__________________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: SDEFRAG Error #04 STAC FAX Index #3701 - 1/19/93 __________________________________________________________________________ Background When you run SDEFRAG in Stacker 3.0, you may see an error #04 message, followed by an instruction to run the command CHECK to find and correct this error. The condition that causes error #04 is harmless and has no effect on data integrity. In fact, it is so minor that CHECK doesn't normally even notice it. In the past, some users have added the /=D switch to CHECK. This undocumented switch is intended for internal development purposes only. It causes CHECK to report on many conditions that are part of Stacker's normal operating mode. If you use the command CHECK /=D /F, CHECK may offer to fix transient conditions by deleting areas on your disk. If you use /=D, answer NO if it offers to delete anything. You should not ever have to use /=D. Error #04 does not harm data and no response from you is required. In the normal course of events, Stacker corrects the condition automatically. Result Stac has modified SDEFRAG so that it automatically corrects the condition that resulted in error #04, so you won't see this message again. You can download the new version (dated 01/06/93) from the Stac Forum on CompuServe (GO STACKER) or from the Stac BBS, or ask Stac Technical Support to send it to you. Copy the new file to the STACKER directory to replace the old SDEFRAG.EXE. If the files in your STACKER directory are dated 01/06/93 or later, you already have a modified version of SDEFRAG on your disk. When you run the modified version of SDEFRAG, you won't get error #04. Do not use the /=D switch on the CHECK command because it is for internal development use only. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics