___________________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: Bootable, Self Mounting Stacker Removable Disks. STAC FAX Index #2505 - 10/8/92 ___________________________________________________________________________ Background. This note outlines a procedure for creating bootable, self mounting Stacker removables, such as floppy disks, Bernoulli cartridges, and Syquest drives. This allows the Stacked data to be read by any system that boots from them. Due to the overhead associated with the boot files, it is recommended that a floppy disk be at least 720K. Stacker must be installed on the system used to create this disk. Procedure. NOTE: (a: denotes the drive you wish to make bootable) 1. If the disk has been formatted and is empty, use the DOS SYS command to transfer system files to the disk. For example type: SYS A: If the media has not been formatted, use: Format A: /S to format and copy system files. (For more on these commands, consult your DOS manual) 2. Copy STACKER.COM from your Stacker directory to a:\ NOTE: Any driver files required by a removable would need to be copied also at this time. 3. Create a Config.sys on a: with this line: Device=a:stacker.com a: For example, type: copy con a:\Config.sys Device=a:stacker.com @a:\.DSK Press Ctrl-Z and to save the file. NOTE: For removables, add the necessary device driver line(s) before the Stacker line. 4. Delete A:\command.com (This is to make more room. It is actually run from the Stacker drive, so we will add it later.) 5. To create the Stacker drive type: Screate A: 6. In order to mount this new drive, it is necessary to add a replaceable '@' to the Stacker device driver in C:\Config.sys. You can use ant text editor to modify the file. The line should look something like this: Device=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK @ 7: After modifying Config.sys, remove the disk, and restart the system. Once booted, insert the freshly Stacked diskette and mount it by typing: Stacker A: 8: Copy Command.com to Stacker drive A: 9: This disk is now self mounting and bootable. You may wish to reboot from the disk to test it. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1992, Stac Electronics