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These guidelines are not meant to be restrictive with regards to promoting fellowship, but are those "boundaries" that are set as a "rule" for conduct, which will be enforced for the enjoyment of all who participate. Important Information: CalvaryNet is a highly specialized network in that it caters to Calvary Chapel and affiliate church users only. It is not a general network, and it is really not intended to be. It's scope is this: To provide fellowship expansion for Calvary Chapel and affiliate users as well as to provide an avenue for information exchange between Calvary Chapels and Calvary Chapel users. In addition, there is a "side" mission of helping other Calvary Chapel Sysops set up and maintain a Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry. General Info: There are many thoughts and ideas regarding scripture, as well as the interpretation thereof, and thus, neither Calvary Chapel nor The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS or affiliates will be held responsible for the conduct, ideas, thoughts or interpreted scripture on this network. The RULES of CONDUCT are pretty straightforward... and are designed for you to have freedom to express yourself while respecting others and being respected in return. RULES OF CONDUCT: 1. Let all your typing give glory to God; in respecting your brother, in treating your brother with brotherly love, and in your witness as a Child of God... and Ambassador for Christ... while communicating on CalvaryNet. 2. Let all bitterness, envy, strife, speaking evil of dignities and of government rulers be far from you. Let backbiting be something far from you. Shine as a light on a hill... and salt to savor the minds of each Christian and potential Christian on CalvaryNet. 3. Let all evil communication be far from you. Don't judge your brother as being from the pit of hell... or as being from an evil spirit, nor to say evil things to your brothers... be kind.. treating your brothers and sisters wiht the respect you would want to be treated. 4. Above all.... love.. and forgive one another... for in doing so you show you have great command of the scriptures.. and of yourself. 5. Let Christ dwell in you richly on CalvaryNet, and do not "jump in" when the above evils are beginning as a small harsh voice to your ears. Overcome such with love... and with kindness in return.. regardless of the way you are treated. 6. Address all Network problems in the CC-ADMIN Conference before making them public in the general conferences. This will allow us time for prayer...and for resolve. 7. Required conferences are such: CC-ADMIN (private to HUB and NODE SYSOPS); CC-Pastors (Private for Pastors of Calvary Chapels and affiliates); CC-Chat (Open to all); CC-Prayer (Open to all). 8. The Network Administrator, referred to as John Scudder or NA, can alter the messages on the Mail HUB if such are inappropriate for family viewing or inconsistant with the above guidelines. This prohibits their inappropriate content from going out over the network.... to Christian Families and other BBS's. The Network Administrator can disapprove any application for involvement on CalvaryNet. See CCPOLICY.TXT for more info on disapproval of an CalvaryNet application. 9. CalvaryNet is a Computer Ministry of Calvary Chapel and affiliates, and thus, all the HUB and NODE sysops must agree to help keep CalvaryNet "clean"... ie.. watch for inappropriate messages and inappropriate behaviors. There are always a few loose cannons, which in love, may be unloosened. This will require a combined effort on the part of all Calvary Chapel Sysops... it is YOUR Network... as YOU are a part of Calvary Chapel and of that, your participation in this NETWORK is highly regarded as a wonderful ministry of Calvary Chapel and affiliates. 10. The SCOPE of CalvaryNet is to bring together the Calvary Chapel Churches and affiliates for Fellowship, where we can grow and administer to each other. Another goal is to help Calvary Chapel Sysops set up and maintain a Calvary Chapel Computer Ministry to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Christ... and to share it with those who communicate on their system. CalvaryNet itself is specific in nature to assist the Calvary Chapel Sysop, but is not intended to reach non-Cavlary Chapel users (althought that may happen and is a blessing anytime another comes to Christ!). 11. All HUBS or NODES wishing to no longer relay CalvaryNet should give at least 2 weeks notice to your HUBS or NODES respectfully. All HUBS must relay at least 3 times a week unless pre-approved by the Network Administrator in advance. All HUBS must carry all conferences available on CalvaryNet. All NODES must carry the minimum required conferences and must relay at least twice weekly unless previously approved for otherwise by the Network Administrator. 12. Please read the "What We Believe" text file (CC-FAITH.TXT). 13. Please read the Policies regarding CalvaryNet (CCPOLICY.TXT). These RULES OF CONDUCT may be updated periodically with your suggestions and as conditions warrant. with love.. John Scudder Network Administrator: CalvaryNet The Shepherd's Flock Family BBS 822 Masters Drive Oceanside, California 92057-6233 BBS: 619-630-7437 or 7303