----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE REPAIRING DAMAGED STACVOL FILES (SIZE MISMATCH) (Applies to Stacker 4.x) STAC FAX 4702 (04-07-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND This document addresses the error message Size Mismatch, Write Protected (on an existing Stacker drive), or the cases of an accidentaly deleted Stacvol file or an accidentally formatted host uncompressed drive. NOTE: See StacFax 4707 if you receive the message Size Mismatch, Write Protected on a NEW Stacker installation. Each Stacker drive is actually a STACVOL.xxx file that is stored on the uncompressed drive. This file is given the hidden, read-only, and system attributes in order to protect it. If the File Allocation Table (FAT) on the uncompressed drive is damaged, or if the file is accidentaly deleted or the uncompressed drive is formatted, you may be able to recover some or all of the data using REPAIR.EXE. You should recognize that these are dangerous conditions, and that you may lose data. SOLUTION - Restore the STACVOL file using REPAIR.EXE - Restore the files necessary to mount the Stacker drive. Repair the STACVOL file using REPAIR.EXE These instructions assume that the STACVOL file on drive C is the one that is damaged. If the damaged file is on another drive, substitute that drive letter for C. 1. Do not write anything to the drive. 2. From the root directory of the damaged drive type: DIR /AH and record the exact spelling of the STACVOL file name. You will use this file name in step 4. If your version of DOS does not support the /AH switch to look for hidden files, use a third party utility or the ATTRIB command to view the STACVOL file name. 3. Type CHKDSK /F C: If CHKDSK finds lost allocation units, do NOT convert them to files. (For this instruction and those following, if your Stacker disk goes in drive B, substitute B: for A:) 4. Insert Stacker disk #1 into its drive and type: A:\TECH\REPAIR /R C:\STACVOL.xxx 5. Remove all diskettes from the floppy drives and restart the computer. Restore the files necessary to mount the Stacker drive. The procedures above may be sufficient to restore your Stacker Drive. You may also receive certain boot error messages if other necessary files were damaged along with the STACVOL file. 1. If the original problem was a formatted uncompressed drive, you may boot to a "Non-System Disk" error. If so, follow these steps. If not, proceed to step 2. a. Restart your computer with your Stacker Startup Disk. b. Type the following from the A prompt: SYS C: c. Remove the Startup Disk from drive A and restart your computer. 2. If your Stacker drive is not mounted when you restart, examine the root directory of your C drive for a STACKER directory, a DOS directory, and a CONFIG.SYS file. If they do not exist, then type: MD STACKER MD DOS COPY CON CONFIG.SYS FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 Press the F6 key then 3. If you had to make a Stacker directory, place Stacker disk one in the A or B drive and type: COPY A:*.BIN C:\STACKER COPY A:STACKER.COM C:\STACKER If you are using DOS 5 or earlier also type: COPY A:SSWAP.COM C:\STACKER 4. If you had to make a DOS directory, place Stacker disk two in the A or B drive and type: COPY A:SATTRIB.EXE C:\DOS\ATTRIB.EXE Please note that this command copies the SATTRIB file to the DOS directory with a new name. 5. Place Stacker disk two in the A or B drive and type: A:CONFIG then answer yes to the question asked. 6. If you have MS-DOS 6.0 or 6.2, Novell DOS 7, and most releases of PC-DOS 6.1, then place Stacker disk one in the A or B drive and type: A:\TOOLS\REDBL C: 7. Remove all floppy disks from your drives and restart your computer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics