___________________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: Upgrading from Stacker 1.x to Stacker 3.0. STAC FAX Index #3002 - 10/08/92 ___________________________________________________________________________ Background. This STACKER NOTE is broken into two parts, part one outlines a procedure for installing Stacker 3.0 on a computer that has Stacker 1.x already installed. Part two will cover the most common problem that may be encountered when upgrading from Stacker 1.x to Stacker 3.0. Stacker 1.x left the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files on the uncompressed drive, doing so did not cause any problems when performing an upgrade to Stacker 3.0 unless the boot drive was stacked and swapped. If the boot drive was stacked and swapped, then a new "pointer" AUTOEXEC.BAT file was installed on the compressed drive. The "pointer" AUTOEXEC.BAT file would find the boot drive and execute the normal AUTOEXEC.BAT file from that drive. With the release of Stacker 2.0, a SYNC feature was added to SSWAP.COM. The SYNC feature eliminated the need for having a "pointer" AUTOEXEC.BAT file by maintaining copies of both the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the CONFIG.SYS files on both the compressed and uncompressed drives. Every time the computer is started, SSWAP.COM checks the boot files to insure they are same. If modifications were made to either of the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files on the compressed or uncompressed drives, they are updated automatically. This feature is also included in Stacker 3.0. Procedure for Upgrading a Stacker 1.x Installation to Stacker 3.0. NOTE: The disk space requirements to upgrade to Stacker 3.0 are 4.5MB of free space on the compressed drive and 500KB of free space on the uncompressed portion of the drive. You must free up the required amount of space to have a successful installation of Stacker 3.0. If you have the free space necessary on the compressed drive but do not have the required space on the uncompressed drive to install Stacker 3.0, go to part two titled "How to Handle a Failed Installation when Installing Stacker 3.0 over Stacker 1.x." Before attempting to install Stacker 3.0 free up the required disk space, and use the following procedure to complete the Stacker 3.0 installation. 1. Determine which is the boot drive. To do so, from the Stacker directory type SWAPMAP and press return. The boot drive is the drive that C: was at boot time. For example: Drive C: was drive ___ at boot time [X:\STACVOL.xxx] 2. Insert the Stacker 3.0 disk #2 (for all media types) in either drive A or B and type the following: SATTRIB -R C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 3. Delete the AUTOEXEC.BAT file from drive C: by typing: DEL C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 4. Copy the AUTOEXEC.BAT from the drive being swapped with drive C: by typing: COPY X:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ where X: = the uncompressed drive. 5. Copy the CONFIG.SYS from the drive being swapped with drive C: by typing: COPY X:\CONFIG.SYS C:\ where X: = the uncompressed drive. 6. Now proceed with a normal Stacker 3.0 installation. After all of the Stacker 3.0 files have been copied to the disk, you will need to edit the CONFIG.SYS file and make some changes. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file using any text editor (such as ED.EXE which comes with Stacker 3.0) to add the /SYNC switch to the SSWAP.COM line. Below is an example of the SSWAP.COM line in the CONFIG.SYS file before and after adding the /SYNC switch. Before: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C: D: After : DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM C: D: /SYNC How to Handle a Failed Installation When Installing Stacker 3.0 Over Stacker 1.x. The most common error encountered when installing Stacker 3.0 over Stacker 1.x is: "ERROR: Unable to find FINDBOOT.COM -- Cannot chain to AUTOEXEC.BAT." 1. Determine which is the boot drive. To do so, from the Stacker directory type SWAPMAP and press return. The boot drive is the drive that C: was at boot time. For example: Drive C: was drive ___ at boot time [ X:\STACVOL.xxx] 2. Insert the Stacker 3.0 disk #2 (for all media types) in either drive A or B and type the following: SATTRIB -R C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 3. Delete the AUTOEXEC.BAT file from drive C: by typing: DEL C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT 4. Copy the AUTOEXEC.BAT from the drive being swapped with drive C: by typing: COPY X:\AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ 5. Copy the CONFIG.SYS from the drive being swapped with drive C: then reboot. Type: COPY X:\CONFIG.SYS C:\ 6. If after installing Stacker 3.0, Stacker still reports version 1.x at boot time, the files on the host drive were not updated so it becomes necessary to copy the following files from the Stacker 3.0 diskettes: a. CHECK.EXE b. CONFIG.EXE c. ED.EXE d. SCREATE.SYS e. SSWAP.CFG * f. SSWAP.COM * g. STACKER.AT h. STACKER.COM * i. STACKER.MC j. STACKER.XT k. SYSINFO.EXE NOTE: If there is not enough space on the host drive to copy all the above listed files, copy those file with the asterisk to the \STACKER directory on the uncompressed boot drive and reboot the computer. This will load Stacker 3.0 into memory and allow you to make more uncompressed space by typing: SDEFRAG /GP C: Once there is enough free space on the uncompressed drive all of the above listed files can be copied to the Stacker directory. __________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics