_________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE TROUBLESHOOTING STACKER RAM DISKS (Applies to Stacker 3.1 for Windows & DOS) STAC FAX 31407 (09/07/93) _________________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND This document addresses the most common errors associated with compressing ram disks using Stacker 3.1. This is the companion to document 31406, "Compressing a Ram Disk." ERRORS Creating the ram disk Positioning the ram disk Compressing the ram disk PC-Kwik RAM disks 386MAX RAM disks Creating the ram disk Stacker cannot create a ram disk, but it can compress one. You must use a ram disk utility to create the ram disk before attempting to compress it. Stacker requires that such a disk be created using 512-byte sectors. Consult your ram disk utility's user guide for installation requirements for creating such a ram disk. If you experience difficulty with this step, then contact the manufacturer of the ram disk utility for technical support. Positioning the ram disk The most common error associated with positioning a ram disk is that drive letter assignments may change and affect other programs that have been configured for specific drive letters. 1. Error: (at boot time) Warning: Located a Windows permanent swap file on a disk to be swapped, but could not find the Windows file, SPART.PAR, pointing to it. Press any key to continue... and/or (when starting Windows) Corrupt Swap-File Warning The permanent swap file is corrupt... Background: The ram disk device driver was added to the CONFIG.SYS file before the STACHIGH.SYS driver, displacing the drive on which the Windows permanent swap file resides. Solution: Move the ram disk device driver after the STACHIGH.SYS driver in the CONFIG.SYS file, and follow the procedure "Using CREATE," in document 31406, "Compressing a Ram Disk," instead. Compressing the ram disk 1. Error: (At boot time) SCREATE - 3.10, (C) 1991-93 Stac Electronics, Carlsbad CA X:\STACVOL.DSK <-- Cannot create, disk full or bad drive/file name. Press any key to continue... Background: SCREATE.SYS is pointing to an invalid drive. SCREATE may be loading prematurely, or it is referencing the incorrect drive letter for the ram drive. Solution: Reboot the computer and note the startup messages. The ram disk utility should indicate its drive letter before SCREATE.SYS loads. Ensure that SCREATE.SYS is processing the correct drive letter and that it follows the ram disk device driver in the CONFIG.SYS FILE. If any portion of the ram disk utility executes from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, then you cannot use SCREATE.SYS to compress the ram disk. Follow the procedure "Using CREATE" in document 31406 "Compressing a Ram Disk," instead. PC-Kwik RAM disks 1. Error: (when running CHKDSK to verify the integrity of the ram disk) First allocation unit is invalid, entry truncated. Background: The ram disk device driver was added to the CONFIG.SYS file before the STACHIGH.SYS driver. Solution: Move the ram disk device driver after the STACHIGH.SYS driver in the CONFIG.SYS file, and follow the procedure "Using CREATE," in document 31406, "Compressing a Ram Disk," instead. 2. Error: (At boot time) You must install PC-Kwik cache before using PC-Kwik RAM Disk. CREATE ERROR #027: Drive is write protected or other error. Please insert a non-write protected disk and try again. Background: CREATE is executing in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file before PC-Kwik's ram disk is enabled. Solution: Modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that PC-Kwik's ram disk is enabled before Stacker's CREATE command. See "Using CREATE," in document 31406, "Compressing a Ram Disk." 386MAX RAM disks 1. Error: At boot time, 386DISK reports that it successfully creates a ram disk and displays its drive letter. However, the ram disk is actually a different drive letter, causing Stacker commands CREATE and SCREATE to fail. Background: The ram disk device driver was loaded high using the EMM386 MAXIMIZE program. It must be loaded into conventional memory to function properly. Solution: Remove the EMM386 "386load.sys" commands from the ram disk device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file. For example, the 386MAX ram disk utility loaded high looks something like this: (on one line) device=c:\386MAX\386load.sys size=6016 flexframe prog=c:\386MAX\386disk.sys 128 512 16 /xms Corrected, it looks something like this: device=c:\386MAX\386disk.sys 128 512 16 /xms This has the effect of loading the ram disk device driver into conventional memory. Ram disk device drivers are typically 1 kilobyte in size or less, so this solution has minimal impact on the amount of available conventional memory. Note: you must repeat this procedure every time you run 386MAX's QUICK MAXIMIZE because it automatically loads the ram disk device driver high. An alternate solution is to run 386MAX's FULL MAXIMIZE instead, and to choose loading the ram disk device driver into conventional memory. _________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics