_______________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: STACKING A FLOPPYLESS NOTEBOOK COMPUTER (Applies to Stacker for Windows & DOS 3.0x) STAC FAX 3003 (6/93) _______________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND You can intall Stacker 3.0 on a notebook computer that has only a C drive if it can transfer files to and from a second larger computer. You must start the installation on the larger computer. PROCEDURE The Setup procedure explains most of your choices on the screen. The Stacker for Windows & DOS User's Guide contains additional information. This procedure varies somewhat to allow you to install Stacker on a floppyless notebook. 1. Create a STACKER directory on the C drive of the notebook. Change to the C drive and type: MD STACKER 2. Transfer the Stacker files from the larger computer to the STACKER directory on the notebook. If Stacker has been installed on that computer, the files are probably in a directory named C:\STACKER. Otherwise you can transfer them from the floppy disks. 3. Edit the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the notebook's C drive. To the end of the PATH statement, add ;C:\STACKER If there is no PATH statement, add this line: PATH C:\STACKER 4. To change to the STACKER directory on the C drive, type: CD STACKER 5. To personalize Stacker, type: SETUP /=F When Setup asks you to insert a disk, choose Exit to end Setup. _______________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics Page 1 of 2 6. To start creating a Stacker drive, type: SETUP 7. If offered a choice between Express and Custom, choose Custom and select drive C. 8. When offered a choice between "Entire Drive" and "Free Space", choose Free Space. 9. In the "Space to Use" field, type 1 to build an empty Stacker drive that is 1 MB in size, then choose "Stack". 10. When the Stacker drive is created, let Setup restart your computer to mount the new drive as D. 11. Use this command to copy the Stacker files to the empty Stacker drive: COPY C:\STACKER\*.* D:\ 12. To start compressing the data on C drive, type: D:\SETUP 13. Select drive C. 14. When offered a choice between "Entire Drive" and "Free Space", choose Entire Drive. 15. Next, choose "Stack". 16. When the Stacker drive is created, let Setup restart your computer to mount the new drive. 17. After Setup restarts your computer, type: CD \STACKER 18. To remove the temporary drive D, type: REMOVDRV D: 19. Edit the CONFIG.SYS file on drive C: to remove the reference to the temporary D drive. The line should read as follows: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.DSK 20. Restart your computer again. Drive C is now a Stacker drive. _______________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics Page 2 of 2