Freeware by Mark Vitt This revision corrects the slow down of the system clock. whooops! ALOW.COM and ALUP.COM allow you to make all DOS commands display either all LowerCase (like the Norton Utilities) or all UpperCase. Both programs use 336 Bytes of memory when loaded. ALOW.COM displays all characters in lowercase ALUP.COM displays all characters in uppercase Since ALOW and ALUP work at the BIOS level for screen output, programs which write directly to video RAM (most well written software) are not affected. ALOW and ALUP cannot be loaded at the same time, doing so will only use up an additional 336 bytes of memory. If you have any questions or comments send an EMAIL to Mark at CompuServe ID 70053,2236. Distribution Guidelines: AL may be distributed freely as long as the following guidelines are observed: 1) Is distributed with all files and no file is modified. Files included must be: ALOW.COM, ALUP.COM, and README.TXT 2) No charge be incurred other than a minimal shipping & handling fee not to exceed $10 US dollars