ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί Ί Ί Inboard 386/PC Computer Compatibility D-I Ί Ί Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ DELL TURBO PC (Field report) Inboard 386/PC is reported to be compatible with some versions of this computer that use the ARC system board. You must disable the computer's turbo mode to ensure the computer boots at 4.77 MHz. Also, you must disable the memory on the system board to 256K bytes or less. Other versions of the Dell computer either don't work or haven't been tested. DTK SYSTEM BOARD (Field report) Some users have reported Inboard 386/PC compatible with some models of this system board. You must set the computer speed to 4.77 MHz and disable memory to 256K bytes or less. One user reported Inboard 386/PC worked with jumper 6 in place and jumper 8 removed. Others users have reported incompatibility. EMERSON 8800 XT (field report) A user reports this computer is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC because conventional memory cannot be disabled. EQUITY I PLUS (Field report) Users report that Inboard 386/PC is compatible with computer, but the Inboard cable is too short. Intel tested a late model computer and found that the 9-inch cable works. Note that the computer's power supply is rated at only 83 watts, and a fully-loaded computer could exceed this rating. EPSON EQUITY II This computer uses an 8086 CPU and is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. EXECUTIVE XT (Field report) This computer is reported incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. EXPANSION BOXES Intel has tested only the IBM Expansion Box, and it worked fine with the Inboard 386/PC. Using the expansion box, with or without Inboard 386/PC, can cause the following problems: ώ Memory boards in an expansion box may occasionally cause data errors. ώ Hardcards may not spin up fast enough for the computer to recognize them. ώ The expansion box may fail if its power supply powers up at a slower speed than the computer's power supply. Always turn on the expansion box first, and don't use a power strip. FOUNTAIN XT (Field report) The Fountain XT is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. The computer won't boot. HACKER XT (Field report) The Hacker XT is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. The computer won't boot. HYUNDAI HPT 1000 (Field report) This computer is reported incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. The cable is too short, and the computer's memory can't be disabled. IBM 3270 PC This computer is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. It doesn't initialize properly. IBM MODEL 30 This computer uses an 8086 CPU and is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. IBM PC1 (64K-BYTE SYSTEM BOARD) Intel has tested Inboard 386/PC with this computer, and it is compatible. However, you must upgrade the computer's power supply. IBM PC2 (64/256K SYSTEM BOARD) IBM PC2 (64K-/256K-BYTE SYSTEM BOARD) Intel has tested Inboard 386/PC with this computer, and it is compatible. However, you must upgrade the computer's power supply. IBM PC WITH 640K SYSTEM BOARD MOD IBM PC WITH 640K-BYTE SYSTEM BOARD MODIFICATION Some computer suppliers provide an upgrade kit that lets you put 640K bytes of memory on the system board of the 64K-/256K-byte IBM PC. Inboard 386/PC won't work in these modified computers. To determine if your computer has been modified, face the front of the computer and look on the left edge of the system board for these words: 64K-256K. If this label is present, your computer has been modified. If Inboard 386/PC is installed, these modified computers beep S.O.S. when powering up. IBM PORTABLE Intel has tested Inboard 386/PC with this computer, and it is compatible. You will need to contact Intel for a 9-inch Inboard 386/PC cable. IBM XT (256K-BYTE SYSTEM BOARD) Intel has tested Inboard 386/PC with this computer, and it is compatible. IBM XT (640K-BYTE SYSTEM BOARD) Intel has tested Inboard 386/PC with this computer, and it is compatible. ITT XTRA (Field report) The ITT XTRA is incompatible with Inboard 386/PC. The computer won't boot. FASTBACK Intel tested this product with Inboard 386/PC, and they are compatible. ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ End of file Intel FaxBack # 2522 March 24,1992