DelcoNet Conference list and discriptions... ==================================================================== Required Conferences on all systems 2. Forsale - Items that can be bought,sold or Traded 3. BBS ads - Promote your bbs here. 5. Sysop's Conf. - For all sysops to post problems/concerns. 68. Suggestion box - Suggestions for improving DELCONET 72. General Chit Chat - Any one can chat about any general topics. 85. Hub/Node - This is for YOUR eyes only and a place Delconet sysops can exchange info. SETTINGS: Max-150 HI-Yes Aka-No ATT-Yes ===================================================================== General/Non adult conferences 7. Sports Talk - Anything sports related 66. Teen Talk - Interaction area geared towards TEENS 67. Mad - A place to Bitch and offer your opinions. 73. Jazz Discussion - Talk about Jazz in todays world. 74. Rock Discussion - Talk about rock. 75. Rap Discussion - Talk about Rap. 76. Heavy Metal - Talk about Heavy Metal. 77. Country Music - Country Music Discussion 78. Hot Music Trends - Changes occuring in today's Music world. 80. Kelly's DeskTop - Desk Top Publishing Assistance by Kelly. 82. Computer Help - Computer Help and Trouble shooting. 83. Door Games - Ask about your favorite door game. 84. Recovery & support - Drug and alchohol support and info. 86. Software Support - Your software help line. 87. Graphics - Show us your artistic abilities. 88. OLX- mail readers - OLX support from local users. 89. Humor/Jokes - Tell us your best Funny Stuff. 90. Medical/EMS - Just for those public survants 92. Games - All games.... Tell or ask about them. SETTINGS: Max-100 HI-Yes Aka-No ATT-No ===================================================================== Adult access conferences - all users must be 18 or over 69. The Sex Pit - Alias Area for hot and steamy chats. 70. SS. Fantasy - Alias Area for taking a cruise. 71. Dr. MJ's ADvice - Alias Questions and Answers. 79. Roses's place - Alias, Fun with Rose in this Adult area. 91. Alternate Lifestyles - Those who like alternate sexual ways 81. Controversy - Hot topics area discused, adult area. 93. S&M - Ask or tell about your experiences. SETTINGS: Max-150 HI-Yes Aka-Yes EXCEPT 91,81,93 ATT-No -----------------------End of Conference Listing----------------------