; In addition to everything else in your autoexec.bat, you need to add a PATH ; statement and a SET variable. The Set variable tells GWIN where to locate ; the FONT files and the GRAPHICS Driver. SET PATH=C:;D:\TC\BIN;F:\WINDOWS;H:\GWIN;C:\PROGRAMS;C:\NORTON;C:\DOS ******** (This must be present) It does not need to be "H:\GWIN". Use the DIR name that you installed GWIN into. I use this to locate the programs. ; Set variable for GWIN (Must be present.) SET GWINDIR=H:\GWIN ; The SET variable is used to locate any files and/or MENUS that GWIN needs ; to use -- including the FONT files and the GRAPHICS Driver. ; If the PATH and SET are not included in AUTOEXEC.BAT, GWIN WILL NOT LOAD.