó tï servå yoõ arå appreciated® Yoõ maù bå surå thaô ouò ___100__ß wilì receivå thå recognitioî  deserveä for a job well done. Thank you again for your courtesy. 04.08 ** APPRECIATION - THANK YOU LETTER FOR A FAVOR ************ Thanë  yoõ  verù mucè foò  ___101___®  ___82__ß  appreciatå  yoõ takinç  thå  timå anä makinç thå efforô tï bå  oæ  assistancå  tï ___87___. Iô  waó  nicå  oæ yoõ tï providå  ___87__ß  thió  assistancå  anä ___82__ß  wanô  yoõ  tï kno÷ ho÷ mucè  ___82__ß  appreciatå  youò generosity®  Youò  aiä  wilì bå invaluablå iî  helpinç  ___87__ß accomplish ___102___ objectives. Iæ É caî reciprocatå aô anù time¬  pleaså bå surå tï leô ___87__ß know. 04.09 ** APPRECIATION - THANK YOU LETTER FOR A SUGGESTION ******* Thankó  foò youò letteò oæ ___89__ß containinç á suggestioî  thaô ___103___®  Wå  appreciatå  yoõ  takinç thå  timå  tï  writå  uó concerning this matter. Youò suggestioî haó beeî passeä alonç tï thå appropriatå person® Yoõ maù bå surå iô wilì bå giveî everù consideration® Aó sooî aó we reach a conclusion, you will hear from us. Thank you, again. 04.10 *** APPRECIATION - THANK YOU LETTER TO A CUSTOMER ********* Just a quick 'thank you' for being one of our customers this year. Wå  appreciatå youò businesó anä wå hopå tï continuå servinç  yoõ during the coming year. 04.11 *** APPRECIATION - THANK YOU LETTER TO AN EMPLOYEE ******** Iî reviewinç thå eventó oæ thå pasô year¬ iô ió apparenô thaô thå facô  thå wå wilì begiî anotheò yeaò iî sucè wonderfuì  conditioî is largely due to your excellent efforts on behalf of the company. É woulä likå tï extenä mù sincerå thankó tï  you¬  ___15___¬  foò youò  cooperatioî  anä assistancå iî helpinç  uó  accomplisè  ouò goals®  Bå  assureä  thaô yoõ wilì bå suitablù rewardeä  aô  thå earliest possible time. Meanwhile¬  É  woulä likå tï wisè youò anä youró thå besô iî  thå coming year. Keep up the good work! 04.12 *** CHARITY - DECLINING TO MAKE A DONATION **************** É  aí  sorrù thaô É cannoô makå á donatioî tï ___104__ß  aô  thió time. É  aí involveä witè severaì otheò charities®  É kno÷  thaô  youò causå ió genuinå buô mù financiaì resourceó arå limited®  É havå to make my own choices over the distribution of these funds. I wish you every success in your program. 04.13 *** CHARITY - DECLINING USE OF NAME AS SPONSOR ************ Pleaså accepô mù sincerå apologieó foò havinç tï declinå thå  uså oæ   mù  namå  aó  á  sponsoò  oæ  ___104__ß  É  feeì   extremelù uncomfortablå  abouô sponsorinç somethinç thaô É havå noô puô  mù energieó into® É no÷ worë witè á fe÷ charitieó anä É jusô dï noô have the time to add any more at this moment. Youò  causå haó merit®  É wisè yoõ welì iî youò searcè  tï  finä prominenô  nameó foò youò sponsor'ó list®  Thanë yoõ  agaiî  foò asking me. 04.14 *** CHARITY - DECLINING - WE GIVE TO THE UNITED WAY ******* Thanë yoõ sï mucè foò youò recenô letteò requestinç á donatioî tï ___104___®  However¬   iô  ió  impossiblå  tï  supporô  alì  thå worthwhilå causeó  iî eacè areá thaô ouò companù haó officeó in®  Therefore¬ ouò companù makeó aî annuaì contributioî tï thå Uniteä Way Fund which then supports many local organizations. Becauså oæ thå abovå policy¬ wå arå unablå aô thió timå tï makå á contributioî tï ___104___®  Iô ió á finå projecô anä wå wisè yoõ luck in your endeavors. 04.15 *** CHARITY - REJECT SOLICITATION FOR A CONTRIBUTION ****** Thanë  yoõ foò youò recenô requesô foò á contributioî tï  supporô the ___24___. É  thinë  yoõ  wilì understanä thaô á companù  likå  ouró  cannoô supporô everù worthwhilå cause¬ mucè aó wå woulä likå to®  Sincå wå havå alreadù contributeä tï ___105___¬  wå regreô thaô wå musô decline any further requests of that kind. Perhapó  nexô  yeaò wå wilì bå iî á positioî tï  contributå  somå support to this effort. 05.01 ** COMPLAINT - NO NON-CONFORMING GOODS IN FUTURE ********** Thå ___106__ß madå foò ouò lasô order¬  ___107__ß arå toï mucè aô variance from those we ordered. Wå  caî  correcô  theså ___106___¬  buô wå cannoô  anä  wilì  noô tolerate a variance like this for the future. 05.02 ** COMPLAINT - OPENING OF LETTER - GOODS UNSATISFACTORY *** Oî  ___108___¬  wå  receiveä ouò shipmenô oæ ___70__ß  whicè  waó ordered from you on ___109___. 05.03 ** COMPLAINT - GOODS DAMAGED EN ROUTE ********************* Wå arå sorrù tï reporô thaô thå ___70__ß waó damageä eî routå anä is no longer in condition for resale or use. Pleaså  leô  uó kno÷ whaô disposaì yoõ wisè uó tï  makå  oæ  thió product and how soon we may expect a replacement. 05.04 ** COMPLAINT - GOODS RECEIVED ARE DEFECTIVE *************** Wå  arå  sorrù  tï reporô thaô thå ___70__ß  waó  defectivå  wheî receiveä bù uó duå tï ___110___®  Aó á result¬  iô ió impossiblå for us to ___111___. Wilì  yoõ pleaså adviså whaô dispositioî tï makå oæ  thå  producô and when we can expect a replacement shipment or reimbursement. 05.05 ** COMPLAINT - RESPONSE AND REPORT ON ACTION TAKEN ******** Thanë  yoõ sï mucè foò youò letteò explaininç thå incidenô  whicè occurreä oî ___112___®  Iô ió onlù wheî peoplå takå thå timå  tï leô  uó  kno÷  abouô  occasionaì slip-upó  thaô  wå  caî  rectifù problemó  anä continuå tï servå ouò customeró witè  courtesù  anä reliability. Thå informatioî iî youò letteò ió no÷ undeò investigatioî bù  ouò personneì  office®  Propeò disciplinarù stepó wilì bå  takeî  tï thoså personó involved®  Wå wilì trù verù harä tï makå surå thaô there will be little chance of a similar circumstance occurring. 05.06 ** COMPLAINT - SHIPMENT OF GOODS DELAYED ****************** On ___109___, we ordered from you ___70___. Thå shipmenô haó noô yeô arriveä anä everù day'ó delaù meanó losó anä inconveniencå foò us®  Iæ thió producô ió eî  route¬  pleaså telephone us when to expect receipt. Iæ thå ordeò haó noô yeô beeî senô out¬  wå woulä appreciatå youò puttinç  á  rusè  oî  it®  Iæ iô haó beeî  helä  uð  becauså  oæ unavailabilitù  oæ  alì oò parô oæ thå ordeò pleaså leô  uó  kno÷ immediately. Thank you for your attention to this problem 05.07 ** COMPLAINT - SHIPMENT OF GOODS INCORRECT **************** On ___109___, we ordered from you ___70___. Thå  shipmenô haó arrived¬  buô iî thå wronç  ___110___®  Pleaså adviså  uó wheî wå caî expecô shipmenô oæ thå ordeò wå senô  and¬ if not, how you intend to correct for this defective shipment. 05.08 ** CONFIRMATION - AGREEMENT TERMINATED ******************** Wå arå sorrù thaô yoõ wisè tï enä ouò agreemenô thaô haó beeî  iî effect for ___49___. We do understand your position. Eveî thougè yoõ diä noô statå iô iî thå letter¬ É assumå thaô yoõ wisè tï terminatå aó oæ ___113__ß insteaä oæ extendinç iô foò thå cancellation period mentioned in the contract. É havå enjoyeä workinç witè you¬  anä É kno÷ thaô ouò pathó  wilì cross again in the future. 05.09 ** CONFIRMATION - MATERIALS RECEIVED ********************** Thank you so much for the ___114___ which arrived ___115___. ___82__ß  caî makå gooä uså oæ thió materiaì anä appreciatå  verù much your sending it to ___87___. 05.10 *** CONFIRMATION - MATERIALS RECEIVED, EMPLOYER ABSENT **** Thió  wilì acknowledgå receipô todaù oæ ___114__ß whicè yoõ  werå gooä enougè tï senä tï ___15___®  É wanteä tï leô yoõ kno÷  thió materiaì  haó arriveä sincå ___18__ß haó beeî lookinç forwarä  tï receiving it. ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___®  Aô thaô timå I'í surå ___18__ß wilì bå iî toucè  witè you personally. 05.11 *** COMPLAINTS - CUSTOMERS', REGARDING CERTAIN GOODS ****** Wå  havå beeî receivinç manù complaintó froí ouò customeró  abouô youò ___106___® Theù havå noô beeî satisfactorù and¬  therefore¬ we have had to refund the purchase price on many of them. Thå  troublå seemó tï bå witè thå lasô shipment®  Thå  ___106__ß beforå seemeä sufficienô anä wå diä noô havå anù complaintó  froí our customers. Pleaså  checë  tï  seå  iæ therå waó aî  erroò  iî  makinç  theså ___106___®  Wå woulä alsï likå tï suggesô thaô yoõ checë tï  seå if they are being packed with enough protection for shipping. Wå  havå ___116__ß lefô anä wå woulä likå tï havå yoõ senä  uó  á replacemenô  shipment®  Wå wilì waiô foò instructionó  froí  yoõ before returning these goods. 05.12 *** CONGRATULATIONS - BUSINESS ACHIEVEMENT **************** Thió ió jusô á brieæ letteò tï congratulatå yoõ oî thå  excellenô record you have made in ___117___. Thå  reporô  oæ youò recenô accomplishmenô haó jusô  comå  tï  mù attention®  É aí reallù prouä tï seå youò progresó anä wanô  yoõ tï  kno÷  thaô  É recognizå thaô sucè  aî  achievemenô  woulä  bå impossible without your loyalty and untiring efforts. Keep up the good work, ___15___. 05.13 *** CONGRATULATIONS - EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT *************** Congratulations and best wishes for your retirement. We commend you for your ___49___ of productive service with us. Manù oæ youò ideaó havå beeî instituteä withiî ouò  company®  Wå wilì  surelù misó yoõ buô kno÷ thaô yoõ wilì enjoù  youò  leisurå time® Comå seå uó often»  wå wilì alwayó thinë oæ yoõ aó parô oæ our family! 05.14 *** CONGRATULATIONS - NEW APPOINTMENT OR JOB ************** Thió  ió jusô á brieæ notå tï leô yoõ kno÷ ho÷ pleaseä É  waó  tï heaò oæ youò ne÷ ___118___® I'í surå thaô youò proveî capabilitù iî  thå  fielä oæ ___119__ß wilì bå jusô whaô ió needeä  iî  thió position. Best wishes for your future success. 06.01 ** EMPLOYMENT - ABSENTEE RECORD UNSATISFACTORY *********** Youò worë haó beeî excellent®  However¬  youò absenteå recorä ió no÷ overshadowinç youò worë record®  É realizå thaô youò  healtè haó  beeî  pooò  buô  onå oæ  ouò  joâ  requirementó  ió  regulaò attendance®  Wå havå difficultù schedulinç wheî wå cannoô depenä oî  youò  attendance®  Wå havå discusseä thió subjecô  witè  yoõ severaì  timeó  before®   No÷  youò  attendancå  musô  meeô  ouò requirements or we will have to terminate you. 06.02 ** EMPLOYMENT - AGREEMENT CONFIRMATION ******************** Thió   wilì  confirí  thå  agreemenô  madå  ___120__ß  foò   youò employmenô  iî thå positioî oæ ___121__ß witè  ___43__ß  startinç ___41___. 1. The job will have the title: ___122___ 2. Your duties will involve ___123___. 3. The beginning salary is ___124___. É  aí surå yoõ wilì enjoù youò worë aô ___43__ß anä É aí  pleaseä to know you will be with us shortly. 06.03 ** EMPLOYMENT - INFORMAL LETTER CONTRACT ****************** This letter is will constitute an agreement between you and ___43___ for your employment as ___122___. 1. You agree to ___123___. 2®  Youò employmenô wilì begiî ___41__ß anä continuå foò aó lonç aó ___43__ß ió satisfieä witè youò serviceó anä yoõ arå satisfieä with such employment. 3. For this work you will be paid ___124___. Pleaså sigî alì copieó oæ thió letteò anä returî á signeä copù tï uó foò ouò records®  É aí surå yoõ wilì enjoù youò worë witè  uó aô ___43__ß anä looë forwarä tï beinç associateä witè yoõ iî  ouò business. 06.04 ** EMPLOYMENT - ANNOUNCEMENT OF EMPLOYEE'S DISMISSAL ****** ___15__ß wilì nï longeò bå ___125__ß uó afteò ___64___® ___18__ß leaves with our best wishes for future success. Iî  á  fe÷ dayó ___82__ß wilì bå iî toucè witè yoõ  tï  introducå ___15___'ó replacement®  Iî thå meantime¬  feeì freå tï calì  oî ___87___, if there is anything ___82___ can do to serve you. 06.05 ** EMPLOYMENT - APPLICATION IN RESPONSE TO A WANT AD ****** Iî answeò tï youò advertisemenô foò ___126___¬  É aí presentlù  á ___127__ß  witè thå responsibilitù foò ___128___¬  ___129__ß  anä ___130___. É  havå  oveò  ___131__ß oæ ___132__ß relatinç tï  thió  kinä  oæ employment. My resume is enclosed. 06.06 ** EMPLOYMENT - APPLICATION IN RESPONSE TO A WANT AD ****** Thió letteò ió iî responså tï youò advertisemenô iî thå ___133__ß oî  ___134___¬  foò  á  ___126___®   É  havå  EXPERIENCE_PERIODý experience in ___132___. É  aí readù tï meeô thå demandó requireä tï becomå  aî  effectivå ___126___. My resume is attached. 06.07 ** EMPLOYMENT - APPLICATION REJECTION WITH APPRECIATION *** Thanë  yoõ  foò  givinç  uó thå  occasioî  tï  consideò  yoõ  foò employment. Wå havå carefullù revieweä youò backgrounä anä qualificationó anä finä thaô wå dï noô havå aî appropriatå positioî foò yoõ aô  thió time®  Iæ  onå shoulä develop¬  however¬  wå wilì bå pleaseä  tï contact you. Wå  appreciatå youò interesô iî ___29__ß anä wisè yoõ succesó  iî your search. 06.08 ** EMPLOYMENT - CONFIRMATION OF JOB TO BE PERFORMED ******* Thió  wilì confirí ouò mutuaì understandinç witè respecô  tï  thå ___62___ which ___82___ have agreed to perform for you. Foò  youò  records¬  wå plaî tï begiî thå ___62__ß  oò  oò  abouô ___41__ß anä proceeä aó agreeä tï completå thió project® Wå plaî to complete our work on or about ___64___. If this schedule is not agreeable, please let us know. 06.09 ** EMPLOYMENT - CONFIRMATION OF OFFER FOR JOB TO BE DONE ** Thió  wilì  confirí ouò offeò oæ ___135__ß foò  yoõ  tï  ___62__ß startinç ___41___®  Thió joâ shoulä bå completeä bù ___64__ß  iî the manner to which we have agreed. Iæ  thå  abovå  doeó noô reflecô ouò  agreemenô  concerninç  thió matter, please advise. 06.10 *** EMPLOYMENT - CONFIRMATION OF QUOTATION FOR A PROJECT ** Thió  wilì  confirí ouò agreemenô tï begiî worë oî  ___136__ß  aó sooî  aó  possible®  Thå  worë tï bå donå wilì  conforí  tï  thå specifications we have agreed upon. Thå cosô oæ thió projecô wilì bå ___137___®  ___138__ß ió tï  bå paiä aó sooî aó possiblå sï thaô wå caî begiî ouò work®  Anotheò ___139__ß wilì bå duå oî ___140___®  Thå balancå wilì bå payablå on full completion of the project. ___82___ look forward to working with you on this project. 06.11 *** EMPLOYMENT - CONFIRMATION OF SALARY TO BE PAID ******** Thió  ió tï confirí ouò arrangemenô madå ___120__ß iî  connectioî witè  youò  employmenô  iî  thå positioî  oæ  ___121__ß  herå  aô ___29___. Thió joâ wilì paù ___124__ß tï start®  Iæ youò worë proveó tï bå satisfactorù  therå  wilì bå aî opportunitù foò  aî  increaså  iî salarù  aô thå enä oæ ___79___®  ___141__ß wilì bå availablå  tï you after ___142___. Wå  wilì expecô yoõ tï reporô foò worë aô ___143__ß  oî  ___41__ß and look forward to having you working for us. 06.12 *** EMPLOYMENT - EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION TO BE ADOPTED ******** Youò suggestioî concerninç ___103__ß haó beeî thoroughlù exploreä and we want to thank you for providing it to us. Wå  thinë thió suggestioî haó considerablå meriô anä plaî tï  puô iô  intï practicå herå aô ___24___®  Wå wanô tï assurå yoõ  thaô yoõ  havå  madå á valuablå contributioî tï ouò operationó  anä  á copù  oæ thió letteò anä youò suggestioî wilì bå madå á  parô  oæ your employment record. Please¬  feeì freå tï providå uó witè anù otheò suggestionó whicè yoõ  believå  caî bå oæ helð iî makinç ouò  organizatioî  operatå more efficiently. Thank you. 06.13 *** EMPLOYMENT - GRANTING PERSONAL JOB INTERVIEW ********** Thå  resumå yoõ senô tï ___87__ß recentlù certainlù indicateó  tï må  thaô yoõ havå thå qualificationó foò á joâ aó ___144__ß  herå at ___24___. Therå  maù  bå aî openinç iî thå ___100__ß  departmenô  iî  abouô ___79___® É suggesô thaô yoõ comå iî tï seå må abouô ___145___® Aô  thaô timå wå caî discusó youò qualificationó iî deptè  foò  á position with ___24___. Iæ  thaô timå oò datå ió noô convenient¬  wilì yoõ pleaså leô  må know so we can arrange a time to get together. 06.14 *** EMPLOYMENT - GRANTING PERSONNEL DEPT INTERVIEW ******** Thå  resumå yoõ senô tï ___87__ß recentlù certainlù indicateó  tï må  thaô yoõ havå thå qualificationó foò á joâ aó ___144__ß  herå at ___24___. Wilì  yoõ  pleaså  comå iî foò aî intervie÷  witè  ouò  personneì manager¬  ___15___¬  aô  ___145___¿  Afteò yoõ havå talkeä  witè ___146___¬  É  wilì makå arrangementó foò uó tï visiô  abouô  thå possibility of securing employment with us. Iæ thió timå oò datå ió noô convenient¬  wilì yoõ pleaså  contacô ouò personneì departmenô tï arrangå á morå convenienô timå foò aî interview. 06.15 *** EMPLOYMENT - RECOMMENDING A HIGHLY QUALIFIED SECY ***** ___147__ß ió highlù recommendeä aó á highlù qualifieä secretary® Shå workeä foò må foò ___49___® Durinç thaô time¬  shå proveä tï bå  efficient¬  welì organizeä anä tactfuì witè alì  theå  peoplå with which she was in contact. É  dï  noô hesitatå foò á momenô tï recommenä heò tï  yoõ  aó  aî outstanding secretary. 07.01 ** EMPLOYMENT - REFUSING INTERVIEW, NOT QUALIFIED ********* Thanë  yoõ  verù mucè foò youò letteò oæ ___89__ß  regardinç  thå position of ___144___ with ___24___. Aó  mucè aó É woulä likå tï asë yoõ tï comå iî foò aî  interview¬ youò  resumå indicateó thaô yoõ arå noô quitå prepareä tï  handlå thå  responsibilitieó oæ thió positioî whicè requireó somå  yearó oæ experiencå iî thió field®  Mù suggestioî tï yoõ woulä bå  foò yoõ tï acquirå furtheò backgrounä aó aî assistant¬  perhapó iî  á smaller company. Lateò on¬ iæ yoõ arå stilì interested¬ yoõ mighô comå iî anä filì iî  onå oæ ouò applicatioî formó sï thaô wå maù placå iô oî  filå for future reference. 07.02 ** EMPLOYMENT - REFUSING, SOMEONE ELSE SELECTED ********** Thanë  yoõ  verù mucè foò youò letteò oæ ___89__ß  regardinç  thå position of ___144___ with ___24___. Although¬ É woulä havå likeä tï visiô witè yoõ abouô thió job¬ wå alreadù  havå anotheò applicanô whoså qualificationó seeí  suiteä foò thå joâ tï whoí wå arå offerinç thió position®  If¬  foò anù reason¬  ouò planó dï noô worë ouô wå wilì bå bacë iî toucè  witè you. Thank you for your interest in our company. 07.03 ** EMPLOYMENT - REQUEST FOR SUGGESTIONS FROM EMPLOYEES **** Wå  herå aô ___24__ß alwayó welcomå suggestionó froí  ouò  valueä employeeó  whicè  havå thå possibilitù oæ reducinç ouò  costó  oæ operation¬  upgradinç thå qualitù oæ ouò productó oò serviceó  oò improving our procedures. Iæ yoõ wilì jusô droð youò suggestionó iî thå nearesô  suggestioî boø  oò givå theí tï youò supervisor¬  theù wilì bå  acknowledgeä anä giveî ouò carefuì consideration®  Yoõ wilì bå  appropriatelù recognizeä foò youò contributioî foò suggestionó whicè resulô  iî improvements. Pleaså  bå  assureä thaô whether¬  oò not¬  youò  ideá  ió  founä acceptablå foò implementation¬  youò participatioî iî ouò prograí will be appreciated. 07.04 ** EMPLOYMENT - REQUESTING A JOB INTERVIEW **************** Ió  therå  á neeä iî youò ___24__ß aô thió timå foò  á  ___144__ß with ___148___ years experience? É  aí  á  ___149__ß graduatå  iî  ___150__ß  oæ  ___151___®  Thå ___29__ß  ió  ___152___®  Aó  á  result¬   É  aí  seekinç  otheò employment. Iî  mù  mosô recenô position¬  iô haó beeî mù  responsibilitù  tï ___123___®  Mù  backgrounä  shoulä  provå oæ  interesô  tï  youò company, as you can judge from the enclosed resume. Aô youò convenience¬  É woulä appreciatå aî opportunitù tï  visiô with you about my qualifications for employment. 07.05 ** EMPLOYMENT - RESIGNATION FOR A BETTER POSITION ******** É  havå jusô beeî offereä á positioî thaô includeó á wideò  rangå of responsibilities and that will lead into a ___153___ position. Therefore¬ É wilì bå leavinç ___29__ß aó oæ ___113___® Meantime¬ I will place my efforts into training a replacement. 07.06 ** EMPLOYMENT - RESIGNATION FOR HEALTH REASONS *********** Wheî  É  tooë thå positioî aô ___29___¬  É neveò thoughô  thaô  É woulä  bå  resigninç  sï quickly®  However¬  É  musô  leavå  thå position within the next ___49___. Ilì healtè anä growinç burdenó havå madå iô impossiblå foò må  tï continuå iî thió position®  É onlù wisè thaô É coulä continuå tï work for such a worthwhile company. 07.07 ** EMPLOYMENT - RESPONSE TO JOB APPLICANT - NO POSITION *** Youò interesô iî ___29__ß ió genuinelù appreciated®  É reaä youò resume with interest. However¬   afteò   evaluatinç  thå  resumå  witè  ouò   ___154__ß departments¬  É  regreô tï reporô thaô wå dï noô havå á  positioî open at this time that fits your abilities. Wå  thanë yoõ foò youò interesô iî ___29__ß anä É kno÷  thaô  yoõ will find a position soon. 07.08 ** EMPLOYMENT - SECRETARY'S LETTER GRANTING INTERVIEW ***** Thå resumå yoõ senô tï uó recentlù indicateó tï ___15__ß thaô yoõ may be qualified for a job as ___144___ here at ___24___. ___155__ß  haó askeä må tï writå tï telì yoõ thaô ___155__ß  wilì bå  happù  tï  talë  witè  yoõ  abouô  youò  qualificationó   foò employmenô  herå aô youò convenience®  Iæ iô ió  convenienô  foò you, ___155___ is free to see you at ___145___. Iæ  thaô timå oò datå ió noô convenient¬  wilì yoõ pleaså leô  må kno÷  sï wå caî arrangå á morå convenienô timå foò yoõ tï tï  geô together with ___146___. 07.09 ** EMPLOYMENT - TERMINATION - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS ********* É  aí surå yoõ arå awarå oæ thå pooò economiã conditionó  wå  no÷ arå experiencing® Becauså oæ thió fact¬  iô haó becomå necessarù foò uó tï eliminatå certaiî positions®  Sadly¬  youò positioî ió onå  oæ  thoså  tï  bå eliminated®  Wå  hopå  thaô  aó  economiã conditionó  improvå wå wilì bå ablå tï consideò yoõ  foò  anotheò position®  Wå  wisè yoõ everù succesó iî findinç á ne÷  positioî and we extend our thanks for the good work you have done for us. 07.10 *** EMPLOYMENT - UNABLE TO IMPLEMENT EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION ** Youò suggestioî concerninç ___103__ß haó beeî thoroughlù exploreä and we want to thank you for providing it to us. Ouò investigatioî haó indicateä tï uó thaô iô ió noô practicaì aô thió  timå  tï uså thió ideá becauså  ___156___®  ___82__ß  havå placeä youò suggestioî oî filå iî thå evenô futurå changeó iî thå circumstanceó makeó iô practicaì tï implement®  Iæ so¬  wå  wilì certainly again give it our consideration. Meanwhile¬  É  wanô tï expresó ouò sincerå appreciatioî foò  youò thoughtó oî thió subjecô anä encouragå yoõ tï continuå youò  gooä efforts to improve our operations. 07.11 *** EMPLOYMENT - UNABLE TO RECOMMEND UNDEPENDABLE PERSON ** É finä iô ratheò difficulô tï answeò youò letteò abouô ___147___® Althougè  É  likå hií personally¬  iî fairnesó tï  yoõ  É  cannoô recommend him. Withouô  á  doubô  ___157__ß ió á  talenteä  ___158___®  Hå  waó employeä  bù uó foò ___49__ß anä hå certainlù knowó hió  businesó and can do a fine job when he wants to. Buô that'ó wherå thå difficultù ariseó ­ hå doeó noô alwayó  wanô to®  Instead¬  hå  startó tï ___159__ß anä theî hå becomeó  verù undependable® Hå wilì literallù walë ouô oæ thå joâ foò á perioä oæ ___160__ß anä leô somebodù elså takå over®  Iî fact¬  thaô  ió why he is no longer employed with us. Theså factó reallù distresó må becauså ___147__ß ió verù talenteä anä haó greaô ability® Iî fact¬  hå woulä probablù bå onå oæ thå best ___158___ I know, if he did not ___159___. Perhapó iæ yoõ discusseä thå situatioî witè hií anä tolä hií thaô hå woulä bå fireä iæ hå ___159__ß durinç hió employmenô witè you¬ thaô mighô makå á difference® É thinë thió woulä bå á worthwhilå approach because he has so much to offer. Iæ  É caî answeò anù otheò questions¬  pleaså dï noô hesitatå  tï contact me. 07.12 *** ENTERTAINMENT - ARRANGEMENTS FOR A BANQUET, ETC. ****** Thió organizatioî haó completeä planó tï holä itó ___71__ß aô thå ___91__ß  oî  ___92___®  É  wisè tï makå  arrangementó  foò  thå attendance of approximately ___161___ persons. Wilì yoõ pleaså providå aî estimatå tï må oæ whaô iô wilì cosô tï servå á first-clasó dinneò iî thå ___162__ß Rooí foò thaô  numbeò oæ  people¿  Youò pricå shoulä includå ___163__ß  cocktailó  peò person® É woulä likå foò yoõ tï senä må severaì menõ suggestionó so that I may make a selection from them. É  wilì appreciatå aî earlù responså tï thió requesô sï thaô  thå prospective guests my be notified as soon as possible. 07.13 *** ENTERTAINMENT - CANCEL MEAL RESERVATION - NO REFUND *** Oî  ___164__ß  É madå reservationó foò á partù oæ  ___165__ß  foò ___166___ at ___93___ on ___92___ under the name of ___167___. Therå haó beeî á changå oæ planó anä thå occasioî wilì havå tï bå postponed®  Wilì you¬  therefore¬  bå gooä enougè tï canceì thió reservation. Thank you. 07.14 *** ENTERTAINMENT - CANCEL MEAL RESERVATION - REFUND DUE ** Oî  ___164__ß  É madå reservationó foò á partù oæ  ___165__ß  foò ___166___ at ___93___ on ___92___ under the name of ___167___. Therå haó beeî á changå oæ planó anä thå occasioî wilì havå tï bå postponed®  Wilì you¬  therefore¬  bå gooä enougè tï canceì thió reservation and refund our payment of ___168___. Thank you. 07.15 *** ENTERTAINMENT - CANCEL THEATER RESERVATIONS - REFUND ** Oî  ___164__ß  É  purchaseä ___161__ß  ___169__ß  seató  foò  thå ___170___ of ___171___ for ___172___. Therå  haó  beeî á changå iî planó anä wå wilì bå unablå  tï  uså theså  ticketó whicè arå enclosed®  Wå woulä appreciatå iô  verù mucè iæ yoõ woulä refunä theiò price¬  makinç youò checë  payablå to ___173___. Thank you very much. 07.16 *** ENTERTAINMENT - CHANGING RESERVATIONS - TICKET EXCH *** Oî  ___164__ß  É  purchaseä ___161__ß  ___169__ß  seató  foò  thå ___170___ of ___171___ for ___172___. Therå  haó  beeî á changå iî planó anä wå wilì bå unablå  tï  uså theså  ticketó whicè arå enclosed®  Wå woulä appreciatå iô  verù mucè iæ yoõ woulä exchangå theí foò similaò seató oî ___174__ß oò ___175___. Thank you very much. 07.17 *** ENTERTAINMENT - INQUIRY FOR THEATER EVENT TICKETS ***** Dï yoõ havå ___161__ß ___169__ß seató availablå foò thå ___170__ß oæ ___171__ß foò ___172___¿ ___161__ß oæ ouò ___74__ß wilì bå iî ___176__ß aô thaô timå anä wå woulä likå tï obtaiî gooä seató foò them. Iæ  yoõ caî accommodatå us¬  pleaså leô uó kno÷ thå pricå oæ  thå tickets so we may send you a check without delay. 07.18 *** ENTERTAINMENT - RESTAURANT RESERVATION FOR A GROUP **** Ouò  ___177__ß wisheó tï entertaiî aô ___166__ß aô thå  ___178__ß on ___92___ at ___93___. Thió wilì bå á partù foò ___165__ß people¬  anä á privatå  dininç room is ___179___. Pleaså   leô  uó  havå  informatioî  aó  tï  thå   accommodationó available¬  anä  thå approximatå cost¬  includinç gratuitieó  anä tax, based on the assumption that ___180___. 07.19 *** ENTERTAINMENT - TICKET PURCHASE FOR AN EVENT ********** Encloseä ió ouò checë foò ___181__ß FOÒ ___161__ß ___169__ß seató foò  thå  ___170__ß oæ ___171__ß foò  ___172___®  Iæ  seató  arå unavailable, our second choice of dates would be ___182___. Á   stampeä   self-addresseä  envelopå  ió  encloseä   foò   youò convenience in sending these tickets to us. 08.01 ** GIFT - GENERAL LETTER OF THANKS ************************ Youò gifô oæ ___55__ß arriveä iî gooä condition®  Iô remindeä uó of your warm and sincere ___183___. Wå  shalì treasurå thå ___55__ß verù much®  Mosô oæ  all¬  everù time we ___184___ it, we will think of our wonderful friendship. Thank you, very much, for your thoughtfulness. 08.02 ** GIFT - REFUSAL BY JUDGE AS BEING UNETHICAL TO ACCEPT *** Youò  appreciatioî gifô followinç thå recenô courô  decisioî  waó very thoughtful. However, I must decline your kind offer. Aó  á  civiì courô judge¬  É worë verù harä  aô  maintaininç  thå requireä  impartiality®  Acceptinç giftó oæ anù kinä coulä  verù well taint that image. 08.03 ** GIFT - RETURN OF EXPENSIVE GIFT PER COMPANY POLICY ***** The ___55___ you sent goes well with the decor of my office. However¬ É aí sorrù thaô É musô returî iô witè sincerå thankó foò the thought behind the giving of it. Wå  herå aô ___29__ß havå á policù oæ noô acceptinç giftó  oæ  aî expensivå naturå froí ___185___®  É believå aî originaì ___55__ß by ___186___ fits that category. 08.04 ** INFORMATION - REQUEST REGARDING LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ** É  havå severaì questionó regardinç mù lifå insurancå policù  No® ___187___. They are as follows: l. What is the present death benefit? 2. What is the current cash value? 3. What is the present loan against the cash value? 4. What will the death benefits be at ___188___? Your prompt reply will be appreciated. 08.05 ** INFORMATION - ACKNOWLEDGING RECEIPT ******************** Thanë  yoõ  foò  sendinç  ___87__ß  thå  informatioî   concerninç ___189___. ___82__ß appreciatå youò providinç thió informatioî tï ___87___® Iô  wilì  bå  verù  helpful®  If¬  aô  anù  time¬  ___82__ß  caî reciprocate in any way, please let me know. 08.06 ** INFORMATION - ACKNOWLEDGE REQUEST, EMPLOYER ABSENT ***** Thió  wilì  acknowledgå  receipô  oæ  youò  letteò  oæ   ___89__ß addressed to ___15___ in connection with ___190___. ___15__ß ió ouô oæ towî untiì ___17___¬  buô É wanô tï assurå yoõ thaô  youò  requesô  foò  informatioî  wilì  bå  giveî   ___28__ß immediate attention when ___18___ returns. 08.07 ** INFORMATION - ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT WITH THANKS ********** Thanë yoõ sï mucè foò sendinç thå informatioî requesteä regardinç ___190___. Thió wilì bå verù helpful®  ___82__ß appreciatå youò takinç  thå trouble to assist ___87___. Iæ  ___82__ß caî eveò reciprocatå iî anù waù pleaså leô  ___87__ß know. 08.08 ** INFORMATION - COVER LETTER FOR INFORMATION FURNISHED *** Thanë  yoõ foò youò interesô iî ouò ___24___®  Wå arå  ___191__ß thå ___189__ß yoõ requested¬  whicè É thinë wilì bå oæ helpfuì tï you. Iæ  therå  ió  furtheò informatioî wå caî  providå  yoõ  oî  thió subject please let me know. 08.09 ** INFORMATION - FOLLOW UP ON BROCHURE SENT *************** PLEASE DO US A FAVOR: Tell us whether you received our brochure, and l) Whether it gave you all the necessary information. 2) Whether you are still interested in ___106___. 3) Whether you have made other plans. 4) Whether you have any problems. Iæ  yoõ  havå  problemó pleaså eitheò writå uó  oò  stoð  bù  ouò ___192___. I am sure that we will be able to help you. Iæ  yoõ havå changeä youò planó oò madå  otheò  arrangements¬  wå wilì  bå  happù  tï removå youò namå ofæ ouò lisô  anä  noô  senä further letters and literature. Á self-addressed¬  postage-freå envelopå ió encloseä anä yoõ  maù uså  thå  bacë  oæ thió letteò foò youò reply®  Wå  hopå  tï  bå hearing from you soon. Thanks for your cooperation. 08.10 *** INFORMATION - REFERRAL TO A BETTER SOURCE ************* ___82__ß havå youò requesô oæ ___193__ß seekinç informatioî abouô ___189___. Thå  datá wå havå concerninç thió subjecô ió verù  limited®  Foò thaô reason¬  ___82__ß suggesô yoõ senä aî inquirù tï  ___194___¬ who will be able to furnish you more complete information. Thanë yoõ foò thinkinç oæ us®  Wå arå alwayó happù tï trù tï  bå of help when we can. 08.11 *** INFORMATION - REGARDING PROPOSED COMPANY MEETING ****** ___20___ TO: ___21___ FROM: ___9___ SUBJECT: ___22___ Theiò  wilì  bå á ___195__ß meetinç aô thå ___76__ß  startinç  aô ___145___ on ___77___ and continuing through ___196___. Aî agendá foò thå meetinç wilì bå senô tï yoõ verù sooî  but¬  iî thå  meantime¬  yoõ  maù  wanô tï starô  makinç  arrangementó  tï attend®  Iî  caså yoõ wanô uó tï makå arrangementó foò  youò  tï ___197__ß aô thå ___76___¬  pleaså notifù mù secretarù aó sooî aó possible and she will make the necessary reservations. Alì ___74__ß arå expecteä tï attend® É wilì appreciatå iô iæ yoõ wilì notifù må immediatelù if¬ foò anù reason¬  yoõ arå unablå tï attend. 08.12 *** INFORMATION - REQUESTED ABOUT PRODUCTS TO BE BOUGHT *** Wå  arå  interesteä  iî  thå  purchaså  oæ  ___70___¬  anä  woulä appreciate any information you can send us regarding yours. Wå   woulä  likå  tï  havå  detailó  concerninç   ___198__ß   anä availabilitù aô thió time® Wå woulä alsï likå ouò namå placeä oî youò mailinç lisô foò anù ne÷ informatioî issueä concerninç  youò ___70___. Please let us hear from you soon. 08.13 *** INFORMATION - REQUESTED ABOUT SERVICES DESIRED ******** Wå  arå  interesteä  iî thå possibilitù oæ  usinç  youò  ___62__ß service¬ anä woulä likå anù informatioî yoõ caî senä uó regardinç it. Wå  woulä appreciatå receivinç detailó regardinç youò  rateó  anä the amount of service covered by each price. Iô  woulä alsï bå helpfuì iæ yoõ caî adviså uó thå earliesô  datå your service would be available to us. 08.14 *** INFORMATION - REQUESTING INFORMATION TO BE SENT ******* ___199__ß  interesteä  iî securinç  somå  informatioî  concerninç ___189___. Aó  yoõ  arå onå oæ thå mosô prominenô ___24__ß  iî  thió  field¬ ___199__ß requestinç youò assistance®  Iæ yoõ havå anù  materiaì oò  informatioî oî thió subjecô whicè yoõ thinë mighô bå  helpfuì would you please send it to ___87___. Wå  urgentlù neeä thió materiaì anä woulä  especiallù  appreciatå hearing from you as soon as possible. Thank you. 08.15 *** INFORMATION - STATISTICAL INFORMATION REQUESTED ******* Iî connectioî witè á ___200__ß ___82__ß arå conducting¬  ___82__ß need some statistical information concerning ___150___. Iæ yoõ havå anù informatioî yoõ thinë woulä bå helpful¬  ___82__ß woulä  appreciatå youò sendinç iô tï us®  ___82___¬  oæ  course¬ will give your organization full credit for your assistance. Thank you for a prompt reply. 08.16 *** INFORMATION - SUPPLIED ABOUT COMPANY SERVICES ********* Wå  appreciatå  youò  interesô iî  ouò  services®  Ouò  ___62__ß service is available ___201___ at a cost of ___202___. For this charge, your are entitled to receive ___203___. Iæ  therå  ió furtheò informatioî wå caî supply¬  pleaså  leô  uó know®  Wå looë forwarä tï aî opportunitù tï bå oæ servicå tï yoõ in the near future. 09.01 ** INFORMATION - COMPANY LITERATURE SUPPLIED ************** Thanë  yoõ foò youò interesô iî ouò company®  Wå  arå  ___204__ß somå   descriptivå  literaturå  whicè  describå   ouò   company'ó operations. Iæ therå ió anù furtheò informatioî whicè wå caî  supply¬  pleaså feel free to write us and let us know. 09.02 ** INFORMATION - SUPPLIED BY EMPLOYEE AS INSTRUCTED ******* ___15__ß haó askeä må tï answeò youò recenô letteò anä É  believå the enclosed ___114___ will provide the information you requested. These materials show ___205___. Sincå alì thå informatioî yoõ wanteä appearó tï bå included¬  I'í surå nï furtheò explanatioî ió necessary®  However¬  pleaså calì me if I can be of further help. 09.03 ** INTRODUCTION - ACQUAINTANCE AS A JOB APPLICANT ********* Thió  letteò  ió  tï  introducå tï yoõ  ___15__ß  aó  á  possiblå candidatå  foò ___144__ß witè youò company®  É  understanä  thió positioî haó recentlù becomå availablå anä thoughô yoõ woulä likå to consider ___15___ to fill it. É  havå knowî ___15__ß foò thå pasô ___148__ß anä wilì voucè  foò ___206__ß  characteò  anä  honesty®  Iî  mù  opinion¬  ___206__ß backgrounä witè ___29__ß haó provideä excellenô traininç foò thió position and should make ___146___ worthy of your consideration. Any consideration you extend to ___146___ will be appreciated. 09.04 ** INTRODUCTION - BUSINESS ASSOCIATE ********************** Thió letteò wilì introducå ___15___¬ á businesó associatå oæ minå who represents ___29___ of ___207___. ___82__ß havå knowî ___15__ß foò thå pasô ___148__ß yearó anä caî voucè  foò ___206__ß characteò anä personaì worth®  Thå  companù ___155__ß  representó  ió alsï onå oæ thå mosô respecteä  iî  thå field here in ___208___. Anù  courtesù  yoõ  extenä tï ___15__ß  aó  á  representativå  oæ ___29___ will be appreciated. 09.05 ** INTRODUCTION - COMPANY EXECUTIVE *********************** ___15___¬  thå  beareò  oæ thió letter¬  ió someonå É  thinë  yoõ shoulä  meet®  ___155__ß  waó recentlù nameä  aó  ___144__ß  foò ___29___. Sincå ___155__ß wilì sooî bå cominç tï youò area¬  iô occurreä tï må  thaô  yoõ  mighô enjoù visitinç witè  eacè  other®  Wå  botè understanä ho÷ busù yoõ are¬  buô hopeä yoõ mighô bå ablå tï  geô together at some time convenient to you. I think you will find the experience rewarding. 09.06 ** INTRODUCTION - COMPANY NEW TO THE AREA ***************** Thió wilì introducå tï yoõ ___29___®  Wå havå beeî iî  operatioî foò  ___148__ß  yearó iî ___208__ß anä havå jusô  recentlù  beguî operationó  iî  ___176___®  Thió  expansioî  iî  ouò  operationó enables us to offer our ___209___ to customers locally. Iæ wå caî bå oæ servicå tï yoõ iî anù waù wå woulä appreciatå thå opportunitù  oæ servinç yoõ anä youò friends®  Wheî yoõ havå  aî opportunity¬  wå hopå yoõ wilì comå bù thå abovå addresó anä  leô us know how we can be of service. Thank you. 09.07 ** INTRODUCTION - FRIEND TO A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE ********** ___15___¬ thå beareò oæ thió letter¬ ió someonå yoõ shoulä meet® Wå  havå beeî friendó foò ___148__ß yearó anä É believå  yoõ  anä ___155___ have many common interests. ___155__ß  ió ___144__ß witè ___29__ß iî ___176___®  É hopå  yoõ two enjoy meeting and visiting with each other. 09.08 ** INTRODUCTION - SALESMAN OR REPRESENTATIVE ************** ___29__ß   takå   pleasurå  iî  introducinç  tï   yoõ   ouò   ne÷ representativå iî thió area¬  ___15___®  ___155__ß ió onå oæ ouò best ___74___ and, I am sure, can help you with your problems. ___15__ß  haó contributeä á greaô deaì tï ouò customeró oveò  thå yearó  anä  woulä likå tï dï thå samå foò your®  Afteò  á  brieæ visiô  witè  ___146___¬  É thinë yoõ wilì  agreå  thaô  ___155__ß shoulä  bå giveî aî opportunitù tï sho÷ yoõ ho÷ ___155__ß caî  bå of help. Yoõ  caî expecô á visiô froí ___146__ß sometimå iî thå  nexô  fe÷ days® Iæ yoõ woulä likå tï arrangå á specifiã timå ___155__ß caî be reached at ___31___. 09.09 ** INVITATION - ACCEPTED TO ATTEND CONVENTION ************* Thanë yoõ verù mucè foò yoõ invitatioî tï attenä thå ___210__ß tï be held in ___211___ the week of ___212___. É  aí happù tï havå ouò ___24__ß representeä anä aí enclosinç  mù reservation form. I hope to see you in ___211___. 09.10 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED FOR DINNER ********************** Thanë yoõ  foò youò dinneò invitatioî foò  ___213___¬  ___92___®  ___214__ß  ___215__ß freå thaô eveninç anä wilì bå glaä  tï  meeô and have dinner with you. ___86__ß  wilì bå aô ___76__ß aô ___145__ß anä wilì looë  forwarä to seeing you then. 09.11 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED FOR LUNCH *********************** Thanë yoõ foò youò luncheoî invitatioî foò ___213___¬  ___92___®  ___214__ß  ___215__ß freå foò luncè thaô daù anä wilì bå glaä  tï have the opportunity of visiting with you. ___86__ß  wilì bå aô ___76__ß aô ___145__ß anä wilì looë  forwarä to seeing you then. 09.12 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED FOR MEETING, PARTY OR RECEPTION * Thanë  yoõ  verù  mucè foò yoõ invitatioî foò  ___88__ß  tï  joiî ___216___ at ___76___ on ___77___. ___214__ß wilì bå happù tï bå therå aô ___145__ß tï takå parô  iî the ___217___ and look forward to it with pleasure. 09.13 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED TO ATTEND BANQUET *************** Iô  ió verù kinä oæ yoõ tï asë må tï attenä thå ___71__ß  banqueô as your guest on ___92___ at ___91___. Iô wilì bå mosô interestinç anä informativå tï heaò ___218___® É aí  familiaò  witè  ___219__ß worë anä looë  forwarä  tï  hearinç ___219___ views on ___150___. I'lì  plaî  tï bå aô ___91__ß aô ___93__ß anä wilì looë  foò  yoõ there. 09.14 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED TO MAKE SPEECH - TOPIC ACCEPTED * ___214__ß ___215__ß verù happù tï accepô youò kinä invitatioî  tï speak at the ___68___ you are having on ___81___. Thå topiã yoõ suggesô ió quitå satisfactorù anä ___214__ß wilì bå looking forward to taking part in your program. Wheî yoõ havå completeä youò plans¬  pleaså leô ___87__ß kno÷ thå exact time to be there. 09.15 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED TO MAKE SPEECH - TOPIC DECLINED * ___214__ß ___215__ß verù happù tï accepô youò kinä invitatioî  tï speak at the ___68___ you are having on ___81___. Thå  topiã yoõ suggesô ió quitå satisfactorù buô ___214__ß  woulä prefeò tï talë oî ___220__ß iæ thaô ió acceptablå tï you® Pleaså let ___88___ know if this subject meets with your approval. ___214___ will look forward to taking part in your program. 09.16 *** INVITATION - ACCEPTED TO MAKE SPEECH, TOPIC SUGGESTED * ___214__ß ___215__ß verù happù tï accepô youò kinä invitatioî  tï speak at the ___68___ you are having on ___81___. Dï  yoõ  agreå  witè  ___87__ß  thaô  ___220__ß  woulä  bå   mosô appropriatå foò thió occasion¿ Iæ not¬  dï yoõ havå á preferencå aó tï thå subjecô tï bå covered®  Youò suggestioî woulä bå  verù helpful. ___214___ will look forward to taking part in your program. 09.1· *ª INVITATIOÎ ­ ACCEPTEÄ TÏ MAKÅ SPEECH¬ TOPIÃ REQUESTEÄ *ª ___214__ß ___215__ß verù happù tï accepô youò kinä invitatioî  tï speak at the ___68___ you are having on ___81___. Dï yoõ havå anù preferencå aó tï thå subjecô matteò tï bå covereä by ___221___ speech? Your suggestions would be helpful. ___214___ will look forward to taking part in your program. 10.01 ** INVITATION - OPENING, DECLINING CONVENTION INVITE ****** Thanë yoõ foò youò invitatioî tï attenä thå ___210__ß tï bå  helä iî ___211__ß thå weeë oæ ___212___® É haä hopeä thaô iô woulä bå possiblå  foò  må  tï bå therå but¬  becauså oæ  á  morå  crowdeä schedule than anticipated, it has become impossible. 10.02 ** INVITATION - DECLINING CONCLUDED - NO SUBSTITUTE ******* Please accept my regrets and I'll try to make it to the next one. 10.03 ** INVITATION - DECLINING CONCLUDED - WITH SUBSTITUTE ***** However¬  É  wanô ouò organizatioî tï bå represented¬  sï É  havå askeä  ___222__ß  tï attenä iî mù place®  ___223__ß  ió  lookinç forward to the opportunity to see you there. 10.04 ** INVITATION - DECLINING BREAKFAST, DINNER OR LUNCH ****** Thanë  yoõ  foò  youò  invitatioî  tï  ___166__ß  foò  ___213___¬ ___92___. ___214__ß ___224__ß thaô ___86__ß ___215__ß unablå tï accepô youò kind invitation because of ___225___. ___214__ß woulä appreciatå iô iæ yoõ woulä agaiî trù arranginç tï get together sometime soon. 10.05 ** INVITATION - DECLINING DINNER FOR WRITER & SPOUSE ****** ___226__ß anä É appreciatå youò dinneò invitatioî oî ___92___® É aí  sorrù tï reporô thaô wå havå otheò planó foò thaô  particulaò date and cannot accept your kind invitation. Thank you for thinking of us. We hope to be seeing you soon. 10.06 ** INVITATION - DECLINING TO ATTEND BANQUET *************** Thanë  yoõ verù mucè foò youò invitatioî tï attenä  thå  ___71__ß banquet on ___92___ at ___91___. Unfortunately¬  É  aí unablå tï bå therå aô thaô timå becauså  oæ ___78___®  Iô woulä havå beeî á pleasurå tï seå yoõ anä tï  heaò ___218___ speak. Please accept my regrets. 10.07 ** INVITATION - LATE ACCEPTANCE BECAUSE AWAY FROM OFFICE ** Pleaså  accepô mù apologieó foò thå delaù iî  acknowledginç  youò invitatioî foò ___71__ß oî ___92___®  É havå beeî awaù froí  thå office and only just returned. Luckily¬  É havå nï otheò planó foò ___92___¬  anä shalì bå happù to see you at ___93___ at ___91___. 10.08 ** INVITATION - LATE REFUSAL WITH AN APOLOGY ************** Pleaså  accepô mù apologieó foò thå delaù iî  acknowledginç  youò invitatioî foò ___71__ß oî ___92___®  É havå beeî awaù froí  thå office and only just returned. Unfortunately¬ É havå otheò planó foò ___92___¬ buô wilì bå happù to make a date for some other convenient time. 10.09 ** INVITATION - RESPONSE EMPLOYER NOT RETURNING IN TIME *** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. Unfortunately¬  thió  wilì  makå iô impossiblå  foò  ___65__ß  tï accepô  youò  kinä  invitatioî  foò  ___227___®  É  regreô  thaô ___18__ß  ió  noô ablå tï thanë  yoõ  personallù  today®  Pleaså accept my apologies. 10.10 *** INVITATION - RESPONSE, EMPLOYER RETURNING IN TIME ***** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. É  havå checkeä ___28__ß calendaò anä ___18__ß seemó tï  havå  nï otheò  planó foò thå datå yoõ mention¬  buô thió wilì havå tï  bå confirmed®  É  regreô  thaô ___18__ß ió noô herå  tï  thanë  yoõ promptly for your kind invitation. Please accept my apologies for the delay. 10.11 *** INVITATION - TO ATTEND A BANQUET ********************** Aó  á  persoî interesteä iî ___150___¬  É thinë yoõ  woulä  enjoù hearinç  thå  speecè bù ___218___¬  tï bå giveî aô  thå  ___71__ß banquet on ___92___ at ___93___. Iæ so¬ É woulä likå foò yoõ tï bå ouò guesô thaô eveninç foò thaô event®  Cocktailó  wilì  bå serveä aô ___93__ß  witè  dinneò  tï follow. If you are able to join us, won't you please let me know. 10.12 *** INVITATION - TO ATTEND A CONVENTION ******************* Wå  hopå yoõ havå seô asidå thå weeë oæ ___212__ß tï  attenä  thå ___210___ to be held in ___211___ this year. Thå meetingó wilì bå helä aô thå ___76__ß anä sessionó wilì starô eacè morninç aô ___145__ß iî thå ___228___® Luncè wilì bå serveä iî thå ___229__ß aô ___230___®  Afteò ___231__ß yoõ wilì bå freå for relaxation and some evening entertainment. Thå cosô oæ thå ___232___¬  includinç transportatioî bù ___233__ß froí  ___234__ß  tï  ___235___¬   ió  ___236___®   Iæ  yoõ   arå interested¬  pleaså  filì  iî thå attacheä reservatioî  forí  anä returî  iô  tï  me®  Nï  reservationó  wilì  bå  accepteä  afteò ___237___. É  kno÷ yoõ wilì finä youò attendancå aô thå ___210__ß  enjoyablå as well as productive and look forward to seeing you there. 10.13 *** INVITATION - TO ATTEND A MEETING ********************* Aó  ___11__ß  É  wanô tï extenä yoõ aî  invitatioî  tï  attenä  á meeting of ___216___ scheduled for ___81___ to discuss ___150___. Youò  thinkinç  oî thå subjecô woulä contributå  greatlù  tï  thå succesó oæ thå proposeä conference® Pleaså adviså må iæ yoõ wilì be able to attend. 10.14 *** INVITATION - TO ATTEND A PARTY ************************ On ___213___, ___92___, ___238___ will celebrate ___239___. Wå havå decideä tï tï havå á partù iî honoò oæ thå occasion®  Iô wilì bå aô ___91__ß beginninç aô ___93___® Pleaså comå anä brinç youò  ___74__ß  oò otheò guest®  Wå looë forwarä tï  seeinç  yoõ there. Iî ordeò tï makå propeò reservations¬  wilì yoõ pleaså senä  youò acceptance to the attention of ___15___ no later than ___237___. 10.15 *** INVITATION - TO ATTEND A RECEPTION ******************** Aó ___11___¬  iô woulä pleaså må verù mucè iæ yoõ coulä attenä  á reception in honor of ___238___. Thå receptioî ió tï bå helä oî ___92__ß aô ___93__ß aô ___91___® Cocktailó  wilì bå serveä promptlù aô ___93__ß tï bå followeä  bù ___240___. Dress will be ___241___. É hopå yoõ caî attend®  Pleaså leô uó kno÷ bù ___237__ß whether¬ or not, you can make it. 10.16 *** INVITATION - TO MAKE A SPEECH ************************* Thå ___216__ß woulä likå tï extenä aî invitatioî tï yoõ tï bå ouò guesô  speakeò oî ___92__ß aô ___71__ß tï bå helä aô ___91__ß  aô ___93___. Aó yoõ maù know¬ thå ___216__ß ió interesteä iî ___150___® Sincå yoõ  arå familiaò witè thió subject¬  wå kno÷ youò viewó wilì  bå extremely interesting to us. Youò wilì receivå furtheò detailó later¬  buô wå woulä appreciatå havinç  youò  acceptancå  aó sooî aó possiblå  tï  permiô  uó  tï complete our agenda. 10.17 *** INVITATION - TO MEET AT OFFICE AT A PROPOSED TIME ***** Therå arå detailó ___214__ß woulä likå verù mucè tï discusó  witè you in connection with ___83___. Ho÷ abouô  droppinç  bå oî ___75__ß aô ___85__ß tï  discusó  it®  ___86__ß  woulä  enjoù  seeinç yoõ  anä  gettinç  youò  reactionó concerninç thió matter®  Iæ thió ió noô convenient¬  pleaså  leô ___87___ know what time you would prefer. ___82___ will be waiting to hear from you. 10.18 *** INVITATION - TO MEET AT OFFICE WITH TIME LEFT OPEN **** Ho÷ abouô á meetinç somå timå iî thå neaò futurå witè ___88__ß tï discuss ___83___. ___86__ß  woulä  enjoù seeinç yoõ anä gettinç youò  reactionó  oî thió  subject®  Leô ___87__ß kno÷ whaô timå woulä bå  convenienô for you to drop by and ___82___ will consider it a definite date. 10.19 *** INVITATION - TO MEET FOR A MEAL *********************** Arå yoõ freå foò ___166__ß oî ___213___¬  ___92___®  Iæ yoõ are¬ ___214__ß  woulä  likå  iô iæ yoõ coulä joiî  ___84__ß  aô  abouô ___93___ at ___178___. Thió  wilì givå ___242__ß aî opportunitù tï talë abouô  ___150__ß and exchange views. Please let me know if you can make it. 11.01 ** ORDER - ACKNOWLEDGE DELAY IN FILLING, AWAY FROM OFFICE * Thió  wilì  acknowledgå receipô oæ youò ordeò  oæ  ___109__ß  foò ___243___. Althougè É havå beeî awaù froí thå office¬ É processeä youò ordeò immediately upon my return. É hopå thå delaù haó noô causeä yoõ anù inconveniencå anä wisè tï assure you that your patronage is appreciated. 11.02 ** ORDER - ACKNOWLEDGED, BUT GOODS OUT OF STOCK NOW ******* Witè  thankó wå acknowledgå youò checë anä ordeò dateä  ___109__ß for ___243___ described in our letter to you of ___244___. Unfortunately¬ thå demanä foò ___243__ß haó beeî sï greaô thaô wå havå nï morå oî hand®  Despitå thå facô thaô wå havå  reordered¬ regretfully we have no idea when they will be shipped to us. Therefore¬  wå wilì gladlù returî youò checë anä inforí yoõ  wheî thå ne÷ supplù arrives®  However¬  iæ yoõ prefer¬  wå wilì  keeð your check and forward them to you as soon as they arrive. 11.03 ** ORDER - ACKNOWLEDGED WITH REQUEST FOR CASH PAYMENT ***** Thanë yoõ foò youò ordeò foò ___106__ß thaô wå advertiseä iî  thå ___133___ on ___134___. Unfortunately¬  wå arå unablå tï handlå  C.O.D®  orders®  Pleaså senä uó á checë oò á moneù order®  Thå pricå oæ thå ___106__ß ió ___245___. Meanwhile¬  wå arå holdinç youò ordeò asidå witè instructionó  tï rush shipment as soon as we receive your payment. 11.04 ** ORDER - CANCELLATION OF ORDER FOR GOODS **************** Duå tï á changå iî plans¬  wå wilì bå unablå tï uså thå  ___70__ß we ordered from you on ___109___. Wilì yoõ pleaså canceì ouò order¿  Wå wilì bå iî toucè witè  yoõ again when we are in the market for ___70___. Thanë  yoõ verù mucè anä wå regreô anù inconveniencå wå maù  havå caused you with this order. 11.05 ** ORDER - CANCELLATION OF ORDER, DOOR-TO-DOOR SALESMAN *** Thió  certifieä  letteò  ió  tï canceì  thå  ordeò  É  placeä  oî ___109__ß witè onå oæ youò ___106__ß salesmen®  Hå waó extremelù pushù anä É acteä impulsively® Afteò hå left¬ É regretteä havinç let him have the order. Luckily¬  á  frienä pointeä ouô thå la÷ statinç thaô therå  ió  á three-daù "coolinç off¢ perioä iî thió statå iî whicè buyeró  maù canceì orderó placeä witè door-to-dooò salesmen®  É checkeä thió information out with the Attorney General. Encloseä yoõ wilì finä á copù oæ mù contract®  É havå alsï  tolä my bank to stop payment on the down payment check. Thå  abovå  mentioneä actionó shoulä  concludå  thió  matter®  É regret any inconvenience that I may have caused your company. 11.06 ** ORDER - CANCELLED BECAUSE DEADLINE PASSED ************** Wå  regreô  tï inforí yoõ thaô circumstanceó havå  forceä  uó  tï cancel our order of ___109___ for ___243___. Thå deadlinå foò deliverù oæ theså goodó ió lonç pasô duå anä  wå can no longer use them as we had planned to do. Aó á businesó person¬ É aí surå yoõ wilì understanä thå necessitù for this cancellation. 11.07 ** ORDER - CANCELLED BECAUSE GOODS NO LONGER NEEDED ******* Wå  regreô  tï inforí yoõ thaô circumstanceó havå  forceä  uó  tï cancel our order of ___109___ for ___243___. Thå  ordeò wå haä foò ouò ___70__ß haó beeî cancelled¬  sï wå  nï longer have a need for these goods. Aó á businesó person¬ É aí surå yoõ wilì understanä thå necessitù for this cancellation. 11.08 ** ORDER - CANCELLED BECAUSE PLANS HAVE CHANGED *********** Wå  regreô  tï inforí yoõ thaô circumstanceó havå  forceä  uó  tï cancel our order of ___109___ for ___243___. Ouò planó havå changeä sincå thió ordeò waó placeä anä thå  goodó we ordered no longer fit our needs. Aó á businesó person¬ É aí surå yoõ wilì understanä thå necessitù for this cancellation. 11.09 ** ORDER - CONFIRMATION OF PLACEMENT OF AN ORDER ********** This will confirm our order for ___246___. Wå  understanä wå caî expecô deliverù oæ thió ordeò oî  oò  abouô ___247___ at ___248___. Thank you for you prompt attention to this order. 11.10 *** ORDER - CONFIRMATION OF PRICE AND SHIPPING CHARGES **** Thió  confirmó mù quotatioî tï yoõ oæ ___246__ß foò ___249__ß  oæ ___70___. Iæ wå shið viá ___250___¬  thå pricå foò shipmenô tï yoõ wilì  bå ___251___®  Shipmenô bù ___252__ß woulä cosô yoõ onlù ___253___¬ but delivery will be slower. Iæ  yoõ  wisè tï authorizå immediatå shipmenô bù  eitheò  method¬ pleaså  leô  uó  kno÷  promptlù  tï  assurå  gooä  service®   Wå appreciate your interest in our products. 11.11 *** ORDER - CONFIRMATION OF RECEIPT OF ORDER ************** This will confirm your order for ___246___. Yoõ  maù expecô deliverù oæ thió ordeò oî oò abouô  ___247__ß  aô ___248___® Iæ yoõ dï noô receivå thå ordeò wheî expected¬ pleaså let us know. Thank you for your patronage. 11.12 *** ORDER - DELAY FROM PRODUCTION DIFFICULTIES EXPLAINED ** Thió  wilì  acknowledgå receipô oæ youò ordeò  oæ  ___109__ß  foò ___243___. Becauså  oæ somå temporarù ___254__ß problems¬  youò ordeò  coulä not be taken care of until now. É hopå thå delaù haó noô causeä yoõ anù inconveniencå anä wisè tï assure you that your patronage is appreciated. 11.13 *** ORDER - GOODS TO BE DELIVERED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ***** Pleaså  senä thå followinç aó sooî aó possiblå anä chargå tï  ouò account: ___255___ ___256___ ___257___ Thank you for your promptness. 11.14 *** ORDER - EXPLANATION FOR DELAY OF ENGRAVED ITEM ******** Wå caî definitelù understanä youò annoyancå iî noô receivinç  thå ___106___ that you ordered. Orderó  requirinç  engravinç neeä  ___49__ß  foò  delivery®  Ouò salespersoî probablù diä noô makå thaô cleaò anä wå arå sorrù foò that misunderstanding. Youò ordeò wilì bå shippeä ___258__ß anä wilì arrivå withiî á fe÷ dayó  afteò that®  Pleaså forgivå thå delay®  Wå kno÷ thaô  yoõ will be satisfied with the final product. 11.15 *** ORDER - EXPLANATION OF DELAY IN SENDING - OUT OF TOWN * Sincå  É  havå  beeî ouô oæ town¬  mù stafæ  delayeä  makinç  ouò purchaså oæ ___243___¬  waitinç foò authorizatioî froí me®  É aí sorrù  iô haó takeî longeò thaî expecteä foò uó tï senä yoõ  thió purchase order. Iæ yoõ wilì filì thå encloseä ordeò aô youò earliesô convenience¬ I will appreciate it very much. 12.01 ** ORDER - BASED ON DISCUSSION - REQUEST FOR CONFIRMATION * Iî  ouò  discussioî  oî  ___259__ß É  expresseä  aî  interesô  iî ordering ___70___. Thió  wilì confirí ouò ordeò foò ___260__ß oæ youò ___70__ß aô  á price of ___246___, to be delivered by ___247___. Pleaså furnisè á writteî confirmatioî oæ youò acceptancå oæ  thió order or of its shipment, if shipped immediately. 12.02 ** ORDER - PLACED BASED ON A PREVIOUS ESTIMATE ************ Wå arå herebù placinç aî ordeò foò ___243___¬  iî accordancå witè your estimate of ___261___. Wilì  yoõ  pleaså  shið  theså goodó bù  ___237__ß  bù  thå  mosô practical means available. Thank you for your consideration. 12.03 ** ORDER - REQUEST FOR GOODS TO BE SHIPPED EARLIER ******** Oî ___109__ß wå senô yoõ ouò purchaså ordeò numbeò ___107__ß  foò ___106___®   Yoõ  confirmeä  thå  requesteä  deliverù  datå   oæ ___247___. Duå tï forecasteä changeó iî thå ___262___¬  theså ___106__ß wilì bå  needeä ___49__ß earlier®  Wå no÷ wilì neeä ___263__ß  beforå ___264__ß  anä  thå balancå completeä bù  ___265___®  Coulä  yoõ reschedulå  youò shipmentó tï worë iî aô leasô ___263__ß tï  meeô thå  earlieò  deliverù  date¿  É realizå  thaô  youò  productioî scheduleó  arå  fulì aô thió timå oæ thå yeaò  buô  á  profitablå ___94__ß  ió dependenô upoî uó havinç theså goodó oî hanä bù  thå earlier date. Wå certainlù appreciatå youò help®  Wå dï noô wanô tï spliô  thå ordeò witè anotheò supplier®  Pleaså leô må kno÷ immediatelù  iæ you can take care of this for us. 12.04 ** ORDER - SPECIAL SHIPMENT BECAUSE OF ERROR, WITH CREDIT * Wå shippeä youò ordeò No®  ___107__ß foò ___106__ß viá  ___266__ß insteaä  oæ  parceì  posô  becauså wå thoughô  thaô  timå  waó  á critical factor. yecauså  oæ  ouò  error¬  wå arå mailinç yoõ  á  crediô  foò  thå difference in delivery rates. 12.05 ** ORDER - SUPPLIES OR EQUIPMENT ************************** É  aí  placinç  thió order¬  tï bå billeä tï  ___173__ß  foò  thå following ___267___: ___268___ ___269___ ___270___ Wilì  yoõ pleaså makå deliverù oæ thió ordeò tï thå attentioî  oæ the undersigned at the above address as soon as possible. 12.06 ** ORDER - SUPPLIES OR EQUIPMENT - RUSH ******************* Pleaså  senä  thå followinç aó sooî aó yoõ caî anä  bilì  tï  ouò account: ___268___ ___269___ ___270___ Deliveò thió ordeò tï thå addresó showî abovå tï thå attentioî oæ the undersigned. 12.07 ** POLITICAL - ANNOUNCEMENT OF POSITION ON PROPOSITION **** Iî  replù  tï youò requesô oæ ___193__ß thaô É  makå  á  decisioî abouô  ___271___¬  ___272__ß  iî favoò  oæ  thaô  ___271___¬  anä ___273___ agree to work personally in its support. Thanë  yoõ foò thinkinç oæ må iî thió connection®  É  appreciatå your confidence in my judgment. 12.08 ** POLITICAL - OPINION IN SUPPORT OF CANDIDATE ************ É havå youò requesô oæ ___193__ß foò aî endorsemenô iî connectioî with the candidacy of ___15___ for ___274___. É aí happù tï makå á statemenô iî favoò oæ ___15___'ó  candidacy¬ aó  É  consideò  ___65__ß eminentlù qualifieä tï  carrù  ouô  thå dutieó oæ  ___274__ß  iî  á  waù  thaô  wilì  benefiô  everyone®  ___15___'ó  standó oî thå issueó whicè concerî uó  shoulä  assurå good leadership for the ___275___ upon his election. 12.09 ** POLITICAL - REJECTION OF REQUEST FOR SUPPORT *********** É havå youò requesô oæ ___193__ß foò aî endorsemenô iî connectioî with the candidacy of ___15___ for ___274___. Frankly¬ É dï noô thinë É shalì casô mù votå foò ___15___®  Thió ió  certainlù noô á personaì rejection®  Iô merelù meanó thaô  É prefer the platform of one of ___28___ opponents. Iî  anù case¬  É aí surå thå majoritù oæ thå votå wilì gï tï  thå most deserving candidate. 12.10 *** POLITICAL - REQUESTING SUPPORT AND ENDORSEMENT ******** Youò namå haó beeî giveî ___87__ß bù ___15__ß witè thå suggestioî thaô  ___82__ß  requesô  youò  endorsemenô  foò  ___276__ß  aó  á candidate for ___144___ ___277___ ___208___. ___15___'ó prograí foò thå ___208__ß should¬  ___199__ß sure¬  bå of benefit to us all, if ___278___ past record is any indication. Anù  statemenô  yoõ  carå tï makå iî  ___278__ß  behalæ  wilì  bå greatly appreciated. 12.11 *** POLITICAL - REQUESTING SUPPORT FOR PROPOSITION ******** Thå  ___24__ß ió aô presenô makinç planó tï bacë  thå  ___271___¬ and would like to enlist your personal support. Wå  woulä appreciatå learninç youò feelingó oî thå  subject¬  anä youò  activå cooperatioî woulä bå helpful®  Iô  wilì  facilitatå matters if you can let us have your decision by ___237___. 12.12 *** POLITICAL - UNDECIDED ON HOW TO VOTE ****************** É aí stilì uncertaiî ho÷ É shalì casô mù votå iî thå electioî anä neeä á littlå timå tï decidå whicè oæ thå candidateó haó thå mosô appeal to me. É  aí surå ___15__ß wilì agreå witè mù decisioî noô tï  offeò  aî endorsemenô untiì É aí surå oæ mù owî opinion® Whù don'ô yoõ geô iî  toucè witè må iî anotheò fe÷ ___279___¬  wheî É havå  haä  aî opportunity to consider the matter further? 13.01 ** REQUEST - ASSISTANCE REQUESTED FOR A SPECIAL FUNCTION ** Wå  woulä likå tï havå yoõ ___152__ß durinç ouò planneä  ___71__ß to be held at ___91___ on ___92___. Iæ yoõ arå iî á positioî tï makå á contributioî tï ouò effortó iî this regard, we would be most grateful for your help. Anù assistancå yoõ caî offeò uó wilì bå appreciateä anä yoõ  wilì be most welcome to attend this event. 13.02 ** REQUEST - BY SELLER OF UNSATISFACTORY PRODUCT ********** Wå arå sorrù tï learî thaô thå ___70__ß yoõ purchaseä froí uó haó noô  proveä satisfactory®  Wå wanô ouò customeró tï  bå  pleaseä witè  ouò merchandiså anä thanë yoõ foò bringinç thió  matteò  tï our attention. Wilì  yoõ  pleaså leô uó kno÷ thå timå anä daù wheî  iô  wilì  bå convenienô  tï havå thå ___70__ß pickeä uð anä  returned¿  Also¬ wilì yoõ leô uó kno÷ whetheò yoõ wisè tï receivå á replacement¬ á credit or a cash refund? Wå  regreô thå inconveniencå causeä yoõ anä hopå tï  continuå  tï serve you in the future. 13.03 ** REQUEST - CAUSE OF INACTIVITY IN BUSINESS RELATION ***** Wå arå aô á losó wheî wå seå thaô yoõ arå nï longeò workinç  witè uó iî á businesó relationship®  Ió therå somethinç wå havå done¬ oò foò thaô matter¬  havå noô done¿  Pleaså takå á moment'ó timå tï writå á brieæ sentencå oò twï oî thå bacë oæ thió letter® Yoõ can mail it in the postpaid envelope that is enclosed. Wå  havå  jusô  expandeä ouò warehouså  anä  havå  increaseä  ouò ___106__ß producô linå tï servå yoõ morå efficiently®  Wå  valuå yoõ  aó á businesó associatå anä hopå thaô wå wilì heaò froí  yoõ soon. 13.04 ** REQUEST - CAUSE OF NO ORDERS IN BUSINESS RELATION ****** Iî thå pasô É havå valueä youò patronage®  Buô despitå thå  facô thaô  wå havå alwayó enjoyeä á mutuallù pleasanô  anä  profitablå relationship¬  yoõ  havå  noô placeä aî ordeò witè må  iî  recenô ___160___®  Aí  É  responsiblå foò somethinç saiä oò  donå  thaô offended or displeased you? Pleaså  leô  må  kno÷ iæ anythinç ió troublinç  yoõ  thaô  É  caî rectify®  Jusô calì oî thå phonå sï wå caî talk®  É  definitelù respect your insight and good will. 13.05 ** REQUEST - FOR ANSWER TO UNANSWERED LETTER ************** Iî  examininç mù follow-uð filå today¬  É noticå thaô É havå  noô receiveä  á replù tï mù letteò tï yoõ dateä  ___89__ß  concerninç ___8___®  Iî caså thå letteò haó gonå astraù oò beeî mislaid¬  É am enclosing a copy for your information. É looë forwarä tï hearinç froí yoõ soon¬  aó É aí anxiouó tï havå your reaction to my ___150___. 13.06 ** REQUEST - FOR RESPONSE TO UNANSWERED PHONE CALLS ******* Whilå  checkinç  mù  calendaò today¬  É noticå thaô  É  havå  noô receiveä  á replù tï mù phonå calì tï yoõ oî  ___280___¬  wheî  É wanteä  tï  discusó  ___150___®  Iî caså  mù  messagå  haó  beeî mislaid¬  oò  you'vå  jusô  forgotteî tï  returî  thå  call¬  I'í bringing the matter to your attention with this letter. É looë forwarä tï hearinç froí yoõ soon¬  aó É thinë aî  exchangå of ideas would be helpful to both of us. 13.07 ** REQUEST - QUOTATIONS ON GOODS TO BE SUPPLIED *********** Wå arå  currentlù  developinç  á  prograí  oæ  vendoò  sources®   Therefore¬  wå  woulä  appreciatå á quotå froí yoõ oî  thå  itemó listed below: ___255___ ___256___ ___257___ Pleaså returî youò quotå iî thå prepaiä envelopå thaô ió encloseä for your convenience. 13.08 ** RESPONSE - ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF LETTER *************** Thanë  yoõ  sï  mucè foò  youò  letteò  oæ  ___89___¬  concerninç ___190___. ___82__ß  appreciatå  yoõ takinç thå troublå  tï  writå  ___87__ß concerning this matter and will ___281___. ___82___ ___282___ always happy to hear from you. 13.09 ** RESPONSE - APOLOGY FOR DELAY IN REPLY TO INQUIRY ******* Thank you for your recent inquiry about our ___283___. Pleaså accepô ouò apologù foò thå inadvertenô delaù iî furnishinç you the desired information, which is enclosed. We appreciate your interest, and hope to hear from you further. 13.10 *** RESPONSE - EMPLOYER WILL RESPOND UPON RETURN ********** Becauså   ___15__ß  ió  ouô  oæ  towî  untiì   ___17___¬   É   aí acknowledginç receipô oæ youò letteò oæ ___89___®  Wheî ___18__ß returnó  ___18__ß wilì givå iô ___28__ß immediatå  attentioî  anä you may expect to hear from us shortly afterwards. 13.11 *** RESPONSE - INQUIRY REGARDING DELIVERY DATES *********** Iî replù tï youò inquiry¬  ___82__ß wanô tï assurå yoõ thaô  youò ordeò oæ ___109__ß foò ___260__ß oæ ___243__ß wilì bå shippeä  oî oò abouô ___258___®  Iæ yoõ faiì tï receivå thió shipmenô withiî a reasonable time after that date please let me know. Youò  patronagå ió appreciateä anä ___82__ß looë forwarä  tï  thå opportunity of serving you in the future. 13.12 *** RESPONSE - INQUIRY REGARDING PRICES OF PRODUCTS ******* Iî  replù  tï  youò  requesô foò  priceó  oæ  ouò  ___70___¬  thå following will give you some idea of their range. ___246___ ___284___ ___285___ Iæ  ___82__ß  caî providå yoõ witè  anù  additionaì  information¬ pleaså  leô  må kno÷ anä É wilì bå happù tï responä  aó  sooî  aó possible. 13.13 *** RESPONSE - LETTER ADDRESSED TO A PERSON WHO IS ILL **** Thió  letteò ió tï inforí yoõ thaô wå havå receiveä  youò  letteò dated ___1___ that was addressed to ___15___. ___15__ß haó beeî ilì anä ió noô expecteä tï returî tï thå officå untiì abouô ___286___® Wheî ___18__ß returns¬  É wilì brinç youò letter to ___28___ attention. 13.14 *** RESPONSE - REJECT OFFER FOR INVESTMENT IN A PROJECT *** Thanë  yoõ foò youò recenô letteò offerinç må aî  opportunitù  tï invest in ___136___. Afteò  carefuì consideratioî oæ thió proposal¬  wå  havå  decideä thaô wå arå unablå tï takå advantagå oæ thió offeò aô thió time® Thió  shoulä  noô bå interpreteä aó á lacë oæ confidencå  iî  itó potential¬ however¬  wå arå noô prepareä tï makå aî investmenô iî the project at this time. É aí sorrù wå arå unablå tï assisô yoõ iî thió venture¬  althougè wå wisè yoõ thå greatesô succesó iî it®  Thankó foò providinç uó this opportunity. 13.15 *** RESPONSE - REJECT REQUEST TO RETURN GOODS FOR CREDIT ** Thanë  yoõ  sï  mucè  foò writinç  uó  abouô  thå  ___106__ß  yoõ purchaseä oî  ___287__ß  thaô  yoõ wisè tï  returî  foò  credit®  However¬ theså arå thå ___106__ß yoõ ordereä and¬  iî fact¬  paiä for them with our ___288___ percent cash discount. Aó É understanä it¬  yoõ woulä likå tï returî theså goodó becauså theù  havå  proveä tï bå á slo÷ seller®  Wå cannoô  accepô  thió proposaì  becauså wå discontinueä thió linå ___289___®  Mosô  oæ ouò  dealeró  founä theí tï bå gooä selleró durinç  thå  ___94__ß promotioî  thaô  wå sponsored®  Wå arå  sendinç  yoõ  additionaì promotionaì  ideaó anä materialó thaô havå beeî  successfuì  witè otheò dealers® Ouò salesman¬  ___15___¬  wilì alsï bå callinç oî you soon with additional suggestions. 13.16 *** RESPONSE - REPLACEMENT OF APPAREL WHICH SHRUNK ******** Wå  agreå thaô thå ___290__ß yoõ returneä shrunë iî  thå  washinç machine®  Thaô  ___290__ß waó noô washablå althougè  manù  todaù are® Ouò  saleó  associatå shoulä havå explaineä thió  tï  you®  Sometimes, however, a clerk may forget. Whetheò thió waó thå caså oò not¬ ___15___¬  wå arå sorrù foò thå inconvenience. Pleaså  bå  assureä  thaô wå wilì bå verù happù  tï  replacå  thå ___290___ or credit your account. 14.01 ** RESPONSE - TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REGARDING GOODS ** Wå werå sï pleaseä tï receivå iî today'ó maiì youò inquirù  abouô ouò   ___106___®   Thió  ió  definitelù  aî  indicatioî  oæ   aî intelligenô anä sensiblå approacè tï youò ___281___® Yoõ wilì bå thå  onå  tï uså thå equipment»  therefore¬  iô ió uð tï  yoõ  tï examinå anä judgå eacè piecå oî itó owî meriô beforå makinç  youò purchase decisions. Ouò  encloseä cataloç telló thå backgrounä informatioî abouô  ouò ___106___®  Wå hopå thaô iô wilì provå helpfuì tï yoõ iî  makinç this important decision. Thanë  yoõ sï mucè foò youò letteò anä  consideration®  Wå  feeì that our ___106___ will meet your needs and more! 14.02 ** RESPONSE - WILL CALL TO ABSENT EMPLOYER'S ATTENTION **** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. Thå  informatioî concerninç ___190__ß wilì bå calleä tï  ___28__ß attention as soon as ___18___ returns. Thank you for sending us this information. 14.03 ** RESPONSE - WILL PASS ALONG A COPY TO PROPER PARTY ****** ___15__ß  ió awaù froí thå officå anä ió noô expecteä bacë  untiì ___17___. Á  copù oæ youò letteò concerninç ___190__ß wilì bå passeä  alonç tï  ___291__ß anä É wilì keeð thå originaì foò ___15__ß  tï  reaä when ___18___ returns. 14.04 ** RESPONSE - WITH APOLOGY FOR DELAYED REPLY ************** Becauså ___15__ß ió ouô oæ towî untiì ___17__ß É aí acknowledginç receipô oæ youò letteò oæ ___89__ß concerninç ___190___®  É wilì brinç iô tï ___28__ß attentioî aó sooî aó ___18__ß returns®  Yoõ should be hearing from us then. Please accept my apology for this unavoidable delay. 14.05 ** SALES - FOLLOW-UP LETTER TO SALES PROPOSAL ************* É  aí  takinç thå libertù oæ writinç yoõ thió letteò  insteaä  oæ interrupting you by phone. Lasô weeë É maileä yoõ á brieæ proposal®  No÷ É aí wonderinç  iæ it suits your company's needs. Wå  wisè tï dï businesó witè yoõ anä woulä appreciatå iô  iæ  yoõ would let us know as soon as possible if we fit into your plans. 14.06 ** SALES - FOLLOW UP - ARE THE GOODS SATISFACTORY? ******** HAVE YOU HEARD THIS STORY? Á  younç  maî walkeä tï á telephonå bootè anä  calleä  á  certaiî number and had the following conversation: Is this Mr. Jones? Yes. I'í  callinç abouô thå aä iî yesterday'ó papeò foò  thå  job of ___126___. Is it filled yet? Yes. Is that person doing a satisfactory job? Yes. Thank you. Good-bye. Thå drugstorå clerë waó verù curiouó anä askeä thió younç maî  iæ hå haä wanteä tï applù foò thå job®  "No,¢ hå answered¬  "É havå thå  job¡  É  waó  jusô  checkinç  tï seå  iæ  É  waó  doinç  iô adequately." That'ó  whù wå arå writinç tï yoõ today®  Wå wanô tï seå iæ  thå ___106___ that you recently purchased has been to your liking. Wå aô ___29__ß pridå ourselveó noô onlù oî ouò productó buô  alsï on making sure of your continued satisfaction. 14.07 ** SALES - FOLLOW UP SALES CALL WITH QUALITY ASSURANCES *** Thå otheò daù ouò representative¬  ___292__ß calleä oî yoõ  abouô thå possiblå uså oæ ouò ___106__ß bù youò company®  Hå haó askeä thaô  wå writå yoõ tï gï oveò severaì importanô pointó  discusseä in that meeting. Sincå ouò businesó openeä ___49__ß ago¬  wå havå learneä thaô  iô waó noô enougè jusô tï furnisè qualitù ___106___®  Nï matteò ho÷ gooä thå products¬ theù wilì noô bå reliablå unlesó theù arå useä properly® Therefore¬ ouò productó arå solä witè á guaranteå thaô onå   oæ  ouò  associateó  wilì  bå  availablå  foò  advicå   anä instructioî aó yoõ neeä it® Foò example¬ ___292__ß haó beeî witè uó foò oveò ___293___®  ___294__ß ió verù conscientiouó anä wilì follow through whenever you need ___295___ help. Placinç aî ordeò witè ___29__ß assureó yoõ oæ qualitù productó aó well as careful instructions and maintenance of the products. 14.08 ** SALES - SOLICITATION BY TAX CONSULTANT FOR BUSINESS **** Aó aî experienceä taø consultant¬ É caî probablù savå yoõ á greaô deaì oæ money¡ Bù doinç youò taø return¬ É ofteî caî finä enougè missed deductions to pay my fee and more. Below is a list of reasons for you to use my services: 1. Personalizeä  Service®  Nï twï peoplå arå alikå anä  nï  twï     people possess the same tax returns. 2. Reasonablå  Fee®  Thå  basiã pricå oæ ___296__ß  ió  foò  aî     itemizeä statå anä federaì return® Businesó schedules¬ stocë     sales, and other complications are additional. 3. Fast¬ Confidentiaì Service® Therå ió usuallù nï waitinç timå     foò  aî  appointmenô  anä youò returnó  arå  returneä  withiî     ___49___. 4. Convenient®  Thió ió aî individuallù owneä businesó thaô  ió     opened ___297___ during the year for your convenience. Wå woulä  likå tï includå yoõ aó onå oæ ouò satisfieä customers®  Pleaså  placå thió letteò witè youò taø paperó anä wheî  yoõ  arå ready to work on them, give us a call. 14.09 ** SYMPATHY - FOR ACCIDENT OR INJURY WITH GIFT ************ É aí sï sorrù tï heaò abouô youò ___298___® É surå hopå thaô yoõ are on the road to a quick recovery. Sincå yoõ wilì bå confineä foò á fe÷ ___49___¬  É thinë yoõ  wilì enjoy this ___55___ during your recuperation period. 14.10 *** SYMPATHY - ON DEATH OF A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE *********** É  woulä  likå tï expresó mù sorro÷ aô thå recenô deatè  oæ  youò ___299___, ___15___. Iî  thå  timå  iô haó beeî mù privilegå tï  kno÷  anä  worë  witè ___15__ß  herå  aô ___29__ß É havå thoroughlù  enjoyeä  ___206__ß friendshið  anä help®  É founä ___146__ß á sincerå  anä  helpfuì associate with whom it was a real pleasure to work. Thå knowledgå thaô mù thoughtó arå witè youò aô thió time¬ É hopå will be of some comfort to you. 14.11 *** SYMPATHY - ON THE DEATH OF AN ACQUAINTANCE ************ Wå  werå  saddeneä tï learî oæ youò recenô  loss®  ___26__ß  waó likeä  sï  mucè thaô iô ió harä tï believå thaô ___300__ß  ió  nï longer with us. ___301___ death will be mourned by all those who loved ___302___. 14.12 *** SYMPATHY - TO RELATIVE ON THE DEATH OF AN EMPLOYEE **** É waó  jusô informeä bù ouò ___303__ß oæ youò ___304___'ó death®  Iô  ió  impossiblå tï adequatelù expresó mù sincerå  sympathù  aô thió  mosô  difficulô  time®  É haä  workeä  verù  closelù  witè ___305__ß herå aô ___29___® Therefore¬ É feeì thaô É havå losô á very good friend as well as a fellow co-worker. Please let me know if I can be of any help to you. 14.13 *** TRANSMITTAL - CIRCULAR, CATALOGUE, ETC. *************** Wå  arå happù tï senä yoõ ouò ___306___¬  whicè yoõ requesteä  oî ___193___. Ouò  ___307__ß  departmenô  haó  provideä  thió  materiaì   whicè describeó  ouò ___209__ß iî detail®  Wå hopå thaô yoõ wilì  finä the enclosed material helpful. Iô ió alwayó á pleasurå tï servå you®  Thankó foò youò  interesô in our ___209___. 14.14 *** TRANSMITTAL - TO TRANSMIT A CUSTOMER'S BILL *********** Encloseä  ió  ouò bilì foò ___308__ß foò ___260__ß  oæ  ___243__ß purchased by you on ___109___. Wå wilì expecô paymenô withiî ___309__ß days¬  iî accordancå witè our usual terms. Thank you for your patronage. 14.15 *** TRANSMITTAL - WITHOUT ANY COMMENT ********************* The ___306___ is enclosed for your consideration and use. ___82__ß hopå yoõ wilì finä iô useful®  Wå wilì bå happù tï heaò from you again at any time. 15.01 ** TRAVEL - ACCOUNT ADJUSTMENT, CANCELLATION NOT CREDITED * Youò  statemenô oæ ___310__ß foò thå ___43__ß  accounô  ___311__ß includeó  á chargå foò ___312__ß foò á flighô oî  ___313__ß  froí ___314___ to ___315___. Wå   purchaseä  theså  ticketó   oî   ___287___¬   however¬   thå reservationó  werå  cancelleä  foò thió flighô  bù  telephonå  oî ___316___, and the tickets were returned to you at that time. Encloseä ió á checë oæ ___43__ß foò thå amounô oæ youò statement¬ minuó  thå  chargå  foò thå  abovå  flight®  Pleaså  crediô  thå ___43__ß  accounô  iî  fulì  oò adviså  uó  iæ  ouò  recordó  arå incorrect. 15.02 ** TRAVEL - CANCELLATION OF PLANE RESERVATION(S) ********** Oî  ___164___¬  É reserveä ___317__ß foò ___15__ß oî youò  flighô ___318__ß  froí  ___314__ß tï ___315__ß leavinç aô  ___319__ß  oî ___313___ with the return flight scheduled for ___17___. Becauså ___18__ß wilì noô bå ablå tï makå thió trið aô thaô  timå É  musô  canceì  thió reservation®  Wilì yoõ pleaså  senä  må  á written acknowledgment of this cancellation. 15.03 ** TRAVEL - CANCELLING HOTEL RESERVATIONS ***************** Severaì  ___320__ß  ago¬  É madå reservationó  foò  ___74__ß  foò ___321___. ___18__ß wilì noô bå ablå tï makå thå trið aô thió time®  Pleaså canceì theså reservationó anä senä må á writteî acknowledgmenô oæ the cancellation. Thank you. 15.04 ** TRAVEL - CHANGING HOTEL RESERVATIONS ******************* Severaì  ___320__ß  ago¬  É madå reservationó  foò  ___74__ß  foò ___321___. ___18__ß wilì noô bå ablå tï makå thå trið aô thió time» buô wilì bå  therå  oî  ___322___®  Wilì yoõ pleaså  senä  må  á  writteî confirmation of this cancellation and of the new reservation? 15.05 ** TRAVEL - CHANGING OF PLANE RESERVATION(S) ************** Oî  ___164___¬  É reserveä ___317__ß foò ___15__ß oî youò  flighô ___318__ß  froí  ___314__ß tï ___315__ß leavinç aô  ___319__ß  oî ___313___ with the return flight scheduled for ___17___. Becauså ___18__ß wilì noô bå ablå tï makå thió trið aô thaô  timå É  musô  changå  thió reservatioî tï  youò  flighô  ___323__ß  oî ___324__ß witè thå returî flighô scheduleä foò ___325___® Pleaså send me a confirmation of this change in flight schedule. 15.06 ** TRAVEL - CONFIRMING VERBAL HOTEL RESERVATIONS ********** Thió wilì confirí thå reservatioî madå bù telephonå oî  ___326__ß foò  ___327__ß  foò ___15__ß oî ___321__ß aô thå  dailù  ratå  oæ ___328___. 15.07 ** TRAVEL - MAKING HOTEL RESERVATIONS ********************* Ouò ___44___¬  ___15___¬  ió planninç á trið tï ___176__ß anä haó asked me to reserve ___327___ for ___65___ for ___321___. Wilì  yoõ  pleaså confirí thió reservatioî foò uó anä senä  må  á written acknowledgment of your confirmation? 15.08 ** TRAVEL - HOLD HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LATE ARRIVAL **** Sincå ___15__ß ió expecteä tï arrivå afteò 6:0° p.m.¬ pleaså holä this reservation for late arrival. 15.09 ** TRAVEL - PLANE RESERVATIONS BY MAIL - CHARGE ACCT ****** Pleaså  makå  á reservatioî foò ___15__ß foò  ___329__ß  oî  youò flighô ___318__ß froí ___314__ß tï ___315__ß leavinç aô ___319__ß oî  ___313__ß  witè thå returî flighô scheduleä foò  ___17__ß  aô ___330___. Thå  cosô  oæ theså ticketó ió tï bå chargeä tï  thå  accounô  oæ ___331___. Please forward the tickets to me by return mail. 15.10 *** TRAVEL - PLANE RESERVATIONS BY MAIL - CHECK PAYMENT *** Pleaså  makå  á reservatioî foò ___15__ß foò  ___329__ß  oî  youò flighô ___318__ß froí ___314__ß tï ___315__ß leavinç aô ___319__ß oî  ___313__ß  witè thå returî flighô scheduleä foò  ___17__ß  aô ___330___. Á checë iî thå amounô oæ ___181__ß ió enclosed®  Pleaså  forwarä the tickets to me by return mail. 15.11 *** TRAVEL - REQUEST FOR ROUTING OF PLANE TRIP ************ Wilì  yoõ  pleaså helð må  routå  mù  employer¬  ___173___¬  froí ___332__ß  tï  ___333__ß  viá ___233__ß  witè  stopoveró  iî  thå following cities for the periods shown: ___334___ ___335___ ___336___ ___173__ß expectó tï leavå ___332__ß iî thå ___337__ß oæ ___41__ß anä musô  bå iî ___338__ß noô lateò thaî ___339__ß oî ___340___®  ___341__ß  wantó tï remaiî iî ___333__ß untiì ___64__ß  anä  theî wishes to return to ___332___ by the most direct flight possible. Thank you for your prompt attention to this inquiry. 15.12 *** TRAVEL - SEEKING HOTEL AVAILABILITY & RATES *********** Wilì yoõ pleaså senä må bù returî maiì thå rateó foò ___327__ß tï accommodate ___161___ of our ___74___ from ___41___ to ___64___. É woulä appreciatå youò prompô reply¬ sincå thå reservationó neeä to be completed as soon as possible. 15.13 *** WELCOME - TO A NEW CUSTOMER *************************** Iô giveó må á greaô deaì oæ pleasurå tï welcomå youò patronagå oæ ___29___®  Wå  hopå  tï adä youò namå tï ouò lisô  oæ  satisfieä ___63___ and will do everything in our power to serve you well. Wå  trù tï sho÷ ouò appreciatioî foò thå businesó wå  receivå  bù providinç youò money'ó wortè iî satisfactioî witè ouò servicå anä quality merchandise. Iô ió ouò sincerå wisè tï makå youò businesó transactionó witè uó as pleasant as possible. Please let us know when we can be of service to you. 15.14 *** WELCOME - TO A NEW EMPLOYEE *************************** Iô  ió  mù  greaô pleasurå  tï  welcomå  you¬  ___15___¬  tï  ouò organization. Thå  worë  yoõ havå donå iî thå fielä oæ ___342__ß  aô  ___343__ß indicateó  thaô  wå  arå  fortunatå tï havå  yoõ  joininç  uó  aô ___29__ß aó ___121___®  Yoõ wilì bå workinç witè manù  congeniaì people and I am sure you will find them capable and cooperative. Let'ó geô  togetheò  foò  á visiô aó sooî aó  yoõ  arå  settled®  Meanwhile¬  iæ  therå ió anythinç yoõ neeä froí må pleaså leô  må know. 15.15 *** WELCOME - TO THE CITY OF A PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER ******* It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to ___208___. Wå  arå  surå yoõ wilì enjoù beinç here¬  anä yoõ  arå  cordiallù inviteä  tï  visiô uó aó sooî aó yoõ havå  thå  opportunity®  Wå woulä  likå  yoõ tï becomå familiaò witè ouò  ___344__ß  anä  ouò friendly personnel will be glad to be of assistance to you. Iæ  therå ió anythinç wå caî dï tï makå yoõ morå aô homå herå  iî ___208___, don't hesitate to call on us.