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What is PetNET? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PetNET(tm) originates from, and is administered by the PetNET(tm) participating Network SysOps, staff of the Critter Connection BBS NY, and their designee(s). It is a membership-free QWK e-mail network, where users and NetSysOps have a word to say how the net is being administered and run, and it's features. It is a clean, interesting, unique forum, unlike some other nets that have been often characterized as "Limited Small Local Family". From the technical point of view, it is also a breeze to setup, since we are basically QWK. No special drivers, front doors, mailers, packers, special software, if that should put you off. You, as a NetSysOp can control your cost, since you don't have to pay money for Fees, Access Providers, etc. Just call in when your budget allows it, and then just run your favorite TNet, QNet, Cam Mail, Gap, or whatever QWK standard your bbs software may now support. To help you get started, we took the time to include a configuration file, screens, guides, rules for your users, calling script, etc., and are willing to assist with technical support that you might need. Why do we want you to become a PetNET member? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because it's fun to chat and exchange messages between our BBS's. This net, unlike some others, isn't affiliated with, nor has special cults or hidden missions. It is by people, for people like you and me. Why is it called PetNET? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because we started as a PETS oriented network, and we grew. Also, some of our petless users felt left out, so we recently formed many other conferences to cover a wider variety of subjects. We don't really have too many messages in those conferences at the moment, but maybe together we can change that. Bring your personality to us. It'll be welcome. My BBS is new, would I qualify? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yes. There is a friendly group of SysOps that are ready to offer a hand and get you going with your first network configuration. The bigger, more formal nets won't give you too much of a chance if you are technically at fault, but we, here, will try to work with you, and give you that useful Network experience that you can apply later, when you'll join other nets. * The main Sysop of your BBS must be over the age of 18, though. Sorry, but that's because we had some unpleasant experiences with immature, arrogant attitudes from some new, teen "sysops". We do not need that in our net. (It's time consuming trying to educate even the sysop), and there is enough work with the callers as it is now, that the modem prices are dropping every day. What's in it for PetNET? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The success of our own BBS, Critter Connection, located in New York. We believe "Files Oriented Bbs's" aren't going to last too long in the future, due to the CD Roms. Our users will ALL, eventually, have CD Roms and not have to call our BBS's because they'll all have TONS of files, already existent in their computers. We believe COMMUNICATING will be the thing of the future: - making friends, exchanging ideas, finding a solution, all with the help of your local board that puts you in touch with people that have similar interests. It will always be a need for communicating, around us, all. Internet is bigger ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's true. It's not only bigger, but also more advanced and costly. If you can afford the expenses, and your local users currently know UNIX, then it will be another network option for you, and them. OUR mail runs are fast, and currently small in size. Expect about 20 min. of telephone charges per week, (or so). Roughly about $8 dollars a month, considering you'll be calling 4 times/week from California to New York. If you can spend MORE for your users: then yes, there is Compuserve, Internet, Genie, Rime, Intelect, and other nets out there, as well.. Why is there light message activity in some conferences now? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because we've just started, and many of our node's users read, but don't really post much, as of yet. Also, most users hit the F)iles menu the first minute they log on onto our boards! :( Perhaps, together, we can improve on this, stimulating their posts? I'd like to join, what do I have to do? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you'd like to become one of our friends, fill out and follow the steps spelled in the enclosed application, APPLY.TXT. See if you can make things easy for us too, try to comply with the requirements, manage the important origin taglines issue. Chances are that your BBS will be soon approved, and part of our network. Conferences: ~~~~~~~~~~~ We require that PetNET(tm) HUBS carry ALL PetNET conferences. We recommend (but not require) that NODES carry at least 90 PetNET(tm) conferences. All Hubs/Nodes MUST carry: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. P_NetSysOp 2. P_Mod&SysOp 3. P_Mod&User (which is forced private) 4. P_Chit Chat 5. At least one other conference. As a proof, they must send initialization messages in these conferences. The Network Administrator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is the most important person on our network. Her name is Cindi Linton. She is not too technical, but she is graduated from one of the best Law Schools in the USA. A friendly person, born in the 50's. She loves animals and people of all kinds, and that's why she started this net, together with Francois Lefevre (another investor). She supervises the activity of the Network Supervisor, Conference Liaison, NetSysOps and the Conference Moderators. Together with the other important people on our net, she approves the conference descriptions, and Hubs/Nodes/Moderators. The Network Supervisor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's me. I'm the next most important person on this network. My name is Dimitri Vasiliev. I am the co-SysOp of Cindi's BBS. They say I'm good with technical matters, I often help new Bbs's with their configurations, e-mail runs, schedules, etc. I sometimes visit and snoop on your BBS to make sure your PetNET(tm) rules are displayed to your callers, origin taglines are in place, the "Welcome to PetNET" screen is displayed. I like fishing, bicycling, smoke Kool cigarettes and like girls :) The BBS software that I know best is Wildcat. The Conference Liaison ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the next important position on the network. Supervising all conferences, their moderators, respecting rules, recommending moderators for conferences, making sure the conference descriptions are there, defined, and followed. Also has a word to say on future Hubs/Nodes and Moderators becoming members of our network. If a Conference Moderator is new or has problems, the Conference Liaison will work with him/her to help and correct. If you want to change, form, propose conferences, or their descriptions, see our Conference Liaison person. The Promotional Liaison ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is the next important position on the network, because he/she makes sure that when you call your local board, PetNET(tm) is there for you. The Promotional Liaison shall make all possible efforts to bring PetNET(tm) to all USA states and around the WORLD. He uses all means to Advertise, Promote, Influence others to join and participate in our net, uploading the latest PETNET file to many BBS's, Software Houses, Modem companies, etc. He/she also brings businesses to our network from corporations or private individuals who are interested in having their own support conference on PetNET(tm). This includes, but is not limited to: Modem companies, Software publishers, Hardware companies and Manu- facturers, Legal firms, Insurance businesses, Government, Politicians or anyone that can pay a fee, in the future, to have their own spot on PetNET(tm). He can decide for a "Free 6 Months Trial", if needed. This position also acts as a Liaison between PetNET(tm) and any other networks, studying possibilities to link common interest conferences and acting as our "Net's Ambassador" between network administrators. This is the person to see and negotiate such possibilities. To give you an idea as far as profits, he shall receive a percentage of the earned profits: After deducting PetNET(tm)'s share and the Promotional Liaison's percentage, if there's money left, each node that carries the particular support conference would also be mailed a percentage for carrying such support conference(s). The Promotional Liaison's activity is challengeable, by anyone, and shall remain a position that anyone can apply for, based on merit, selling abilities, and 3 recent examples of gained business for PetNET(tm). At the end of the each quarter, the current Promotional Liaison shall submit a written report with his/her last efforts to bring PetNET more business, and after reviewing this report, the PetNET Administrator, together with other important people of our net, shall decide if the position shall continue to be filled by same person, or a new person shall be given a chance to take over. Documentation & Legal Advisor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This position is another very important one. No business, or in this case, no network in the world could survive without properly written documents. The PetNET(tm) ZIP files contain several documents that are absolutely essential to its operation and expansion. These include rules, node lists, forms and other such information. This voluntary position entails correcting and updating those files as per the discretion of the PetNET(tm) Administration. With their guidance, the Documentation & Legal Advisor can keep these important documents organized, updated, correct and readily available at all times. All PetNET(tm) Moderators, when creating a Conference Description, should send ONE message per description directly to the Documentation & Legal Advisor to be discussed and eventually approved. The legal aspect of this job is important as well. Administration, NetSysops, Moderators & Users should report any illegal or potentially illegal activities to the Documentation & Legal Advisor AT ONCE! Such activities could include: computer tampering or copyright infringements (such as hacking, phreaking, or the duplication of commercial software for someone else's use, besides the owner), FCC violations or discussions about outside or pending criminal activity. Any report of these or similar activities will be responded to, sent to the PetNET(tm) Administration, and if necessary, referred to the proper authorities. The included parties will then receive a formal and direct warning to cease their activities at once. Hubs ~~~~ Are the PetNET(tm) representatives, and it's up to them if they choose to charge other Nodes in order to access PetNET(tm) through the use of their Systems, and they might determine (together with the Network Administrator) to: Guide, Approve, or Drop Nodes under them. They have to actively try and maintain at least one other BBS to echo to, and not be in the same area code as another Hub, if at all possible. To become a Hub, it is suggested that you have a high speed modem. The highest current speed that the National Hub (Critter Connection BBS) can support is the current vFast 28,800 baud (modem to modem). We recommended that HUBS make a mail run to the National Main Hub (Critter Connection BBS) 4-6 times a week or more and not less than 3 times a week, except for the Hubs from countries other than USA, which are required to make a mail run at least once a week, (or more), but not less than twice a month. All Hubs wishing to accept in new Nodes must instruct them to follow the steps described in the most recent file PETNETx.ZIP submitting a formal request to the National Hub, before they can begin any mail runs. Any board allowing another BBS to echo PetNET(tm) without the approval of the Network Administration will have it's access dropped. Hubs should make sure that all Nodes under them follow the rules of the PetNET(tm) Network and that their mail transfers are running properly. Hubs are responsible for all (and any) problems the Nodes under them might bring to our network (i.e correcting origins taglines, illegal messages) and, with the Network Administrator's approval, they might refuse further PetNET(tm) access to their Nodes, due to such unsolved problems. Nodes ~~~~~ We suggest that NODES make a mail run to their Hubs 3 times a week, (or more) and not less than once a week, with the exception of cases of serious hardware failures, when Nodes must notify their Hubs of such events. Nodes from countries other than USA are required to make a mail run once a week (or more), but not less than twice a month. Any board allowing another BBS to echo PetNET(tm) without the approval of the Network Administration will have it's access dropped. The P_NetSysOp conference ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Is restricted to Network SysOps, their Co-SysOps, and PetNET Administration only. Under no circumstances should a Hub or Node, allow a common user to read or post on this conference. It is intended only for Network SysOps and the PetNET(tm) Administration staff. All mail to and from the Network Administration regarding Hub/Nodes activities, mail transfers, moderator problems, etc. are to be posted in the P_NetSysOp conference. Private Messages/Files attachments should, and will be supported. Please note that moderators which aren't (as well) NetSysops shall NOT be allowed in here. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conference * The P_Mod&SysOp conference ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ It is restricted to the Conference Liaison, Network SysOps their Co-SysOps, PetNET Administration AND Moderators only. Under no circumstances should a Hub, Node, or BBS allow a regular user to read, or post on this conference. It is intended only for Network SysOps, Moderators, and PetNET(tm) Staff, to discuss conference descriptions, users lockouts, conferences activities, moderators policies, etc. Since not all the moderators are also SysOps, if your BBS has a PetNET(tm) Conference Moderator please allow him/her access to this conference. All new conferences added to the Network must have the approval of the Network Administration. Hubs and Nodes may propose the addition or modification of conferences by leaving mail in either P_Mod&SysOp or P_ChitChat conferences. Private Messages/Files attachments should, and will be supported. * All Hubs/Nodes are required to carry this conference * Screens all PetNET boards should display: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hubs/Nodes must post the Network rules contained in the most recent file RULES.TXT, for all users with access to the PetNET(tm) Network to read. Once in a while, when a user will question moderation procedures, it'll make everyone's job's easier by being able to just refer to them that way. We are requesting that you should make a bulletin containing the above rules, and to publicize the fact that you are now carrying the PetNET(tm) Network, in one of your opening screens. You should insert your BBS name in the included Hellox.? file, display it. Hubs/Nodes should also carry the most current "PETNETx.ZIP" file available for download by other future PetNET(tm) echoing BBS's. Obligations ~~~~~~~~~~~ Net SysOps are responsible for supervising all messages, data and files entering the PetNET(tm) network through the use of their systems. We suggest that Net SysOps monitor all data originating from their systems, and they correct or remove any message(s) or data which violates any PetNET(tm) rules spelled in the most recent file called RULES.TXT, before any such data will enter the network. A Node/Hub SysOp who will be asked by a conference moderator, or the Network Administrator and her designee(s) to correct a technical problem, or remove the network access of a user as a result of an offense, must immediately acknowledge the receipt of message(s) sent to him/her, and proceed to correct, or act as requested. Hub SysOps may temporarily remove access from their Node, should a Node post duplicate messages, transfer messages into the wrong conferences or create any other kind of mail transfer problem. In that case, the Hub should let know the National PetNET(tm) Hub of such temporary action. No Hub/Node is to delete, modify, edit or censor in any respect, any messages coming in or out of their systems, unless it's from one of their users who is in violation of a PetNET rule or guidelines. This particularly applies to all messages from/to the Network Administration, Net Supervisor(s), Moderators, Conference Liaison, NetSysOps, and their designee(s), which are vital to be passed on to all participating Systems in the Official, unaltered state, to read and act upon. Origin Taglines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hubs and Nodes must make sure that origin (INCOMING AND OUTGOING) taglines are being stamped properly. According to the general QWK echo mail software principle and convention, it is the responsibility of the Node to stamp all (incoming and outgoing) origin taglines, and not the Hub's. The BBS's phone number, and any other information may be added at the end, *if* there is any room left. It is important that your network software is properly configured to insert the proper identifying taglines, because we can not enforce moderations procedures unless we can trace the origin location of the message to the BBS that originated it. Incoming origin taglines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All PetNET(tm) origin (INCOMING) taglines must reflect the following, and in this order: 1. The PetNET Network name, followed by the ώ (ASCII character #254), and only if your import/export software doesn't properly support the above character, then the "star" * (ASCII character #42) would also be an acceptable substitute. 2. The Name of the BBS where the messages originated from. 3. The abbreviation of the originating BBS's state. 4. The country name of the originating BBS, (for systems located outside the USA). 5. The originating BBS Phone Number. 6. Anything else that the originating BBS requests, and fits, example: (alternate phone numbers, modem type, speed, etc.). As an example, if your incoming messages are originating from a Hub called Critter Connection, then the incoming tagline must be stamped as follows: PetNET ώ Critter Connection BBS, NY 718.706.7634 ώ or, an acceptable substitute would be: PetNET * Critter Connection BBS, NY 718.706.7634 * Outgoing origin taglines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PetNET(tm) origin (outgoing) taglines must reflect the following, and in this order: 1b. The PetNET Network name, followed by the ώ (ASCII character #254), and only if your import/export software doesn't properly support the above character, then the "star" * (ASCII character #42) would also be an acceptable substitute. 2b. The Name of your BBS. 3b. The abbreviation of your state. 4b. Your country name, (for systems not located in the USA). 5b. Your BBS Phone Number. 6b. Anything else that fits (alternate phone numbers, modem type, speed). As an example, if your BBS is called COLA BBS, all the messages origina- ting from your BBS must be stamped as follows: PetNET ώ Cola BBS, CA 213.555.1212 ώ or, an acceptable substitute would be: PetNET * Cola BBS, CA 213.555.1212 * Initialization Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We expect all new Nodes/Hubs to exchange initialization messages on the 5 (five) PetNET(tm) Mandatory Conferences, so that your HUB can check the proper insertion of your BBS's ORIGIN tagline, and their proper arrivals in the respective conferences. The same initialization messages one would post on other nets will do: Example: XXXXXX BBS - proudly, now echoes the PetNET's P_xxxxxx conference. Your Name - SysOp. Your HUB should reply to your initialization messages in all these conferences, specifying the conference they've arrived in, and quoting back to you, your origin tagline, for you to see how they look, on your end. Please quote back one or two taglines originating from your HUB. Violations ~~~~~~~~~~ Disregarding network rules can result in a member system being disciplined or expelled from PetNET(tm). Grounds for dismissing a member from PetNET (tm) shall include, but not be limited to: ϊ Originating illegal messages, or with illegal activity contents ϊ Lack of timely cooperation with the moderation procedures ϊ Not acknowledging ALL messages from the Administration Personnel ϊ Lack of SysOp's involvement in PetNET's administrative tasks ϊ Not echoing for more than 1 month, without note of explanation ϊ Threatening with legal action against ANYONE ϊ Being too passive. Your BBS users aren't posting any messages. A user, HUB, NODE, BBS System, SysOp, Co-SysOp in other words ANYONE, that should be threatening with legal action against any legal entity i.e. a Network, PetNET(tm) Network, another user, HUB, NODE, BBS System, SysOp, Co-SysOp in other words ANYONE, will be immediately banned from PetNET(tm). Any Hub/Node which is found to be in violation of Network rules/guidelines will be given two warnings, to which they must respond as soon as possible. If they fail to respond, and (or) comply, they will be removed from our Network. Why should you join PetNET today: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because we would like you and your users, to exchange ideas with us. Those times, when tired of those callers that do not appreciate your efforts, those boring games, nothing to do: we'll be a phone call away, ready to say hi to you, and your users, wherever you are. Let's chat and share our concerns. There's people out there that need you, and your BBS user's participation in this fun filled E-mail thing. -= Join our clean, unique network today! It's FREE, It's FUN! =- Necessary Disclaimers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The PetNET(tm) Administration reserves the right to drop any Hub or Node from the Network, upon it's discretion and without prior notice. PetNET(tm) is a private network. SysOps who are admitted to the Network are welcome as long as they are able to uphold the regulated standards of the Network and have the technical ability to reliably transfer mail. PetNET(tm) can not guarantee a SysOp permanent membership in the Network. The rules and regulations set forth in this document govern any and all usage of the PetNET(tm) Network. These Hub/Node SysOp's rules are subject to change at any time, without prior or advance notice given, and at the sole discretion of the PetNET (tm) Administration, or its designee(s). Copyright ~~~~~~~~~ The presented text is a collective work, which is (c) Copyright 1994 PetNET(tm) New York. Any reproduction, modification or usage is expressly prohibited. All rights reserved WORLD WIDE.